diff --git a/main.py b/main.py index afa579c..d880fa3 100644 --- a/main.py +++ b/main.py @@ -13,16 +13,13 @@ from gfun.generalizedFunnelling import GeneralizedFunnelling """ TODO: + - [!] logging - add documentations sphinx - - zero-shot setup - - load pre-trained VGFs while retaining ability to train new ones (self.fitted = True in loaded? or smt like that) - - test split in MultiNews dataset - - when we load a model and change its config (eg change the agg func, re-train meta), we should store this model as a new one (save it) + - [!] zero-shot setup - FFNN posterior-probabilities' dependent - re-init langs when loading VGFs? - - there is a mess about sigmoid in the Attention aggregator + and evaluation function (predict). We were applying sig() 2 times on the outputs (at pred and at eval)... - [!] loss of Attention-aggregator seems to be uncorrelated with Macro-F1 on the validation set! - - aligner layer (suggestion by G.Puccetti) + - [!] experiment with weight init of Attention-aggregator """