Average residual forces norm. Alpha angles stored in vectors. Residual forces criterion applicable not only at local kinetic energy maxima
This commit is contained in:
@ -222,7 +222,6 @@ void DRMSimulationModel::reset()
mCurrentSimulationStep = 0;
@ -232,6 +231,8 @@ void DRMSimulationModel::reset()
numOfDampings = 0;
shouldTemporarilyDampForces = false;
externalLoadStep = 1;
minTotalResidualForcesNorm = std::numeric_limits<double>::max();
VectorType DRMSimulationModel::computeDisplacementDifferenceDerivative(
@ -544,13 +545,18 @@ double DRMSimulationModel::computeTheta3(const EdgeType &e, const VertexType &v)
// Use nR as theta3 only for the first star edge
return nR;
std::vector<int> incidentElementsIndices(node.incidentElements.size());
for (int iei = 0; iei < incidentElementsIndices.size(); iei++) {
incidentElementsIndices[iei] = pMesh->getIndex(node.incidentElements[iei]);
// std::vector<int> incidentElementsIndices(node.incidentElements.size());
// for (int iei = 0; iei < incidentElementsIndices.size(); iei++) {
// incidentElementsIndices[iei] = pMesh->getIndex(node.incidentElements[iei]);
// }
assert(pMesh->getIndex(e) == ei);
const double alphaAngle = node.alphaAngles.at(elem.ei);
// assert(node.alphaAngles.contains(ei));
const double alphaAngle = std::find_if(node.alphaAngles.begin(),
[&](const std::pair<EdgeIndex, double> &p) {
return elem.ei == p.first;
const EdgeType &refElem = *node.referenceElement;
const double rotationAngle = nR + alphaAngle;
@ -591,8 +597,7 @@ double DRMSimulationModel::computeDerivativeTheta3(const EdgeType &e,
const Node &node = pMesh->nodes[v];
const VertexIndex &vi = pMesh->nodes[v].vi;
const bool isRigidSupport = rigidSupports.contains(vi);
if (&e == node.referenceElement && !isRigidSupport) {
if (&e == node.referenceElement && !isRigidSupport[vi]) {
if (dui.dofi == DoF::Nr && &dui.v == &v) {
return 1;
} else {
@ -610,7 +615,7 @@ double DRMSimulationModel::computeDerivativeTheta3(const EdgeType &e,
const VertexPointer &vp_jplus1 = e.cV(1);
double derivativeTheta3_dofi = 0;
if (isRigidSupport) {
if (isRigidSupport[vi]) {
const VectorType &t1Initial = computeT1Vector(pMesh->nodes[vp_j].initialLocation,
VectorType g1 = Cross(t1, t1Initial);
@ -800,9 +805,9 @@ void DRMSimulationModel::updateResidualForcesOnTheFly(
pMesh->EN(), std::vector<std::pair<int, Vector6d>>(4, {-1, Vector6d()}));
// omp_lock_t writelock;
// omp_init_lock(&writelock);
//#pragma omp parallel for schedule(static) num_threads(8)
#pragma omp parallel for schedule(static) num_threads(5)
for (int ei = 0; ei < pMesh->EN(); ei++) {
const EdgeType &e = pMesh->edge[ei];
const SimulationMesh::VertexType &ev_j = *e.cV(0);
@ -843,7 +848,7 @@ void DRMSimulationModel::updateResidualForcesOnTheFly(
const size_t vi = edgeNode.vi;
// #pragma omp parallel for schedule(static) num_threads(6)
for (DoFType dofi = DoF::Ux; dofi < DoF::NumDoF; dofi++) {
