#!/usr/bin/perl -w # Check SMART status of ATA/SCSI disks, returning any usable metrics as perfdata. # For usage information, run ./check_smart -h # # This script was created under contract for the US Government and is therefore Public Domain # # Changes and Modifications # ========================= # Feb 3, 2009: Kurt Yoder - initial version of script use strict; use Getopt::Long; use File::Basename qw(basename); my $basename = basename($0); my $revision = '$Revision: 1.0 $'; use lib '/usr/lib/nagios/plugins/'; use utils qw(%ERRORS &print_revision &support &usage); $ENV{'PATH'}='/bin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/usr/sbin'; $ENV{'BASH_ENV'}=''; $ENV{'ENV'}=''; use vars qw($opt_d $opt_debug $opt_h $opt_i $opt_v); Getopt::Long::Configure('bundling'); GetOptions( "debug" => \$opt_debug, "d=s" => \$opt_d, "device=s" => \$opt_d, "h" => \$opt_h, "help" => \$opt_h, "i=s" => \$opt_i, "interface=s" => \$opt_i, "v" => \$opt_v, "version" => \$opt_v, ); if ($opt_v) { print_revision($basename,$revision); exit $ERRORS{'OK'}; } if ($opt_h) { print_help(); exit $ERRORS{'OK'}; } my ($device, $interface) = qw//; if ($opt_d) { unless($opt_i){ print "must specify an interface for $opt_d using -i/--interface!\n\n"; print_help(); exit $ERRORS{'UNKNOWN'}; } if (-b $opt_d){ $device = $opt_d; } else{ print "$opt_d is not a valid block device!\n\n"; print_help(); exit $ERRORS{'UNKNOWN'}; } if(grep {$opt_i eq $_} ('ata', 'scsi')){ $interface = $opt_i; } else{ print "invalid interface $opt_i for $opt_d!\n\n"; print_help(); exit $ERRORS{'UNKNOWN'}; } } else{ print "must specify a device!\n\n"; print_help(); exit $ERRORS{'UNKNOWN'}; } my $smart_command = '/usr/bin/sudo /usr/sbin/smartctl'; my @error_messages = qw//; my $exit_status = 'OK'; warn "###########################################################\n" if $opt_debug; warn "(debug) CHECK 1: getting overall SMART health status\n" if $opt_debug; warn "###########################################################\n\n\n" if $opt_debug; my $full_command = "$smart_command -d $interface -H $device"; warn "(debug) executing:\n$full_command\n\n" if $opt_debug; my @output = `$full_command`; warn "(debug) output:\n@output\n\n" if $opt_debug; # parse ata output, looking for "health status: passed" my $found_status = 0; my $line_str = 'SMART overall-health self-assessment test result: '; # ATA SMART line my $ok_str = 'PASSED'; # ATA SMART OK string if ($interface eq 'scsi'){ $line_str = 'SMART Health Status: '; # SCSI SMART line $ok_str = 'OK'; #SCSI SMART OK string } foreach my $line (@output){ if($line =~ /$line_str(.+)/){ $found_status = 1; warn "(debug) parsing line:\n$line\n\n" if $opt_debug; if ($1 eq $ok_str) { warn "(debug) found string '$ok_str'; status OK\n\n" if $opt_debug; } else { warn "(debug) no '$ok_str' status; failing\n\n" if $opt_debug; push(@error_messages, "Health status: $1"); escalate_status('CRITICAL'); } } } unless ($found_status) { push(@error_messages, 'No health status line found'); escalate_status('UNKNOWN'); } warn "###########################################################\n" if $opt_debug; warn "(debug) CHECK 2: getting silent SMART health check\n" if $opt_debug; warn "###########################################################\n\n\n" if $opt_debug; $full_command = "$smart_command -d $interface -q silent -A $device"; warn "(debug) executing:\n$full_command\n\n" if $opt_debug; system($full_command); my $return_code = $?; warn "(debug) exit code:\n$return_code\n\n" if $opt_debug; if ($return_code & 0x01) { push(@error_messages, 'Commandline parse failure'); escalate_status('UNKNOWN'); } if ($return_code & 0x02) { push(@error_messages, 'Device could not be opened'); escalate_status('UNKNOWN'); } if ($return_code & 0x04) { push(@error_messages, 'Checksum failure'); escalate_status('WARNING'); } if ($return_code & 0x08) { push(@error_messages, 'Disk is failing'); escalate_status('CRITICAL'); } if ($return_code & 0x10) { push(@error_messages, 'Disk is in prefail'); escalate_status('WARNING'); } if ($return_code & 0x20) { push(@error_messages, 'Disk may be close to failure'); escalate_status('WARNING'); } if ($return_code & 0x40) { push(@error_messages, 'Error log contains errors'); escalate_status('WARNING'); } if ($return_code & 0x80) { push(@error_messages, 'Self-test log contains errors'); escalate_status('WARNING'); } if ($return_code && !