2090 lines
113 KiB
2090 lines
113 KiB
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
(the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
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Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
<lst name="request">
<lst name="query">
<str name="path">/admin/ping</str>
<arr name="jsonQueries">
. as $object | $object |
(if $object.status == "OK" then 1.0 else 0.0 end) as $value |
name : "solr_ping",
type : "GAUGE",
help : "See following URL: https://lucene.apache.org/solr/guide/ping.html",
label_names : [],
label_values : [],
value : $value
<lst name="request">
<lst name="query">
<str name="path">/admin/metrics</str>
<lst name="params">
<str name="group">all</str>
<str name="type">all</str>
<str name="prefix"></str>
<str name="property"></str>
<arr name="jsonQueries">
jetty metrics
.metrics["solr.jetty"] | to_entries | .[] | select(.key | startswith("org.eclipse.jetty.server.handler.DefaultHandler")) | select(.key | endswith("xx-responses")) as $object |
$object.key | split(".") | last | split("-") | first as $status |
$object.value.count as $value |
name : "solr_metrics_jetty_response_total",
type : "COUNTER",
help : "See following URL: https://lucene.apache.org/solr/guide/metrics-reporting.html",
label_names : ["status"],
label_values : [$status],
value : $value
.metrics["solr.jetty"] | to_entries | .[] | select(.key | startswith("org.eclipse.jetty.server.handler.DefaultHandler.")) | select(.key | endswith("-requests")) | select (.value | type == "object") as $object |
$object.key | split(".") | last | split("-") | first as $method |
$object.value.count as $value |
name : "solr_metrics_jetty_requests_total",
type : "COUNTER",
help : "See following URL: https://lucene.apache.org/solr/guide/metrics-reporting.html",
label_names : ["method"],
label_values : [$method],
value : $value
.metrics["solr.jetty"] | to_entries | .[] | select(.key == "org.eclipse.jetty.server.handler.DefaultHandler.dispatches") as $object |
$object.value.count as $value |
name : "solr_metrics_jetty_dispatches_total",
type : "COUNTER",
help : "See following URL: https://lucene.apache.org/solr/guide/metrics-reporting.html",
label_names : [],
label_values : [],
value : $value
jvm metrics
.metrics["solr.jvm"] | to_entries | .[] | select(.key | startswith("buffers.")) | select(.key | endswith(".Count")) as $object |
$object.key | split(".")[1] as $pool |
$object.value as $value |
name : "solr_metrics_jvm_buffers",
type : "GAUGE",
help : "See following URL: https://lucene.apache.org/solr/guide/metrics-reporting.html",
label_names : ["pool"],
label_values : [$pool],
value : $value
.metrics["solr.jvm"] | to_entries | .[] | select(.key | startswith("buffers.")) | select(.key | (endswith(".MemoryUsed") or endswith(".TotalCapacity"))) as $object |
$object.key | split(".")[1] as $pool |
$object.key | split(".") | last as $item |
$object.value as $value |
name : "solr_metrics_jvm_buffers_bytes",
type : "GAUGE",
help : "See following URL: https://lucene.apache.org/solr/guide/metrics-reporting.html",
label_names : ["pool", "item"],
label_values : [$pool, $item],
value : $value
.metrics["solr.jvm"] | to_entries | .[] | select(.key | startswith("gc.")) | select(.key | endswith(".count")) as $object |
$object.key | split(".")[1] as $item |
$object.value as $value |
name : "solr_metrics_jvm_gc_total",
type : "COUNTER",
help : "See following URL: https://lucene.apache.org/solr/guide/metrics-reporting.html",
label_names : ["item"],
label_values : [$item],
value : $value
.metrics["solr.jvm"] | to_entries | .[] | select(.key | startswith("gc.")) | select(.key | endswith(".time")) as $object |
$object.key | split(".")[1] as $item |
($object.value / 1000) as $value |
name : "solr_metrics_jvm_gc_seconds_total",
type : "COUNTER",
help : "See following URL: https://lucene.apache.org/solr/guide/metrics-reporting.html",
label_names : ["item"],
label_values : [$item],
value : $value
.metrics["solr.jvm"] | to_entries | .[] | select(.key | startswith("memory.heap.")) | select(.key | endswith(".usage") | not) as $object |
$object.key | split(".") | last as $item |
$object.value as $value |
name : "solr_metrics_jvm_memory_heap_bytes",
type : "GAUGE",
help : "See following URL: https://lucene.apache.org/solr/guide/metrics-reporting.html",
label_names : ["item"],
label_values : [$item],
value : $value
.metrics["solr.jvm"] | to_entries | .[] | select(.key | startswith("memory.non-heap.")) | select(.key | endswith(".usage") | not) as $object |
$object.key | split(".") | last as $item |
$object.value as $value |
name : "solr_metrics_jvm_memory_non_heap_bytes",
type : "GAUGE",
help : "See following URL: https://lucene.apache.org/solr/guide/metrics-reporting.html",
label_names : ["item"],
label_values : [$item],
value : $value
.metrics["solr.jvm"] | to_entries | .[] | select(.key | startswith("memory.pools.")) | select(.key | endswith(".usage") | not) as $object |
$object.key | split(".")[2] as $space |
$object.key | split(".") | last as $item |
$object.value as $value |
name : "solr_metrics_jvm_memory_pools_bytes",
type : "GAUGE",
help : "See following URL: https://lucene.apache.org/solr/guide/metrics-reporting.html",
label_names : ["space", "item"],
label_values : [$space, $item],
value : $value
.metrics["solr.jvm"] | to_entries | .[] | select(.key | startswith("memory.total.")) as $object |
$object.key | split(".") | last as $item |
$object.value as $value |
name : "solr_metrics_jvm_memory_bytes",
type : "GAUGE",
help : "See following URL: https://lucene.apache.org/solr/guide/metrics-reporting.html",
label_names : ["item"],
label_values : [$item],
value : $value
.metrics["solr.jvm"] | to_entries | .[] | select(.key == "os.committedVirtualMemorySize" or .key == "os.freePhysicalMemorySize" or .key == "os.freeSwapSpaceSize" or .key =="os.totalPhysicalMemorySize" or .key == "os.totalSwapSpaceSize") as $object |
$object.key | split(".") | last as $item |
$object.value as $value |
name : "solr_metrics_jvm_os_memory_bytes",
type : "GAUGE",
help : "See following URL: https://lucene.apache.org/solr/guide/metrics-reporting.html",
label_names : ["item"],
label_values : [$item],
value : $value
.metrics["solr.jvm"] | to_entries | .[] | select(.key == "os.maxFileDescriptorCount" or .key == "os.openFileDescriptorCount") as $object |
$object.key | split(".") | last as $item |
$object.value as $value |
name : "solr_metrics_jvm_os_file_descriptors",
type : "GAUGE",
help : "See following URL: https://lucene.apache.org/solr/guide/metrics-reporting.html",
label_names : ["item"],
label_values : [$item],
value : $value
.metrics["solr.jvm"] | to_entries | .[] | select(.key == "os.processCpuLoad" or .key == "os.systemCpuLoad") as $object |
$object.key | split(".") | last as $item |
$object.value as $value |
name : "solr_metrics_jvm_os_cpu_load",
type : "GAUGE",
help : "See following URL: https://lucene.apache.org/solr/guide/metrics-reporting.html",
label_names : ["item"],
label_values : [$item],
value : $value
.metrics["solr.jvm"] | to_entries | .[] | select(.key == "os.processCpuTime") as $object |
($object.value / 1000.0) as $value |
name : "solr_metrics_jvm_os_cpu_time_seconds",
type : "COUNTER",
help : "See following URL: https://lucene.apache.org/solr/guide/metrics-reporting.html",
label_names : ["item"],
label_values : ["processCpuTime"],
value : $value
.metrics["solr.jvm"] | to_entries | .[] | select(.key == "os.systemLoadAverage") as $object |
$object.value as $value |
name : "solr_metrics_jvm_os_load_average",
type : "GAUGE",
help : "See following URL: https://lucene.apache.org/solr/guide/metrics-reporting.html",
label_names : ["item"],
label_values : ["systemLoadAverage"],
value : $value
.metrics["solr.jvm"] | to_entries | .[] | select(.key | startswith("threads.")) | select(.key | endswith(".count")) as $object |
$object.key | split(".")[1] as $item |
$object.value as $value |
name : "solr_metrics_jvm_threads",
type : "GAUGE",
help : "See following URL: https://lucene.apache.org/solr/guide/metrics-reporting.html",
label_names : ["item"],
label_values : [$item],
value : $value
.metrics["solr.node"] | to_entries | .[] | select(.key | endswith(".clientErrors")) as $object |
$object.key | split(".")[0] as $category |
$object.key | split(".")[1] as $handler |
$object.value.count as $value |
name : "solr_metrics_node_client_errors_total",
type : "COUNTER",
help : "See following URL: https://lucene.apache.org/solr/guide/metrics-reporting.html",
label_names : ["category", "handler"],
label_values : [$category, $handler],
value : $value
.metrics["solr.node"] | to_entries | .[] | select(.key | endswith(".clientErrors")) as $object |
$object.key | split(".")[0] as $category |
$object.key | split(".")[1] as $handler |
$object.value.count as $value |
name : "solr_metrics_node_errors_total",
type : "COUNTER",
help : "See following URL: https://lucene.apache.org/solr/guide/metrics-reporting.html",
label_names : ["category", "handler"],
label_values : [$category, $handler],
value : $value
.metrics["solr.node"] | to_entries | .[] | select(.key | endswith(".requestTimes")) as $object |
$object.key | split(".")[0] as $category |
$object.key | split(".")[1] as $handler |
$object.value.count as $value |
name : "solr_metrics_node_requests_total",
type : "COUNTER",
help : "See following URL: https://lucene.apache.org/solr/guide/metrics-reporting.html",
label_names : ["category", "handler"],
label_values : [$category, $handler],
value : $value
.metrics["solr.node"] | to_entries | .[] | select(.key | endswith(".serverErrors")) as $object |
$object.key | split(".")[0] as $category |
$object.key | split(".")[1] as $handler |
$object.value.count as $value |
name : "solr_metrics_node_server_errors_total",
type : "COUNTER",
help : "See following URL: https://lucene.apache.org/solr/guide/metrics-reporting.html",
label_names : ["category", "handler"],
label_values : [$category, $handler],
value : $value
.metrics["solr.node"] | to_entries | .[] | select(.key | endswith(".timeouts")) as $object |
$object.key | split(".")[0] as $category |
$object.key | split(".")[1] as $handler |
$object.value.count as $value |
name : "solr_metrics_node_timeouts_total",
type : "COUNTER",
help : "See following URL: https://lucene.apache.org/solr/guide/metrics-reporting.html",
label_names : ["category", "handler"],
label_values : [$category, $handler],
value : $value
.metrics["solr.node"] | to_entries | .[] | select(.key | endswith(".totalTime")) as $object |
$object.key | split(".")[0] as $category |
$object.key | split(".")[1] as $handler |
($object.value / 1000) as $value |
name : "solr_metrics_node_time_seconds_total",
type : "COUNTER",
help : "See following URL: https://lucene.apache.org/solr/guide/metrics-reporting.html",
label_names : ["category", "handler"],
label_values : [$category, $handler],
value : $value
.metrics["solr.node"] | to_entries | .[] | select(.key | startswith("CONTAINER.cores.")) as $object |
$object.key | split(".")[0] as $category |
$object.key | split(".")[2] as $item |
$object.value as $value |
