# This is the playbook that installs couchdb 1.x
- name: Add the ppa for couchdb
  apt_repository: repo='{{ couchdb_ppa }}'
  register: install_ppa
  tags: couchdb

- name: Update the apt cache if needed
  apt: update_cache=yes
  when: ( install_ppa | changed )
  tags: couchdb

- name: Install the couchdb packages
  apt: pkg={{ item }}  state={{ couchdb_pkg_state }}
  with_items: couchdb_pkgs
  tags: couchdb

- name: Change the open files limit
  template: src=limits-couchdb.nofiles.j2 dest=/etc/security/limits.d/couchdb.nofiles.conf owner=root group=root mode=0444
  tags: couchdb

# Couchdb changes the admin password with a hash, so we need to not overwrite the file at each playbook run
# Note: we have chosen to distribute the hashed password
- name: Create the admin config file, once
  copy: content="[admins]\n" dest={{ couchdb_local_ini_d }}/local.d/admin.ini force=no
  when: couchdb_set_admin
  register: admin_init
  tags: couchdb
- name: Set the admin users
  ini_file: dest={{ couchdb_local_ini_d }}/local.d/admin.ini section=admins option={{ item.user }} value={{ item.pwd }} owner=couchdb group=couchdb mode=0640 state={{ item.state }}
  with_items: couchdb_admin_users
    - couchdb_set_admin
#    - admin_init is defined and ( admin_init | changed )
  notify: Restart couchdb
  tags: [ 'couchdb', 'couch_opts']
- name: Basic couchdb configuration
  ini_file: dest={{ couchdb_local_ini_d }}/local.ini section={{ item.section }} option={{ item.option }} value={{ item.value }} owner=couchdb group=couchdb mode=0640 state={{ item.state }}
  with_items: couchdb_default_options
  notify: Restart couchdb
  tags: [ 'couchdb', 'couch_opts']
- name: Replicator couchdb configuration
  ini_file: dest={{ couchdb_local_ini_d }}/local.d/replicator.ini section={{ item.section }} option={{ item.option }} value={{ item.value }} owner=couchdb group=couchdb mode=0640 state={{ item.state }}
  with_items: couchdb_replicator_options
  notify: Restart couchdb
  tags: [ 'couchdb', 'couch_opts']

- name: Activate ssl for couchdb
  ini_file: dest={{ couchdb_local_ini_d }}/local.ini section={{ item.section }} option={{ item.option }} value={{ item.value }} owner=couchdb group=couchdb mode=0640 state={{ item.state }}
  with_items: couchdb_ssl_options
  when: couchdb_ssl_enabled
  notify: Restart couchdb
  tags: [ 'couchdb', 'couch_opts']

- name: Activate ssl for couchdb
  ini_file: dest={{ couchdb_local_ini_d }}/default.ini section={{ item.section }} option={{ item.option }} value={{ item.value }} owner=couchdb group=couchdb mode=0640 state={{ item.state }}
  with_items: couchdb_ssl_default_remove
  when: couchdb_ssl_enabled
  notify: Restart couchdb
  tags: [ 'couchdb', 'couch_opts']

- name: Disable ssl for couchdb
  ini_file: dest={{ couchdb_local_ini_d }}/local.ini section={{ item.section }} option={{ item.option }} value={{ item.value }} owner=couchdb group=couchdb mode=0640 state={{ item.state }}
  with_items: couchdb_disable_ssl_options
  when: not couchdb_ssl_enabled
  notify: Restart couchdb
  tags: [ 'couchdb', 'couch_opts']

- name: Custom couchdb configuration
  ini_file: dest={{ couchdb_local_ini_d }}/local.ini section={{ item.section }} option={{ item.option }} value={{ item.value }} owner=couchdb group=couchdb mode=0640 state={{ item.state }}
  with_items: couchdb_custom_options
  when: couchdb_custom_options is defined
  notify: Restart couchdb
  tags: [ 'couchdb', 'couch_opts']
- name: Ensure that couchdb is enabled and running
  service: name=couchdb state=started enabled=yes
  when: couchdb_enabled
  tags: couchdb

- name: Ensure that couchdb is disabled and stopped
  service: name=couchdb state=stopped enabled=no
  when: not couchdb_enabled
  tags: couchdb