forked from ISTI-ansible-roles/ansible-roles
Shinyproxy: support version 2.x. Support docker-swam. Depend on openjdk.
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,19 +1,38 @@
shinyproxy_install: False
shinyproxy_version: 1.1.1
shinyproxy_major_ver: 2
shinyproxy_minor_ver: 3
shinyproxy_patch_ver: 0
#shinyproxy_version: 1.1.1
shinyproxy_version: '{{ shinyproxy_major_ver }}.{{ shinyproxy_minor_ver }}.{{ shinyproxy_patch_ver }}'
shinyproxy_file_name: 'shinyproxy-{{ shinyproxy_version }}.jar'
shinyproxy_url: '{{ shinyproxy_file_name }}'
shinyproxy_app_name: shinyproxy.jar
shinyproxy_user: shinyproxy
shinyproxy_install_dir: /opt/shinyproxy
shinyproxy_log_dir: /var/log/shinyproxy
shinyproxy_http_port: 8080
# For logrotate. In days
shinyproxy_log_retention: 10
shinyproxy_default_apps: True
shinyproxy_docker_url: 'http://localhost:2375'
# docker, docker-swarm, kubernetes
shinyproxy_container_backend: 'docker'
shinyproxy_docker_port: 2375
shinyproxy_docker_host: 'localhost'
shinyproxy_docker_protocol: http
shinyproxy_docker_certs_dir: /etc/pki/shinyproxy
shinyproxy_docker_url: '{{ shinyproxy_docker_protocol }}://{{ shinyproxy_docker_host }}:{{ shinyproxy_docker_port }}'
shinyproxy_docker_port_range_start: 20000
shinyproxy_docker_cpu_limit: 1
shinyproxy_docker_memory_request: '1g'
shinyproxy_docker_memory_limit: '2g'
shinyproxy_container_wait_time: 60000
shinyproxy_docker_loglevel: 'INFO'
shinyproxy_hide_navbar: 'false'
shinyproxy_custom_template: False
shinyproxy_template_path: '{{ shinyproxy_install_dir }}/web_templates'
shinyproxy_app_title: 'Open Analytics Shiny Proxy'
shinyproxy_logo_url: ''
@ -32,3 +51,5 @@ shinyproxy_ldap_user_search_filter_enabled: True
shinyproxy_ldap_user_search_filter: '(uid={0})'
shinyproxy_ldap_group_search_base: ''
shinyproxy_ldap_group_search_filter: '(uniqueMember={0})'
shinyproxy_max_log_size: 20MB
@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
- { role: '../../library/roles/openjdk' }
@ -1,40 +1,124 @@
- block:
- name: Create the shinyproxy user
user: name={{ shinyproxy_user }} home={{ shinyproxy_install_dir }} createhome=yes system=yes shell=/usr/sbin/nologin
- name: Create the shinyproxy user
user: name={{ shinyproxy_user }} home={{ shinyproxy_install_dir }} createhome=yes system=yes shell=/usr/sbin/nologin
- name: Download the shinyproxy jar
become: True
become_user: '{{ shinyproxy_user }}'
get_url: url={{ shinyproxy_url }} dest={{ shinyproxy_install_dir }}
- name: Download the shinyproxy jar
become: True
become_user: '{{ shinyproxy_user }}'
get_url: url={{ shinyproxy_url }} dest={{ shinyproxy_install_dir }}
- name: Set up a symlink to an unversioned app name
become: True
become_user: '{{ shinyproxy_user }}'
file: src={{ shinyproxy_install_dir }}/{{ shinyproxy_file_name }} dest={{ shinyproxy_install_dir }}/{{ shinyproxy_app_name }} state=link
- name: Set up a symlink to an unversioned app name
become: True
become_user: '{{ shinyproxy_user }}'
file: src={{ shinyproxy_install_dir }}/{{ shinyproxy_file_name }} dest={{ shinyproxy_install_dir }}/{{ shinyproxy_app_name }} state=link
- name: Install the upstart init file
template: src=upstart-shinyproxy.conf.j2 dest=/etc/init/shinyproxy.conf owner=root group=root mode=0644
when: is_trusty
- name: Install the shinyproxy configuration file when using version 1.x
template: src=shinyproxy-1-conf.yml.j2 dest={{ shinyproxy_install_dir }}/application.yml owner=root group={{ shinyproxy_user }} mode=0640
notify: Restart shinyproxy