name : "solr_metrics_node_cores",
type : "GAUGE",
help : "See following URL: https://lucene.apache.org/solr/guide/metrics-reporting.html",
label_names : ["category", "item"],
label_values : [$category, $item],
value : $value
.metrics["solr.node"] | to_entries | .[] | select(.key | startswith("CONTAINER.fs.coreRoot.")) | select(.key | endswith(".totalSpace") or endswith(".usableSpace")) as $object |
$object.key | split(".") as $key_items |
$key_items | length as $label_len |
$key_items[0] as $category |
$key_items[3] as $item |
$object.value as $value |
name : "solr_metrics_node_core_root_fs_bytes",
type : "GAUGE",
help : "See following URL: https://lucene.apache.org/solr/guide/metrics-reporting.html",
label_names : ["category", "item"],
label_values : [$category, $item],
value : $value
.metrics["solr.node"] | to_entries | .[] | select(.key | contains(".threadPool.")) | select(.key | endswith(".completed")) as $object |
$object.key | split(".") as $key_items |
$key_items | length as $label_len |
$key_items[0] as $category |
(if $label_len >= 5 then $key_items[1] else "" end) as $handler |
(if $label_len >= 5 then $key_items[3] else $key_items[2] end) as $executor |
$object.value.count as $value |
name : "solr_metrics_node_thread_pool_completed_total",
type : "COUNTER",
help : "See following URL: https://lucene.apache.org/solr/guide/metrics-reporting.html",
label_names : ["category", "handler", "executor"],
label_values : [$category, $handler, $executor],
value : $value
.metrics["solr.node"] | to_entries | .[] | select(.key | contains(".threadPool.")) | select(.key | endswith(".running")) as $object |
$object.key | split(".") as $key_items |
$key_items | length as $label_len |
$key_items[0] as $category |
(if $label_len >= 5 then $key_items[1] else "" end) as $handler |
(if $label_len >= 5 then $key_items[3] else $key_items[2] end) as $executor |
$object.value as $value |
name : "solr_metrics_node_thread_pool_running",
type : "GAUGE",
help : "See following URL: https://lucene.apache.org/solr/guide/metrics-reporting.html",
label_names : ["category", "handler", "executor"],
label_values : [$category, $handler, $executor],
value : $value
.metrics["solr.node"] | to_entries | .[] | select(.key | contains(".threadPool.")) | select(.key | endswith(".submitted")) as $object |
$object.key | split(".") as $key_items |
$key_items | length as $label_len |
$key_items[0] as $category |
(if $label_len >= 5 then $key_items[1] else "" end) as $handler |
(if $label_len >= 5 then $key_items[3] else $key_items[2] end) as $executor |
$object.value.count as $value |
name : "solr_metrics_node_thread_pool_submitted_total",
type : "COUNTER",
help : "See following URL: https://lucene.apache.org/solr/guide/metrics-reporting.html",
label_names : ["category", "handler", "executor"],
label_values : [$category, $handler, $executor],
value : $value
.metrics["solr.node"] | to_entries | .[] | select(.key | endswith("Connections")) as $object |
$object.key | split(".") as $key_items |
$key_items | length as $label_len |
$key_items[0] as $category |
$key_items[1] as $handler |
$key_items[2] as $item |
$object.value as $value |
name : "solr_metrics_node_connections",
type : "GAUGE",
help : "See following URL: https://lucene.apache.org/solr/guide/metrics-reporting.html",
label_names : ["category", "handler", "item"],
label_values : [$category, $handler, $item],
value : $value
core metrics
.metrics | to_entries | .[] | select(.key | startswith("solr.core.")) as $parent |
$parent.key | split(".") as $parent_key_items |
$parent_key_items | length as $parent_key_item_len |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 3 then $parent_key_items[2] else "" end) as $core |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[2] else "" end) as $collection |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[3] else "" end) as $shard |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[4] else "" end) as $replica |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then ($collection + "_" + $shard + "_" + $replica) else $core end) as $core |
$parent.value | to_entries | .[] | select(.key | endswith(".clientErrors")) as $object |
$object.key | split(".")[0] as $category |
$object.key | split(".")[1] as $handler |
select($handler | startswith("/")) |
$object.value.count as $value |
if $parent_key_item_len == 3 then
name: "solr_metrics_core_client_errors_total",
type: "COUNTER",
help: "See following URL: https://lucene.apache.org/solr/guide/metrics-reporting.html",
label_names: ["category", "handler", "core"],
label_values: [$category, $handler, $core],
value: $value
name: "solr_metrics_core_client_errors_total",
type: "COUNTER",
help: "See following URL: https://lucene.apache.org/solr/guide/metrics-reporting.html",
label_names: ["category", "handler", "core", "collection", "shard", "replica"],
label_values: [$category, $handler, $core, $collection, $shard, $replica],
value: $value
.metrics | to_entries | .[] | select(.key | startswith("solr.core.")) as $parent |
$parent.key | split(".") as $parent_key_items |
$parent_key_items | length as $parent_key_item_len |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 3 then $parent_key_items[2] else "" end) as $core |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[2] else "" end) as $collection |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[3] else "" end) as $shard |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[4] else "" end) as $replica |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then ($collection + "_" + $shard + "_" + $replica) else $core end) as $core |
$parent.value | to_entries | .[] | select(.key | endswith(".errors")) | select (.value | type == "object") as $object |
$object.key | split(".")[0] as $category |
$object.key | split(".")[1] as $handler |
select($handler | startswith("/")) |
$object.value.count as $value |
if $parent_key_item_len == 3 then
name: "solr_metrics_core_errors_total",
type: "COUNTER",
help: "See following URL: https://lucene.apache.org/solr/guide/metrics-reporting.html",
label_names: ["category", "handler", "core"],
label_values: [$category, $handler, $core],
value: $value
name: "solr_metrics_core_errors_total",
type: "COUNTER",
help: "See following URL: https://lucene.apache.org/solr/guide/metrics-reporting.html",
label_names: ["category", "handler", "core", "collection", "shard", "replica"],
label_values: [$category, $handler, $core, $collection, $shard, $replica],
value: $value
.metrics | to_entries | .[] | select(.key | startswith("solr.core.")) as $parent |
$parent.key | split(".") as $parent_key_items |
$parent_key_items | length as $parent_key_item_len |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 3 then $parent_key_items[2] else "" end) as $core |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[2] else "" end) as $collection |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[3] else "" end) as $shard |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[4] else "" end) as $replica |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then ($collection + "_" + $shard + "_" + $replica) else $core end) as $core |
$parent.value | to_entries | .[] | select(.key | endswith(".requestTimes")) | select (.value | type == "object") as $object |
$object.key | split(".")[0] as $category |
$object.key | split(".")[1] as $handler |
select($handler | startswith("/")) |
$object.value.count as $value |
if $parent_key_item_len == 3 then
name: "solr_metrics_core_requests_total",
type: "COUNTER",
help: "See following URL: https://lucene.apache.org/solr/guide/metrics-reporting.html",
label_names: ["category", "handler", "core"],
label_values: [$category, $handler, $core],
value: $value
name: "solr_metrics_core_requests_total",
type: "COUNTER",
help: "See following URL: https://lucene.apache.org/solr/guide/metrics-reporting.html",
label_names: ["category", "handler", "core", "collection", "shard", "replica"],
label_values: [$category, $handler, $core, $collection, $shard, $replica],
value: $value
.metrics | to_entries | .[] | select(.key | startswith("solr.core.")) as $parent |
$parent.key | split(".") as $parent_key_items |
$parent_key_items | length as $parent_key_item_len |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 3 then $parent_key_items[2] else "" end) as $core |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[2] else "" end) as $collection |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[3] else "" end) as $shard |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[4] else "" end) as $replica |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then ($collection + "_" + $shard + "_" + $replica) else $core end) as $core |
$parent.value | to_entries | .[] | select(.key | endswith(".serverErrors")) | select (.value | type == "object") as $object |
$object.key | split(".")[0] as $category |
$object.key | split(".")[1] as $handler |
select($handler | startswith("/")) |
$object.value.count as $value |
if $parent_key_item_len == 3 then
name: "solr_metrics_core_server_errors_total",
type: "COUNTER",
help: "See following URL: https://lucene.apache.org/solr/guide/metrics-reporting.html",
label_names: ["category", "handler", "core"],
label_values: [$category, $handler, $core],
value: $value
name: "solr_metrics_core_server_errors_total",
type: "COUNTER",
help: "See following URL: https://lucene.apache.org/solr/guide/metrics-reporting.html",
label_names: ["category", "handler", "core", "collection", "shard", "replica"],
label_values: [$category, $handler, $core, $collection, $shard, $replica],
value: $value
.metrics | to_entries | .[] | select(.key | startswith("solr.core.")) as $parent |
$parent.key | split(".") as $parent_key_items |
$parent_key_items | length as $parent_key_item_len |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 3 then $parent_key_items[2] else "" end) as $core |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[2] else "" end) as $collection |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[3] else "" end) as $shard |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[4] else "" end) as $replica |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then ($collection + "_" + $shard + "_" + $replica) else $core end) as $core |
$parent.value | to_entries | .[] | select(.key | endswith(".timeouts")) | select (.value | type == "object") as $object |
$object.key | split(".")[0] as $category |
$object.key | split(".")[1] as $handler |
select($handler | startswith("/")) |
$object.value.count as $value |
if $parent_key_item_len == 3 then
name: "solr_metrics_core_timeouts_total",
type: "COUNTER",
help: "See following URL: https://lucene.apache.org/solr/guide/metrics-reporting.html",
label_names: ["category", "handler", "core"],
label_values: [$category, $handler, $core],
value: $value
name: "solr_metrics_core_timeouts_total",
type: "COUNTER",
help: "See following URL: https://lucene.apache.org/solr/guide/metrics-reporting.html",
label_names: ["category", "handler", "core", "collection", "shard", "replica"],