const bool isDofConstrainedFor_ev = fixedVertices.contains(edgeNode.vi)
const bool isDofConstrainedFor_ev = isVertexConstrained[edgeNode.vi]
&& fixedVertices.at(edgeNode.vi).contains(dofi);
if (!isDofConstrainedFor_ev) {
DifferentiateWithRespectTo dui{ev, dofi};
@ -924,7 +929,7 @@ void DRMSimulationModel::updateResidualForcesOnTheFly(
if (edgeNode.referenceElement != &e) {
const bool isDofConstrainedFor_refElemOtherVertex
= fixedVertices.contains(refElemOtherVertexNode.vi)
= isVertexConstrained[refElemOtherVertexNode.vi]
&& fixedVertices.at(refElemOtherVertexNode.vi).contains(dofi);
if (!isDofConstrainedFor_refElemOtherVertex) {
DifferentiateWithRespectTo dui{*refElemOtherVertex, dofi};
@ -1012,6 +1017,11 @@ void DRMSimulationModel::updateResidualForcesOnTheFly(
pMesh->previousTotalResidualForcesNorm = pMesh->totalResidualForcesNorm;
pMesh->totalResidualForcesNorm = totalResidualForcesNorm;
if (mSettings.beVerbose) {
if (minTotalResidualForcesNorm > pMesh->totalResidualForcesNorm) {
minTotalResidualForcesNorm = pMesh->totalResidualForcesNorm;
pMesh->averageResidualForcesNorm = totalResidualForcesNorm / pMesh->VN();
// pMesh->averageResidualForcesNorm = sumOfResidualForces.norm() / pMesh->VN();
@ -1078,6 +1088,8 @@ void DRMSimulationModel::updateResidualForces()
void DRMSimulationModel::computeRigidSupports()
isRigidSupport.resize(pMesh->VN(), false);
for (const VertexType &v : pMesh->vert) {
const VertexIndex vi = pMesh->nodes[v].vi;
const bool isVertexConstrained = constrainedVertices.contains(vi);
@ -1090,7 +1102,7 @@ void DRMSimulationModel::computeRigidSupports()
&& constrainedDoFType.contains(DoF::Ny)
&& constrainedDoFType.contains(DoF::Nr);
if (hasAllDoFTypeConstrained) {
isRigidSupport[vi] = true;
@ -1180,8 +1192,9 @@ void DRMSimulationModel::updateNodalMasses()
if (shouldTemporarilyDampForces && mCurrentSimulationStep < untilStep) {
gamma *= 1e6 * (1 - static_cast<double>(mCurrentSimulationStep) / untilStep);
if (mCurrentSimulationStep == untilStep && shouldTemporarilyDampForces) {
Dt = mSettings.Dtini * 0.95;
if (mCurrentSimulationStep == static_cast<size_t>(1.2 * untilStep)
&& shouldTemporarilyDampForces) {
Dt = mSettings.Dtini;
for (VertexType &v : pMesh->vert) {
const size_t vi = pMesh->getIndex(v);
@ -1328,7 +1341,7 @@ void DRMSimulationModel::updateNodeNr(VertexType &v)
const VertexIndex &vi = pMesh->nodes[v].vi;
Node &node = pMesh->nodes[v];
if (!rigidSupports.contains(vi)) {
if (!isRigidSupport[vi]) {
node.nR = node.displacements[5];
} else {
const EdgePointer &refElem = node.referenceElement;
@ -1509,11 +1522,11 @@ void DRMSimulationModel::resetVelocities()
for (const VertexType &v : pMesh->vert) {
pMesh->nodes[v].velocity =
// pMesh->nodes[v].acceleration
// * Dt; // NOTE: Do I reset the previous
// velocity?
// reset
// current to 0 or this?
// pMesh->nodes[v].acceleration * Dt
// * 0.5; // NOTE: Do I reset the previous
// // velocity?
// // reset
// // current to 0 or this?
