diff --git a/js/script_Luk_Q.js b/js/script_Luk_Q.js
index 7c68cd7..59adf19 100644
--- a/js/script_Luk_Q.js
+++ b/js/script_Luk_Q.js
@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ $(document).ready(function() {
$("#copiaTesto").prop("disabled", true);
+ // Evento: click sul bottone di copia dei risultati testuali
$("#copiaTesto").on("click", function(){
@@ -107,84 +108,31 @@ $(document).ready(function() {
var addClaN = $(this).attr('id');
switch (addClaN) {
case "Grammaticale":
- tabID++;
- var clone = document.getElementById("tipogrammaticaleN").cloneNode(true);
- clone.setAttribute("id","cla" + tabID);
- clone.setAttribute("aria-labelledby","cla" + tabID + "-tab");
- clone.removeAttribute("style");
- $('#cla-TabContent').append(clone);
- // se non cambio l'id della select react non rileva l'evento onchange:
- $('#cla' + tabID + " #grammtypes").attr("id","grammtypes" + tabID);
- claListLen++;
- $('#tab-list').append($('
' + iconFilter + ' ' + claListLen + '. Grammaticale'));
+ addGramCla();
$('#cla' + tabID + '-tab').tab('show');
case "Sintattico":
- tabID++;
- var clone = document.getElementById("tiposintatticoN").cloneNode(true);
- clone.setAttribute("id","cla" + tabID);
- clone.setAttribute("aria-labelledby","cla" + tabID + "-tab");
- clone.removeAttribute("style");
- $('#cla-TabContent').append(clone);
- claListLen++;
- $('#tab-list').append($('' + iconFilter + ' ' + claListLen + '. Sintattico'));
+ addSyntCla();
$('#cla' + tabID + '-tab').tab('show');
case "Metafore":
- tabID++;
- $('#cla-TabContent').append($('' + iconCheckAndClose + '
Clausola Metafore - non ancora implementata
- claListLen++;
- $('#tab-list').append($('' + iconFilter + ' ' + claListLen + '. Metafore'));
+ addMetaCla();
$('#cla' + tabID + '-tab').tab('show');
case "Dialoghi":
- tabID++;
- $('#cla-TabContent').append($('' + iconCheckAndClose + '
Clausola Dialoghi - non ancora implementata
- claListLen++;
- $('#tab-list').append($('' + iconFilter + ' ' + claListLen + '. Dialoghi'));
+ addDialCla();
$('#cla' + tabID + '-tab').tab('show');
case "Struttura":
- tabID++;
- $('#cla-TabContent').append($('' + iconCheckAndClose + '
Clausola Struttura testo - non ancora implementata
- claListLen++;
- $('#tab-list').append($('' + iconFilter + ' ' + claListLen + '. Struttura'));
+ addStruCla();
$('#cla' + tabID + '-tab').tab('show');
case "andCond":
- condListLen++;
- var LItext = condLIpart1 + condListLen + condLIpart2and + condListLen + condLIpart3and + condListLen + condLIpart4;
- if ($("#H-cla0")[0]) {
- $("#H-cla0")[0].remove();
- };
- $("#sortable0").append(LItext);
- $("#sortable" + condListLen).sortable();
- $("#sortable" + condListLen).sortable( "option", "appendTo", document.body );
- $("#sortable" + condListLen).sortable({
- items: "> li",
- handle: ".handle",
- opacity: 0.6,
- cursor: 'move',
- update: function() {refreshSortables();}
- });
+ addLogicCond("AND")
case "orCond":
- condListLen++;
- var LItext = condLIpart1 + condListLen + condLIpart2or + condListLen + condLIpart3or + condListLen + condLIpart4;
- if ($("#H-cla0")[0]) {
- $("#H-cla0")[0].remove();
- };
- $("#sortable0").append(LItext);
- $("#sortable" + condListLen).sortable();
- $("#sortable" + condListLen).sortable( "option", "appendTo", document.body );