label_values: [$category, $handler, $core, $collection, $shard, $replica],
value: $value
.metrics | to_entries | .[] | select(.key | startswith("solr.core.")) as $parent |
$parent.key | split(".") as $parent_key_items |
$parent_key_items | length as $parent_key_item_len |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 3 then $parent_key_items[2] else "" end) as $core |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[2] else "" end) as $collection |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[3] else "" end) as $shard |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[4] else "" end) as $replica |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then ($collection + "_" + $shard + "_" + $replica) else $core end) as $core |
$parent.value | to_entries | .[] | select(.key | endswith(".totalTime")) as $object |
$object.key | split(".")[0] as $category |
$object.key | split(".")[1] as $handler |
select($handler | startswith("/")) |
($object.value / 1000) as $value |
if $parent_key_item_len == 3 then
name: "solr_metrics_core_time_seconds_total",
type: "COUNTER",
help: "See following URL: https://lucene.apache.org/solr/guide/metrics-reporting.html",
label_names: ["category", "handler", "core"],
label_values: [$category, $handler, $core],
value: $value
name: "solr_metrics_core_time_seconds_total",
type: "COUNTER",
help: "See following URL: https://lucene.apache.org/solr/guide/metrics-reporting.html",
label_names: ["category", "handler", "core", "collection", "shard", "replica"],
label_values: [$category, $handler, $core, $collection, $shard, $replica],
value: $value
.metrics | to_entries | .[] | select (.key | startswith("solr.core.")) as $parent |
$parent.key | split(".") as $parent_key_items |
$parent_key_items | length as $parent_key_item_len |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 3 then $parent_key_items[2] else "" end) as $core |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[2] else "" end) as $collection |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[3] else "" end) as $shard |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[4] else "" end) as $replica |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then ($collection + "_" + $shard + "_" + $replica) else $core end) as $core |
$parent.value | to_entries | .[] | select(.key == "CACHE.core.fieldCache") as $object |
$object.key | split(".")[0] as $category |
$object.value.entries_count as $value |
if $parent_key_item_len == 3 then
name: "solr_metrics_core_field_cache_total",
type: "COUNTER",
help: "See following URL: https://lucene.apache.org/solr/guide/metrics-reporting.html",
label_names: ["category", "core"],
label_values: [$category, $core],
value: $value
name: "solr_metrics_core_field_cache_total",
type: "COUNTER",
help: "See following URL: https://lucene.apache.org/solr/guide/metrics-reporting.html",
label_names: ["category", "core", "collection", "shard", "replica"],
label_values: [$category, $core, $collection, $shard, $replica],
value: $value
.metrics | to_entries | .[] | select(.key | startswith("solr.core.")) as $parent |
$parent.key | split(".") as $parent_key_items |
$parent_key_items | length as $parent_key_item_len |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 3 then $parent_key_items[2] else "" end) as $core |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[2] else "" end) as $collection |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[3] else "" end) as $shard |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[4] else "" end) as $replica |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then ($collection + "_" + $shard + "_" + $replica) else $core end) as $core |
$parent.value | to_entries | .[] | select(.key | startswith("CACHE.searcher.")) | select (.key | endswith("documentCache") or endswith("fieldValueCache") or endswith("filterCache") or endswith("perSegFilter") or endswith("queryResultCache")) as $object |
$object.key | split(".")[0] as $category |
$object.key | split(".")[2] as $type |
$object.value | to_entries | .[] | select(.key == "lookups" or .key == "hits" or .key == "size" or .key == "evictions" or .key == "inserts") as $target |
$target.key as $item |
$target.value as $value |
if $parent_key_item_len == 3 then
name: "solr_metrics_core_searcher_cache",
type: "GAUGE",
help: "See following URL: https://lucene.apache.org/solr/guide/metrics-reporting.html",
label_names: ["category", "core", "type", "item"],
label_values: [$category, $core, $type, $item],
value: $value
name: "solr_metrics_core_searcher_cache",
type: "GAUGE",
help: "See following URL: https://lucene.apache.org/solr/guide/metrics-reporting.html",
label_names: ["category", "core", "collection", "shard", "replica", "type", "item"],
label_values: [$category, $core, $collection, $shard, $replica, $type, $item],
value: $value
.metrics | to_entries | .[] | select(.key | startswith("solr.core.")) as $parent |
$parent.key | split(".") as $parent_key_items |
$parent_key_items | length as $parent_key_item_len |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 3 then $parent_key_items[2] else "" end) as $core |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[2] else "" end) as $collection |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[3] else "" end) as $shard |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[4] else "" end) as $replica |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then ($collection + "_" + $shard + "_" + $replica) else $core end) as $core |
$parent.value | to_entries | .[] | select(.key | startswith("CACHE.searcher.")) | select (.key | endswith("documentCache") or endswith("fieldValueCache") or endswith("filterCache") or endswith("perSegFilter") or endswith("queryResultCache")) as $object |
$object.key | split(".")[0] as $category |
$object.key | split(".")[2] as $type |
$object.value | to_entries | .[] | select(.key == "hitratio") as $target |
$target.key as $item |
$target.value as $value |
if $parent_key_item_len == 3 then
name: "solr_metrics_core_searcher_cache_ratio",
type: "GAUGE",
help: "See following URL: https://lucene.apache.org/solr/guide/metrics-reporting.html",
label_names: ["category", "core", "type", "item"],
label_values: [$category, $core, $type, $item],
value: $value
name: "solr_metrics_core_searcher_cache_ratio",
type: "GAUGE",
help: "See following URL: https://lucene.apache.org/solr/guide/metrics-reporting.html",
label_names: ["category", "core", "collection", "shard", "replica", "type", "item"],
label_values: [$category, $core, $collection, $shard, $replica, $type, $item],
value: $value
.metrics | to_entries | .[] | select(.key | startswith("solr.core.")) as $parent |
$parent.key | split(".") as $parent_key_items |
$parent_key_items | length as $parent_key_item_len |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 3 then $parent_key_items[2] else "" end) as $core |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[2] else "" end) as $collection |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[3] else "" end) as $shard |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[4] else "" end) as $replica |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then ($collection + "_" + $shard + "_" + $replica) else $core end) as $core |
$parent.value | to_entries | .[] | select(.key | startswith("CACHE.searcher.")) | select (.key | endswith("documentCache") or endswith("fieldValueCache") or endswith("filterCache") or endswith("perSegFilter") or endswith("queryResultCache")) as $object |
$object.key | split(".")[0] as $category |
$object.key | split(".")[2] as $type |
$object.value | to_entries | .[] | select(.key == "warmupTime") as $target |
$target.key as $item |
($target.value / 1000) as $value |
if $parent_key_item_len == 3 then
name: "solr_metrics_core_searcher_warmup_time_seconds",
type: "GAUGE",
help: "See following URL: https://lucene.apache.org/solr/guide/metrics-reporting.html",
label_names: ["category", "core", "type", "item"],
label_values: [$category, $core, $type, $item],
value: $value
name: "solr_metrics_core_searcher_warmup_time_seconds",
type: "GAUGE",
help: "See following URL: https://lucene.apache.org/solr/guide/metrics-reporting.html",
label_names: ["category", "core", "collection", "shard", "replica", "type", "item"],
label_values: [$category, $core, $collection, $shard, $replica, $type, $item],
value: $value
.metrics | to_entries | .[] | select(.key | startswith("solr.core.")) as $parent |
$parent.key | split(".") as $parent_key_items |
$parent_key_items | length as $parent_key_item_len |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 3 then $parent_key_items[2] else "" end) as $core |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[2] else "" end) as $collection |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[3] else "" end) as $shard |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[4] else "" end) as $replica |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then ($collection + "_" + $shard + "_" + $replica) else $core end) as $core |
$parent.value | to_entries | .[] | select(.key | startswith("CACHE.searcher.")) | select (.key | endswith("documentCache") or endswith("fieldValueCache") or endswith("filterCache") or endswith("perSegFilter") or endswith("queryResultCache")) as $object |
$object.key | split(".")[0] as $category |
$object.key | split(".")[2] as $type |
$object.value | to_entries | .[] | select(.key == "cumulative_lookups" or .key == "cumulative_hits" or .key == "cumulative_evictions" or .key == "cumulative_inserts") as $target |
$target.key as $item |
$target.value as $value |
if $parent_key_item_len == 3 then
name: "solr_metrics_core_searcher_cumulative_cache_total",
type: "COUNTER",
help: "See following URL: https://lucene.apache.org/solr/guide/metrics-reporting.html",
label_names: ["category", "core", "type", "item"],
label_values: [$category, $core, $type, $item],
value: $value
name: "solr_metrics_core_searcher_cumulative_cache_total",
type: "COUNTER",
help: "See following URL: https://lucene.apache.org/solr/guide/metrics-reporting.html",
label_names: ["category", "core", "collection", "shard", "replica", "type", "item"],
label_values: [$category, $core, $collection, $shard, $replica, $type, $item],
value: $value
.metrics | to_entries | .[] | select(.key | startswith("solr.core.")) as $parent |
$parent.key | split(".") as $parent_key_items |
$parent_key_items | length as $parent_key_item_len |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 3 then $parent_key_items[2] else "" end) as $core |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[2] else "" end) as $collection |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[3] else "" end) as $shard |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[4] else "" end) as $replica |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then ($collection + "_" + $shard + "_" + $replica) else $core end) as $core |
