forked from moreo/QuaPy
lab + some experimental methods based on distribution matching
This commit is contained in:
@ -0,0 +1,244 @@
from scipy.sparse import csc_matrix, csr_matrix
from sklearn.base import BaseEstimator, TransformerMixin
from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import TfidfTransformer, TfidfVectorizer, CountVectorizer
import numpy as np
from joblib import Parallel, delayed
import sklearn
import math
from scipy.stats import t
class ContTable:
def __init__(self, tp=0, tn=0, fp=0, fn=0):
def get_d(self): return + + self.fp + self.fn
def get_c(self): return + self.fn
def get_not_c(self): return + self.fp
def get_f(self): return + self.fp
def get_not_f(self): return + self.fn
def p_c(self): return (1.0*self.get_c())/self.get_d()
def p_not_c(self): return 1.0-self.p_c()
def p_f(self): return (1.0*self.get_f())/self.get_d()
def p_not_f(self): return 1.0-self.p_f()
def p_tp(self): return (1.0* / self.get_d()
def p_tn(self): return (1.0* / self.get_d()
def p_fp(self): return (1.0*self.fp) / self.get_d()
def p_fn(self): return (1.0*self.fn) / self.get_d()
def tpr(self):
c = 1.0*self.get_c()
return / c if c > 0.0 else 0.0
def fpr(self):
_c = 1.0*self.get_not_c()
return self.fp / _c if _c > 0.0 else 0.0
def __ig_factor(p_tc, p_t, p_c):
den = p_t * p_c
if den != 0.0 and p_tc != 0:
return p_tc * math.log(p_tc / den, 2)
return 0.0
def information_gain(cell):
return __ig_factor(cell.p_tp(), cell.p_f(), cell.p_c()) + \
__ig_factor(cell.p_fp(), cell.p_f(), cell.p_not_c()) +\
__ig_factor(cell.p_fn(), cell.p_not_f(), cell.p_c()) + \
__ig_factor(cell.p_tn(), cell.p_not_f(), cell.p_not_c())
def squared_information_gain(cell):
return information_gain(cell)**2
def posneg_information_gain(cell):
ig = information_gain(cell)
if cell.tpr() < cell.fpr():
return -ig
return ig
def pos_information_gain(cell):
if cell.tpr() < cell.fpr():
return 0
return information_gain(cell)
def pointwise_mutual_information(cell):
return __ig_factor(cell.p_tp(), cell.p_f(), cell.p_c())
def gss(cell):
return cell.p_tp()*cell.p_tn() - cell.p_fp()*cell.p_fn()
def chi_square(cell):
den = cell.p_f() * cell.p_not_f() * cell.p_c() * cell.p_not_c()
if den==0.0: return 0.0
num = gss(cell)**2
return num / den
def conf_interval(xt, n):
if n>30:
z2 = 3.84145882069 # norm.ppf(0.5+0.95/2.0)**2
z2 = t.ppf(0.5 + 0.95 / 2.0, df=max(n-1,1)) ** 2
p = (xt + 0.5 * z2) / (n + z2)
amplitude = 0.5 * z2 * math.sqrt((p * (1.0 - p)) / (n + z2))
return p, amplitude
def strength(minPosRelFreq, minPos, maxNeg):
if minPos > maxNeg:
return math.log(2.0 * minPosRelFreq, 2.0)
return 0.0
#set cancel_features=True to allow some features to be weighted as 0 (as in the original article)
#however, for some extremely imbalanced dataset caused all documents to be 0
def conf_weight(cell, cancel_features=False):
c = cell.get_c()
not_c = cell.get_not_c()
tp =
fp = cell.fp
