from pathlib import Path import matplotlib import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np from cycler import cycler from quacc.environment import env matplotlib.use("agg") def _get_markers(n: int): ls = "ovx+sDph*^1234X><.Pd" if n > len(ls): ls = ls * (n / len(ls) + 1) return list(ls)[:n] def plot_delta( base_prevs, columns, data, *, stdevs=None, pos_class=1, metric="acc", name="default", train_prev=None, fit_scores=None, legend=True, ) -> Path: _base_title = "delta_stdev" if stdevs is not None else "delta" if train_prev is not None: t_prev_pos = int(round(train_prev[pos_class] * 100)) title = f"{_base_title}_{name}_{t_prev_pos}_{metric}" else: title = f"{_base_title}_{name}_avg_{metric}" fig, ax = plt.subplots() ax.set_aspect("auto") ax.grid() NUM_COLORS = len(data) cm = plt.get_cmap("tab10") if NUM_COLORS > 10: cm = plt.get_cmap("tab20") cy = cycler(color=[cm(i) for i in range(NUM_COLORS)]) base_prevs = base_prevs[:, pos_class] for method, deltas, _cy in zip(columns, data, cy): ax.plot( base_prevs, deltas, label=method, color=_cy["color"], linestyle="-", marker="o", markersize=3, zorder=2, ) if stdevs is not None: _col_idx = np.where(columns == method)[0] stdev = stdevs[_col_idx].flatten() nn_idx = np.intersect1d( np.where(deltas != np.nan)[0], np.where(stdev != np.nan)[0], ) _bps, _ds, _st = base_prevs[nn_idx], deltas[nn_idx], stdev[nn_idx] ax.fill_between( _bps, _ds - _st, _ds + _st, color=_cy["color"], alpha=0.25, ) if fit_scores is not None and method in fit_scores: ax.plot( base_prevs, np.repeat(fit_scores[method], base_prevs.shape[0]), color=_cy["color"], linestyle="--", markersize=0, ) ax.set(xlabel="test prevalence", ylabel=metric, title=title) if legend: ax.legend(loc="center left", bbox_to_anchor=(1, 0.5)) output_path = env.PLOT_OUT_DIR / f"{title}.png" fig.savefig(output_path, bbox_inches="tight") return output_path def plot_diagonal( reference, columns, data, *, pos_class=1, metric="acc", name="default", train_prev=None, legend=True, ): if train_prev is not None: t_prev_pos = int(round(train_prev[pos_class] * 100)) title = f"diagonal_{name}_{t_prev_pos}_{metric}" else: title = f"diagonal_{name}_{metric}" fig, ax = plt.subplots() ax.set_aspect("auto") ax.grid() ax.set_aspect("equal") NUM_COLORS = len(data) cm = plt.get_cmap("tab10") if NUM_COLORS > 10: cm = plt.get_cmap("tab20") cy = cycler( color=[cm(i) for i in range(NUM_COLORS)], marker=_get_markers(NUM_COLORS), ) reference = np.array(reference) x_ticks = np.unique(reference) x_ticks.sort() for deltas, _cy in zip(data, cy): ax.plot( reference, deltas, color=_cy["color"], linestyle="None", marker=_cy["marker"], markersize=3, zorder=2, alpha=0.25, ) # ensure limits are equal for both axes _alims = np.stack(((ax.get_xlim(), ax.get_ylim())), axis=-1) _lims = np.array([f(ls) for f, ls in zip([np.min, np.max], _alims)]) ax.set(xlim=tuple(_lims), ylim=tuple(_lims)) for method, deltas, _cy in zip(columns, data, cy): slope, interc = np.polyfit(reference, deltas, 1) y_lr = np.array([slope * x + interc for x in _lims]) ax.plot( _lims, y_lr, label=method, color=_cy["color"], linestyle="-", markersize="0", zorder=1, ) # plot reference line ax.plot( _lims, _lims, color="black", linestyle="--", markersize=0, zorder=1, ) ax.set(xlabel=f"true {metric}", ylabel=f"estim. {metric}", title=title) if legend: ax.legend(loc="center left", bbox_to_anchor=(1, 0.5)) output_path = env.PLOT_OUT_DIR / f"{title}.png" fig.savefig(output_path, bbox_inches="tight") return output_path def plot_shift( shift_prevs, columns, data, *, pos_class=1, metric="acc", name="default", train_prev=None, fit_scores=None, legend=True, ) -> Path: if train_prev is not None: t_prev_pos = int(round(train_prev[pos_class] * 100)) title = f"shift_{name}_{t_prev_pos}_{metric}" else: title = f"shift_{name}_avg_{metric}" fig, ax = plt.subplots() ax.set_aspect("auto") ax.grid() NUM_COLORS = len(data) cm = plt.get_cmap("tab10") if NUM_COLORS > 10: cm = plt.get_cmap("tab20") cy = cycler(color=[cm(i) for i in range(NUM_COLORS)]) shift_prevs = shift_prevs[:, pos_class] for method, shifts, _cy in zip(columns, data, cy): ax.plot( shift_prevs, shifts, label=method, color=_cy["color"], linestyle="-", marker="o", markersize=3, zorder=2, ) if fit_scores is not None and method in fit_scores: ax.plot( shift_prevs, np.repeat(fit_scores[method], shift_prevs.shape[0]), color=_cy["color"], linestyle="--", markersize=0, ) ax.set(xlabel="dataset shift", ylabel=metric, title=title) if legend: ax.legend(loc="center left", bbox_to_anchor=(1, 0.5)) output_path = env.PLOT_OUT_DIR / f"{title}.png" fig.savefig(output_path, bbox_inches="tight") return output_path