179 lines
7.4 KiB
179 lines
7.4 KiB
# Use the apt proxy
use_apt_proxy: False
dist_upgrade: False
pkg_state: installed
- acl
- zile
- dstat
- iotop
- curl
- wget
- vim-tiny
- psmisc
- tcpdump
- lsof
- strace
- rsync
- multitail
- unzip
- htop
- tree
- bind9-host
- bash-completion
- sudo
- apt-transport-https
- nano
- xmlstarlet
- bsdutils
- python-software-properties
- python-lxml
- python-boto
# Set this variable in your playbook
# additional_packages:
# - pkg1
# - pkg2
# Unattended upgrades
- '${distro_id}:${distro_codename}-security'
# - libc6
unatt_autofix: "true"
# When true, the procedure is really slow
unatt_minimalsteps: "false"
unatt_install_on_shutdown: "false"
#unatt_email: sysadmin@isti.cnr.it
unatt_email_on_error: "false"
unatt_autoremove: "true"
unatt_autoreboot: "false"
unatt_autoreboot_time: "now"
# Defaults
cleanup_base_packages: True
- ppp
- at
cleanup_x_base_packages: False
- firefox-locale-en
- x11-common
cleanup_nfs_packages: False
- nfs-common
- portmap
cleanup_rpcbind_packages: False
- rpcbind
cleanup_exim_email_server: True
- exim4
- exim4-base
- exim4-config
- exim4-daemon-light
disable_some_not_needed_services: False
- rpcbind
- atd
- acpid
# A generic PKI directory where the local certificates will be stored
pki_dir: /etc/pki
- certs
- keys
# Install our /etc/resolv.conf
install_resolvconf: True
# Install and configure munin
configure_munin: False
# Manage the root ssh keys
manage_root_ssh_keys: True
install_additional_ca_certs: False
additional_ca_dest_dir: /usr/local/share/ca-certificates
# IMPORTANT: the destination file extension must be .crt
# Put the source inside the files directory of this role.
# - { file: "local-ca.crt", dest_file: '{{ additional_ca_dest_dir }}/infn-ca.crt' }
- { domain: 'root', l_item: 'nofile', type: 'soft', value: '8192' }
- { domain: 'root', l_item: 'nofile', type: 'hard', value: '8192' }
# default_rsyslog_custom_rules:
# - ':msg, contains, "icmp6_send: no reply to icmp error" ~'
# - ':msg, contains, "[PYTHON] Can\'t call the metric handler function for" ~'
infrascience_internal_ppa: False
# debian/ubuntu distributions controllers
has_default_grub: "'{{ ansible_distribution }}' == 'Debian' and '{{ ansible_distribution_version }}' != 'lenny/sid' and {{ ansible_distribution_major_version }} >= 6"
has_htop: "'{{ ansible_distribution }}' == 'Ubuntu' and ({{ ansible_distribution_version }} == 10.10 or {{ ansible_distribution_version }} == 11.04 or {{ ansible_distribution_version }} == 12.04)"
has_apt: "('{{ ansible_distribution }}' == 'Debian' or '{{ ansible_distribution }}' == 'Ubuntu') and '{{ ansible_distribution_version }}' != 'lenny/sid' and '{{ ansible_distribution_major_version }}' >= 5"
has_fail2ban: "(('{{ ansible_distribution }}' == 'Ubuntu') and ({{ ansible_distribution_major_version }} >= 14)) or (('{{ ansible_distribution }}' == 'Debian') and ({{ ansible_distribution_major_version }} >= 8))"
is_debian: "'{{ ansible_distribution }}' == 'Debian'"
is_debian8: "'{{ ansible_distribution_release }}' == 'jessie'"
is_debian7: "'{{ ansible_distribution_release }}' == 'wheezy'"
is_debian6: "('{{ ansible_distribution }}' == 'Debian' and {{ ansible_distribution_major_version }} == 6)"
is_debian5: "'{{ ansible_distribution }}' == 'Debian' and '{{ ansible_distribution_version }}' != 'lenny/sid' and {{ ansible_distribution_major_version }} == 5"
is_debian4: "'{{ ansible_distribution }}' == 'Debian' and '{{ ansible_distribution_version }}' != 'lenny/sid' and {{ ansible_distribution_major_version }} == 4"