when: shinyproxy_major_ver == 1
tags: [ 'shinyproxy', 'shinyproxy_conf', 'shinyproxy_images' ]
- name: Install the shinyproxy configuration file
template: src=shinyproxy-conf.yml.j2 dest={{ shinyproxy_install_dir }}/application.yml owner=root group={{ shinyproxy_user }} mode=0640
notify: Restart shinyproxy
tags: [ 'shinyproxy', 'shinyproxy_conf', 'shinyproxy_images' ]
- name: Install the shinyproxy configuration file when using version 2.x
template: src=shinyproxy-2-conf.yml.j2 dest={{ shinyproxy_install_dir }}/application.yml owner=root group={{ shinyproxy_user }} mode=0640
notify: Restart shinyproxy
when: shinyproxy_major_ver == 2
tags: [ 'shinyproxy', 'shinyproxy_conf', 'shinyproxy_images' ]
- name: Install the shinyproxy logrotate configuration
template: src=shinyproxy-logrotate.j2 dest=/etc/logrotate.d/shinyproxy owner=root group=root mode=0444
tags: [ 'shinyproxy', 'shinyproxy_conf' ]
- name: Install the shinyproxy logrotate configuration
template: src=shinyproxy-logrotate.j2 dest=/etc/logrotate.d/shinyproxy owner=root group=root mode=0444
tags: [ 'shinyproxy', 'shinyproxy_conf' ]
- name: Ensure that the shinyproxy service is enabled and running
service: name=shinyproxy state=started enabled=yes
- name: Install the upstart init file
template: src=upstart-shinyproxy.conf.j2 dest=/etc/init/shinyproxy.conf owner=root group=root mode=0644
when: ansible_service_mgr != 'systemd'
- name: Pull the Docker images of shiny apps
docker_image: name={{ item.docker_image }} pull=yes state={{ item.image_state | default('present') }} force=yes
with_items: '{{ shinyproxy_apps }}'
when: shinyproxy_apps is defined
tags: [ 'shinyproxy', 'shinyproxy_images' ]
when: shinyproxy_install
- ansible_distribution_major_version < '16'
- shinyproxy_install | bool
tags: shinyproxy
- block:
- name: Install the shinyproxy deb package
deb: "{{ shinyproxy_version }}_amd64.deb"
state: present
- name: Install the shinyproxy configuration file when using version 2.x
template: src=shinyproxy-2-conf.yml.j2 dest=/etc/shinyproxy/application.yml owner=root group={{ shinyproxy_user }} mode=0640
notify: Restart shinyproxy
when: shinyproxy_major_ver == 2
tags: [ 'shinyproxy', 'shinyproxy_conf', 'shinyproxy_images' ]
- ansible_distribution_file_variety == "Debian"
- ansible_distribution_major_version >= '16'
- shinyproxy_install | bool
tags: shinyproxy
- block:
- name: Ensure that the shinyproxy service is enabled and running
service: name=shinyproxy state=started enabled=yes
- name: Create the directory where to install the custom templates, if we want to use them
file: dest={{ shinyproxy_template_path }} state=directory
when: shinyproxy_custom_template | bool
- name: Create shinyproxy log directory
file: dest={{ shinyproxy_log_dir }} state=directory owner=shinyproxy mode=0750
- name: Check if the Docker certs directory exists
stat: path=/var/lib/docker/swarm/certificates
register: certs_dir
- name: Create the PKI directory
file: dest={{ shinyproxy_docker_certs_dir }} state=directory owner=root group=shinyproxy mode=0750
when: certs_dir.stat.isdir is defined and certs_dir.stat.isdir | bool
- name: Copy the TLS files
copy: src=/var/lib/docker/swarm/certificates/{{ item.src }} dest={{ shinyproxy_docker_certs_dir }}/{{ item.dest }} remote_src=yes force=yes
- { src: swarm-root-ca.crt, dest: ca.pem }
- { src: swarm-node.crt, dest: cert.pem }
- { src: swarm-node.key, dest: key.pem }
when: certs_dir.stat.isdir is defined and certs_dir.stat.isdir | bool
