--- - name: Ensure that the solr data directory exists file: path={{ solr_data_dir }}/{{ item }} state=directory mode=0775 owner={{ solr_user }} group={{ solr_user }} with_items: - data/solr - webapps - zoo_data tags: - solr - name: Create the link from the tomcat instance for solr to the solr data directory file: src={{ solr_data_dir }}/data/solr dest={{ solr_tomcat_instance_dir }}/solr state=link when: solr_outside_tomcat_dir tags: - solr - name: Solr needs some additional packages apt: pkg={{ item }} state={{ pkg_state }} with_items: - libslf4j-java - libcommons-logging-java tags: - solr - tomcat - name: Let the additional packages jar files visible to tomcat file: src=/usr/share/java/{{ item }} dest={{ tomcat_catalina_home_dir }}/lib/{{ item }} state=link with_items: - slf4j-api.jar - slf4j-log4j12.jar - jul-to-slf4j.jar - jcl-over-slf4j.jar - commons-logging.jar notify: tomcat solr restart tags: - solr - tomcat - name: Install the solr webapp under {{ solr_data_mountpoint }}/webapps copy: src=solr-{{ solr_version }}.war dest={{ solr_data_dir }}/webapps/solr-{{ solr_version }}.war owner={{ solr_user }} group={{ solr_user }} mode=0644 register: solr_war_installed notify: tomcat solr restart tags: - solr - tomcat - name: Install the solr catalina definition template: src=catalina-{{ item }}.j2 dest={{ solr_tomcat_instance_dir }}/conf/Catalina/localhost/{{ item }} owner=root group=root mode=0444 with_items: - solr.xml notify: tomcat solr restart tags: - solr - name: Install the solr collection1 example unarchive: src=collection1.tar.gz dest={{ solr_data_dir }}/data/solr/ args: creates: '{{ solr_data_dir }}/data/solr/collection1' when: solr_install_collection1 notify: tomcat solr restart tags: - solr - tomcat - name: Fix the collection1 permissions file: path={{ solr_data_dir }}/data/solr/ owner={{ solr_user }} group={{ solr_user }} recurse=yes when: solr_install_collection1 tags: - solr - tomcat - name: Install the tomcat.local default file template: src={{ item }}.j2 dest=/etc/default/tomcat-instance-{{ solr_http_port }}.local owner=root group={{ solr_user }} mode=0440 with_items: - tomcat.local notify: tomcat solr restart tags: - solr - tomcat - name: Install the solr.xml and zookeeper conf files template: src={{ item }}.j2 dest={{ solr_data_dir }}/data/solr/{{ item }} owner=root group={{ solr_user }} mode=0440 with_items: - solr.xml - zoo.cfg notify: tomcat solr restart tags: - solr - tomcat