- $("#sortable" + condListLen).sortable({
- items: "> li",
- handle: ".handle",
- opacity: 0.6,
- cursor: 'move',
- update: function() {refreshSortables();}
- });
+ addLogicCond("OR")
@@ -239,12 +187,11 @@ $(document).ready(function() {
$("#apriFile").on('change', function() {
var file = $(this).prop('files')[0];
- //console.log(file);
var reader = new FileReader();
reader.onload = function(data){
queryJson = JSON.parse(data.target.result)
- console.log(queryJson);
+ makeUpGui(queryJson);
if (file) {reader.readAsText(file);}
@@ -574,7 +521,7 @@ $(document).ready(function() {
var logicExprString = ``;
var execQuery = ``;
var queryFields = []; // Contiene le intestazioni di colonna della tabella dei risultati
- var c0 = JSON.parse('{"queryText": "", "lemma_forma": "lemma", "Tipo": "0", "Attiva": "0"}');
+ var c0 = JSON.parse('{"queryText": "", "lemma_forma": "lemma", "TipoClausola": "0", "Attiva": "0"}');
var queryJson = JSON.parse('{"EsprLogica":""}');
queryJson.LiDaVersion = "1.0";
queryJson.Clausola0 = c0;
@@ -587,8 +534,6 @@ $(document).ready(function() {
async function executeQuery(){
- //execQuery = sparqlQuery3;
- //queryFields = queryFields3;
bindingsStream = await myEngine.queryBindings(execQuery, { sources: [ { type: 'sparql', value: sparqlEndpoint }, ], });
@@ -600,6 +545,7 @@ $(document).ready(function() {
var resultTablePart4 = '';
var resultTablePart5 = '';
var resultTable = '';
+ var latestVerso = '';
var latestResult = '';
var rowNum = 1;
for (var i = 0; i < queryFields.length; i++) {
@@ -609,11 +555,10 @@ $(document).ready(function() {
$('#resultsId1').addClass("small pb-2")
- //$("#risultatitesto").append("[\n");
bindingsStream.on('data', (binding) => {
//console.log(binding.toString()); // Quick way to print bindings for testing
//console.log(binding.has('sub')); // Will be true
- var latestVerso = binding.get('Verso').value
+ latestVerso = binding.get('Verso').value
latestResult = rowNum + '. "' + latestVerso.replace(binding.get('Forma').value, '*' + binding.get('Forma').value + '*') + '" (' + binding.get('Cantica').value + ', ' + binding.get('Canto').value + ', Verso ' + binding.get('NumeroVerso').value + ')\n';
resultTablePart4 = '' + rowNum++ + ' | ';
@@ -621,18 +566,12 @@ $(document).ready(function() {
resultTablePart4 = resultTablePart4 + '' + binding.get(queryFields[i]).value + " | ";
resultTable = resultTable + resultTablePart4 + '
- //$("#risultatitesto").append(binding.toString() + ",\n");
- //console.log(binding.get('Verso').value);
- //console.log(binding.get('form').termType);
- //console.log(binding.get('pred').value);
- //console.log(binding.get('obj').value);
bindingsStream.on('end', () => {
resultTable = resultTable + resultTablePart5;
- //$("#risultatitesto").append("]");
$("#copiaTesto").prop("disabled", false);
$('#resultTable').DataTable( {
colReorder: true,
@@ -649,7 +588,80 @@ $(document).ready(function() {
+ // Funzione di creazione del tab delle clausole grammaticali
+ function addGramCla(){
+ tabID++;
+ var clone = document.getElementById("tipogrammaticaleN").cloneNode(true);
+ clone.setAttribute("id","cla" + tabID);
+ clone.setAttribute("aria-labelledby","cla" + tabID + "-tab");