@ -1616,7 +1629,7 @@ void DRMSimulationModel::updatePositionsOnTheFly(
VectorType newNormal(nx, ny, nz);
v.N() = newNormal;
if (!rigidSupports.contains(vi)) {
if (!isRigidSupport[vi]) {
node.nR = node.displacements[5];
} else {
@ -1650,15 +1663,18 @@ void DRMSimulationModel::printCurrentState() const
<< std::endl;
std::cout << "Kinetic energy:" << pMesh->currentTotalKineticEnergy << std::endl;
static std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point begin = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
const auto timePerNodePerIteration = std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::microseconds>(
std::chrono::steady_clock::now() - begin)
* 1e-6 / (mCurrentSimulationStep * pMesh->VN());
const double timePerNodePerIteration = std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::microseconds>(
std::chrono::steady_clock::now() - begin)
* 1e-6
/ (static_cast<double>(mCurrentSimulationStep)
* pMesh->VN());
std::cout << "Total potential:" << pMesh->currentTotalPotentialEnergykN << " kNm" << std::endl;
std::cout << "time(s)/(iterations*node) = " << timePerNodePerIteration << std::endl;
std::cout << "Mov aver deriv norm:" << pMesh->residualForcesMovingAverageDerivativeNorm
<< std::endl;
std::cout << "xi:" << mSettings.xi << std::endl;
std::cout << "Dt:" << Dt << std::endl;
void DRMSimulationModel::printDebugInfo() const
@ -1936,7 +1952,7 @@ void DRMSimulationModel::applySolutionGuess(const SimulationResults &solutionGue
node.displacements[5] = nr;
// const double nr_asin = q_nr.x()
if (rigidSupports.contains(vi)) {
if (isRigidSupport[vi]) {
const EdgePointer &refElem = node.referenceElement;
const VectorType &refT1 = computeT1Vector(refElem->cP(0), refElem->cP(1));
@ -2046,8 +2062,9 @@ SimulationResults DRMSimulationModel::executeSimulation(const std::shared_ptr<Si
isVertexConstrained.resize(pMesh->VN(), false);
for (auto fixedVertex : pJob->constrainedVertices) {
assert(fixedVertex.first < pMesh->VN());
isVertexConstrained[fixedVertex.first] = true;
@ -2058,7 +2075,8 @@ SimulationResults DRMSimulationModel::executeSimulation(const std::shared_ptr<Si
polyscope::registerCurveNetwork("Initial_" + meshPolyscopeLabel,
// registerWorldAxes();
@ -2120,9 +2138,9 @@ SimulationResults DRMSimulationModel::executeSimulation(const std::shared_ptr<Si
// pJob->save("./PatternOptimizationNonConv");
// Dt = mSettings.Dtini;
if (mCurrentSimulationStep == 500 && shouldTemporarilyDampForces) {
Dt = mSettings.Dtini;
// if (mCurrentSimulationStep == 500 && shouldTemporarilyDampForces) {
// Dt = mSettings.Dtini;
// }
// while (true) {
@ -2208,19 +2226,19 @@ SimulationResults DRMSimulationModel::executeSimulation(const std::shared_ptr<Si
// = std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::minutes>(t2 - beginTime).count();
// std::cout << "Execution time(min):" << executionTime_min << std::endl;
if (mSettings.useAverage) {
std::cout << "Percentage of target (average):"
std::cout << "Best percentage of target (average):"
<< 100 * mSettings.averageResidualForcesCriterionThreshold
* totalExternalForcesNorm
/ (pMesh->totalResidualForcesNorm / pMesh->VN())
/ (minTotalResidualForcesNorm / pMesh->VN())
<< "%" << std::endl;
std::cout << "Percentage of target:"
std::cout << "Best percentage of target:"
<< 100 * mSettings.totalExternalForcesNormPercentageTermination
* totalExternalForcesNorm / pMesh->totalResidualForcesNorm
* totalExternalForcesNorm / minTotalResidualForcesNorm
<< "%" << std::endl;
SimulationResultsReporter::createPlot("Number of Steps",
"Residual Forces mov aver",
// SimulationResultsReporter::createPlot("Number of Steps",
// "Residual Forces mov aver",
// history.residualForcesMovingAverage);
// SimulationResultsReporter::createPlot("Number of Steps",
// "Residual Forces mov aver deriv",
