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- name: Create the exist-db user and the directory tree
- name: Create the exist-db user
user: name={{ exist_db_user }} home={{ exist_db_home }} comment="eXist-db Service Account" createhome=no shell=/usr/sbin/nologin system=yes
- name: Create the exist-db base path
file: dest={{ item }} state=directory mode=0750 owner=root group={{ exist_db_group }}
- '{{ exist_db_home }}'
- '{{ exist_db_home }}/distribution'
- '{{ exist_db_conf_dir }}'
- name: Create the exist-db directory tree
file: dest={{ item }} state=directory mode=0750 owner={{ exist_db_user }} group={{ exist_db_group }}
- '{{ exist_db_data_dir }}'
- '{{ exist_db_journal_dir }}'
- '{{ exist_db_backup_dir }}'
- '{{ exist_db_logdir }}'
- name: Link the log and data directories from the exist distribution directory
file: dest={{ exist_db_home }}/distribution/{{ exist_db_distribution_dir }}/{{ item }} state=absent
- 'data'
- 'logs'
- name: Link the log directory into the exist distribution directory
file: src={{ exist_db_logdir }} dest={{ exist_db_home }}/distribution/{{ exist_db_distribution_dir }}/logs state=link
- name: Link the data directory into the exist distribution directory
file: src={{ exist_db_data_dir }} dest={{ exist_db_home }}/distribution/{{ exist_db_distribution_dir }}/data state=link
tags: [ 'exist-db', 'exist_db' ]
- name: Download and unpack the eXist DB distribution
- name: Download the eXist DB archive
get_url: url={{ exist_db_distribution }} dest=/srv/exist-distribution-{{ exist_db_version }}-unix.tar.bz2
- name: Unarchive the eXist DB distribution
unarchive: src=/srv/exist-distribution-{{ exist_db_version }}-unix.tar.bz2 dest={{ exist_db_home }}/distribution remote_src=yes owner=root group=root
creates: '{{ exist_db_home }}/distribution/{{ exist_db_distribution_dir }}/lib'
tags: [ 'exist-db', 'exist_db' ]
- name: Configure the eXistDB service
- name: Install the changes to the configuration files in the custom etc/ directory
template: src={{ item }}.j2 dest={{ exist_db_conf_dir }}/{{ item }}
- 'conf.xml'
- 'log4j2.xml'
notify: Restart existdb
- name: Install the startup scripts
template: src={{ item }}.j2 dest={{ exist_db_home }}/distribution/{{ exist_db_distribution_dir }}/bin/{{ item }} owner=root group=root mode=0755
- ''
- ''
- ''
- ''
- ''
- name: Install the exist-db systemd unit
template: src=exist-db.service.j2 dest=/lib/systemd/system/exist-db.service owner=root group=root mode=0644
register: existdb_unit_install
- name: Reload the systemd configuration
systemd: daemon_reload=yes
when: existdb_unit_install is changed
- name: Ensure that the eXistDB service is running and enabled
service: name=exist-db state=started enabled=yes
tags: [ 'exist-db', 'exist_db', 'exist_db_conf' ]