+ clone.removeAttribute("style");
+ $('#cla-TabContent').append(clone);
+ // se non cambio l'id della select react non rileva l'evento onchange:
+ $('#cla' + tabID + " #grammtypes").attr("id","grammtypes" + tabID);
+ claListLen++;
+ $('#tab-list').append($('' + iconFilter + ' ' + claListLen + '. Grammaticale'));
+ }
+ // Funzione di creazione del tab delle clausole sintattiche
+ function addSyntCla(){
+ tabID++;
+ var clone = document.getElementById("tiposintatticoN").cloneNode(true);
+ clone.setAttribute("id","cla" + tabID);
+ clone.setAttribute("aria-labelledby","cla" + tabID + "-tab");
+ clone.removeAttribute("style");
+ $('#cla-TabContent').append(clone);
+ claListLen++;
+ $('#tab-list').append($('' + iconFilter + ' ' + claListLen + '. Sintattico'));
+ }
+ // Funzione di creazione del tab delle clausole metafore
+ function addMetaCla(){
+ tabID++;
+ $('#cla-TabContent').append($('' + iconCheckAndClose + '
Clausola Metafore - non ancora implementata
+ claListLen++;
+ $('#tab-list').append($('' + iconFilter + ' ' + claListLen + '. Metafore'));
+ }
+ // Funzione di creazione del tab delle clausole dialoghi
+ function addDialCla(){
+ tabID++;
+ $('#cla-TabContent').append($('' + iconCheckAndClose + '
Clausola Dialoghi - non ancora implementata
+ claListLen++;
+ $('#tab-list').append($('' + iconFilter + ' ' + claListLen + '. Dialoghi'));
+ }
+ // Funzione di creazione del tab delle clausole struttura
+ function addStruCla(){
+ tabID++;
+ $('#cla-TabContent').append($('' + iconCheckAndClose + '
Clausola Struttura testo - non ancora implementata
+ claListLen++;
+ $('#tab-list').append($('' + iconFilter + ' ' + claListLen + '. Struttura'));
+ }
+ // Funzione di creazione del LI delle condizioni logiche
+ function addLogicCond(condtype){
+ condListLen++;
+ if (condtype == "AND") {
+ var LItext = condLIpart1 + condListLen + condLIpart2and + condListLen + condLIpart3and + condListLen + condLIpart4;
+ } else {
+ var LItext = condLIpart1 + condListLen + condLIpart2or + condListLen + condLIpart3or + condListLen + condLIpart4;
+ }
+ if ($("#H-cla0")[0]) {
+ $("#H-cla0")[0].remove();
+ };
+ $("#sortable0").append(LItext);
+ $("#sortable" + condListLen).sortable();
+ $("#sortable" + condListLen).sortable( "option", "appendTo", document.body );
+ $("#sortable" + condListLen).sortable({
+ items: "> li",
+ handle: ".handle",
+ opacity: 0.6,
+ cursor: 'move',
+ update: function() {refreshSortables();}
+ });
+ }
// Funzione di refresh della lista delle tab delle clausole
function refreshTabList(){
var tabs=$("#tab-list li:not(:first)");
@@ -694,7 +706,7 @@ $(document).ready(function() {
var tabsC=$("#cla-TabContent").find(".tab-pane:not(:first)");
var clausoleText = "";
var len=0;
- queryJson.Clausola0 = JSON.parse('{"queryText": "' + qText + '", "lemma_forma": "' + l_f + '", "Tipo": "0", "Attiva": "' + claActive + '"}');
+ queryJson.Clausola0 = JSON.parse('{"queryText": "' + qText + '", "lemma_forma": "' + l_f + '", "TipoClausola": "0", "Attiva": "' + claActive + '"}');
if ($(tabsC).length) {
if ($("#H-cla0")[0]) {
@@ -710,12 +722,12 @@ $(document).ready(function() {
if (claActive > 0) {
checkInsert = '" checked="checked"';