pos_p, pos_amp = conf_interval(tp, c)
neg_p, neg_amp = conf_interval(fp, not_c)
min_pos = pos_p-pos_amp
max_neg = neg_p+neg_amp
den = (min_pos + max_neg)
minpos_relfreq = min_pos / (den if den != 0 else 1)
str_tplus = strength(minpos_relfreq, min_pos, max_neg);
if str_tplus == 0 and not cancel_features:
return 1e-20
return str_tplus;
def get_tsr_matrix(cell_matrix, tsr_score_funtion):
nC = len(cell_matrix)
nF = len(cell_matrix[0])
tsr_matrix = [[tsr_score_funtion(cell_matrix[c,f]) for f in range(nF)] for c in range(nC)]
return np.array(tsr_matrix)
def feature_label_contingency_table(positive_document_indexes, feature_document_indexes, nD):
tp_ = len(positive_document_indexes & feature_document_indexes)
fp_ = len(feature_document_indexes - positive_document_indexes)
fn_ = len(positive_document_indexes - feature_document_indexes)
tn_ = nD - (tp_ + fp_ + fn_)
return ContTable(tp=tp_, tn=tn_, fp=fp_, fn=fn_)
def category_tables(feature_sets, category_sets, c, nD, nF):
return [feature_label_contingency_table(category_sets[c], feature_sets[f], nD) for f in range(nF)]
def get_supervised_matrix(coocurrence_matrix, label_matrix, n_jobs=-1):
Computes the nC x nF supervised matrix M where Mcf is the 4-cell contingency table for feature f and class c.
Efficiency O(nF x nC x log(S)) where S is the sparse factor
nD, nF = coocurrence_matrix.shape
nD2, nC = label_matrix.shape
if nD != nD2:
raise ValueError('Number of rows in coocurrence matrix shape %s and label matrix shape %s is not consistent' %
def nonzero_set(matrix, col):
return set(matrix[:, col].nonzero()[0])
if isinstance(coocurrence_matrix, csr_matrix):
coocurrence_matrix = csc_matrix(coocurrence_matrix)
feature_sets = [nonzero_set(coocurrence_matrix, f) for f in range(nF)]
category_sets = [nonzero_set(label_matrix, c) for c in range(nC)]
cell_matrix = Parallel(n_jobs=n_jobs, backend="threading")(delayed(category_tables)(feature_sets, category_sets, c, nD, nF) for c in range(nC))
return np.array(cell_matrix)
class TSRweighting(BaseEstimator,TransformerMixin):
Supervised Term Weighting function based on any Term Selection Reduction (TSR) function (e.g., information gain,
chi-square, etc.) or, more generally, on any function that could be computed on the 4-cell contingency table for
each category-feature pair.
The supervised_4cell_matrix (a CxF matrix containing the 4-cell contingency tables
for each category-feature pair) can be pre-computed (e.g., during the feature selection phase) and passed as an
When C>1, i.e., in multiclass scenarios, a global_policy is used in order to determine a single feature-score which
informs about its relevance. Accepted policies include "max" (takes the max score across categories), "ave" and "wave"
(take the average, or weighted average, across all categories -- weights correspond to the class prevalence), and "sum"
(which sums all category scores).