// movingAveragesDerivatives);
@ -2297,8 +2315,18 @@ currentSimulationStep > maxDRMIterations*/
// << std::endl;
// std::cout << "Residual forces norm:" << mesh.totalResidualForcesNorm
// << std::endl;
const bool fullfillsResidualForcesNormTerminationCriterion
= !mSettings.useAverage
&& pMesh->totalResidualForcesNorm / totalExternalForcesNorm
< mSettings.totalExternalForcesNormPercentageTermination;
const bool fullfillsAverageResidualForcesNormTerminationCriterion
= mSettings.useAverage
&& (pMesh->totalResidualForcesNorm / pMesh->VN()) / totalExternalForcesNorm
< mSettings.averageResidualForcesCriterionThreshold;
// Residual forces norm convergence
if ((pMesh->previousTotalKineticEnergy > pMesh->currentTotalKineticEnergy
if (((pMesh->previousTotalKineticEnergy > pMesh->currentTotalKineticEnergy
|| fullfillsAverageResidualForcesNormTerminationCriterion
|| fullfillsResidualForcesNormTerminationCriterion)
// && mCurrentSimulationStep > movingAverageSampleSize
&& (pJob->nodalForcedDisplacements.empty()
|| mCurrentSimulationStep > mSettings.gradualForcedDisplacementSteps))
@ -2314,13 +2342,6 @@ mesh->currentTotalPotentialEnergykN*/
&& pMesh->currentTotalTranslationalKineticEnergy
< mSettings.totalTranslationalKineticEnergyThreshold
&& mCurrentSimulationStep > 20 && numOfDampings > 0;
const bool fullfillsResidualForcesNormTerminationCriterion
= pMesh->totalResidualForcesNorm / totalExternalForcesNorm
< mSettings.totalExternalForcesNormPercentageTermination;
const bool fullfillsAverageResidualForcesNormTerminationCriterion
= mSettings.useAverage
&& (pMesh->totalResidualForcesNorm / pMesh->VN()) / totalExternalForcesNorm
< mSettings.averageResidualForcesCriterionThreshold;
const bool fullfillsMovingAverageNormTerminationCriterion
= pMesh->residualForcesMovingAverage
< mSettings.residualForcesMovingAverageNormThreshold;
@ -2341,7 +2362,7 @@ mesh->currentTotalPotentialEnergykN*/
std::cout << "Converged using residual forces norm threshold criterion"
<< std::endl;
} else if (fullfillsKineticEnergyTerminationCriterion) {
std::cout << "Warning: The kinetic energy of the system was "
std::cout << "The kinetic energy of the system was "
" used as a convergence criterion"
<< std::endl;
} else if (fullfillsMovingAverageNormTerminationCriterion) {
@ -2377,25 +2398,25 @@ mesh->currentTotalPotentialEnergykN*/
// }
// const bool shouldCapDisplacements = mSettings.displacementCap.has_value();
// for (VertexType &v : pMesh->vert) {
// Node &node = pMesh->nodes[v];
// Vector6d stepDisplacement = node.velocity * Dt;
// if (shouldCapDisplacements
// && stepDisplacement.getTranslation().norm() > mSettings.displacementCap) {
// stepDisplacement = stepDisplacement
// * (*mSettings.displacementCap
// / stepDisplacement.getTranslation().norm());
// }
// node.displacements = node.displacements - stepDisplacement;
// }
// applyDisplacements(constrainedVertices);
// if (!pJob->nodalForcedDisplacements.empty()) {
// applyForcedDisplacements(
const bool shouldCapDisplacements = mSettings.displacementCap.has_value();
for (VertexType &v : pMesh->vert) {
Node &node = pMesh->nodes[v];
Vector6d stepDisplacement = node.velocity * 0.5 * Dt;
if (shouldCapDisplacements
&& stepDisplacement.getTranslation().norm() > mSettings.displacementCap) {
stepDisplacement = stepDisplacement
* (*mSettings.displacementCap
/ stepDisplacement.getTranslation().norm());
node.displacements = node.displacements - stepDisplacement;
if (!pJob->nodalForcedDisplacements.empty()) {
// pJob->nodalForcedDisplacements);
// }
// updateElementalLengths();
// const double triggerPercentage = 0.01;
// const double xi_min = 0.55;
@ -2408,11 +2429,11 @@ mesh->currentTotalPotentialEnergykN*/
// + xi_init - triggerPercentage * xi_min)
// / (1 - triggerPercentage);
// }
Dt *= mSettings.xi;
