import itertools from typing import Iterable from densratio import densratio from scipy.sparse import issparse, vstack from scipy.stats import multivariate_normal from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression from sklearn.model_selection import GridSearchCV import quapy as qp from Transduction_office.grid_naive_quantif import GridQuantifier, binned_indexer, Indexer, GridQuantifier2, \ classifier_indexer from method.non_aggregative import MLPE from quapy.protocol import AbstractStochasticSeededProtocol, OnLabelledCollectionProtocol, UPP from import LabelledCollection from quapy.method.aggregative import * import quapy.functional as F from time import time from scipy.spatial.distance import cdist from Transduction.pykliep import DensityRatioEstimator from quapy.protocol import AbstractStochasticSeededProtocol, OnLabelledCollectionProtocol from quapy.method.aggregative import * import quapy.functional as F plottting = False def gaussian(mean, cov=0.1, label=0, size=100, random_state=0): """ Creates a label collection in which the instances are distributed according to a Gaussian with specified parameters and labels all data points with a specific label. :param mean: ndarray of shape (n_dimensions) with the center :param cov: ndarray of shape (n_dimensions, n_dimensions) with the covariance matrix, or a number for np.eye :param label: the class label for the collection :param size: number of instances :param random_state: allows for replicating experiments :return: an instance of LabelledCollection """ mean = np.asarray(mean) assert mean.ndim==1, 'wrong shape for mean' n_features = mean.shape[0] if isinstance(cov, (int, float)): cov = np.eye(n_features) * cov instances = multivariate_normal.rvs(mean, cov, size, random_state=random_state) return LabelledCollection(instances, labels=[label]*size) def _internal_plot(train, val, test): if plottting: xmin = min(train.X[:, 0].min(), val.X[:, 0].min(), test[:, 0].min()) xmax = max(train.X[:, 0].max(), val.X[:, 0].max(), test[:, 0].max()) ymin = min(train.X[:, 1].min(), val.X[:, 1].min(), test[:, 1].min()) ymax = max(train.X[:, 1].max(), val.X[:, 1].max(), test[:, 1].max()) plot(train, 'sel_train.png', xlim=(xmin, xmax), ylim=(ymin, ymax)) plot(val, 'sel_val.png', xlim=(xmin, xmax), ylim=(ymin, ymax)) plot(test, 'test.png', xlim=(xmin, xmax), ylim=(ymin, ymax)) def plot(data: LabelledCollection, path, xlim=None, ylim=None): import matplotlib.pyplot as plt plt.clf() if isinstance(data, LabelledCollection): if data.instances.shape[1] != 2: return negative, positive = data.separate() plt.scatter(negative.X[:,0], negative.X[:,1], label='neg', alpha=0.5) plt.scatter(positive.X[:, 0], positive.X[:, 1], label='pos', alpha=0.5) else: if data.shape[1] != 2: return plt.scatter(data[:, 0], data[:, 1], label='test', alpha=0.5) if xlim is not None: plt.xlim(*xlim) plt.ylim(*ylim) plt.legend() plt.savefig(path) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Protocol for generating prior probability shift + covariate shift by mixing "domains" # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ class CovPriorShift(AbstractStochasticSeededProtocol): def __init__(self, domains: Iterable[LabelledCollection], sample_size=None, repeats=100, min_support=0, random_state=0, return_type='sample_prev'): super(CovPriorShift, self).