def __init__(self, tsr_function, global_policy='max', supervised_4cell_matrix=None, sublinear_tf=True, norm='l2', min_df=3, n_jobs=-1):
if global_policy not in ['max', 'ave', 'wave', 'sum']: raise ValueError('Global policy should be in {"max", "ave", "wave", "sum"}')
self.tsr_function = tsr_function
self.global_policy = global_policy
self.supervised_4cell_matrix = supervised_4cell_matrix
self.min_df = min_df
def fit(self, X, y):
self.count_vectorizer = CountVectorizer(min_df=self.min_df)
X = self.count_vectorizer.fit_transform(X)
self.tf_vectorizer = TfidfTransformer(
norm=None, use_idf=False, smooth_idf=False, sublinear_tf=self.sublinear_tf).fit(X)
if len(y.shape) == 1:
y = np.expand_dims(y, axis=1)
nD, nC = y.shape
nF = len(self.tf_vectorizer.get_feature_names_out())
if self.supervised_4cell_matrix is None:
self.supervised_4cell_matrix = get_supervised_matrix(X, y, n_jobs=self.n_jobs)
if self.supervised_4cell_matrix.shape != (nC, nF): raise ValueError("Shape of supervised information matrix is inconsistent with X and y")
tsr_matrix = get_tsr_matrix(self.supervised_4cell_matrix, self.tsr_function)
if self.global_policy == 'ave':
self.global_tsr_vector = np.average(tsr_matrix, axis=0)
elif self.global_policy == 'wave':
category_prevalences = [sum(y[:,c])*1.0/nD for c in range(nC)]
self.global_tsr_vector = np.average(tsr_matrix, axis=0, weights=category_prevalences)
elif self.global_policy == 'sum':
self.global_tsr_vector = np.sum(tsr_matrix, axis=0)
elif self.global_policy == 'max':
self.global_tsr_vector = np.amax(tsr_matrix, axis=0)
return self
def fit_transform(self, X, y):
def transform(self, X):
if not hasattr(self, 'global_tsr_vector'): raise NameError('TSRweighting: transform method called before fit.')
X = self.count_vectorizer.transform(X)
tf_X = self.tf_vectorizer.transform(X).toarray()
weighted_X = np.multiply(tf_X, self.global_tsr_vector)
if self.norm is not None and self.norm!='none':
weighted_X = sklearn.preprocessing.normalize(weighted_X, norm=self.norm, axis=1, copy=False)
return csr_matrix(weighted_X)
@ -0,0 +1,148 @@
from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import TfidfVectorizer, CountVectorizer
from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression
import quapy as qp
from data import LabelledCollection
import numpy as np
from laboratory.custom_vectorizers import *
from protocol import APP
from quapy.method.aggregative import _get_divergence, HDy, DistributionMatching
from quapy.method.base import BaseQuantifier
from scipy import optimize
import pandas as pd
# TODO: explore the bernoulli (term presence/absence) variant
# TODO: explore the multinomial (term frequency) variant
# TODO: explore the multinomial + length normalization variant
# TODO: consolidate the TSR-variant (e.g., using information gain) variant;
# - works better with the idf?
# - works better with length normalization?
# - etc
class DxS(BaseQuantifier):
def __init__(self, vectorizer=None, divergence='topsoe'):
self.vectorizer = vectorizer
self.divergence = divergence
# def __as_distribution(self, instances):
# return np.asarray(instances.sum(axis=0) / instances.sum()).flatten()
def __as_distribution(self, instances):
dist = instances.sum(axis=0) / instances.sum()
return np.asarray(dist).flatten()
def fit(self, data: LabelledCollection):
text_instances, labels = data.Xy
if self.vectorizer is not None:
text_instances = self.vectorizer.fit_transform(text_instances, y=labels)
distributions = []
for class_i in data.classes_:
distributions.append(self.__as_distribution(text_instances[labels == class_i]))
self.validation_distribution = np.asarray(distributions)
return self
def quantify(self, text_instances):
if self.vectorizer is not None:
text_instances = self.vectorizer.transform(text_instances)