is_not_debian6: "'{{ ansible_distribution }}' == 'Debian' and '{{ ansible_distribution_version }}' != 'lenny/sid' and {{ ansible_distribution_major_version }} != 6"
is_debian_7_or_older: "'{{ ansible_distribution }}' == 'Debian' and {{ ansible_distribution_major_version }} <= 7"
is_debian_less_than6: "'{{ ansible_distribution }}' == 'Debian' and '{{ ansible_distribution_version }}' != 'lenny/sid' and {{ ansible_distribution_major_version }} < 6"
is_not_debian_less_than_6: "('{{ ansible_distribution }}' != 'Debian') or (('{{ ansible_distribution }}' == 'Debian' or '{{ ansible_distribution }}' == 'Ubuntu') and '{{ ansible_distribution_version }}' != 'lenny/sid' and {{ ansible_distribution_major_version }} >= 6)"
is_not_debian_less_than_7: "('{{ ansible_distribution }}' != 'Debian') or (('{{ ansible_distribution }}' == 'Debian' or '{{ ansible_distribution }}' == 'Ubuntu') and '{{ ansible_distribution_version }}' != 'lenny/sid' and {{ ansible_distribution_major_version }} >= 7)"
is_hardy: "'{{ ansible_distribution_release }}' == 'hardy'"
is_broken_hardy_lts: "'{{ ansible_distribution }}'== 'Debian' and '{{ ansible_distribution_release }}' == 'NA'"
is_jaunty: "'{{ ansible_distribution_release }}' == 'jaunty'"
is_quantal: "'{{ ansible_distribution_release }}' == 'quantal'"
is_natty: "'{{ ansible_distribution_release }}' == 'natty'"
is_precise: "'{{ ansible_distribution_release }}' == 'precise'"
is_trusty: "'{{ ansible_distribution_release }}' == 'trusty'"
is_ubuntu: "'{{ ansible_distribution }}' == 'Ubuntu'"
is_not_precise: "('{{ ansible_distribution }}' == 'Ubuntu' and {{ ansible_distribution_version }} != 12.04) or '{{ ansible_distribution }}' == 'Debian'"
is_not_trusty: "('{{ ansible_distribution }}' == 'Ubuntu' and {{ ansible_distribution_version }} != 14.04) or '{{ ansible_distribution }}' == 'Debian'"
is_not_ubuntu_less_than_precise: "('{{ ansible_distribution }}' == 'Ubuntu') and ({{ ansible_distribution_major_version }} >= 12)"
is_not_ubuntu_less_than_trusty: "('{{ ansible_distribution }}' == 'Ubuntu') and ({{ ansible_distribution_major_version }} >= 14)"
is_ubuntu_less_than_precise: "('{{ ansible_distribution }}' == 'Ubuntu') and ({{ ansible_distribution_major_version }} < 12)"
is_ubuntu_less_than_trusty: "('{{ ansible_distribution }}' == 'Ubuntu') and ({{ ansible_distribution_major_version }} < 14)"
# Ubuntu < 10.04 or Debian 4
is_ubuntu_between_8_and_9_and_is_debian_4: "('{{ ansible_distribution }}' == 'Ubuntu' and ({{ ansible_distribution_version }} == 8.04 or {{ ansible_distribution_version }} == 8.10 or {{ ansible_distribution_version }} == 9.04)) or ({{ is_debian4 }})"
#is_ubuntu_between_8_and_9_or_is_debian_4: "('{{ ansible_distribution }}' == 'Ubuntu') and ({{ ansible_distribution_major_version }} < 12) or ({{ is_debian4 }})"
is_ubuntu_between_8_and_9_or_is_debian_4: "'{{ is_ubuntu_between_8_and_9_and_is_debian_4 }}'"
# Ubuntu between 10.04 and 11.04
is_ubuntu_between_10_04_and_11_04: "'{{ ansible_distribution }}' == 'Ubuntu' and ({{ ansible_distribution_version }} == 10.04 or {{ ansible_distribution_version }} == 10.10 or {{ ansible_distribution_version }} == 11.04)"
# Ubuntu between 10.04 and 11.04, or Debian 6
is_ubuntu_between_10_04_and_11_04_and_is_debian_6: "({{ is_ubuntu_between_10_04_and_11_04 }} or {{ is_debian6 }})"
# Debian >=6
is_debian_greater_than_5: "'{{ ansible_distribution }}' == 'Debian' and '{{ ansible_distribution_version }}' != 'lenny/sid' and {{ ansible_distribution_major_version }} >= 6"
is_trusty_or_debian7: "('{{ ansible_distribution_release }}' == 'trusty') or ('{{ ansible_distribution_release }}' == 'wheezy')"