262 lines
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262 lines
7.9 KiB
from functools import partial
from types import SimpleNamespace
from typing import List, Optional
import numpy as np
import scipy.optimize
import scipy.special
import sklearn.metrics.pairwise as skmetrics
def Phi(
D: np.ndarray,
edge_list: np.ndarray = None,
Given an n x d matrix of (example, slices), calculate the potential
Includes correlations modeled by the edges in the `edge_list`.
D (np.ndarray): n x d matrix of (example, slice)
edge_list (np.ndarray): k x 2 matrix of edge correlations to be modeled.
edge_list[i, :] should be indices for a pair of columns of D.
Potential matrix. Equals D when edge_list is None, otherwise adds additional
(x_i * x_j) "cross-terms" corresponding to the edges in the `edge_list`.
>>> D = np.random.choice([-1, 1], size=(100, 6))
>>> edge_list = np.array([(0, 1), (1, 4)])
>>> Phi(D, edge_list)
if edge_list is not None:
pairwise_terms = (
D[np.arange(len(D)), edge_list[:, 0][:, np.newaxis]].T
* D[np.arange(len(D)), edge_list[:, 1][:, np.newaxis]].T
return np.concatenate([D, pairwise_terms], axis=1)
return D
def log_partition_ratio(
x: np.ndarray,
Phi_D_src: np.ndarray,
n_src: int,
Calculate the log-partition ratio in the KLIEP problem.
return np.log(n_src) - scipy.special.logsumexp(Phi_D_src.dot(x))
def mandoline(
D_src: np.ndarray,
D_tgt: np.ndarray,
edge_list: np.ndarray,
sigma: float = None,
Mandoline solver.
D_src: (n_src x d) matrix of (example, slices) for the source distribution.
D_tgt: (n_tgt x d) matrix of (example, slices) for the source distribution.
edge_list: list of edge correlations between slices that should be modeled.
sigma: optional parameter that activates RBF kernel-based KLIEP with scale
Returns: SimpleNamespace that contains
opt: result of scipy.optimize
Phi_D_src: source potential matrix used in Mandoline
Phi_D_tgt: target potential matrix used in Mandoline
n_src: number of source samples
n_tgt: number of target samples
edge_list: the `edge_list` parameter passed as input
# Copy and binarize the input matrices to -1/1
D_src, D_tgt = np.copy(D_src), np.copy(D_tgt)
if np.min(D_src) == 0:
D_src[D_src == 0] = -1
D_tgt[D_tgt == 0] = -1
# Edge list encoding dependencies between gs
if edge_list is not None:
edge_list = np.array(edge_list)
# Create the potential matrices
Phi_D_tgt, Phi_D_src = Phi(D_tgt, edge_list), Phi(D_src, edge_list)
# Number of examples
n_src, n_tgt = Phi_D_src.shape[0], Phi_D_tgt.shape[0]
def f(x):
obj = Phi_D_tgt.dot(x).sum() - n_tgt * scipy.special.logsumexp(Phi_D_src.dot(x))
return -obj
# Set the kernel
kernel = partial(skmetrics.rbf_kernel, gamma=sigma)
def llkliep_f(x):
obj = kernel(
Phi_D_tgt, x[:, np.newaxis]
).sum() - n_tgt * scipy.special.logsumexp(kernel(Phi_D_src, x[:, np.newaxis]))
return -obj
# Solve
if not sigma:
opt = scipy.optimize.minimize(
f, np.random.randn(Phi_D_tgt.shape[1]), method="BFGS"
opt = scipy.optimize.minimize(
llkliep_f, np.random.randn(Phi_D_tgt.shape[1]), method="BFGS"
return SimpleNamespace(
def log_density_ratio(D, solved):
Calculate the log density ratio for a solved Mandoline run.
Phi_D = Phi(D, None)
return Phi_D.dot(solved.opt.x) + log_partition_ratio(
solved.opt.x, solved.Phi_D_src, solved.n_src
def get_k_most_unbalanced_gs(D_src, D_tgt, k):
Get the top k slices that shift most between source and target
Uses difference in marginals between each slice.
marginal_diff = np.abs(D_src.mean(axis=0) - D_tgt.mean(axis=0))
differences = np.sort(marginal_diff)[-k:]
indices = np.argsort(marginal_diff)[-k:]
return list(indices), list(differences)
def weighted_estimator(weights: Optional[np.ndarray], mat: np.ndarray):
Calculate a weighted empirical mean over a matrix of samples.
weights (Optional[np.ndarray]):
length n array of weights that sums to 1. Calculates an unweighted
mean if `weights` is None.
mat (np.ndarray):
(n x r) matrix of empirical observations that is being averaged.
Length r np.ndarray of weighted means.
_sum_weights = np.sum(weights)
if _sum_weights != 1.0:
if (_err := abs(1.0 - _sum_weights)) > 1e-15:
assert _sum_weights == 1, "`weights` must sum to 1."
if weights is None:
return np.mean(mat, axis=0)
return np.sum(weights[:, np.newaxis] * mat, axis=0)
def estimate_performance(
D_src: np.ndarray,
D_tgt: np.ndarray,
edge_list: np.ndarray,
empirical_mat_list_src: List[np.ndarray],
Estimate performance on a target distribution using slice information from the
source and target data.
This function runs Mandoline to calculate the importance weights to reweight
the source data.
D_src (np.ndarray): (n_src x d) matrix of (example, slices) for the source
D_tgt (np.ndarray): (n_tgt x d) matrix of (example, slices) for the target
edge_list (np.ndarray):
empirical_mat_list_src (List[np.ndarray]):
SimpleNamespace with 3 attributes
- `all_estimates` is a list of SimpleNamespace objects with
2 attributes
- `weighted` is the estimate for the target distribution
- `source` is the estimate for the source distribution
- `solved`: result of scipy.optimize Mandoline solver
- `weights`: self-normalized importance weights used to weight the source data
# Run the solver
solved = mandoline(D_src, D_tgt, edge_list)
# Compute the weights on the source dataset
density_ratios = np.e ** log_density_ratio(solved.Phi_D_src, solved)
# Self-normalized importance weights
weights = density_ratios / np.sum(density_ratios)
all_estimates = []
for mat_src in empirical_mat_list_src:
# Estimates is a 1-D array of estimates for each mat e.g.
# each mat can correspond to a model's (n x 1) error matrix
weighted_estimates = weighted_estimator(weights, mat_src)
source_estimates = weighted_estimator(
np.ones(solved.n_src) / solved.n_src, mat_src
return SimpleNamespace(
def get_entropy(probas):
return -np.sum(np.multiply(probas, np.log(probas + 1e-20)), axis=1)
def get_slices(probas, n_ent_bins=6):
ln, ncl = probas.shape
preds = np.argmax(probas, axis=1)
pred_slices = np.full((ln, ncl), fill_value=-1, dtype="<i8")
pred_slices[np.arange(ln), preds] = 1
ent = get_entropy(probas)
range_top = get_entropy(np.array([np.ones(ncl) / ncl]))[0]
ent_bins = np.linspace(0, range_top, n_ent_bins + 1)
bins_map = np.digitize(ent, bins=ent_bins, right=True) - 1
ent_slices = np.full((ln, n_ent_bins), fill_value=-1, dtype="<i8")
ent_slices[np.arange(ln), bins_map] = 1
return np.concatenate([pred_slices, ent_slices], axis=1)