$parent.value | to_entries | .[] | select(.key | startswith("CACHE.searcher.")) | select (.key | endswith("documentCache") or endswith("fieldValueCache") or endswith("filterCache") or endswith("perSegFilter") or endswith("queryResultCache")) as $object |
$object.key | split(".")[0] as $category |
$object.key | split(".")[2] as $type |
$object.value | to_entries | .[] | select(.key == "cumulative_hitratio") as $target |
$target.key as $item |
$target.value as $value |
if $parent_key_item_len == 3 then
name: "solr_metrics_core_searcher_cumulative_cache_ratio",
type: "GAUGE",
help: "See following URL: https://lucene.apache.org/solr/guide/metrics-reporting.html",
label_names: ["category", "core", "type", "item"],
label_values: [$category, $core, $type, $item],
value: $value
name: "solr_metrics_core_searcher_cumulative_cache_ratio",
type: "GAUGE",
help: "See following URL: https://lucene.apache.org/solr/guide/metrics-reporting.html",
label_names: ["category", "core", "collection", "shard", "replica", "type", "item"],
label_values: [$category, $core, $collection, $shard, $replica, $type, $item],
value: $value
.metrics | to_entries | .[] | select(.key | startswith("solr.core.")) as $parent |
$parent.key | split(".") as $parent_key_items |
$parent_key_items | length as $parent_key_item_len |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 3 then $parent_key_items[2] else "" end) as $core |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[2] else "" end) as $collection |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[3] else "" end) as $shard |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[4] else "" end) as $replica |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then ($collection + "_" + $shard + "_" + $replica) else $core end) as $core |
$parent.value | to_entries | .[] | select(.key | startswith("CORE.fs.")) | select (.key | endswith(".totalSpace") or endswith(".usableSpace")) as $object |
$object.key | split(".")[0] as $category |
$object.key | split(".")[2] as $item |
$object.value as $value |
if $parent_key_item_len == 3 then
name: "solr_metrics_core_fs_bytes",
type: "GAUGE",
help: "See following URL: https://lucene.apache.org/solr/guide/metrics-reporting.html",
label_names: ["category", "core", "item"],
label_values: [$category, $core, $item],
value: $value
name: "solr_metrics_core_fs_bytes",
type: "GAUGE",
help: "See following URL: https://lucene.apache.org/solr/guide/metrics-reporting.html",
label_names: ["category", "core", "collection", "shard", "replica", "item"],
label_values: [$category, $core, $collection, $shard, $replica, $item],
value: $value
.metrics | to_entries | .[] | select(.key | startswith("solr.core.")) as $parent |
$parent.key | split(".") as $parent_key_items |
$parent_key_items | length as $parent_key_item_len |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 3 then $parent_key_items[2] else "" end) as $core |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[2] else "" end) as $collection |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[3] else "" end) as $shard |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[4] else "" end) as $replica |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then ($collection + "_" + $shard + "_" + $replica) else $core end) as $core |
$parent.value | to_entries | .[] | select(.key | startswith("HIGHLIGHTER.")) | select (.key | endswith(".requests")) as $object |
$object.key | split(".")[0] as $category |
$object.key | split(".")[1] as $name |
$object.key | split(".")[2] as $item |
$object.value as $value |
if $parent_key_item_len == 3 then
name: "solr_metrics_core_highlighter_request_total",
type: "COUNTER",
help: "See following URL: https://lucene.apache.org/solr/guide/metrics-reporting.html",
label_names: ["category", "core", "name", "item"],
label_values: [$category, $core, $name, $item],
value: $value
name: "solr_metrics_core_highlighter_request_total",
type: "COUNTER",
help: "See following URL: https://lucene.apache.org/solr/guide/metrics-reporting.html",
label_names: ["category", "core", "collection", "shard", "replica", "name", "item"],
label_values: [$category, $core, $collection, $shard, $replica, $name, $item],
value: $value
.metrics | to_entries | .[] | select(.key | startswith("solr.core.")) as $parent |
$parent.key | split(".") as $parent_key_items |
$parent_key_items | length as $parent_key_item_len |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 3 then $parent_key_items[2] else "" end) as $core |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[2] else "" end) as $collection |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[3] else "" end) as $shard |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[4] else "" end) as $replica |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then ($collection + "_" + $shard + "_" + $replica) else $core end) as $core |
$parent.value | to_entries | .[] | select(.key == "INDEX.sizeInBytes") as $object |
$object.key | split(".")[0] as $category |
$object.value as $value |
if $parent_key_item_len == 3 then
name: "solr_metrics_core_index_size_bytes",
type: "GAUGE",
help: "See following URL: https://lucene.apache.org/solr/guide/metrics-reporting.html",
label_names: ["category", "core"],
label_values: [$category, $core],
value: $value
name: "solr_metrics_core_index_size_bytes",
type: "GAUGE",
help: "See following URL: https://lucene.apache.org/solr/guide/metrics-reporting.html",
label_names: ["category", "core", "collection", "shard", "replica"],
label_values: [$category, $core, $collection, $shard, $replica],
value: $value
.metrics | to_entries | .[] | select(.key | startswith("solr.core.")) as $parent |
$parent.key | split(".") as $parent_key_items |
$parent_key_items | length as $parent_key_item_len |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 3 then $parent_key_items[2] else "" end) as $core |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[2] else "" end) as $collection |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[3] else "" end) as $shard |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[4] else "" end) as $replica |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then ($collection + "_" + $shard + "_" + $replica) else $core end) as $core |
$parent.value | to_entries | .[] | select(.key == "REPLICATION./replication.isMaster") as $object |
$object.key | split(".")[0] as $category |
$object.key | split(".")[1] as $handler |
(if $object.value == true then 1.0 else 0.0 end) as $value |
if $parent_key_item_len == 3 then
name: "solr_metrics_core_replication_master",
type: "GAUGE",
help: "See following URL: https://lucene.apache.org/solr/guide/metrics-reporting.html",
label_names: ["category", "handler", "core"],
label_values: [$category, $handler, $core],
value: $value
name: "solr_metrics_core_replication_master",
type: "GAUGE",
help: "See following URL: https://lucene.apache.org/solr/guide/metrics-reporting.html",
label_names: ["category", "handler", "core", "collection", "shard", "replica"],
label_values: [$category, $handler, $core, $collection, $shard, $replica],
value: $value
.metrics | to_entries | .[] | select(.key | startswith("solr.core.")) as $parent |
$parent.key | split(".") as $parent_key_items |
$parent_key_items | length as $parent_key_item_len |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 3 then $parent_key_items[2] else "" end) as $core |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[2] else "" end) as $collection |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[3] else "" end) as $shard |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[4] else "" end) as $replica |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then ($collection + "_" + $shard + "_" + $replica) else $core end) as $core |
$parent.value | to_entries | .[] | select(.key == "REPLICATION./replication.isSlave") as $object |
$object.key | split(".")[0] as $category |
$object.key | split(".")[1] as $handler |
(if $object.value == true then 1.0 else 0.0 end) as $value |
if $parent_key_item_len == 3 then
name: "solr_metrics_core_replication_slave",
type: "GAUGE",
help: "See following URL: https://lucene.apache.org/solr/guide/metrics-reporting.html",
label_names: ["category", "handler", "core"],
label_values: [$category, $handler, $core],
value: $value
name: "solr_metrics_core_replication_slave",
type: "GAUGE",
help: "See following URL: https://lucene.apache.org/solr/guide/metrics-reporting.html",
label_names: ["category", "handler", "core", "collection", "shard", "replica"],
label_values: [$category, $handler, $core, $collection, $shard, $replica],
value: $value
.metrics | to_entries | .[] | select(.key | startswith("solr.core.")) as $parent |
$parent.key | split(".") as $parent_key_items |
$parent_key_items | length as $parent_key_item_len |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 3 then $parent_key_items[2] else "" end) as $core |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[2] else "" end) as $collection |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[3] else "" end) as $shard |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[4] else "" end) as $replica |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then ($collection + "_" + $shard + "_" + $replica) else $core end) as $core |
$parent.value | to_entries | .[] | select(.key == "SEARCHER.searcher.deletedDocs" or .key == "SEARCHER.searcher.maxDoc" or .key == "SEARCHER.searcher.numDocs") as $object |
$object.key | split(".")[0] as $category |
$object.key | split(".")[2] as $item |
$object.value as $value |
if $parent_key_item_len == 3 then
name: "solr_metrics_core_searcher_documents",
type: "GAUGE",
help: "See following URL: https://lucene.apache.org/solr/guide/metrics-reporting.html",
label_names: ["category", "core", "item"],
label_values: [$category, $core, $item],
value: $value
name: "solr_metrics_core_searcher_documents",
type: "GAUGE",
help: "See following URL: https://lucene.apache.org/solr/guide/metrics-reporting.html",
label_names: ["category", "core", "collection", "shard", "replica", "item"],
label_values: [$category, $core, $collection, $shard, $replica, $item],
value: $value
.metrics | to_entries | .[] | select(.key | startswith("solr.core.")) as $parent |
$parent.key | split(".") as $parent_key_items |
$parent_key_items | length as $parent_key_item_len |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 3 then $parent_key_items[2] else "" end) as $core |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[2] else "" end) as $collection |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[3] else "" end) as $shard |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[4] else "" end) as $replica |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then ($collection + "_" + $shard + "_" + $replica) else $core end) as $core |
$parent.value | to_entries | .[] | select(.key == "UPDATE.updateHandler.adds") as $object |
$object.key | split(".")[0] as $category |
$object.key | split(".")[1] as $handler |
$object.value as $value |
if $parent_key_item_len == 3 then
name: "solr_metrics_core_update_handler_adds",
type: "GAUGE",