- name: Fix the TLS key file permissions
file: dest={{ shinyproxy_docker_certs_dir }}/key.pem owner=shinyproxy group=shinyproxy mode=0640
when: certs_dir.stat.isdir is defined and certs_dir.stat.isdir | bool
- name: Install a script that syncs the docker certificates
template: dest=/usr/local/bin/sync_docker_certificates
when: certs_dir.stat.isdir is defined and certs_dir.stat.isdir | bool
- name: Install a cron job that hourly updates the certificates used by shinyproxy to talk with docker
cron: name="Fix the docker certificates for shinyproxy" special_time=hourly job="/usr/local/bin/sync_docker_certificates > /var/log/shinyproxy/docker_certs.log 2>&1"
when: certs_dir.stat.isdir is defined and certs_dir.stat.isdir | bool
- name: Pull the Docker images for the Shiny apps, when using Docker standalone
docker_image: name={{ item.docker_image }} pull=yes state={{ item.image_state | default('present') }} force=yes
with_items: '{{ shinyproxy_apps }}'
- shinyproxy_apps is defined
- shinyproxy_container_backend == 'docker'
tags: [ 'shinyproxy', 'shinyproxy_images' ]
# - name: Pull the Docker images for the Shiny apps, when using Docker Swarm
# docker_swarm_service:
# name: "{{ item.docker_image | lower }}"
# image: '{{ item.docker_image }}'
# state: "{{ item.image_state | default('present') }}"
# force_update: yes
# reservations:
# cpus: '{{ shinyproxy_docker_cpu_limit }}'
# memory: '{{ shinyproxy_docker_memory_limit }}'
# with_items: '{{ shinyproxy_apps }}'
# delegate_to: '{{ shinyproxy_docker_host }}'
# when:
# - shinyproxy_apps is defined
# - shinyproxy_container_backend == 'docker-swarm'
# tags: [ 'shinyproxy', 'shinyproxy_images' ]
when: shinyproxy_install | bool
tags: shinyproxy
@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
title: {{ shinyproxy_app_title }}
logo-url: {{ shinyproxy_logo_url }}
landing-page: /
heartbeat-rate: 10000
heartbeat-timeout: 60000
container-wait-time: {{ shinyproxy_container_wait_time }}
port: {{ shinyproxy_http_port }}
hide-navbar: {{ shinyproxy_hide_navbar }}
authentication: {{ shinyproxy_authentication }}
admin-groups: {{ shinyproxy_admin_group }}
{% if shinyproxy_ldap_enabled %}
# LDAP configuration
url: {{ shinyproxy_ldap_server }}
{% if shinyproxy_ldap_user_dn_enabled %}
user-dn-pattern: {{ shinyproxy_ldap_user_dn_pattern }}
{% endif %}
{% if shinyproxy_ldap_user_search_base_enabled %}
user-search-base: {{ shinyproxy_ldap_user_search_base }}
{% endif %}
{% if shinyproxy_ldap_user_search_filter_enabled %}
user-search-filter: {{ shinyproxy_ldap_user_search_filter }}
{% endif %}
group-search-base: {{ shinyproxy_ldap_group_search_base }}
group-search-filter: {{ shinyproxy_ldap_group_search_filter }}
manager-dn: {{ shinyproxy_ldap_admin }}
manager-password: {{ shinyproxy_ldap_admin_pwd }}
{% endif %}
# Docker configuration
cert-path: /home/none
url: {{ shinyproxy_docker_url }}
port-range-start: {{ shinyproxy_docker_port_range_start }}
{% if shinyproxy_default_apps %}
- name: 01_hello
display-name: Hello Application
description: Application which demonstrates the basics of a Shiny app
docker-cmd: ["R", "-e shinyproxy::run_01_hello()"]
docker-image: openanalytics/shinyproxy-demo
- name: 06_tabsets
docker-cmd: ["R", "-e shinyproxy::run_06_tabsets()"]
docker-image: openanalytics/shinyproxy-demo
{% endif %}
{% if shinyproxy_apps is defined %}
{% for app in shinyproxy_apps %}
- name: {{ }}
display-name: {{ app.display_name }}
description: {{ app.description }}
