- name: Fix debian/ubuntu broken behaviour. The su pam config does not load pam_limits
  lineinfile: dest=/etc/pam.d/su line="session required pam_limits.so" insertafter="^#\ \(Replaces\ the\ use\ of\ /etc/limits.*$"
  tags: [ 'su', 'pam_limits']

- name: Change the root user security limits
  pam_limits: domain=root limit_type={{ item.type }} limit_item={{ item.l_item }} value={{ item.value }}
  with_items: '{{ root_security_limits }}'
  tags: [ 'su', 'pam_limits']

- name: Change other users security limits
  pam_limits: domain={{ item.domain }} limit_type={{ item.type }} limit_item={{ item.l_item }} value={{ item.value }}
  with_items: '{{ users_security_limits }}'
  tags: [ 'su', 'pam_limits']