#!/bin/bash #################################################################### #### Written by Daniele Pavia (ENG) #### configures the container.xml, runs the default tomcat instance #### and executes the ssh server in foreground to enable ansible #### provisioning while keeping the container alive #################################################################### #### let's configure the container #### if no token is set refuse to run if [[ -z "$CONTAINER_TOKENS" ]]; ## spacchetta_token! then echo "CONTAINER_TOKENS not set, failed to configure the container. Exiting with errors."; exit 1 else #echo "tokens: $CONTAINER_TOKENS" OLDIFS=$IFS IFS="," read -r -a tokens <<< "$CONTAINER_TOKENS" for token in ${tokens[@]}; do sed -i "/gcube<\/infrastructure>/a \\\t$token<\/token>" container.xml; done IFS=$OLDIFS fi if [[ -z "$CONTAINER_MODE" ]]; then echo "CONTAINER_MODE not set, assuming default value."; else sed -i "s///" container.xml; fi if [[ -z "$CONTAINER_HOSTNAME" ]]; then echo "CONTAINER_HOSTNAME not set, assuming default value."; else sed -i "s/localhost<\/hostname>/$CONTAINER_HOSTNAME<\/hostname>/" container.xml; fi if [[ -z "$CONTAINER_PORT" ]]; then echo "CONTAINER_PORT not set, assuming default value."; else sed -i "s/8080<\/port>/$CONTAINER_PORT<\/port>/" container.xml; fi if [[ -z "$CONTAINER_INFRASTRUCTURE" ]]; then echo "CONTAINER_INFRASTRUCTURE not set, assuming default value."; else sed -i "s/gcube<\/infrastructure>/$CONTAINER_INFRASTRUCTURE<\/infrastructure>/" container.xml; fi if [[ $PATCH_COMMON_SCOPES = "1" ]]; then rm ./lib/common-scope-maps-*; mv common-scope-maps-patched.jar ./lib/ fi if [[ $PATCH_COMMON_AUTHORIZATION = "1" ]]; then rm ./lib/common-authorization-*; mv common-authorization-patched.jar ./lib/ fi echo "Container configuration done" #### let's start tomcat. Ignore its status after the start. echo "Starting Tomcat7" service tomcat7 start echo "Starting ssh server in foreground" /usr/sbin/sshd -D