__init__(random_state) = list(itertools.chain.from_iterable(lc.separate() for lc in domains)) self.sample_size = qp._get_sample_size(sample_size) self.repeats = repeats self.min_support = min_support self.collator = OnLabelledCollectionProtocol.get_collator(return_type) def samples_parameters(self): """ Return all the necessary parameters to replicate the samples as according to the UPP protocol. :return: a list of indexes that realize the UPP sampling """ indexes = [] tentatives = 0 while len(indexes) < self.repeats: alpha = F.uniform_simplex_sampling(n_classes=len( sizes = (alpha * self.sample_size).astype(int) if all(sizes > self.min_support): indexes_i = [lc.sampling_index(size) for lc, size in zip(, sizes)] indexes.append(indexes_i) tentatives = 0 else: tentatives += 1 if tentatives > 100: raise ValueError('the support is too strict, and it is difficult ' 'or impossible to generate valid samples') return indexes def sample(self, params): indexes = params lcs = [lc.sampling_from_index(index) for index, lc in zip(indexes,] return LabelledCollection.join(*lcs) def total(self): """ Returns the number of samples that will be generated :return: int """ return self.repeats # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Methods of "importance weight", e.g., by ratio density estimation (KLIEP, SILF, LogReg) # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- class ImportanceWeight: @abstractmethod def weights(self, Xtr, ytr, Xte): pass class KLIEP(ImportanceWeight): def __init__(self): pass def weights(self, Xtr, ytr, Xte): kliep = DensityRatioEstimator(), Xte) return kliep.predict(Xtr) class USILF(ImportanceWeight): def __init__(self, alpha=0.): self.alpha = alpha def weights(self, Xtr, ytr, Xte): dense_ratio_obj = densratio(Xtr, Xte, alpha=self.alpha, verbose=False) return dense_ratio_obj.compute_density_ratio(Xtr) class LogReg(ImportanceWeight): def __init__(self): pass def weights(self, Xtr, ytr, Xte): # check "Direct Density Ratio Estimation for # Large-scale Covariate Shift Adaptation", Eq.28 if issparse(Xtr): X = vstack([Xtr, Xte]) else: X = np.concatenate([Xtr, Xte]) y = [0]*len(Xtr) + [1]*len(Xte) logreg = GridSearchCV( LogisticRegression(), param_grid={'C':np.logspace(-3,3,7), 'class_weight': ['balanced', None]}, n_jobs=-1 ), y) prob_train = logreg.predict_proba(Xtr)[:,0] prob_test = logreg.predict_proba(Xtr)[:,1] prior_train = len(Xtr) prior_test = len(Xte) w = (prior_train/prior_test)*(prob_test/prob_train) return w class MostTest(ImportanceWeight): def __init__(self): pass def weights(self, Xtr, ytr, Xte): # check "Direct Density Ratio Estimation for # Large-scale Covariate Shift Adaptation", Eq.28 if issparse(Xtr): X = vstack([Xtr, Xte]) else: X = np.concatenate([Xtr, Xte]) y = [0]*len(Xtr) + [1]*len(Xte) logreg = GridSearchCV( LogisticRegression(), param_grid={'C':np.logspace(-3,3,7), 'class_weight': ['balanced', None]}, n_jobs=-1 ) # logreg = LogisticRegression() #, y) # prob_test = logreg.predict_proba(Xtr)[:,1] prob_test = cross_val_predict(logreg, X, y, n_jobs=-1, method="predict_proba")[:len(Xtr),1] return prob_test class Random(ImportanceWeight): def __init__(self): pass def weights(self, Xtr, ytr, Xte): return np.random.rand(len(Xtr)) class MostSimilarK(ImportanceWeight): # retains the training documents that are most similar in average to the k closest test points def __init__(self, k): self.k = k def weights(self, Xtr, ytr, Xte): distances = cdist(Xtr, Xte) min_dist = np.min(distances) max_dist = np.max(distances) distances = (distances-min_dist)/(max_dist-min_dist) similarities = 1 / (1+distances) top_k_sim = np.sort(similarities, axis=1)[:,-self.k:] ave_sim = np.mean(top_k_sim, axis=1) return ave_sim class MostSimilarTest(ImportanceWeight): # retains the training documents that are the