help: "See following URL: https://lucene.apache.org/solr/guide/metrics-reporting.html",
label_names: ["category", "handler", "core"],
label_values: [$category, $handler, $core],
value: $value
name: "solr_metrics_core_update_handler_adds",
type: "GAUGE",
help: "See following URL: https://lucene.apache.org/solr/guide/metrics-reporting.html",
label_names: ["category", "handler", "core", "collection", "shard", "replica"],
label_values: [$category, $handler, $core, $collection, $shard, $replica],
value: $value
.metrics | to_entries | .[] | select(.key | startswith("solr.core.")) as $parent |
$parent.key | split(".") as $parent_key_items |
$parent_key_items | length as $parent_key_item_len |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 3 then $parent_key_items[2] else "" end) as $core |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[2] else "" end) as $collection |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[3] else "" end) as $shard |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[4] else "" end) as $replica |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then ($collection + "_" + $shard + "_" + $replica) else $core end) as $core |
$parent.value | to_entries | .[] | select(.key == "UPDATE.updateHandler.autoCommits") as $object |
$object.key | split(".")[0] as $category |
$object.key | split(".")[1] as $handler |
$object.value as $value |
if $parent_key_item_len == 3 then
name: "solr_metrics_core_update_handler_auto_commits_total",
type: "COUNTER",
help: "See following URL: https://lucene.apache.org/solr/guide/metrics-reporting.html",
label_names: ["category", "handler", "core"],
label_values: [$category, $handler, $core],
value: $value
name: "solr_metrics_core_update_handler_auto_commits_total",
type: "COUNTER",
help: "See following URL: https://lucene.apache.org/solr/guide/metrics-reporting.html",
label_names: ["category", "handler", "core", "collection", "shard", "replica"],
label_values: [$category, $handler, $core, $collection, $shard, $replica],
value: $value
.metrics | to_entries | .[] | select(.key | startswith("solr.core.")) as $parent |
$parent.key | split(".") as $parent_key_items |
$parent_key_items | length as $parent_key_item_len |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 3 then $parent_key_items[2] else "" end) as $core |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[2] else "" end) as $collection |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[3] else "" end) as $shard |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[4] else "" end) as $replica |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then ($collection + "_" + $shard + "_" + $replica) else $core end) as $core |
$parent.value | to_entries | .[] | select(.key == "UPDATE.updateHandler.commits") as $object |
$object.key | split(".")[0] as $category |
$object.key | split(".")[1] as $handler |
$object.value.count as $value |
if $parent_key_item_len == 3 then
name: "solr_metrics_core_update_handler_commits_total",
type: "COUNTER",
help: "See following URL: https://lucene.apache.org/solr/guide/metrics-reporting.html",
label_names: ["category", "handler", "core"],
label_values: [$category, $handler, $core],
value: $value
name: "solr_metrics_core_update_handler_commits_total",
type: "COUNTER",
help: "See following URL: https://lucene.apache.org/solr/guide/metrics-reporting.html",
label_names: ["category", "handler", "core", "collection", "shard", "replica"],
label_values: [$category, $handler, $core, $collection, $shard, $replica],
value: $value
.metrics | to_entries | .[] | select(.key | startswith("solr.core.")) as $parent |
$parent.key | split(".") as $parent_key_items |
$parent_key_items | length as $parent_key_item_len |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 3 then $parent_key_items[2] else "" end) as $core |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[2] else "" end) as $collection |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[3] else "" end) as $shard |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[4] else "" end) as $replica |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then ($collection + "_" + $shard + "_" + $replica) else $core end) as $core |
$parent.value | to_entries | .[] | select(.key == "UPDATE.updateHandler.cumulativeAdds") as $object |
$object.key | split(".")[0] as $category |
$object.key | split(".")[1] as $handler |
$object.value.count as $value |
if $parent_key_item_len == 3 then
name: "solr_metrics_core_update_handler_adds_total",
type: "COUNTER",
help: "See following URL: https://lucene.apache.org/solr/guide/metrics-reporting.html",
label_names: ["category", "handler", "core"],
label_values: [$category, $handler, $core],
value: $value
name: "solr_metrics_core_update_handler_adds_total",
type: "COUNTER",
help: "See following URL: https://lucene.apache.org/solr/guide/metrics-reporting.html",
label_names: ["category", "handler", "core", "collection", "shard", "replica"],
label_values: [$category, $handler, $core, $collection, $shard, $replica],
value: $value
.metrics | to_entries | .[] | select(.key | startswith("solr.core.")) as $parent |
$parent.key | split(".") as $parent_key_items |
$parent_key_items | length as $parent_key_item_len |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 3 then $parent_key_items[2] else "" end) as $core |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[2] else "" end) as $collection |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[3] else "" end) as $shard |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[4] else "" end) as $replica |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then ($collection + "_" + $shard + "_" + $replica) else $core end) as $core |
$parent.value | to_entries | .[] | select(.key == "UPDATE.updateHandler.cumulativeDeletesById") as $object |
$object.key | split(".")[0] as $category |
$object.key | split(".")[1] as $handler |
$object.value.count as $value |
if $parent_key_item_len == 3 then
name: "solr_metrics_core_update_handler_deletes_by_id_total",
type: "COUNTER",
help: "See following URL: https://lucene.apache.org/solr/guide/metrics-reporting.html",
label_names: ["category", "handler", "core"],
label_values: [$category, $handler, $core],
value: $value
name: "solr_metrics_core_update_handler_deletes_by_id_total",
type: "COUNTER",
help: "See following URL: https://lucene.apache.org/solr/guide/metrics-reporting.html",
label_names: ["category", "handler", "core", "collection", "shard", "replica"],
label_values: [$category, $handler, $core, $collection, $shard, $replica],
value: $value
.metrics | to_entries | .[] | select(.key | startswith("solr.core.")) as $parent |
$parent.key | split(".") as $parent_key_items |
$parent_key_items | length as $parent_key_item_len |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 3 then $parent_key_items[2] else "" end) as $core |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[2] else "" end) as $collection |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[3] else "" end) as $shard |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[4] else "" end) as $replica |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then ($collection + "_" + $shard + "_" + $replica) else $core end) as $core |
$parent.value | to_entries | .[] | select(.key == "UPDATE.updateHandler.cumulativeDeletesByQuery") as $object |
$object.key | split(".")[0] as $category |
$object.key | split(".")[1] as $handler |
$object.value.count as $value |
if $parent_key_item_len == 3 then
name: "solr_metrics_core_update_handler_deletes_by_query_total",
type: "COUNTER",
help: "See following URL: https://lucene.apache.org/solr/guide/metrics-reporting.html",
label_names: ["category", "handler", "core"],
label_values: [$category, $handler, $core],
value: $value
name: "solr_metrics_core_update_handler_deletes_by_query_total",
type: "COUNTER",
help: "See following URL: https://lucene.apache.org/solr/guide/metrics-reporting.html",
label_names: ["category", "handler", "core", "collection", "shard", "replica"],
label_values: [$category, $handler, $core, $collection, $shard, $replica],
value: $value
.metrics | to_entries | .[] | select(.key | startswith("solr.core.")) as $parent |
$parent.key | split(".") as $parent_key_items |
$parent_key_items | length as $parent_key_item_len |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 3 then $parent_key_items[2] else "" end) as $core |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[2] else "" end) as $collection |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[3] else "" end) as $shard |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[4] else "" end) as $replica |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then ($collection + "_" + $shard + "_" + $replica) else $core end) as $core |
$parent.value | to_entries | .[] | select(.key == "UPDATE.updateHandler.cumulativeErrors") as $object |
$object.key | split(".")[0] as $category |
$object.key | split(".")[1] as $handler |
$object.value.count as $value |
if $parent_key_item_len == 3 then
name: "solr_metrics_core_update_handler_errors_total",
type: "COUNTER",
help: "See following URL: https://lucene.apache.org/solr/guide/metrics-reporting.html",
label_names: ["category", "handler", "core"],
label_values: [$category, $handler, $core],
value: $value
name: "solr_metrics_core_update_handler_errors_total",
type: "COUNTER",
help: "See following URL: https://lucene.apache.org/solr/guide/metrics-reporting.html",
label_names: ["category", "handler", "core", "collection", "shard", "replica"],
label_values: [$category, $handler, $core, $collection, $shard, $replica],
value: $value
.metrics | to_entries | .[] | select(.key | startswith("solr.core.")) as $parent |
$parent.key | split(".") as $parent_key_items |
$parent_key_items | length as $parent_key_item_len |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 3 then $parent_key_items[2] else "" end) as $core |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[2] else "" end) as $collection |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[3] else "" end) as $shard |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[4] else "" end) as $replica |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then ($collection + "_" + $shard + "_" + $replica) else $core end) as $core |
$parent.value | to_entries | .[] | select(.key == "UPDATE.updateHandler.deletesById") as $object |
$object.key | split(".")[0] as $category |
$object.key | split(".")[1] as $handler |
$object.value as $value |
if $parent_key_item_len == 3 then
name: "solr_metrics_core_update_handler_deletes_by_id",
type: "GAUGE",
help: "See following URL: https://lucene.apache.org/solr/guide/metrics-reporting.html",
label_names: ["category", "handler", "core"],
label_values: [$category, $handler, $core],
value: $value
name: "solr_metrics_core_update_handler_deletes_by_id",
type: "GAUGE",
help: "See following URL: https://lucene.apache.org/solr/guide/metrics-reporting.html",
label_names: ["category", "handler", "core", "collection", "shard", "replica"],
