#!/bin/bash SM_DIR={{ smartgears_install_path }} SM_CONF_F={{ smartgears_user_home }}/.containerxml/1-container.xml SM_CONF_TOKENS_F={{ smartgears_user_home }}/.containerxml/2-container.xml SM_CONF_TAIL_F={{ smartgears_user_home }}/.containerxml/3-container.xml SM_CONF_SCOPES_F=/usr/local/etc/scopes.list SM_CONF_DEST_F=${SM_DIR}/container.xml SM_LIB_DIR=${SM_DIR}/lib SM_STATE_DIR=${SM_DIR}/state/ GET_KEYS_SCRIPT=/usr/local/bin/get-gcube-keys GET_SCOPES_SCRIPT=/usr/local/bin/get-scopes SVC=tomcat-instance-{{ smartgears_http_port }} TOMCAT_DEFAULT=/etc/default/${SVC} LOG_FILE=/var/log/smartgears-node-setup.log HOSTS_FILE=/etc/hosts FQDN_HOST= PUB_FQDN_HOST= PUBLIC_IP= MAIN_IP= WORKING_REVERSE_RESOLUTION=0 RETVAL=0 CLOUD_INSTANCE_DIR=/var/lib/cloud/instance MEM=$( free -m | egrep ^Mem | awk '{ print $2 }' ) JAVA_MAX_HEAP=$( expr $MEM - 2048 ) # WPS configuration data WPS_CONFIG_FIXER=/usr/local/bin/wps-config-fixer # Init some variables that should be passed if [ -z "${SMARTGEARS_SCOPES}" ] ; then SMARTGEARS_SCOPES= fi if [ -z "${HOST}" ] ; then HOST= fi {% raw %} > $LOG_FILE function setup_hostname() { echo "-- setup_hostname" >> $LOG_FILE if [ -z "${HOST}" ] ; then echo "No hostname was passed from the outside. Trying to find it out by ourselves" >> $LOG_FILE FQDN_HOST=$( /bin/hostname -f ) if [ -z "${FQDN_HOST}" ] ; then echo "The machine has no FQDN. Revert to plain hostname if available" >> $LOG_FILE HOST=$( /bin/hostname ) echo "Setting the plain hostname: $HOST" >> $LOG_FILE else HOST=$FQDN_HOST fi fi } function find_public_ip() { echo "-- find_public_ip" >> $LOG_FILE # We don't know if we have been assigned a private or public IP address PUBLIC_IP=$( wget http://ipecho.net/plain -qO - ) MAIN_IP=$( ip addr show scope global dev eth0 | grep inet | awk '{ print $2 }' | cut -d "/" -f 1 ) echo "Our main IP is ${MAIN_IP}" >> $LOG_FILE if [ -z $PUBLIC_IP ] ; then # We have some kind of problem echo "We cannot obtain our public IP from outside. Using our main IP address as public IP" >> $LOG_FILE PUBLIC_IP=$MAIN_IP else echo "Our public IP is ${PUBLIC_IP}" >> $LOG_FILE fi # Try to know our public FQDN TMP_FQDN_HOST=$( host $PUBLIC_IP ) RET_FQDN=$? if [ $RET_FQDN -eq 0 ] ; then PUB_FQDN_HOST=$( host $PUBLIC_IP | awk '{print $5}' | sed -e 's/\.$//g' ) else echo "No reverse resolution available. WPS will not work." >> $LOG_FILE WORKING_REVERSE_RESOLUTION=1 fi } function modify_hosts_file() { echo "-- modify_hosts_file" >> $LOG_FILE # Set the hosts file with the new data. Set /etc/hostname too if [ $WORKING_REVERSE_RESOLUTION -eq 0 ] ; then grep -v $HOST $HOSTS_FILE > $HOSTS_FILE.tmp if [ "${FQDN_HOST}" == "${HOST}" ] ; then LOCAL_HOSTNAME=${HOST} fi SHORT_HOSTNAME=$( echo ${PUB_FQDN_HOST} | cut -d . -f 1 - ) echo "${PUBLIC_IP} ${PUB_FQDN_HOST} ${SHORT_HOSTNAME} ${LOCAL_HOSTNAME}" >> $HOSTS_FILE.tmp mv $HOSTS_FILE.tmp $HOSTS_FILE chmod 644 $HOSTS_FILE chown root:root $HOSTS_FILE if [ ! -z ${SHORT_HOSTNAME} ] ; then echo "${SHORT_HOSTNAME}" > /etc/hostname fi fi } function smartgears_config_parameters_check() { echo "-- smartgears_config_parameters_check" >> $LOG_FILE if [ -z "${INFRA_NAME}" ] ; then echo "The infrastructure name is void" >> $LOG_FILE RETVAL=1 fi if [ -z "${COUNTRY}" ] ; then echo "The country code is void, setting a default" >> $LOG_FILE export COUNTRY="IT" elif [ ${#COUNTRY} -ne 2 ] ; then echo "The country code is wrong. It must be two characters long" >> $LOG_FILE RETVAL=1 fi if [ $RETVAL -eq 1 ] ; then echo "Exiting because of errors. The SmartExecutor will not start" >> $LOG_FILE exit 1 fi } function populate_head_containerxml() { echo "-- populate_head_containerxml" >> $LOG_FILE # We use the public FQDN if there's one. Otherwise we use the public IP if [ ! -z ${PUB_FQDN_HOST} ] ; then sed -i -e "s#@SMARTGEARS_HOSTNAME@#${PUB_FQDN_HOST}#g" $SM_CONF_F else sed -i -e "s#@SMARTGEARS_HOSTNAME@#${PUBLIC_IP}#g" $SM_CONF_F fi sed -i -e "s#@SMARTGEARS_INFRASTRUCTURE_NAME@#${INFRA_NAME}#g" $SM_CONF_F sed -i -e "s#@SMARTGEARS_VO_NAME@#${SCOPE}#g" $SM_CONF_F sed -i -e "s#@SMARTGEARS_COUNTRY@#${COUNTRY}#g" $SM_CONF_F sed -i -e "s#@SMARTGEARS_LOCATION@#${LOCATION}#g" $SM_CONF_F } function fix_wps_configuration() { echo "-- fix_wps_configuration" >> $LOG_FILE if [ -f $WPS_CONFIG_FIXER ] ; then echo "This is a dataminer node" >> $LOG_FILE sed -i -e "s#@SMARTGEARS_HOSTNAME@#${PUB_FQDN_HOST}#g" $WPS_CONFIG_FIXER # Run the command to fix the dataminer configuration $WPS_CONFIG_FIXER else echo "This is not a dataminer node, doing nothing here" >> $LOG_FILE fi } {% endraw %} function set_scopes_list() { echo "-- set_scopes_list" >> $LOG_FILE if [ -z "${SMARTGEARS_SCOPES}" ] ; then SMARTGEARS_SCOPES="" echo "No scopes were defined" >> $LOG_FILE else echo "The scopes list is $SMARTGEARS_SCOPES" >> $LOG_FILE fi echo "SCOPES_LIST='${SMARTGEARS_SCOPES}'" > $SM_CONF_SCOPES_F } function fix_get_scopes() { echo "-- fix_get_scopes" >> $LOG_FILE # We use the public FQDN if there's one. Otherwise we use the public IP if [ ! -z ${PUB_FQDN_HOST} ] ; then sed -i -e "s#@SMARTGEARS_HOSTNAME@#${PUB_FQDN_HOST}#g" $GET_SCOPES_SCRIPT else sed -i -e "s#@SMARTGEARS_HOSTNAME@#${PUBLIC_IP}#g" $GET_SCOPES_SCRIPT fi } function get_smartgears_scope_tokens() { # The SMARTGEARS_TOKEN variable need to be set outside the contextualization script echo "-- get_smartgears_scope_tokens" >> $LOG_FILE if [ -z "${SMARTGEARS_TOKEN}" ] ; then echo "No infrastructure token was passed, aborting" >> $LOG_FILE echo "" > $SM_CONF_TOKENS_F else $GET_SCOPES_SCRIPT $( echo ${SMARTGEARS_TOKEN}) >> $LOG_FILE fi } function merge_container_xml() { echo "-- merge_container_xml: compose the file" >> $LOG_FILE cat $SM_CONF_F $SM_CONF_TOKENS_F $SM_CONF_TAIL_F > $SM_CONF_DEST_F chown gcube:gcube $SM_CONF_DEST_F chmod 640 $SM_CONF_DEST_F } function get_gcube_keys() { echo "-- get_gcube_keys" >> $LOG_FILE # Get and install the gcube security keys if [ -x $GET_KEYS_SCRIPT ] ; then echo "Getting the infrastructure keys" >> $LOG_FILE $GET_KEYS_SCRIPT ${INFRA_NAME} >> $LOG_FILE rm -f $GET_KEYS_SCRIPT echo "Done" >> $LOG_FILE else echo "Not getting the infrastructure keys, the script is not available." >> $LOG_FILE fi } function set_java_heap() { echo "-- set_java_heap" >> $LOG_FILE if [ $JAVA_MAX_HEAP -lt 1024 ] ; then JAVA_MAX_HEAP=1024 fi grep -v ^JAVA_HEAP $TOMCAT_DEFAULT > $TOMCAT_DEFAULT.tmp echo "JAVA_HEAP='-Xms${JAVA_MAX_HEAP}m -Xmx${JAVA_MAX_HEAP}m'" > $TOMCAT_DEFAULT.heap cat $TOMCAT_DEFAULT.heap $TOMCAT_DEFAULT.tmp > $TOMCAT_DEFAULT } function cleanup_cloud_user_data() { # Remove the token from the use provided data file echo "-- cleanup_cloud_user_data" >> $LOG_FILE grep -v SMARTGEARS_TOKEN $CLOUD_INSTANCE_DIR/user-data.txt > $CLOUD_INSTANCE_DIR/user-data.txt.tmp mv $CLOUD_INSTANCE_DIR/user-data.txt.tmp $CLOUD_INSTANCE_DIR/user-data.txt grep -v SMARTGEARS_TOKEN $CLOUD_INSTANCE_DIR/user-data.txt.i > $CLOUD_INSTANCE_DIR/user-data.txt.i.tmp mv $CLOUD_INSTANCE_DIR/user-data.txt.i.tmp $CLOUD_INSTANCE_DIR/user-data.txt.i } ############################## # # Main # /etc/init.d/${SVC} stop >> $LOG_FILE 2>&1 rm -fr ${SM_STATE_DIR}/* rm -f ${SM_DIR}/ghn.log setup_hostname find_public_ip modify_hosts_file smartgears_config_parameters_check set_scopes_list populate_head_containerxml fix_wps_configuration fix_get_scopes get_smartgears_scope_tokens merge_container_xml get_gcube_keys set_java_heap cleanup_cloud_user_data /usr/sbin/update-rc.d ${SVC} enable >> $LOG_FILE 2>&1 /etc/init.d/${SVC} start >> $LOG_FILE 2>&1 exit 0