// if (mSettings.isDebugMode) {
// std::cout << Dt << std::endl;
// }
if (mSettings.shouldCreatePlots) {
@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ public:
double totalResidualForcesNormThreshold{1e-3};
double totalExternalForcesNormPercentageTermination{1e-3};
bool useAverage{false};
double averageResidualForcesCriterionThreshold{1e-3};
double averageResidualForcesCriterionThreshold{1e-5};
Settings() {}
@ -61,6 +61,9 @@ private:
std::vector<double> plotYValues;
size_t numOfDampings{0};
int externalLoadStep{1};
std::vector<bool> isVertexConstrained;
std::vector<bool> isRigidSupport;
double minTotalResidualForcesNorm{std::numeric_limits<double>::max()};
const std::string meshPolyscopeLabel{"Simulation mesh"};
std::unique_ptr<SimulationMesh> pMesh;
@ -69,7 +72,6 @@ private:
// Eigen::Tensor<double, 4> theta3Derivatives;
// std::unordered_map<MyKeyType, double, key_hash> theta3Derivatives;
bool shouldApplyInitialDistortion = false;
std::unordered_set<VertexIndex> rigidSupports;
void reset();
void updateNodalInternalForces(
@ -156,10 +158,9 @@ private:
void updateElementalFrames();
VectorType computeDerivativeOfR(const EdgeType &e,
const DifferentiateWithRespectTo &dui) const;
VectorType computeDerivativeOfR(const EdgeType &e, const DifferentiateWithRespectTo &dui) const;
bool isRigidSupport(const VertexType &v) const;
// bool isRigidSupport(const VertexType &v) const;
static double computeDerivativeOfNorm(const VectorType &x,
const VectorType &derivativeOfX);
@ -140,6 +140,7 @@ void SimulationMesh::initializeNodes() {
const EdgeType &referenceElement = *node.referenceElement;
const VectorType t01 = computeT1Vector(referenceElement.cP(0), referenceElement.cP(1));
const VectorType f01 = (t01 - (v.cN() * (t01.dot(v.cN())))).Normalize();
for (const VCGEdgeMesh::EdgePointer &ep : nodes[v].incidentElements) {
assert(referenceElement.cV(0) == ep->cV(0) || referenceElement.cV(0) == ep->cV(1)
@ -148,7 +149,7 @@ void SimulationMesh::initializeNodes() {
const VectorType f1 = t1 - (v.cN() * (t1.dot(v.cN()))).Normalize();
const EdgeIndex ei = getIndex(ep);
const double alphaAngle = computeAngle(f01, f1, v.cN());
node.alphaAngles[ei] = alphaAngle;
node.alphaAngles.emplace_back(std::make_pair(ei, alphaAngle));
@ -182,7 +183,8 @@ void SimulationMesh::reset() {
const EdgeType &referenceElement = *getReferenceElement(v);
const VectorType t01 = computeT1Vector(referenceElement.cP(0), referenceElement.cP(1));
const VectorType f01 = (t01 - (v.cN() * (t01.dot(v.cN())))).Normalize();
for (const VCGEdgeMesh::EdgePointer &ep : nodes[v].incidentElements) {
assert(referenceElement.cV(0) == ep->cV(0) || referenceElement.cV(0) == ep->cV(1)
|| referenceElement.cV(1) == ep->cV(0) || referenceElement.cV(1) == ep->cV(1));
@ -190,7 +192,7 @@ void SimulationMesh::reset() {
const VectorType f1 = t1 - (v.cN() * (t1.dot(v.cN()))).Normalize();
const EdgeIndex ei = getIndex(ep);
const double alphaAngle = computeAngle(f01, f1, v.cN());
node.alphaAngles[ei] = alphaAngle;
node.alphaAngles.emplace_back(std::make_pair(ei, alphaAngle));
@ -157,10 +157,11 @@ struct Node {
double kineticEnergy{0};
Vector6d displacements{0};
double nR{0};
std::unordered_map<EdgeIndex, double>
alphaAngles; // contains the initial angles between the first star element
// incident to this node and the other elements of the star
// has size equal to the valence of the vertex
// std::unordered_map<EdgeIndex, double>
// alphaAngles; // contains the initial angles between the first star element
// // incident to this node and the other elements of the star
// // has size equal to the valence of the vertex
std::vector<std::pair<EdgeIndex, double>> alphaAngles;
std::vector<VCGEdgeMesh::EdgePointer> incidentElements;
std::vector<VectorType> derivativeOfNormal;
Reference in New Issue