153 lines
5.5 KiB
153 lines
5.5 KiB
import numpy as np
class ContTable:
def __init__(self, tp=0, tn=0, fp=0, fn=0):
self.tp = tp
self.tn = tn
self.fp = fp
self.fn = fn
def get_d(self): return self.tp + self.tn + self.fp + self.fn
def get_c(self): return self.tp + self.fn
def get_not_c(self): return self.tn + self.fp
def get_f(self): return self.tp + self.fp
def get_not_f(self): return self.tn + self.fn
def p_c(self): return (1.0*self.get_c())/self.get_d()
def p_not_c(self): return 1.0-self.p_c()
def p_f(self): return (1.0*self.get_f())/self.get_d()
def p_not_f(self): return 1.0-self.p_f()
def p_tp(self): return (1.0*self.tp) / self.get_d()
def p_tn(self): return (1.0*self.tn) / self.get_d()
def p_fp(self): return (1.0*self.fp) / self.get_d()
def p_fn(self): return (1.0*self.fn) / self.get_d()
def tpr(self):
c = 1.0*self.get_c()
return self.tp / c if c > 0.0 else 0.0
def fpr(self):
_c = 1.0*self.get_not_c()
return self.fp / _c if _c > 0.0 else 0.0
def __add__(self, other):
return ContTable(tp=self.tp + other.tp, tn=self.tn + other.tn, fp=self.fp + other.fp, fn=self.fn + other.fn)
def accuracy(cell):
return (cell.tp + cell.tn)*1.0 / (cell.tp + cell.fp + cell.fn + cell.tn)
def f1(cell):
num = 2.0 * cell.tp
den = 2.0 * cell.tp + cell.fp + cell.fn
if den > 0:
return num / den
# we define f1 to be 1 if den==0 since the classifier has correctly classified all instances as negative
return 1.0
def K(cell):
specificity, recall = 0., 0.
AN = cell.tn + cell.fp
if AN != 0:
specificity = cell.tn*1. / AN
AP = cell.tp + cell.fn
if AP != 0:
recall = cell.tp*1. / AP
if AP == 0:
return 2. * specificity - 1.
elif AN == 0:
return 2. * recall - 1.
return specificity + recall - 1.
# if the classifier is single class, then the prediction is a vector of shape=(nD,) which causes issues when compared
# to the true labels (of shape=(nD,1)). This method increases the dimensions of the predictions.
def __check_consistency_and_adapt(true_labels, predictions):
if predictions.ndim == 1:
return __check_consistency_and_adapt(true_labels, np.expand_dims(predictions, axis=1))
if true_labels.ndim == 1:
return __check_consistency_and_adapt(np.expand_dims(true_labels, axis=1), predictions)
if true_labels.shape != predictions.shape:
raise ValueError("True and predicted label matrices shapes are inconsistent %s %s."
% (true_labels.shape, predictions.shape))
_, nC = true_labels.shape
return true_labels, predictions, nC
# computes the (soft) contingency table where tp, fp, fn, and tn are the cumulative masses for the posterioir
# probabilitiesfron with respect to the true binary labels
# true_labels and posterior_probabilities are two vectors of shape (number_documents,)
def soft_single_metric_statistics(true_labels, posterior_probabilities):
assert len(true_labels) == len(posterior_probabilities), "Format not consistent between true and predicted labels."
tp = np.sum(posterior_probabilities[true_labels == 1])
fn = np.sum(1. - posterior_probabilities[true_labels == 1])
fp = np.sum(posterior_probabilities[true_labels == 0])
tn = np.sum(1. - posterior_probabilities[true_labels == 0])
return ContTable(tp=tp, tn=tn, fp=fp, fn=fn)
# computes the (hard) counters tp, fp, fn, and tn fron a true and predicted vectors of hard decisions
# true_labels and predicted_labels are two vectors of shape (number_documents,)
def hard_single_metric_statistics(true_labels, predicted_labels):
assert len(true_labels) == len(predicted_labels), "Format not consistent between true and predicted labels."
nd = len(true_labels)
tp = np.sum(predicted_labels[true_labels == 1])
fp = np.sum(predicted_labels[true_labels == 0])
fn = np.sum(true_labels[predicted_labels == 0])
tn = nd - (tp+fp+fn)
return ContTable(tp=tp, tn=tn, fp=fp, fn=fn)
def macro_average(true_labels, predicted_labels, metric, metric_statistics=hard_single_metric_statistics):
true_labels, predicted_labels, nC = __check_consistency_and_adapt(true_labels, predicted_labels)
return np.mean([metric(metric_statistics(true_labels[:, c], predicted_labels[:, c])) for c in range(nC)])
def micro_average(true_labels, predicted_labels, metric, metric_statistics=hard_single_metric_statistics):
true_labels, predicted_labels, nC = __check_consistency_and_adapt(true_labels, predicted_labels)
accum = ContTable()
for c in range(nC):
other = metric_statistics(true_labels[:, c], predicted_labels[:, c])
accum = accum + other
return metric(accum)
# true_labels and predicted_labels are two matrices in sklearn.preprocessing.MultiLabelBinarizer format
def macroF1(true_labels, predicted_labels):
return macro_average(true_labels, predicted_labels, f1)
# true_labels and predicted_labels are two matrices in sklearn.preprocessing.MultiLabelBinarizer format
def microF1(true_labels, predicted_labels):
return micro_average(true_labels, predicted_labels, f1)
# true_labels and predicted_labels are two matrices in sklearn.preprocessing.MultiLabelBinarizer format
def macroK(true_labels, predicted_labels):
return macro_average(true_labels, predicted_labels, K)
# true_labels and predicted_labels are two matrices in sklearn.preprocessing.MultiLabelBinarizer format
def microK(true_labels, predicted_labels):
return micro_average(true_labels, predicted_labels, K)