test_distribution = self.__as_distribution(text_instances)
divergence = _get_divergence(self.divergence)
n_classes, n_feats = self.validation_distribution.shape
def match(prev):
prev = np.expand_dims(prev, axis=0)
mixture_distribution = (prev @ self.validation_distribution).flatten()
return divergence(test_distribution, mixture_distribution)
# the initial point is set as the uniform distribution
uniform_distribution = np.full(fill_value=1 / n_classes, shape=(n_classes,))
# solutions are bounded to those contained in the unit-simplex
bounds = tuple((0, 1) for x in range(n_classes)) # values in [0,1]
constraints = ({'type': 'eq', 'fun': lambda x: 1 - sum(x)}) # values summing up to 1
r = optimize.minimize(match, x0=uniform_distribution, method='SLSQP', bounds=bounds, constraints=constraints)
return r.x
if __name__ == '__main__':
qp.environ['SAMPLE_SIZE'] = 250
qp.environ['N_JOBS'] = -1
min_df = 10
# dataset = 'imdb'
repeats = 10
error = 'mae'
div = 'HD'
# generates tuples (dataset, method, method_name)
# (the dataset is needed for methods that process the dataset differently)
def gen_methods():
for dataset in qp.datasets.REVIEWS_SENTIMENT_DATASETS:
data = qp.datasets.fetch_reviews(dataset, tfidf=False)
bernoulli_vectorizer = CountVectorizer(min_df=min_df, binary=True)
dxs = DxS(divergence=div, vectorizer=bernoulli_vectorizer)
yield data, dxs, 'DxS-Bernoulli'
multinomial_vectorizer = CountVectorizer(min_df=min_df, binary=False)
dxs = DxS(divergence=div, vectorizer=multinomial_vectorizer)
yield data, dxs, 'DxS-multinomial'
tf_vectorizer = TfidfVectorizer(sublinear_tf=False, use_idf=False, min_df=min_df, norm=None)
dxs = DxS(divergence=div, vectorizer=tf_vectorizer)
yield data, dxs, 'DxS-TF'
logtf_vectorizer = TfidfVectorizer(sublinear_tf=True, use_idf=False, min_df=min_df, norm=None)
dxs = DxS(divergence=div, vectorizer=logtf_vectorizer)
yield data, dxs, 'DxS-logTF'
tfidf_vectorizer = TfidfVectorizer(use_idf=True, min_df=min_df, norm=None)
dxs = DxS(divergence=div, vectorizer=tfidf_vectorizer)
yield data, dxs, 'DxS-TFIDF'
tfidf_vectorizer = TfidfVectorizer(use_idf=True, min_df=min_df, norm='l2')
dxs = DxS(divergence=div, vectorizer=tfidf_vectorizer)
yield data, dxs, 'DxS-TFIDF-l2'
tsr_vectorizer = TSRweighting(tsr_function=information_gain, min_df=min_df, norm='l2')
dxs = DxS(divergence=div, vectorizer=tsr_vectorizer)
yield data, dxs, 'DxS-TFTSR-l2'
data = qp.datasets.fetch_reviews(dataset, tfidf=True, min_df=min_df)
hdy = HDy(LogisticRegression())
yield data, hdy, 'HDy'
dm = DistributionMatching(LogisticRegression(), divergence=div, nbins=5)
yield data, dm, 'DM-5b'
dm = DistributionMatching(LogisticRegression(), divergence=div, nbins=10)
yield data, dm, 'DM-10b'
result_path = 'results.csv'
with open(result_path, 'wt') as csv:
for data, quantifier, quant_name in gen_methods():
report = qp.evaluation.evaluation_report(quantifier, APP(data.test, repeats=repeats), error_metrics=['mae','mrae'], verbose=True)
means = report.mean()
df = pd.read_csv(result_path, sep='\t')
# print(df)
pv = df.pivot_table(index='Method', columns="Dataset", values=["MAE", "MRAE"])
@ -0,0 +1,168 @@
from typing import Union, Callable
import numpy as np
from sklearn.base import BaseEstimator
from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression
import pandas as pd
from sklearn.neighbors import KernelDensity
import quapy as qp
from data import LabelledCollection
from protocol import APP, UPP
from quapy.method.aggregative import AggregativeProbabilisticQuantifier, _training_helper, cross_generate_predictions, \
DistributionMatching, _get_divergence
import scipy
from scipy import optimize
class KDEy(AggregativeProbabilisticQuantifier):
BANDWIDTH_METHOD = ['auto', 'scott', 'silverman']
ENGINE = ['scipy', 'sklearn']