most similar to one test document # i.e., for each test point, selects the K most similar train instances def __init__(self, k=1): self.k = k def weights(self, Xtr, ytr, Xte): distances = cdist(Xtr, Xte) most_similar_idx = np.argsort(distances, axis=0)[:self.k, :].flatten() weights = np.zeros(shape=Xtr.shape[0]) weights[most_similar_idx] = 1 return weights # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Quantification Methods that rely on Importance Weight for reweighting the training instances # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- class TransductiveQuantifier(BaseQuantifier): def fit(self, data: LabelledCollection): self.training_ = data return self @property def training(self): return self.training_ class ReweightingAggregative(TransductiveQuantifier): def __init__(self, classifier, weighter: ImportanceWeight, quantif_method=CC): self.classifier = classifier self.weighter = weighter self.quantif_method = quantif_method def quantify(self, instances): # time_weight = 2.95340 time_train = 0.00619 w = self.weighter.weights(*, instances)*, sample_weight=w) quantifier = self.quantif_method(self.classifier).fit(, fit_classifier=False) return quantifier.quantify(instances) # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Quantification Methods that rely on Importance Weight for selecting a validation partition # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- class SelectorQuantifiersTrainVal(TransductiveQuantifier): def __init__(self, classifier, weighter: ImportanceWeight, quantif_method=ACC, val_split=0.4, only_positives=False): self.classifier = classifier self.weighter = weighter self.quantif_method = quantif_method self.val_split = val_split self.only_positives = only_positives def quantify(self, instances): w = self.weighter.weights(*, instances) train, val = self.select_from_weights(w,, self.val_split, self.only_positives) _internal_plot(train, val, instances) # print('\ttraining size', len(train), '\tval size', len(val)) quantifier = self.quantif_method(self.classifier).fit(train, val_split=val) return quantifier.quantify(instances) def select_from_weights(self, w, data: LabelledCollection, val_prop=0.4, only_positives=False): order = np.argsort(w) if only_positives: val_prop = np.mean(w > 0) split_point = int(len(w) * val_prop) different_idx, similar_idx = order[:-split_point], order[-split_point:] different, similar = data.sampling_from_index(different_idx), data.sampling_from_index(similar_idx) # return different, similar train, val = similar.split_stratified(0.6) return train, val class SelectorQuantifiersTrain(TransductiveQuantifier): def __init__(self, classifier, weighter: ImportanceWeight, quantif_method=ACC, only_positives=False): self.classifier = classifier self.weighter = weighter self.quantif_method = quantif_method self.only_positives = only_positives def quantify(self, instances): w = self.weighter.weights(*, instances) train = self.select_from_weights(w,, select_prop=None, only_positives=self.only_positives) # _internal_plot(train, None, instances) # print('\ttraining size', len(train)) quantifier = self.quantif_method(self.classifier).fit(train) return quantifier.quantify(instances) def select_from_weights(self, w, data: LabelledCollection, select_prop=0.5, only_positives=False): order = np.argsort(w) if only_positives: select_prop = np.mean(w > 0) split_point = int(len(w) * select_prop) different_idx, similar_idx = order[:-split_point], order[-split_point:] different, similar = data.sampling_from_index(different_idx), data.sampling_from_index(similar_idx) return