ensembles seem to be broken; they have an internal model selection which takes the parameters, but since quapy now works with protocols it would need to know the validation set in order to pass something like "protocol: APP(val, etc.)" sample_size should not be mandatory when qp.environ['SAMPLE_SIZE'] has been specified clean all the cumbersome methods that have to be implemented for new quantifiers (e.g., n_classes_ prop, etc.) make truly parallel the GridSearchQ make more examples in the "examples" directory merge with master, because I had to fix some problems with QuaNet due to an issue notified via GitHub! added cross_val_predict in qp.model_selection (i.e., a cross_val_predict for quantification) --would be nice to have it parallelized check the OneVsAll module(s) check the set_params de neural.py, because the separation of estimator__<param> is not implemented; see also __check_params_colision HDy can be customized so that the number of bins is specified, instead of explored within the fit method Packaging: ========================================== Document methods with paper references unit-tests clean wiki_examples! Refactor: ========================================== Unify ThresholdOptimization methods, as an extension of PACC (and not ACC), the fit methods are almost identical and use a prob classifier (take into account that PACC uses pcc internally, whereas the threshold methods use cc instead). The fit method of ACC and PACC has a block for estimating the validation estimates that should be unified as well... Refactor protocols. APP and NPP related functionalities are duplicated in functional, LabelledCollection, and evaluation New features: ========================================== Add NAE, NRAE Add "measures for evaluating ordinal"? Add datasets for topic. Do we want to cover cross-lingual quantification natively in QuaPy, or does it make more sense as an application on top? Current issues: ========================================== Revise the class structure of quantification methods and the methods they inherit... There is some confusion regarding methods isbinary, isprobabilistic, and the like. The attribute "learner_" in aggregative quantifiers is also confusing, since there is a getter and a setter. Remove the "deep" in get_params. There is no real compatibility with scikit-learn as for now. SVMperf-based learners do not remove temp files in __del__? In binary quantification (hp, kindle, imdb) we used F1 in the minority class (which in kindle and hp happens to be the negative class). This is not covered in this new implementation, in which the binary case is not treated as such, but as an instance of single-label with 2 labels. Check Add automatic reindex of class labels in LabelledCollection (currently, class indexes should be ordered and with no gaps) OVR I believe is currently tied to aggregative methods. We should provide a general interface also for general quantifiers Currently, being "binary" only adds one checker; we should figure out how to impose the check to be automatically performed Add random seed management to support replicability (see temp_seed in util.py). GridSearchQ is not trully parallelized. It only parallelizes on the predictions. In the context of a quantifier (e.g., QuaNet or CC), the parameters of the learner should be prefixed with "estimator__", in QuaNet this is resolved with a __check_params_colision, but this should be improved. It might be cumbersome to impose the "estimator__" prefix for, e.g., quantifiers like CC though... This should be changed everywhere... QuaNet needs refactoring. The base quantifiers ACC and PACC receive val_data with instances already transformed. This issue is due to a bad design. Improvements: ========================================== Explore the hyperparameter "number of bins" in HDy Rename EMQ to SLD ? Parallelize the kFCV in ACC and PACC? Parallelize model selection trainings We might want to think of (improving and) adding the class Tabular (it is defined and used on branch tweetsent). A more recent version is in the project ql4facct. This class is meant to generate latex tables from results (highligting best results, computing statistical tests, colouring cells, producing rankings, producing averages, etc.). Trying to generate tables is typically a bad idea, but in this specific case we do have pretty good control of what an experiment looks like. (Do we want to abstract experimental results? this could be useful not only for tables but also for plots). Add proper logging system. Currently we use print It might be good to simplify the number of methods that have to be implemented for any new Quantifier. At the moment, there are many functions like get_params, set_params, and, specially, @property classes_, which are cumbersome to implement for quick experiments. A possible solution is to impose get_params and set_params only in cases in which the model extends some "ModelSelectable" interface only. The classes_ should have a default implementation. Checks: ========================================== How many times is the system of equations for ACC and PACC not solved? How many times is it clipped? Do they sum up to one always? Re-check how hyperparameters from the quantifier and hyperparameters from the classifier (in aggregative quantifiers) is handled. In scikit-learn the hyperparameters from a wrapper method are indicated directly whereas the hyperparams from the internal learner are prefixed with "estimator__". In QuaPy, combinations having to do with the classifier can be computed at the begining, and then in an internal loop the hyperparams of the quantifier can be explored, passing fit_learner=False. Re-check Ensembles. As for now, they are strongly tied to aggregative quantifiers. Re-think the environment variables. Maybe add new ones (like, for example, parameters for the plots) Do we want to wrap prevalences (currently simple np.ndarray) as a class? This might be convenient for some interfaces (e.g., for specifying artificial prevalences in samplings, for printing them -- currently supported through F.strprev(), etc.). This might however add some overload, and prevent/difficult post processing with numpy. Would be nice to get a better integration with sklearn.