- block:
  - name: Install the python 3 ppa repository
    apt_repository: repo={{ py3_ppa }} update_cache=yes state=present

    - py3_env_install
    - ansible_distribution_version is version_compare('18.04', '<')
  tags: [ "python", "py3_env", "py3_env_pkgs", 'python3' ]

- block:
  - name: Install the python3 deb packages
    apt: name={{ py3_env_dpkg }} state={{ py3_env_pkgs_state }} update_cache=yes cache_valid_time=600

  - name: Install the correct pip3 version
    shell: python{{ py3_env_version }} -m ensurepip && pip{{ py3_env_version }} install --upgrade pip setuptools wheel

  - name: Install a list of pip packages
    pip: executable=pip{{ py3_env_version }} name={{ py3_env_pip_pkgs }} state=latest

  - name: Install a list of versioned pip packages
    pip: executable=pip{{ py3_env_version }} name={{ item.pkg }} version={{ item.version }}
    with_items: '{{ py3_env_versioned_pip_pkgs | default ([]) }}'

  when: py3_env_install
  tags: [ "python", "py3_env", "py3_env_pkgs", 'python3' ]