label_values: [$category, $handler, $core, $collection, $shard, $replica],
value: $value
.metrics | to_entries | .[] | select(.key | startswith("solr.core.")) as $parent |
$parent.key | split(".") as $parent_key_items |
$parent_key_items | length as $parent_key_item_len |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 3 then $parent_key_items[2] else "" end) as $core |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[2] else "" end) as $collection |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[3] else "" end) as $shard |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[4] else "" end) as $replica |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then ($collection + "_" + $shard + "_" + $replica) else $core end) as $core |
$parent.value | to_entries | .[] | select(.key == "UPDATE.updateHandler.deletesByQuery") as $object |
$object.key | split(".")[0] as $category |
$object.key | split(".")[1] as $handler |
$object.value as $value |
if $parent_key_item_len == 3 then
name: "solr_metrics_core_update_handler_deletes_by_query",
type: "GAUGE",
help: "See following URL: https://lucene.apache.org/solr/guide/metrics-reporting.html",
label_names: ["category", "handler", "core"],
label_values: [$category, $handler, $core],
value: $value
name: "solr_metrics_core_update_handler_deletes_by_query",
type: "GAUGE",
help: "See following URL: https://lucene.apache.org/solr/guide/metrics-reporting.html",
label_names: ["category", "handler", "core", "collection", "shard", "replica"],
label_values: [$category, $handler, $core, $collection, $shard, $replica],
value: $value
.metrics | to_entries | .[] | select(.key | startswith("solr.core.")) as $parent |
$parent.key | split(".") as $parent_key_items |
$parent_key_items | length as $parent_key_item_len |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 3 then $parent_key_items[2] else "" end) as $core |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[2] else "" end) as $collection |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[3] else "" end) as $shard |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[4] else "" end) as $replica |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then ($collection + "_" + $shard + "_" + $replica) else $core end) as $core |
$parent.value | to_entries | .[] | select(.key == "UPDATE.updateHandler.docsPending") as $object |
$object.key | split(".")[0] as $category |
$object.key | split(".")[1] as $handler |
$object.value as $value |
if $parent_key_item_len == 3 then
name: "solr_metrics_core_update_handler_pending_docs",
type: "GAUGE",
help: "See following URL: https://lucene.apache.org/solr/guide/metrics-reporting.html",
label_names: ["category", "handler", "core"],
label_values: [$category, $handler, $core],
value: $value
name: "solr_metrics_core_update_handler_pending_docs",
type: "GAUGE",
help: "See following URL: https://lucene.apache.org/solr/guide/metrics-reporting.html",
label_names: ["category", "handler", "core", "collection", "shard", "replica"],
label_values: [$category, $handler, $core, $collection, $shard, $replica],
value: $value
.metrics | to_entries | .[] | select(.key | startswith("solr.core.")) as $parent |
$parent.key | split(".") as $parent_key_items |
$parent_key_items | length as $parent_key_item_len |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 3 then $parent_key_items[2] else "" end) as $core |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[2] else "" end) as $collection |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[3] else "" end) as $shard |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[4] else "" end) as $replica |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then ($collection + "_" + $shard + "_" + $replica) else $core end) as $core |
$parent.value | to_entries | .[] | select(.key == "UPDATE.updateHandler.errors") as $object |
$object.key | split(".")[0] as $category |
$object.key | split(".")[1] as $handler |
$object.value as $value |
if $parent_key_item_len == 3 then
name: "solr_metrics_core_update_handler_errors",
type: "GAUGE",
help: "See following URL: https://lucene.apache.org/solr/guide/metrics-reporting.html",
label_names: ["category", "handler", "core"],
label_values: [$category, $handler, $core],
value: $value
name: "solr_metrics_core_update_handler_errors",
type: "GAUGE",
help: "See following URL: https://lucene.apache.org/solr/guide/metrics-reporting.html",
label_names: ["category", "handler", "core", "collection", "shard", "replica"],
label_values: [$category, $handler, $core, $collection, $shard, $replica],
value: $value
.metrics | to_entries | .[] | select(.key | startswith("solr.core.")) as $parent |
$parent.key | split(".") as $parent_key_items |
$parent_key_items | length as $parent_key_item_len |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 3 then $parent_key_items[2] else "" end) as $core |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[2] else "" end) as $collection |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[3] else "" end) as $shard |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[4] else "" end) as $replica |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then ($collection + "_" + $shard + "_" + $replica) else $core end) as $core |
$parent.value | to_entries | .[] | select(.key == "UPDATE.updateHandler.expungeDeletes") as $object |
$object.key | split(".")[0] as $category |
$object.key | split(".")[1] as $handler |
$object.value.count as $value |
if $parent_key_item_len == 3 then
name: "solr_metrics_core_update_handler_expunge_deletes_total",
type: "COUNTER",
help: "See following URL: https://lucene.apache.org/solr/guide/metrics-reporting.html",
label_names: ["category", "handler", "core"],
label_values: [$category, $handler, $core],
value: $value
name: "solr_metrics_core_update_handler_expunge_deletes_total",
type: "COUNTER",
help: "See following URL: https://lucene.apache.org/solr/guide/metrics-reporting.html",
label_names: ["category", "handler", "core", "collection", "shard", "replica"],
label_values: [$category, $handler, $core, $collection, $shard, $replica],
value: $value
.metrics | to_entries | .[] | select(.key | startswith("solr.core.")) as $parent |
$parent.key | split(".") as $parent_key_items |
$parent_key_items | length as $parent_key_item_len |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 3 then $parent_key_items[2] else "" end) as $core |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[2] else "" end) as $collection |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[3] else "" end) as $shard |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[4] else "" end) as $replica |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then ($collection + "_" + $shard + "_" + $replica) else $core end) as $core |
$parent.value | to_entries | .[] | select(.key == "UPDATE.updateHandler.merges") as $object |
$object.key | split(".")[0] as $category |
$object.key | split(".")[1] as $handler |
$object.value.count as $value |
if $parent_key_item_len == 3 then
name: "solr_metrics_core_update_handler_merges_total",
type: "COUNTER",
help: "See following URL: https://lucene.apache.org/solr/guide/metrics-reporting.html",
label_names: ["category", "handler", "core"],
label_values: [$category, $handler, $core],
value: $value
name: "solr_metrics_core_update_handler_merges_total",
type: "COUNTER",
help: "See following URL: https://lucene.apache.org/solr/guide/metrics-reporting.html",
label_names: ["category", "handler", "core", "collection", "shard", "replica"],
label_values: [$category, $handler, $core, $collection, $shard, $replica],
value: $value
.metrics | to_entries | .[] | select(.key | startswith("solr.core.")) as $parent |
$parent.key | split(".") as $parent_key_items |
$parent_key_items | length as $parent_key_item_len |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 3 then $parent_key_items[2] else "" end) as $core |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[2] else "" end) as $collection |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[3] else "" end) as $shard |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[4] else "" end) as $replica |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then ($collection + "_" + $shard + "_" + $replica) else $core end) as $core |
$parent.value | to_entries | .[] | select(.key == "UPDATE.updateHandler.optimizes") as $object |
$object.key | split(".")[0] as $category |
$object.key | split(".")[1] as $handler |
$object.value.count as $value |
if $parent_key_item_len == 3 then
name: "solr_metrics_core_update_handler_optimizes_total",
type: "COUNTER",
help: "See following URL: https://lucene.apache.org/solr/guide/metrics-reporting.html",
label_names: ["category", "handler", "core"],
label_values: [$category, $handler, $core],
value: $value
name: "solr_metrics_core_update_handler_optimizes_total",
type: "COUNTER",
help: "See following URL: https://lucene.apache.org/solr/guide/metrics-reporting.html",
label_names: ["category", "handler", "core", "collection", "shard", "replica"],
label_values: [$category, $handler, $core, $collection, $shard, $replica],
value: $value
.metrics | to_entries | .[] | select(.key | startswith("solr.core.")) as $parent |
$parent.key | split(".") as $parent_key_items |
$parent_key_items | length as $parent_key_item_len |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 3 then $parent_key_items[2] else "" end) as $core |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[2] else "" end) as $collection |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[3] else "" end) as $shard |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[4] else "" end) as $replica |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then ($collection + "_" + $shard + "_" + $replica) else $core end) as $core |
$parent.value | to_entries | .[] | select(.key == "UPDATE.updateHandler.rollbacks") as $object |
$object.key | split(".")[0] as $category |
$object.key | split(".")[1] as $handler |
$object.value.count as $value |
if $parent_key_item_len == 3 then
name: "solr_metrics_core_update_handler_rollbacks_total",
type: "COUNTER",
help: "See following URL: https://lucene.apache.org/solr/guide/metrics-reporting.html",
label_names: ["category", "handler", "core"],
label_values: [$category, $handler, $core],
value: $value
name: "solr_metrics_core_update_handler_rollbacks_total",
type: "COUNTER",
help: "See following URL: https://lucene.apache.org/solr/guide/metrics-reporting.html",
label_names: ["category", "handler", "core", "collection", "shard", "replica"],
label_values: [$category, $handler, $core, $collection, $shard, $replica],
value: $value
.metrics | to_entries | .[] | select(.key | startswith("solr.core.")) as $parent |
$parent.key | split(".") as $parent_key_items |
