### This script reports couchdb metrics to ganglia. ### License to use, modify, and distribute under the GPL ### http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt import logging import os import subprocess import sys import threading import time import traceback import urllib2 import json logging.basicConfig(level=logging.ERROR) _Worker_Thread = None class UpdateCouchdbThread(threading.Thread): def __init__(self, params): threading.Thread.__init__(self) self.running = False self.shuttingdown = False self.refresh_rate = int(params['refresh_rate']) self.metrics = {} self.settings = {} self.stats_url = params['stats_url'] self.stats_url_username = params['stats_url_username'] self.stats_url_password = params['stats_url_password'] self._metrics_lock = threading.Lock() self._settings_lock = threading.Lock() def shutdown(self): self.shuttingdown = True if not self.running: return self.join() def run(self): global _Lock self.running = True while not self.shuttingdown: time.sleep(self.refresh_rate) self.refresh_metrics() self.running = False @staticmethod def _get_couchdb_stats(url, username, password, refresh_rate): if refresh_rate == 60 or refresh_rate == 300 or refresh_rate == 900: url += '?range=' + str(refresh_rate) else: logging.warning('The specified refresh_rate of %d is invalid and has been substituted with 60!' % refresh_rate) url += '?range=60' if username != "": passman = urllib2.HTTPPasswordMgrWithDefaultRealm() passman.add_password(None, url, username, password) urllib2.install_opener(urllib2.build_opener(urllib2.HTTPBasicAuthHandler(passman))) request = urllib2.Request(url) # Set time out for urlopen to 2 seconds otherwise we run into the possibility of hosing gmond c = urllib2.urlopen(request, None, 2) json_data = c.read() c.close() data = json.loads(json_data) couchdb = data['couchdb'] httpd = data['httpd'] request_methods = data['httpd_request_methods'] status_codes = data['httpd_status_codes'] result = {} for first_level_key in data: for second_level_key in data[first_level_key]: value = data[first_level_key][second_level_key]['current'] if value is None: value = 0 else: if second_level_key in ['open_databases', 'open_os_files', 'clients_requesting_changes']: print second_level_key + ': ' + str(value) value = int(value) else: # We need to devide by the range as couchdb provides no per second values value = float(value) / refresh_rate result['couchdb_' + first_level_key + '_' + second_level_key ] = value return result def refresh_metrics(self): logging.debug('refresh metrics') try: logging.debug(' opening URL: ' + str(self.stats_url)) data = UpdateCouchdbThread._get_couchdb_stats(self.stats_url, self.stats_url_username, self.stats_url_password, self.refresh_rate) except: logging.warning('error refreshing metrics') logging.warning(traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stdout)) try: self._metrics_lock.acquire() self.metrics = {} for k, v in data.items(): self.metrics[k] = v except: logging.warning('error refreshing metrics') logging.warning(traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stdout)) return False finally: self._metrics_lock.release() if not self.metrics: logging.warning('error refreshing metrics') return False logging.debug('success refreshing metrics') logging.debug('metrics: ' + str(self.metrics)) return True def metric_of(self, name): logging.debug('getting metric: ' + name) try: if name in self.metrics: try: self._metrics_lock.acquire() logging.debug('metric: %s = %s' % (name, self.metrics[name])) return self.metrics[name] finally: self._metrics_lock.release() except: logging.warning('failed to fetch ' + name) return 0 def setting_of(self, name): logging.debug('getting setting: ' + name) try: if name in self.settings: try: self._settings_lock.acquire() logging.debug('setting: %s = %s' % (name, self.settings[name])) return self.settings[name] finally: self._settings_lock.release() except: logging.warning('failed to fetch ' + name) return 0 def metric_init(params): logging.debug('init: ' + str(params)) global _Worker_Thread METRIC_DEFAULTS = { 'units': 'requests/s', 'groups': 'couchdb', 'slope': 'both', 'value_type': 'float', 'format': '%.3f', 'description': '', 'call_back': metric_of } descriptions = dict( couchdb_couchdb_auth_cache_hits={ 'units': 'hits/s', 'description': 'Number of authentication cache hits'}, couchdb_couchdb_auth_cache_misses={ 'units': 'misses/s', 'description': 'Number of authentication cache misses'}, couchdb_couchdb_database_reads={ 'units': 'reads/s', 'description': 'Number of times a document was read from a database'}, couchdb_couchdb_database_writes={ 'units': 'writes/s', 'description': 'Number of times a document was changed'}, couchdb_couchdb_open_databases={ 'value_type': 