from typing import Union, Callable import numpy as np from sklearn.base import BaseEstimator from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression import pandas as pd from sklearn.neighbors import KernelDensity import quapy as qp from data import LabelledCollection from protocol import APP, UPP from quapy.method.aggregative import AggregativeProbabilisticQuantifier, _training_helper, cross_generate_predictions, \ DistributionMatching, _get_divergence import scipy from scipy import optimize class KDEy(AggregativeProbabilisticQuantifier): BANDWIDTH_METHOD = ['auto', 'scott', 'silverman'] ENGINE = ['scipy', 'sklearn'] def __init__(self, classifier: BaseEstimator, val_split=0.4, divergence: Union[str, Callable]='HD', bandwidth_method='scott', engine='sklearn', n_jobs=None): self.classifier = classifier self.val_split = val_split self.divergence = divergence self.bandwidth_method = bandwidth_method self.engine = engine self.n_jobs = n_jobs assert bandwidth_method in KDEy.BANDWIDTH_METHOD, f'unknown bandwidth_method, valid ones are {KDEy.BANDWIDTH_METHOD}' assert engine in KDEy.ENGINE, f'unknown engine, valid ones are {KDEy.ENGINE}' def get_kde(self, posteriors): if self.engine == 'scipy': # scipy treats columns as datapoints, and need the datapoints not to lie in a lower-dimensional subspace, which # requires removing the last dimension which is constrained posteriors = posteriors[:,:-1].T kde = scipy.stats.gaussian_kde(posteriors) kde.set_bandwidth(self.bandwidth_method) elif self.engine == 'sklearn': kde = KernelDensity(bandwidth=self.bandwidth_method).fit(posteriors) return kde def pdf(self, kde, posteriors): if self.engine == 'scipy': return kde(posteriors[:,:-1].T) elif self.engine == 'sklearn': return np.exp(kde.score_samples(posteriors)) def fit(self, data: LabelledCollection, fit_classifier=True, val_split: Union[float, LabelledCollection] = None): """ Trains the classifier (if requested) and generates the validation distributions out of the training data. The validation distributions have shape `(n, ch, nbins)`, with `n` the number of classes, `ch` the number of channels (a channel is a description, in form of a histogram, of a specific class -- there are as many channels as classes, although in the binary case one can use only one channel, since the other one is constrained), and `nbins` the number of bins. In particular, let `V` be the validation distributions; `di=V[i]` are the distributions obtained from training data labelled with class `i`; `dij = di[j]` is the discrete distribution of posterior probabilities `P(Y=j|X=x)` for training data labelled with class `i`, and `dij[k]` is the fraction of instances with a value in the `k`-th bin. :param data: the training set :param fit_classifier: set to False to bypass the training (the learner is assumed to be already fit) :param val_split: either a float in (0,1) indicating the proportion of training instances to use for validation (e.g., 0.3 for using 30% of the training set as validation data), or a LabelledCollection indicating the validation set itself, or an int indicating the number k of folds to be used in kFCV to estimate the parameters """ if val_split is None: val_split = self.val_split self.classifier, y, posteriors, classes, class_count = cross_generate_predictions( data, self.classifier, val_split, probabilistic=True, fit_classifier=fit_classifier, n_jobs=self.n_jobs ) self.val_densities = [self.get_kde(posteriors[y == cat]) for cat in range(data.n_classes)] self.val_posteriors = posteriors return self def val_pdf(self, prev): """ Returns a function that computes the mixture model with the given prev as mixture factor :param prev: a prevalence vector, ndarray :return: a function implementing the validation distribution with fixed mixture factor """ return lambda posteriors: sum(prev_i * self.pdf(kde_i, posteriors) for kde_i, prev_i in zip(self.val_densities, prev)) def aggregate(self, posteriors: np.ndarray): """ Searches for the mixture model parameter (the sought prevalence values) that yields a validation distribution (the mixture) that best matches the test distribution, in terms of the divergence measure of choice. In the multiclass case, with `n` the number of classes, the test and mixture distributions contain `n` channels (proper distributions of binned posterior probabilities), on which the divergence is computed independently. The matching is computed as an average of the divergence across all channels. :param instances: instances in the sample :return: a vector of class prevalence estimates """ test_density = self.get_kde(posteriors) # val_test_posteriors = np.concatenate([self.val_posteriors, posteriors]) test_likelihood = self.pdf(test_density, posteriors) divergence = _get_divergence(self.divergence) n_classes = len(self.val_densities) def match(prev): val_pdf = self.val_pdf(prev) val_likelihood = val_pdf(posteriors) return divergence(val_likelihood, test_likelihood) # the initial point is set as the uniform distribution uniform_distribution = np.full(fill_value=1 / n_classes, shape=(n_classes,)) # solutions are bounded to those contained in the unit-simplex bounds = tuple((0, 1) for _ in range(n_classes)) # values in [0,1] constraints = ({'type': 'eq', 'fun': lambda x: 1 - sum(x)}) # values summing up to 1 r = optimize.minimize(match, x0=uniform_distribution, method='SLSQP', bounds=bounds, constraints=constraints) return r.x if __name__ == '__main__': qp.environ['SAMPLE_SIZE'] = 100 qp.environ['N_JOBS'] = -1 div = 'HD' # generates tuples (dataset, method, method_name) # (the dataset is needed for methods that process the dataset differently) def gen_methods(): for dataset in qp.datasets.TWITTER_SENTIMENT_DATASETS_TEST: data = qp.datasets.fetch_twitter(dataset, min_df=3, pickle=True) # kdey = KDEy(LogisticRegression(), divergence=div, bandwidth_method='scott') # yield data, kdey, f'KDEy-{div}-scott' kdey = KDEy(LogisticRegression(), divergence=div, bandwidth_method='silverman', engine='sklearn') yield data, kdey, f'KDEy-{div}-silverman' dm = DistributionMatching(LogisticRegression(), divergence=div, nbins=5) yield data, dm, f'DM-5b-{div}' # dm = DistributionMatching(LogisticRegression(), divergence=div, nbins=10) # yield data, dm, f'DM-10b-{div}' result_path = 'results_kdey.csv' with open(result_path, 'wt') as csv: csv.write(f'Method\tDataset\tMAE\tMRAE\n') for data, quantifier, quant_name in gen_methods(): protocol = UPP(data.test, repeats=100) report = qp.evaluation.evaluation_report(quantifier, protocol, error_metrics=['mae','mrae'], verbose=True) means = report.mean() csv.write(f'{quant_name}\t{}\t{means["mae"]:.5f}\t{means["mrae"]:.5f}\n') csv.flush() df = pd.read_csv(result_path, sep='\t') # print(df) pd.set_option('display.max_columns', None) pd.set_option('display.max_rows', None) pv = df.pivot_table(index='Dataset', columns="Method", values=["MAE", "MRAE"]) print(pv)