$parent_key_items | length as $parent_key_item_len |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 3 then $parent_key_items[2] else "" end) as $core |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[2] else "" end) as $collection |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[3] else "" end) as $shard |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[4] else "" end) as $replica |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then ($collection + "_" + $shard + "_" + $replica) else $core end) as $core |
$parent.value | to_entries | .[] | select(.key == "UPDATE.updateHandler.softAutoCommits") as $object |
$object.key | split(".")[0] as $category |
$object.key | split(".")[1] as $handler |
$object.value as $value |
if $parent_key_item_len == 3 then
name: "solr_metrics_core_update_handler_soft_auto_commits_total",
type: "COUNTER",
help: "See following URL: https://lucene.apache.org/solr/guide/metrics-reporting.html",
label_names: ["category", "handler", "core"],
label_values: [$category, $handler, $core],
value: $value
name: "solr_metrics_core_update_handler_soft_auto_commits_total",
type: "COUNTER",
help: "See following URL: https://lucene.apache.org/solr/guide/metrics-reporting.html",
label_names: ["category", "handler", "core", "collection", "shard", "replica"],
label_values: [$category, $handler, $core, $collection, $shard, $replica],
value: $value
.metrics | to_entries | .[] | select(.key | startswith("solr.core.")) as $parent |
$parent.key | split(".") as $parent_key_items |
$parent_key_items | length as $parent_key_item_len |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 3 then $parent_key_items[2] else "" end) as $core |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[2] else "" end) as $collection |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[3] else "" end) as $shard |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[4] else "" end) as $replica |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then ($collection + "_" + $shard + "_" + $replica) else $core end) as $core |
$parent.value | to_entries | .[] | select(.key == "UPDATE.updateHandler.splits") as $object |
$object.key | split(".")[0] as $category |
$object.key | split(".")[1] as $handler |
$object.value.count as $value |
if $parent_key_item_len == 3 then
name: "solr_metrics_core_update_handler_splits_total",
type: "COUNTER",
help: "See following URL: https://lucene.apache.org/solr/guide/metrics-reporting.html",
label_names: ["category", "handler", "core"],
label_values: [$category, $handler, $core],
value: $value
name: "solr_metrics_core_update_handler_splits_total",
type: "COUNTER",
help: "See following URL: https://lucene.apache.org/solr/guide/metrics-reporting.html",
label_names: ["category", "handler", "core", "collection", "shard", "replica"],
label_values: [$category, $handler, $core, $collection, $shard, $replica],
value: $value
<!-- Custom metrics -->
.metrics | to_entries | .[] | select(.key | startswith("solr.core.")) as $parent |
$parent.key | split(".") as $parent_key_items |
$parent_key_items | length as $parent_key_item_len |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 3 then $parent_key_items[2] else "" end) as $core |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[2] else "" end) as $collection |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[3] else "" end) as $shard |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[4] else "" end) as $replica |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then ($collection + "_" + $shard + "_" + $replica) else $core end) as $core |
$parent.value | to_entries | .[] | select(.key | endswith("select.requestTimes")) as $object |
($object.value.count) as $value |
name: "solr_metrics_core_query_count",
type: "COUNTER",
help: "See following URL: https://lucene.apache.org/solr/guide/metrics-reporting.html",
label_names: ["core", "collection", "shard", "replica"],
label_values: [$core, $collection, $shard, $replica],
value: $value
.metrics | to_entries | .[] | select(.key | startswith("solr.core.")) as $parent |
$parent.key | split(".") as $parent_key_items |
$parent_key_items | length as $parent_key_item_len |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 3 then $parent_key_items[2] else "" end) as $core |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[2] else "" end) as $collection |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[3] else "" end) as $shard |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[4] else "" end) as $replica |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then ($collection + "_" + $shard + "_" + $replica) else $core end) as $core |
$parent.value | to_entries | .[] | select(.key | endswith("select.requestTimes")) as $object |
($object.value.meanRate) as $value |
name: "solr_metrics_core_query_meanrate",
type: "GAUGE",
help: "See following URL: https://lucene.apache.org/solr/guide/metrics-reporting.html",
label_names: ["core", "collection", "shard", "replica"],
label_values: [$core, $collection, $shard, $replica],
value: $value
.metrics | to_entries | .[] | select(.key | startswith("solr.core.")) as $parent |
$parent.key | split(".") as $parent_key_items |
$parent_key_items | length as $parent_key_item_len |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 3 then $parent_key_items[2] else "" end) as $core |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[2] else "" end) as $collection |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[3] else "" end) as $shard |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[4] else "" end) as $replica |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then ($collection + "_" + $shard + "_" + $replica) else $core end) as $core |
$parent.value | to_entries | .[] | select(.key | endswith("select.requestTimes")) as $object |
($object.value.1minRate) as $value |
name: "solr_metrics_core_query_1minrate",
type: "GAUGE",
help: "See following URL: https://lucene.apache.org/solr/guide/metrics-reporting.html",
label_names: ["core", "collection", "shard", "replica"],
label_values: [$core, $collection, $shard, $replica],
value: $value
.metrics | to_entries | .[] | select(.key | startswith("solr.core.")) as $parent |
$parent.key | split(".") as $parent_key_items |
$parent_key_items | length as $parent_key_item_len |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 3 then $parent_key_items[2] else "" end) as $core |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[2] else "" end) as $collection |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[3] else "" end) as $shard |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[4] else "" end) as $replica |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then ($collection + "_" + $shard + "_" + $replica) else $core end) as $core |
$parent.value | to_entries | .[] | select(.key | endswith("select.requestTimes")) as $object |
($object.value.5minRate) as $value |
name: "solr_metrics_core_query_5minrate",
type: "GAUGE",
help: "See following URL: https://lucene.apache.org/solr/guide/metrics-reporting.html",
label_names: ["core", "collection", "shard", "replica"],
label_values: [$core, $collection, $shard, $replica],
value: $value
.metrics | to_entries | .[] | select(.key | startswith("solr.core.")) as $parent |
$parent.key | split(".") as $parent_key_items |
$parent_key_items | length as $parent_key_item_len |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 3 then $parent_key_items[2] else "" end) as $core |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[2] else "" end) as $collection |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[3] else "" end) as $shard |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[4] else "" end) as $replica |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then ($collection + "_" + $shard + "_" + $replica) else $core end) as $core |
$parent.value | to_entries | .[] | select(.key | endswith("select.requestTimes")) as $object |
($object.value.15minRate) as $value |
name: "solr_metrics_core_query_15minrate",
type: "GAUGE",
help: "See following URL: https://lucene.apache.org/solr/guide/metrics-reporting.html",
label_names: ["core", "collection", "shard", "replica"],
label_values: [$core, $collection, $shard, $replica],
value: $value
.metrics | to_entries | .[] | select(.key | startswith("solr.core.")) as $parent |
$parent.key | split(".") as $parent_key_items |
$parent_key_items | length as $parent_key_item_len |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 3 then $parent_key_items[2] else "" end) as $core |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[2] else "" end) as $collection |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[3] else "" end) as $shard |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[4] else "" end) as $replica |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then ($collection + "_" + $shard + "_" + $replica) else $core end) as $core |
$parent.value | to_entries | .[] | select(.key | endswith("select.requestTimes")) as $object |
($object.value.min_ms) as $value |
name: "solr_metrics_core_query_min_ms",
type: "GAUGE",
help: "See following URL: https://lucene.apache.org/solr/guide/metrics-reporting.html",
label_names: ["core", "collection", "shard", "replica"],
label_values: [$core, $collection, $shard, $replica],
value: $value
.metrics | to_entries | .[] | select(.key | startswith("solr.core.")) as $parent |
$parent.key | split(".") as $parent_key_items |
$parent_key_items | length as $parent_key_item_len |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 3 then $parent_key_items[2] else "" end) as $core |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[2] else "" end) as $collection |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[3] else "" end) as $shard |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[4] else "" end) as $replica |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then ($collection + "_" + $shard + "_" + $replica) else $core end) as $core |
$parent.value | to_entries | .[] | select(.key | endswith("select.requestTimes")) as $object |
($object.value.max_ms) as $value |
name: "solr_metrics_core_query_max_ms",
type: "GAUGE",
help: "See following URL: https://lucene.apache.org/solr/guide/metrics-reporting.html",
label_names: ["core", "collection", "shard", "replica"],
label_values: [$core, $collection, $shard, $replica],
value: $value
.metrics | to_entries | .[] | select(.key | startswith("solr.core.")) as $parent |
$parent.key | split(".") as $parent_key_items |
$parent_key_items | length as $parent_key_item_len |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 3 then $parent_key_items[2] else "" end) as $core |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[2] else "" end) as $collection |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[3] else "" end) as $shard |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[4] else "" end) as $replica |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then ($collection + "_" + $shard + "_" + $replica) else $core end) as $core |
$parent.value | to_entries | .[] | select(.key | endswith("select.requestTimes")) as $object |
($object.value.mean_ms) as $value |
name: "solr_metrics_core_query_mean_ms",
type: "GAUGE",