def __init__(self, classifier: BaseEstimator, val_split=0.4, divergence: Union[str, Callable]='HD',
bandwidth_method='scott', engine='sklearn', n_jobs=None):
self.classifier = classifier
self.val_split = val_split
self.divergence = divergence
self.bandwidth_method = bandwidth_method
self.engine = engine
self.n_jobs = n_jobs
assert bandwidth_method in KDEy.BANDWIDTH_METHOD, f'unknown bandwidth_method, valid ones are {KDEy.BANDWIDTH_METHOD}'
assert engine in KDEy.ENGINE, f'unknown engine, valid ones are {KDEy.ENGINE}'
def get_kde(self, posteriors):
if self.engine == 'scipy':
# scipy treats columns as datapoints, and need the datapoints not to lie in a lower-dimensional subspace, which
# requires removing the last dimension which is constrained
posteriors = posteriors[:,:-1].T
kde = scipy.stats.gaussian_kde(posteriors)
elif self.engine == 'sklearn':
kde = KernelDensity(bandwidth=self.bandwidth_method).fit(posteriors)
return kde
def pdf(self, kde, posteriors):
if self.engine == 'scipy':
return kde(posteriors[:,:-1].T)
elif self.engine == 'sklearn':
return np.exp(kde.score_samples(posteriors))
def fit(self, data: LabelledCollection, fit_classifier=True, val_split: Union[float, LabelledCollection] = None):
Trains the classifier (if requested) and generates the validation distributions out of the training data.
The validation distributions have shape `(n, ch, nbins)`, with `n` the number of classes, `ch` the number of
channels (a channel is a description, in form of a histogram, of a specific class -- there are as many channels
as classes, although in the binary case one can use only one channel, since the other one is constrained),
and `nbins` the number of bins. In particular, let `V` be the validation distributions; `di=V[i]`
are the distributions obtained from training data labelled with class `i`; `dij = di[j]` is the discrete
distribution of posterior probabilities `P(Y=j|X=x)` for training data labelled with class `i`, and `dij[k]`
is the fraction of instances with a value in the `k`-th bin.
:param data: the training set
:param fit_classifier: set to False to bypass the training (the learner is assumed to be already fit)
:param val_split: either a float in (0,1) indicating the proportion of training instances to use for
validation (e.g., 0.3 for using 30% of the training set as validation data), or a LabelledCollection
indicating the validation set itself, or an int indicating the number k of folds to be used in kFCV
to estimate the parameters
if val_split is None:
val_split = self.val_split
self.classifier, y, posteriors, classes, class_count = cross_generate_predictions(
data, self.classifier, val_split, probabilistic=True, fit_classifier=fit_classifier, n_jobs=self.n_jobs
self.val_densities = [self.get_kde(posteriors[y == cat]) for cat in range(data.n_classes)]
self.val_posteriors = posteriors
return self
def val_pdf(self, prev):
Returns a function that computes the mixture model with the given prev as mixture factor
:param prev: a prevalence vector, ndarray
:return: a function implementing the validation distribution with fixed mixture factor
return lambda posteriors: sum(prev_i * self.pdf(kde_i, posteriors) for kde_i, prev_i in zip(self.val_densities, prev))
def aggregate(self, posteriors: np.ndarray):
Searches for the mixture model parameter (the sought prevalence values) that yields a validation distribution
(the mixture) that best matches the test distribution, in terms of the divergence measure of choice.
In the multiclass case, with `n` the number of classes, the test and mixture distributions contain
`n` channels (proper distributions of binned posterior probabilities), on which the divergence is computed
independently. The matching is computed as an average of the divergence across all channels.
