Andrea Dell'Amico
library/roles/ubuntu-deb-general: Create a generic directory where to store local SSL certificates.
2016-04-08 18:16:00 +02:00
Andrea Dell'Amico
library/roles/redmine/tasks: Change the ldap sync cron job so that it syncs the ldap groups too.
library/roles/ubuntu-deb-general/tasks/disable-unneeded-services.yml: Disable some services that we do not want running.
2015-12-27 13:52:58 +01:00
Andrea Dell'Amico
d4science-gcube/group_vars/redmine/all.yml: install the wiki-external plugin.
library/roles/redmine/defaults/main.yml: manage the wiki-external plugin.
library/roles/ubuntu-deb-general/tasks/manage_su_limits.yml: Change the pam su configuration to load pam_limits.
2015-09-07 16:08:11 +02:00
Andrea Dell'Amico
library/roles/ubuntu-deb-general/tasks/main.yml: Execute the denyhosts part twice, with two different sets of conditionals (sigh)
2015-08-12 19:58:42 +02:00
Andrea Dell'Amico
xen: Fix the ganeti playbook. Install xenmap, do not install fprobe
2015-08-12 15:20:12 +02:00
Andrea Dell'Amico
library/roles/fail2ban: Fix the tests on the distributions versions, again.
infrastructure-services/group_vars/images_provider/main.yml: Install the linux kernel headers, otherwise the virtualbox modules aren't compiled.
2015-08-01 12:57:03 +02:00
Andrea Dell'Amico
library/roles/ubuntu-deb-general: Various fixes
2015-07-28 19:27:25 +02:00
Andrea Dell'Amico
library: small fixes.
d4science-gcube/roles/mediawiki_setup/templates/nginx-mediawiki.j2: First attempt at a nginx ssl config.
2015-06-14 23:39:13 +02:00
Andrea Dell'Amico
d4science-ghn-cluster: We now manage the iptables firewall on the mongodb cluster.
library/roles: separate task that sets the hostname
library/vars/isti-global.yml: add the d4science partners networks as a common variable.
2015-06-11 16:32:01 +02:00
Andrea Dell'Amico
Major refactoring. Moved all the library roles under 'library/roles' and changed all the occurrances inside all the playbooks.
2015-05-28 11:32:57 +02:00