'uint', 'format': '%d', 'units': 'databases', 'description': 'Number of open databases'}, couchdb_couchdb_open_os_files={ 'value_type': 'uint', 'format': '%d', 'units': 'files', 'description': 'Number of file descriptors CouchDB has open'}, couchdb_couchdb_request_time={ 'units': 'ms', 'description': 'Request time'}, couchdb_httpd_bulk_requests={ 'description': 'Number of bulk requests'}, couchdb_httpd_clients_requesting_changes={ 'value_type': 'uint', 'format': '%d', 'units': 'clients', 'description': 'Number of clients for continuous _changes'}, couchdb_httpd_requests={ 'description': 'Number of HTTP requests'}, couchdb_httpd_temporary_view_reads={ 'units': 'reads', 'description': 'Number of temporary view reads'}, couchdb_httpd_view_reads={ 'description': 'Number of view reads'}, couchdb_httpd_request_methods_COPY={ 'description': 'Number of HTTP COPY requests'}, couchdb_httpd_request_methods_DELETE={ 'description': 'Number of HTTP DELETE requests'}, couchdb_httpd_request_methods_GET={ 'description': 'Number of HTTP GET requests'}, couchdb_httpd_request_methods_HEAD={ 'description': 'Number of HTTP HEAD requests'}, couchdb_httpd_request_methods_POST={ 'description': 'Number of HTTP POST requests'}, couchdb_httpd_request_methods_PUT={ 'description': 'Number of HTTP PUT requests'}, couchdb_httpd_status_codes_200={ 'units': 'responses/s', 'description': 'Number of HTTP 200 OK responses'}, couchdb_httpd_status_codes_201={ 'units': 'responses/s', 'description': 'Number of HTTP 201 Created responses'}, couchdb_httpd_status_codes_202={ 'units': 'responses/s', 'description': 'Number of HTTP 202 Accepted responses'}, couchdb_httpd_status_codes_301={ 'units': 'responses/s', 'description': 'Number of HTTP 301 Moved Permanently responses'}, couchdb_httpd_status_codes_304={ 'units': 'responses/s', 'description': 'Number of HTTP 304 Not Modified responses'}, couchdb_httpd_status_codes_400={ 'units': 'responses/s', 'description': 'Number of HTTP 400 Bad Request responses'}, couchdb_httpd_status_codes_401={ 'units': 'responses/s', 'description': 'Number of HTTP 401 Unauthorized responses'}, couchdb_httpd_status_codes_403={ 'units': 'responses/s', 'description': 'Number of HTTP 403 Forbidden responses'}, couchdb_httpd_status_codes_404={ 'units': 'responses/s', 'description': 'Number of HTTP 404 Not Found responses'}, couchdb_httpd_status_codes_405={ 'units': 'responses/s', 'description': 'Number of HTTP 405 Method Not Allowed responses'}, couchdb_httpd_status_codes_409={ 'units': 'responses/s', 'description': 'Number of HTTP 409 Conflict responses'}, couchdb_httpd_status_codes_412={ 'units': 'responses/s', 'description': 'Number of HTTP 412 Precondition Failed responses'}, couchdb_httpd_status_codes_500={ 'units': 'responses/s', 'description': 'Number of HTTP 500 Internal Server Error responses'}) if _Worker_Thread is not None: raise Exception('Worker thread already exists') _Worker_Thread = UpdateCouchdbThread(params) _Worker_Thread.refresh_metrics() _Worker_Thread.start() descriptors = [] for name, desc in descriptions.iteritems(): d = desc.copy() d['name'] = str(name) [ d.setdefault(key, METRIC_DEFAULTS[key]) for key in METRIC_DEFAULTS.iterkeys() ] descriptors.append(d) return descriptors def metric_of(name): global _Worker_Thread return _Worker_Thread.metric_of(name) def setting_of(name): global _Worker_Thread return _Worker_Thread.setting_of(name) def metric_cleanup(): global _Worker_Thread if _Worker_Thread is not None: _Worker_Thread.shutdown() logging.shutdown() pass if __name__ == '__main__': from optparse import OptionParser try: logging.debug('running from the cmd line') parser = OptionParser() parser.add_option('-u', '--URL', dest='stats_url', default='', help='URL for couchdb stats page') parser.add_option('-U', '--user', dest='stats_url_username', default='') parser.add_option('-P', '--password', dest='stats_url_password', default='') parser.add_option('-q', '--quiet', dest='quiet', action='store_true', default=False) parser.add_option('-r', '--refresh-rate', dest='refresh_rate', default=60) parser.add_option('-d', '--debug', dest='debug', action='store_true', default=False) (options, args) = parser.parse_args() descriptors = metric_init({ 'stats_url': options.stats_url, 'stats_url_username': options.stats_url_username, 'stats_url_password': options.stats_url_password, 'refresh_rate': options.refresh_rate }) if options.debug: from pprint import pprint pprint(descriptors) for d in descriptors: v = d['call_back'](d['name']) if not options.quiet: print ' {0}: {1} {2} [{3}]' . format(d['name'], v, d['units'], d['description']) os._exit(1) except KeyboardInterrupt: time.sleep(0.2) os._exit(1) except StandardError: traceback.print_exc() os._exit(1) finally: metric_cleanup()