24 lines
813 B
24 lines
813 B
- name: Create a basic configuration via debconf
debconf: name=slapd question='{{ item.question }}' value='{{ item.value }}' vtype='{{ item.vtype }}'
with_items: '{{ slapd_debconf_params }}'
when: openldap_service_enabled
tags: [ 'ldap_server', 'ldap', 'ldap_conf' ]
- name: Install the openldap server packages
apt: name={{ item }} state={{ openldap_pkg_state }}
with_items: '{{ openldap_pkg_list }}'
tags: [ 'ldap_server', 'ldap' ]
- name: Ensure that the slapd service is enabled and running
service: name=slapd state=started enabled=yes
when: openldap_service_enabled
tags: [ 'ldap_server', 'ldap' ]
- name: Ensure that the slapd service is disabled and stopped
service: name=slapd state=stopped enabled=no
when: not openldap_service_enabled
tags: [ 'ldap_server', 'ldap' ]