:param instances: instances in the sample
:return: a vector of class prevalence estimates
test_density = self.get_kde(posteriors)
# val_test_posteriors = np.concatenate([self.val_posteriors, posteriors])
test_likelihood = self.pdf(test_density, posteriors)
divergence = _get_divergence(self.divergence)
n_classes = len(self.val_densities)
def match(prev):
val_pdf = self.val_pdf(prev)
val_likelihood = val_pdf(posteriors)
return divergence(val_likelihood, test_likelihood)
# the initial point is set as the uniform distribution
uniform_distribution = np.full(fill_value=1 / n_classes, shape=(n_classes,))
# solutions are bounded to those contained in the unit-simplex
bounds = tuple((0, 1) for _ in range(n_classes)) # values in [0,1]
constraints = ({'type': 'eq', 'fun': lambda x: 1 - sum(x)}) # values summing up to 1
r = optimize.minimize(match, x0=uniform_distribution, method='SLSQP', bounds=bounds, constraints=constraints)
return r.x
if __name__ == '__main__':
qp.environ['SAMPLE_SIZE'] = 100
qp.environ['N_JOBS'] = -1
div = 'HD'
# generates tuples (dataset, method, method_name)
# (the dataset is needed for methods that process the dataset differently)
def gen_methods():
for dataset in qp.datasets.TWITTER_SENTIMENT_DATASETS_TEST:
data = qp.datasets.fetch_twitter(dataset, min_df=3, pickle=True)
# kdey = KDEy(LogisticRegression(), divergence=div, bandwidth_method='scott')
# yield data, kdey, f'KDEy-{div}-scott'
kdey = KDEy(LogisticRegression(), divergence=div, bandwidth_method='silverman', engine='sklearn')
yield data, kdey, f'KDEy-{div}-silverman'
dm = DistributionMatching(LogisticRegression(), divergence=div, nbins=5)
yield data, dm, f'DM-5b-{div}'
# dm = DistributionMatching(LogisticRegression(), divergence=div, nbins=10)
# yield data, dm, f'DM-10b-{div}'
result_path = 'results_kdey.csv'
with open(result_path, 'wt') as csv:
for data, quantifier, quant_name in gen_methods():
protocol = UPP(data.test, repeats=100)
report = qp.evaluation.evaluation_report(quantifier, protocol, error_metrics=['mae','mrae'], verbose=True)
means = report.mean()
df = pd.read_csv(result_path, sep='\t')
# print(df)
pd.set_option('display.max_columns', None)
pd.set_option('display.max_rows', None)
pv = df.pivot_table(index='Dataset', columns="Method", values=["MAE", "MRAE"])
@ -770,7 +770,9 @@ class DistributionMatching(AggregativeProbabilisticQuantifier):
Trains the classifier (if requested) and generates the validation distributions out of the training data.
The validation distributions have shape `(n, ch, nbins)`, with `n` the number of classes, `ch` the number of
channels, and `nbins` the number of bins. In particular, let `V` be the validation distributions; `di=V[i]`
channels (a channel is a description, in form of a histogram, of a specific class -- there are as many channels
as classes, although in the binary case one can use only one channel, since the other one is constrained),
and `nbins` the number of bins. In particular, let `V` be the validation distributions; `di=V[i]`
are the distributions obtained from training data labelled with class `i`; `dij = di[j]` is the discrete
distribution of posterior probabilities `P(Y=j|X=x)` for training data labelled with class `i`, and `dij[k]`
is the fraction of instances with a value in the `k`-th bin.
@ -819,7 +821,7 @@ class DistributionMatching(AggregativeProbabilisticQuantifier):
uniform_distribution = np.full(fill_value=1 / n_classes, shape=(n_classes,))
# solutions are bounded to those contained in the unit-simplex
bounds = tuple((0, 1) for x in range(n_classes)) # values in [0,1]
bounds = tuple((0, 1) for _ in range(n_classes)) # values in [0,1]
constraints = ({'type': 'eq', 'fun': lambda x: 1 - sum(x)}) # values summing up to 1
r = optimize.minimize(match, x0=uniform_distribution, method='SLSQP', bounds=bounds, constraints=constraints)
return r.x
Reference in New Issue