$exit_status) { push(@error_messages, 'Unknown return code'); escalate_status('CRITICAL'); } if ($return_code) { warn "(debug) non-zero exit code, generating error condition\n\n" if $opt_debug; } else { warn "(debug) zero exit code, status OK\n\n" if $opt_debug; } warn "###########################################################\n" if $opt_debug; warn "(debug) CHECK 3: getting detailed statistics\n" if $opt_debug; warn "(debug) information contains a few more potential trouble spots\n" if $opt_debug; warn "(debug) plus, we can also use the information for perfdata/graphing\n" if $opt_debug; warn "###########################################################\n\n\n" if $opt_debug; $full_command = "$smart_command -d $interface -A $device"; warn "(debug) executing:\n$full_command\n\n" if $opt_debug; @output = `$full_command`; warn "(debug) output:\n@output\n\n" if $opt_debug; my @perfdata = qw//; # separate metric-gathering and output analysis for ATA vs SCSI SMART output if ($interface eq 'ata'){ foreach my $line(@output){ # get lines that look like this: # 9 Power_On_Minutes 0x0032 241 241 000 Old_age Always - 113h+12m next unless $line =~ /^\s*\d+\s(\S+)\s+(?:\S+\s+){6}(\S+)\s+(\d+)/; my ($attribute_name, $when_failed, $raw_value) = ($1, $2, $3); if ($when_failed ne '-'){ push(@error_messages, "Attribute $attribute_name failed at $when_failed"); escalate_status('WARNING'); warn "(debug) parsed SMART attribute $attribute_name with error condition:\n$when_failed\n\n" if $opt_debug; } # some attributes produce questionable data; no need to graph them if (grep {$_ eq $attribute_name} ('Unknown_Attribute', 'Power_On_Minutes') ){ next; } push (@perfdata, "$attribute_name=$raw_value"); # do some manual checks if ( ($attribute_name eq 'Current_Pending_Sector') && $raw_value ) { push(@error_messages, "Sectors pending re-allocation"); escalate_status('WARNING'); warn "(debug) Current_Pending_Sector is non-zero ($raw_value)\n\n" if $opt_debug; } } } else{ my ($current_temperature, $max_temperature, $current_start_stop, $max_start_stop) = qw//; foreach my $line(@output){ if ($line =~ /Current Drive Temperature:\s+(\d+)/){ $current_temperature = $1; } elsif ($line =~ /Drive Trip Temperature:\s+(\d+)/){ $max_temperature = $1; } elsif ($line =~ /Current start stop count:\s+(\d+)/){ $current_start_stop = $1; } elsif ($line =~ /Recommended maximum start stop count:\s+(\d+)/){ $max_start_stop = $1; } elsif ($line =~ /Elements in grown defect list:\s+(\d+)/){ push (@perfdata, "defect_list=$1"); } elsif ($line =~ /Blocks sent to initiator =\s+(\d+)/){ push (@perfdata, "sent_blocks=$1"); } } if($current_temperature){ if($max_temperature){ push (@perfdata, "temperature=$current_temperature;;$max_temperature"); if($current_temperature > $max_temperature){ warn "(debug) Disk temperature is greater than max ($current_temperature > $max_temperature)\n\n" if $opt_debug; push(@error_messages, 'Disk temperature is higher than maximum'); escalate_status('CRITICAL'); } } else{ push (@perfdata, "temperature=$current_temperature"); } } if($current_start_stop){ if($max_start_stop){ push (@perfdata, "start_stop=$current_start_stop;$max_start_stop"); if($current_start_stop > $max_start_stop){ warn "(debug) Disk start_stop is greater than max ($current_start_stop > $max_start_stop)\n\n" if $opt_debug; push(@error_messages, 'Disk start_stop is higher than maximum'); escalate_status('WARNING'); } } else{ push (@perfdata, "start_stop=$current_start_stop"); } } } warn "(debug) gathered perfdata:\n@perfdata\n\n" if $opt_debug; my $perf_string = join(' ', @perfdata); warn "###########################################################\n" if $opt_debug; warn "(debug) FINAL STATUS: $exit_status\n" if $opt_debug; warn "###########################################################\n\n\n" if $opt_debug; warn "(debug) final status/output:\n" if $opt_debug; my $status_string = ''; if($exit_status ne 'OK'){ $status_string = "$exit_status: ".join(', ', @error_messages); } else { $status_string = "OK: no SMART errors detected"; } print "$status_string|$perf_string\n"; exit $ERRORS{$exit_status}; sub print_help { print_revision($basename,$revision); print "Usage: $basename (--device=<SMART device> --interface=(ata|scsi)|-h|-v) [--debug]\n"; print " --debug: show debugging information\n"; print " -d/--device: a device to be SMART monitored, eg /dev/sda\n"; print " -i/--interface: ata or scsi, depending upon the device's interface type\n"; print " -h/--help: this help\n"; print " -v/--version: Version number\n"; support(); } # escalate an exit status IFF it's more severe than the previous exit status sub escalate_status { my $requested_status = shift; # no test for 'CRITICAL'; automatically escalates upwards if ($requested_status eq 'WARNING') { return if $exit_status eq 'CRITICAL'; } if ($requested_status eq 'UNKNOWN') { return if $exit_status eq 'WARNING'; return if $exit_status eq 'CRITICAL'; } $exit_status = $requested_status; }