docker-cmd: ["R", "-e {{ app.cmd }}"]
docker-image: {{ app.docker_image }}
docker-memory: {{ app.docker_memory | default('2g') }}
{% if app.groups is defined %}
groups: {{ app.groups }}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
enabled: {{ shinyproxy_basic_auth }}
file: {{ shinyproxy_log_dir }}/shinyproxy.log
@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
title: {{ shinyproxy_app_title }}
logo-url: {{ shinyproxy_logo_url }}
landing-page: /
heartbeat-rate: 10000
heartbeat-timeout: 60000
container-wait-time: {{ shinyproxy_container_wait_time }}
bind-address: {{ shinyproxy_bind_address }}
port: {{ shinyproxy_http_port }}
hide-navbar: {{ shinyproxy_hide_navbar }}
{% if shinyproxy_custom_template %}
template-path: {{ shinyproxy_template_path }}
{% endif %}
authentication: {{ shinyproxy_authentication }}
admin-groups: {{ shinyproxy_admin_group }}
{% if shinyproxy_ldap_enabled %}
# LDAP configuration
url: {{ shinyproxy_ldap_server }}
{% if shinyproxy_ldap_user_dn_enabled %}
user-dn-pattern: {{ shinyproxy_ldap_user_dn_pattern }}
{% endif %}
{% if shinyproxy_ldap_user_search_base_enabled %}
user-search-base: {{ shinyproxy_ldap_user_search_base }}
{% endif %}
{% if shinyproxy_ldap_user_search_filter_enabled %}
user-search-filter: {{ shinyproxy_ldap_user_search_filter }}
{% endif %}
group-search-base: {{ shinyproxy_ldap_group_search_base }}
group-search-filter: {{ shinyproxy_ldap_group_search_filter }}
manager-dn: {{ shinyproxy_ldap_admin }}
manager-password: {{ shinyproxy_ldap_admin_pwd }}
{% endif %}
container-backend: {{ shinyproxy_container_backend }}
container-memory-request: {{ shinyproxy_docker_memory_request }}
container-memory-limit: {{ shinyproxy_docker_memory_limit }}
container-cpu-limit: {{ shinyproxy_docker_cpu_limit }}
cert-path: {{ shinyproxy_docker_certs_dir }}
url: {{ shinyproxy_docker_url }}
port-range-start: {{ shinyproxy_docker_port_range_start }}
{% if shinyproxy_default_apps %}
- id: 01_hello
display-name: Hello Application
description: Application which demonstrates the basics of a Shiny app
container-cmd: ["R", "-e shinyproxy::run_01_hello()"]
container-image: openanalytics/shinyproxy-demo
- id: 06_tabsets
docker-cmd: ["R", "-e shinyproxy::run_06_tabsets()"]
container-image: openanalytics/shinyproxy-demo
{% endif %}
{% if shinyproxy_apps is defined %}
{% for app in shinyproxy_apps %}
- id: {{ }}
display-name: {{ app.display_name }}
description: {{ app.description }}
container-cmd: ["R", "-e {{ app.cmd }}"]
container-image: {{ app.docker_image }}
container-memory: {{ app.docker_memory | default('2g') }}
{% if app.groups is defined %}
groups: {{ app.groups }}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
enabled: {{ shinyproxy_basic_auth }}
file: {{ shinyproxy_log_dir }}/shinyproxy.log
#max-size: {{ shinyproxy_max_log_size }}
com.spotify.docker: {{ shinyproxy_docker_loglevel }}
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
{{ shinyproxy_install_dir }}/shinyproxy.log {
{{ shinyproxy_log_dir }}/shinyproxy.log {
rotate 10
@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
/bin/cp -f /var/lib/docker/swarm/certificates/swarm-root-ca.crt {{ shinyproxy_docker_certs_dir }}/ca.pem
/bin/cp -f /var/lib/docker/swarm/certificates/swarm-node.crt {{ shinyproxy_docker_certs_dir }}/cert.pem
/bin/cp -f /var/lib/docker/swarm/certificates/swarm-node.key {{ shinyproxy_docker_certs_dir }}/key.pem
chown shinyproxy {{ shinyproxy_docker_certs_dir }}/key.pem
exit 0
Reference in New Issue