- name: add ghn user #home is /opt/ghn/, password is "gCore??"
  action: user name={{ ghn_user }}  password=$1$SuG4r$6AGiUoMKjZAHFJgYLDTkW/ shell=/bin/bash createhome=yes home={{ globus_location }}

- name: download and extract ghn release specified in '../defaults/main.yml' 
  unarchive: src='{{ globus_url }}' dest="{{ globus_location }}" copy=no extra_opts='--strip-components=1'
  #unarchive: src='{{ globus_url }}' dest="{{ globus_location }}" copy=no extra_opts='--show-stored-names --strip-components=1'
  #unarchive: src='http://dl.uxnr.de/mirror/curl/curl-7.52.1.tar.gz' dest="{{ globus_location }}" copy=no 

- name: Test if ant is already deployed
  raw: ls -d {{ ant_location }}
  register: is_ant_deployed
  ignore_errors: True
    - ant

- name: create ant_location as defined in '../defaults/main.yml'
  file: path={{ ant_location }} state=directory owner=root group=root mode=0755
  when: is_ant_deployed.rc != 0
    - ant

- name: install apache ant
  unarchive: src={{ ant_url }} dest={{ ant_location }} copy=no extra_opts='--strip-components=1'
  #unarchive: src={{ ant_url }} dest={{ ant_location }} copy=no extra_opts='--show-stored-names --strip-components=1'
  when: is_ant_deployed.rc != 0
    - ant

- name: upload the gcube key specified in '../defaults/main.yml'
  copy: src={{ gcube_key }} dest={{ globus_location }}/config/ mode=0600

- name: upload ghn start script 
  template: src=gcore-start.sh dest={{ globus_location }} mode=0700

- name: copy custom servicemap files
  template: src=ServiceMap_d4s.xml dest={{ globus_location }}/config/
  when: patch_common_scope != 0

- name: copy custom servicemap files
  template: src=ServiceMap_d4stesting.xml dest={{ globus_location }}/config/
  when: patch_common_scope != 0

- name: patch_common_scope={{ patch_common_scope }}, removing bundled common-scope-maps
  raw: rm -f {{ globus_location }}/lib/common-scope-maps*
  when: patch_common_scope != 0
  ignore_errors: True
    - common_scope_maps

- name: upload patched common-scope-maps
  copy: src={{ common_scope_maps_file }} dest={{ globus_location }}/lib/ owner={{ ghn_user }} group={{ ghn_user }} mode=0644
  when: patch_common_scope != 0
    - common_scope_maps

- name: upload d4s.authorization
  template: src=d4s.authorization dest={{ globus_location }}/config/ mode=0644

- name: restore ownership
  file: dest={{ globus_location }} owner={{ ghn_user }}  group={{ ghn_user }} recurse=yes

#  this is commented out since at this point no service has been deployed yet
#- name: start the container
#  become: yes
#  become_user: "{{ ghn_user }}"
#  command: "{{ globus_location }}/gcore-start.sh"