similar if __name__ == '__main__': qp.environ['SAMPLE_SIZE'] = 500 dA_l0 = gaussian(mean=[0,0], label=0, size=5000) dA_l1 = gaussian(mean=[1,0], label=1, size=5000) dB_l0 = gaussian(mean=[0,1], label=0, size=5000) dB_l1 = gaussian(mean=[1,1], label=1, size=5000) dA = LabelledCollection.join(dA_l0, dA_l1) dB = LabelledCollection.join(dB_l0, dB_l1) dA_train, dA_test = dA.split_stratified(0.5, random_state=0) dB_train, dB_test = dB.split_stratified(0.5, random_state=0) train = LabelledCollection.join(dA_train, dB_train) plot(train, 'train.png') def lr(): return LogisticRegression() # EMQ.MAX_ITER*=10 # val_split = 0.5 k_sim = 10 Q=ACC methods = [ ('MLPE', MLPE()), ('CC', CC(lr())), ('PCC', PCC(lr())), ('ACC', ACC(lr())), ('PACC', PACC(lr())), ('HDy', HDy(lr())), ('EMQ', EMQ(lr())), ('GridQ', GridQuantifier2(classifier=lr())), # ('GridQ', GridQuantifier(Indexer(binned_indexer(train.X, nbins_by_dim=2)), cell_quantifier=Q(lr()))), # ('GridQ', GridQuantifier(Indexer(binned_indexer(train.X, nbins_by_dim=4)), cell_quantifier=Q(lr()))), # ('GridQ', GridQuantifier(Indexer(binned_indexer(train.X, nbins_by_dim=6)), cell_quantifier=Q(lr()))), # ('GridQ', GridQuantifier(Indexer(binned_indexer(train.X, nbins_by_dim=8)), cell_quantifier=Q(lr()))), # ('GridQ', GridQuantifier(Indexer(binned_indexer(train.X, nbins_by_dim=10)), cell_quantifier=Q(lr()))), # ('GridQ', GridQuantifier(Indexer(binned_indexer(train.X, nbins_by_dim=20)), cell_quantifier=Q(lr()))), # ('kSim-ACC', SelectorQuantifiers(lr(), MostSimilar(k_sim), ACC, val_split=val_split)), # ('kSim-PACC', SelectorQuantifiers(lr(), MostSimilar(k_sim), PACC, val_split=val_split)), # ('kSim-HDy', SelectorQuantifiers(lr(), MostSimilar(k_sim), HDy, val_split=val_split)), # ('Sel-CC', SelectorQuantifiersTrain(lr(), MostSimilarTest(k=k_sim), CC, only_positives=True)), # ('Sel-PCC', SelectorQuantifiersTrain(lr(), MostSimilarTest(k=k_sim), PCC, only_positives=True)), # ('Sel-ACC', SelectorQuantifiersTrainVal(lr(), MostSimilarTest(k=k_sim), ACC, only_positives=True)), # ('Sel-PACC', SelectorQuantifiersTrainVal(lr(), MostSimilarTest(k=k_sim), PACC, only_positives=True)), # ('Sel-HDy', SelectorQuantifiersTrainVal(lr(), MostSimilarTest(k=k_sim), HDy, only_positives=True)), # ('Sel-EMQ', SelectorQuantifiersTrain(lr(), MostSimilarTest(k=k_sim), EMQ, only_positives=True)), # ('Sel-EMQ', SelectorQuantifiersTrainVal(lr(), USILF(), PACC, only_positives=False)), # ('Sel-PACC', SelectorQuantifiers(lr(), MostTest(), PACC)), # ('Sel-HDy', SelectorQuantifiers(lr(), MostTest(), HDy)), # ('LogReg-CC', ReweightingAggregative(lr(), LogReg(), CC)), # ('LogReg-PCC', ReweightingAggregative(lr(), LogReg(), PCC)), # ('LogReg-EMQ', ReweightingAggregative(lr(), LogReg(), EMQ)), # ('KLIEP-CC', ReweightingAggregative(lr(), KLIEP(), CC)), # ('KLIEP-PCC', ReweightingAggregative(lr(), KLIEP(), PCC)), # ('KLIEP-EMQ', ReweightingAggregative(lr(), KLIEP(), EMQ)), # ('SILF-CC', ReweightingAggregative(lr(), USILF(), CC)), # ('SILF-PCC', ReweightingAggregative(lr(), USILF(), PCC)), # ('SILF-EMQ', ReweightingAggregative(lr(), USILF(), EMQ)) ] for name, model in methods: with qp.util.temp_seed(5): # print('original training size', len(train)) prot = CovPriorShift([dA_test, dB_test], repeats=1 if plottting else 150) # prot = UPP(dA_test+dB_test, repeats=1 if plottting else 150) mae = qp.evaluation.evaluate(model, protocol=prot, error_metric='mae') print(f'{name}: {mae = :.4f}') # mrae = qp.evaluation.evaluate(model, protocol=prot, error_metric='mrae') # print(f'{name}: {mrae = :.4f}')