help: "See following URL: https://lucene.apache.org/solr/guide/metrics-reporting.html",
label_names: ["core", "collection", "shard", "replica"],
label_values: [$core, $collection, $shard, $replica],
value: $value
.metrics | to_entries | .[] | select(.key | startswith("solr.core.")) as $parent |
$parent.key | split(".") as $parent_key_items |
$parent_key_items | length as $parent_key_item_len |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 3 then $parent_key_items[2] else "" end) as $core |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[2] else "" end) as $collection |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[3] else "" end) as $shard |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[4] else "" end) as $replica |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then ($collection + "_" + $shard + "_" + $replica) else $core end) as $core |
$parent.value | to_entries | .[] | select(.key | endswith("select.requestTimes")) as $object |
($object.value.median_ms) as $value |
name: "solr_metrics_core_query_median_ms",
type: "GAUGE",
help: "See following URL: https://lucene.apache.org/solr/guide/metrics-reporting.html",
label_names: ["core", "collection", "shard", "replica"],
label_values: [$core, $collection, $shard, $replica],
value: $value
.metrics | to_entries | .[] | select(.key | startswith("solr.core.")) as $parent |
$parent.key | split(".") as $parent_key_items |
$parent_key_items | length as $parent_key_item_len |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 3 then $parent_key_items[2] else "" end) as $core |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[2] else "" end) as $collection |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[3] else "" end) as $shard |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[4] else "" end) as $replica |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then ($collection + "_" + $shard + "_" + $replica) else $core end) as $core |
$parent.value | to_entries | .[] | select(.key | endswith("select.requestTimes")) as $object |
($object.value.stddev_ms) as $value |
name: "solr_metrics_core_query_stddev_ms",
type: "GAUGE",
help: "See following URL: https://lucene.apache.org/solr/guide/metrics-reporting.html",
label_names: ["core", "collection", "shard", "replica"],
label_values: [$core, $collection, $shard, $replica],
value: $value
.metrics | to_entries | .[] | select(.key | startswith("solr.core.")) as $parent |
$parent.key | split(".") as $parent_key_items |
$parent_key_items | length as $parent_key_item_len |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 3 then $parent_key_items[2] else "" end) as $core |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[2] else "" end) as $collection |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[3] else "" end) as $shard |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[4] else "" end) as $replica |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then ($collection + "_" + $shard + "_" + $replica) else $core end) as $core |
$parent.value | to_entries | .[] | select(.key | endswith("select.requestTimes")) as $object |
($object.value.p75_ms) as $value |
name: "solr_metrics_core_query_p75_ms",
type: "GAUGE",
help: "See following URL: https://lucene.apache.org/solr/guide/metrics-reporting.html",
label_names: ["core", "collection", "shard", "replica"],
label_values: [$core, $collection, $shard, $replica],
value: $value
.metrics | to_entries | .[] | select(.key | startswith("solr.core.")) as $parent |
$parent.key | split(".") as $parent_key_items |
$parent_key_items | length as $parent_key_item_len |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 3 then $parent_key_items[2] else "" end) as $core |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[2] else "" end) as $collection |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[3] else "" end) as $shard |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[4] else "" end) as $replica |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then ($collection + "_" + $shard + "_" + $replica) else $core end) as $core |
$parent.value | to_entries | .[] | select(.key | endswith("select.requestTimes")) as $object |
($object.value.p95_ms) as $value |
name: "solr_metrics_core_query_p95_ms",
type: "GAUGE",
help: "See following URL: https://lucene.apache.org/solr/guide/metrics-reporting.html",
label_names: ["core", "collection", "shard", "replica"],
label_values: [$core, $collection, $shard, $replica],
value: $value
.metrics | to_entries | .[] | select(.key | startswith("solr.core.")) as $parent |
$parent.key | split(".") as $parent_key_items |
$parent_key_items | length as $parent_key_item_len |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 3 then $parent_key_items[2] else "" end) as $core |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[2] else "" end) as $collection |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[3] else "" end) as $shard |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[4] else "" end) as $replica |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then ($collection + "_" + $shard + "_" + $replica) else $core end) as $core |
$parent.value | to_entries | .[] | select(.key | endswith("select.requestTimes")) as $object |
($object.value.p99_ms) as $value |
name: "solr_metrics_core_query_p99_ms",
type: "GAUGE",
help: "See following URL: https://lucene.apache.org/solr/guide/metrics-reporting.html",
label_names: ["core", "collection", "shard", "replica"],
label_values: [$core, $collection, $shard, $replica],
value: $value
.metrics | to_entries | .[] | select(.key | startswith("solr.core.")) as $parent |
$parent.key | split(".") as $parent_key_items |
$parent_key_items | length as $parent_key_item_len |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 3 then $parent_key_items[2] else "" end) as $core |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[2] else "" end) as $collection |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[3] else "" end) as $shard |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then $parent_key_items[4] else "" end) as $replica |
(if $parent_key_item_len == 5 then ($collection + "_" + $shard + "_" + $replica) else $core end) as $core |
$parent.value | to_entries | .[] | select(.key | endswith("select.requestTimes")) as $object |
($object.value.p999_ms) as $value |
name: "solr_metrics_core_query_p999_ms",
type: "GAUGE",
help: "See following URL: https://lucene.apache.org/solr/guide/metrics-reporting.html",
label_names: ["core", "collection", "shard", "replica"],
label_values: [$core, $collection, $shard, $replica],
value: $value
<!-- end of custom metrics -->
<lst name="request">
<lst name="query">
<str name="path">/admin/collections</str>
<lst name="params">
<str name="action">CLUSTERSTATUS</str>
<arr name="jsonQueries">
.cluster.live_nodes | length as $value|
name : "solr_collections_live_nodes",
type : "GAUGE",
help : "See following URL: https://lucene.apache.org/solr/guide/collections-api.html#clusterstatus",
label_names : [],
label_values : [],
value : $value
.cluster.collections | to_entries | .[] | . as $object |
$object.key as $collection |
$object.value.pullReplicas | tonumber as $value |
name : "solr_collections_pull_replicas",
type : "GAUGE",
help : "See following URL: https://lucene.apache.org/solr/guide/collections-api.html#clusterstatus",
label_names : ["collection"],
label_values : [$collection],
value : $value
.cluster.collections | to_entries | .[] | . as $object |
$object.key as $collection |
$object.value.nrtReplicas | tonumber as $value |
name : "solr_collections_nrt_replicas",
type : "GAUGE",
help : "See following URL: https://lucene.apache.org/solr/guide/collections-api.html#clusterstatus",
label_names : ["collection"],
label_values : [$collection],
value : $value
.cluster.collections | to_entries | .[] | . as $object |
$object.key as $collection |
$object.value.tlogReplicas | tonumber as $value |
name : "solr_collections_tlog_replicas",
type : "GAUGE",
help : "See following URL: https://lucene.apache.org/solr/guide/collections-api.html#clusterstatus",
label_names : ["collection"],
label_values : [$collection],
value : $value
.cluster.collections | to_entries | .[] | . as $object |
$object.key as $collection |
$object.value.shards | to_entries | .[] | . as $shard_obj |
$shard_obj.key as $shard |
(if $shard_obj.value.state == "active" then 1.0 else 0.0 end) as $value |
name : "solr_collections_shard_state",
type : "GAUGE",
help : "See following URL: https://lucene.apache.org/solr/guide/collections-api.html#clusterstatus",
label_names : ["collection","shard"],
label_values : [$collection,$shard],
value : $value
.cluster.collections | to_entries | .[] | . as $object |
$object.key as $collection |
$object.value.shards | to_entries | .[] | . as $shard_obj |
$shard_obj.key as $shard |
$shard_obj.value.replicas | to_entries | .[] | . as $replica_obj |
$replica_obj.key as $replica_name |
$replica_obj.value.core as $core |
$core[$collection + "_" + $shard + "_" | length:] as $replica |
$replica_obj.value.base_url as $base_url |
$replica_obj.value.node_name as $node_name |
$replica_obj.value.type as $type |
(if $replica_obj.value.state == "active" then 1.0 else 0.0 end) as $value |
name : "solr_collections_replica_state",
type : "GAUGE",
help : "See following URL: https://lucene.apache.org/solr/guide/collections-api.html#clusterstatus",
label_names : ["collection", "shard", "replica", "replica_name", "core", "base_url", "node_name", "type"],
label_values : [$collection, $shard, $replica, $replica_name, $core, $base_url, $node_name, $type],
value : $value
.cluster.collections | to_entries | .[] | . as $object |
$object.key as $collection |
$object.value.shards | to_entries | .[] | . as $shard_obj |
$shard_obj.key as $shard |
$shard_obj.value.replicas | to_entries | .[] | . as $replica_obj |
$replica_obj.key as $replica_name |
$replica_obj.value.core as $core |
$core[$collection + "_" + $shard + "_" | length:] as $replica |
$replica_obj.value.base_url as $base_url |
$replica_obj.value.node_name as $node_name |
$replica_obj.value.type as $type |
(if $replica_obj.value.leader == "true" then 1.0 else 0.0 end) as $value |
name : "solr_collections_shard_leader",
type : "GAUGE",
help : "See following URL: https://lucene.apache.org/solr/guide/collections-api.html#clusterstatus",
label_names : ["collection", "shard", "replica", "replica_name", "core", "base_url", "node_name", "type"],
label_values : [$collection, $shard, $replica, $replica_name, $core, $base_url, $node_name, $type],
value : $value
<lst name="request">
<lst name="query">
<str name="collection">collection1</str>
<str name="path">/select</str>
<lst name="params">
<str name="q">*:*</str>
<str name="start">0</str>
<str name="rows">0</str>
<str name="json.facet">
category: {
type: terms,
field: cat
<arr name="jsonQueries">
.facets.category.buckets[] as $object |
$object.val as $term |
$object.count as $value |
name : "solr_facets_category",
type : "GAUGE",
help : "Category facets",
label_names : ["term"],
label_values : [$term],
value : $value