
103 lines
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from torchtext.vocab import Vectors
import torch
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
import numpy as np
from util.SIF_embed import remove_pc
class PretrainedEmbeddings(ABC):
def __init__(self):
def vocabulary(self): pass
def dim(self): pass
def reindex(cls, words, word2index):
if isinstance(words, dict):
words = list(zip(*sorted(words.items(), key=lambda x: x[1])))[0]
source_idx, target_idx = [], []
for i, word in enumerate(words):
if word not in word2index:
j = word2index[word]
source_idx = np.asarray(source_idx)
target_idx = np.asarray(target_idx)
return source_idx, target_idx
class MuseLoader:
def __init__(self, langs, cache):
self.langs = langs
self.lEmbed = {}
self.lExtracted = {}
for lang in self.langs:
print(f'Loading vectors for {lang}...')
self.lEmbed[lang] = Vectors(f'wiki.multi.{lang}.vec', cache)
def dim(self):
return self.lEmbed[list(self.lEmbed.keys())[0]].dim
def vocabulary(self):
return {lang: set(self.lEmbed[lang].stoi.keys()) for lang in self.langs}
def extract(self, lVoc):
Reindex pretrained loaded embedding in order to match indexes assigned by scikit vectorizer. Such indexes
are consistent with those used by Word Class Embeddings (since we deploy the same vectorizer)
:param lVoc: dict {lang : {word : id}}
:return: torch embedding matrix of extracted embeddings i.e., words in lVoc
for lang, words in lVoc.items():
print(f'Extracting words for lang {lang}...')
# words = list(zip(*sorted(lVoc[lang].items(), key=lambda x: x[1])))[0]
source_id, target_id = PretrainedEmbeddings.reindex(words, self.lEmbed[lang].stoi)
extraction = torch.zeros((len(words), self.dim()))
extraction[source_id] = self.lEmbed[lang].vectors[target_id]
self.lExtracted[lang] = extraction
return self.lExtracted
def get_lEmbeddings(self):
return {lang: self.lEmbed[lang].vectors for lang in self.langs}
def XdotM(X, M, sif):
E =
if sif:
E = remove_pc(E, npc=1)
return E
def wce_matrix(X, Y):
wce = supervised_embeddings_tfidf(X, Y)
wce = zscores(wce, axis=0)
return wce
def supervised_embeddings_tfidf(X, Y):
tfidf_norm = X.sum(axis=0)
tfidf_norm[tfidf_norm == 0] = 1
F = (X.T).dot(Y) / tfidf_norm.T
return F
def zscores(X, axis=0):
scipy.stats.zscores does not avoid division by 0, which can indeed occur
:param X:
:param axis:
std = np.clip(np.std(X, ddof=1, axis=axis), 1e-5, None)
mean = np.mean(X, axis=axis)
return (X - mean) / std