- var jsonTextToParse = '{"queryText": "' + qText + '", "lemma_forma": "' + l_f + '", "Tipo": "' + claType + '", "Attiva": "' + claActive + '"';
+ var jsonTextToParse = '{"queryText": "' + qText + '", "lemma_forma": "' + l_f + '", "TipoClausola": "' + claType + '", "Attiva": "' + claActive + '"';
switch (claType) {
case "Grammaticale":
- var graSelect = $(this).find(".catgram");
- claText = len + ". Categoria grammaticale: " + graSelect[0].options[graSelect[0].selectedIndex].text + '
- jsonTextToParse = jsonTextToParse + ', "' + graSelect.attr('name') + '": "' + graSelect[0].options[graSelect[0].selectedIndex].value + '"';
+ var gramSelect = $(this).find(".catgram");
+ claText = len + ". Categoria grammaticale: " + gramSelect[0].options[gramSelect[0].selectedIndex].text + '
+ jsonTextToParse = jsonTextToParse + ', "' + gramSelect.attr('name') + '": "' + gramSelect[0].options[gramSelect[0].selectedIndex].value + '"';
var claSubParList = $(this).children(".dettaglifiltri").find("select, fieldset");
var claSubParType = $(this)[0].type;
@@ -836,7 +848,6 @@ $(document).ready(function() {
logicExprString = parseCond("#sortable0", "AND");
queryJson.EsprLogica = logicExprString.split(' ');
- //console.log(queryJson);
// Funzione di refresh dei collegamenti tra elementi sortable
@@ -906,22 +917,76 @@ $(document).ready(function() {
$(this).after('Copiati nella clipboard
- function cambio(event) {
- var file = event.target.files[0];
- var reader = new FileReader();
- reader.onload = function(e) {
- // The file's text will be printed here
- console.log(e.target.result)
+ function makeUpGui(queryJson) {
+ // 1. verifica json legit
+ // 2. pulire interfaccia
+ // 3. contare clausole, ricrearle in ordine e popolarle
+ // 4. ricreare condizioni logiche
+ // 5. ricreare albero logico
+ // 6. ???
+ var logicExpr = queryJson.EsprLogica;
+ var clauCount = 0;
+ var clau2Make = "";
+ console.log(logicExpr);
+ for (var i=0; i < logicExpr.length; i++) {
+ //console.log("- " + logicExpr[i]);
+ switch (logicExpr[i]) {
+ case "(":
+ console.log("(");
+ break;
+ case ")":
+ console.log(")");
+ break;
+ case "OR":
+ console.log("OR");
+ break;
+ case "AND":
+ console.log("AND");
+ break;
+ default:
+ clauCount++
+ };
- reader.readAsText(file);
+ console.log(clauCount + " clausole:");
+ for (var i=1; i <= clauCount; i++) {
+ clau2Make = queryJson["Clausola" + i].TipoClausola;
+ console.log(clau2Make);
+ switch (clau2Make) {
+ case "Grammaticale":
+ addGramCla();
+ //$('#cla' + tabID + '-tab').tab('show');
+ break;
+ case "Sintattico":
+ addSyntCla();
+ //$('#cla' + tabID + '-tab').tab('show');
+ break;
+ case "Metafore":
+ addMetaCla();
+ //$('#cla' + tabID + '-tab').tab('show');
+ break;
+ case "Dialoghi":
+ addDialCla();
+ //$('#cla' + tabID + '-tab').tab('show');
+ break;
+ case "Struttura":
+ addStruCla();
+ //$('#cla' + tabID + '-tab').tab('show');
+ break;
+ case "andCond":
+ addLogicCond("AND")
+ refreshConnectWith();
+ break;
+ case "orCond":
+ addLogicCond("OR")
+ refreshConnectWith();
+ break;
+ default:
+ };
+ };
+ refreshTabList();
+ refreshClaList();
- function cloneClaSint(clone,tabID){
- var original = document.getElementById("tiposintatticoX");
- clone = original.cloneNode(true);
- clone.setAttribute("id","tiposintattico" + tabID);
- }