// (C) Copyright David Abrahams 2000. // Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See // accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at // http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) #ifndef REVERSE_GRAPH_DWA092300_H_ #define REVERSE_GRAPH_DWA092300_H_ #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace boost { struct reverse_graph_tag { }; namespace detail { template < typename EdgeDesc > class reverse_graph_edge_descriptor { public: EdgeDesc underlying_descx; // Odd name is because this needs to be public but // shouldn't be exposed to users anymore private: typedef EdgeDesc base_descriptor_type; public: explicit reverse_graph_edge_descriptor( const EdgeDesc& underlying_descx = EdgeDesc()) : underlying_descx(underlying_descx) { } friend bool operator==(const reverse_graph_edge_descriptor& a, const reverse_graph_edge_descriptor& b) { return a.underlying_descx == b.underlying_descx; } friend bool operator!=(const reverse_graph_edge_descriptor& a, const reverse_graph_edge_descriptor& b) { return a.underlying_descx != b.underlying_descx; } friend bool operator<(const reverse_graph_edge_descriptor& a, const reverse_graph_edge_descriptor& b) { return a.underlying_descx < b.underlying_descx; } friend bool operator>(const reverse_graph_edge_descriptor& a, const reverse_graph_edge_descriptor& b) { return a.underlying_descx > b.underlying_descx; } friend bool operator<=(const reverse_graph_edge_descriptor& a, const reverse_graph_edge_descriptor& b) { return a.underlying_descx <= b.underlying_descx; } friend bool operator>=(const reverse_graph_edge_descriptor& a, const reverse_graph_edge_descriptor& b) { return a.underlying_descx >= b.underlying_descx; } }; template < typename EdgeDesc > struct reverse_graph_edge_descriptor_maker { typedef reverse_graph_edge_descriptor< EdgeDesc > result_type; reverse_graph_edge_descriptor< EdgeDesc > operator()( const EdgeDesc& ed) const { return reverse_graph_edge_descriptor< EdgeDesc >(ed); } }; template < typename EdgeDesc, typename Iter > std::pair< transform_iterator< reverse_graph_edge_descriptor_maker< EdgeDesc >, Iter >, transform_iterator< reverse_graph_edge_descriptor_maker< EdgeDesc >, Iter > > reverse_edge_iter_pair(const std::pair< Iter, Iter >& ip) { return std::make_pair( make_transform_iterator( ip.first, reverse_graph_edge_descriptor_maker< EdgeDesc >()), make_transform_iterator( ip.second, reverse_graph_edge_descriptor_maker< EdgeDesc >())); } // Get the underlying descriptor from a vertex or edge descriptor template < typename Desc > struct get_underlying_descriptor_from_reverse_descriptor { typedef Desc type; static Desc convert(const Desc& d) { return d; } }; template < typename Desc > struct get_underlying_descriptor_from_reverse_descriptor< reverse_graph_edge_descriptor< Desc > > { typedef Desc type; static Desc convert(const reverse_graph_edge_descriptor< Desc >& d) { return d.underlying_descx; } }; template < bool isEdgeList > struct choose_rev_edge_iter { }; template <> struct choose_rev_edge_iter< true > { template < class G > struct bind_ { typedef transform_iterator< reverse_graph_edge_descriptor_maker< typename graph_traits< G >::edge_descriptor >, typename graph_traits< G >::edge_iterator > type; }; }; template <> struct choose_rev_edge_iter< false > { template < class G > struct bind_ { typedef void type; }; }; } // namespace detail template < class BidirectionalGraph, class GraphRef = const BidirectionalGraph& > class reverse_graph { typedef reverse_graph< BidirectionalGraph, GraphRef > Self; typedef graph_traits< BidirectionalGraph > Traits; public: typedef BidirectionalGraph base_type; typedef GraphRef base_ref_type; // Constructor reverse_graph(GraphRef g) : m_g(g) {} // Conversion from reverse_graph on non-const reference to one on const // reference reverse_graph( const reverse_graph< BidirectionalGraph, BidirectionalGraph& >& o) : m_g(o.m_g) { } // Graph requirements typedef typename Traits::vertex_descriptor vertex_descriptor; typedef detail::reverse_graph_edge_descriptor< typename Traits::edge_descriptor > edge_descriptor; typedef typename Traits::directed_category directed_category; typedef typename Traits::edge_parallel_category edge_parallel_category; typedef typename Traits::traversal_category traversal_category; // IncidenceGraph requirements typedef transform_iterator< detail::reverse_graph_edge_descriptor_maker< typename Traits::edge_descriptor >, typename Traits::in_edge_iterator > out_edge_iterator; typedef typename Traits::degree_size_type degree_size_type; // BidirectionalGraph requirements typedef transform_iterator< detail::reverse_graph_edge_descriptor_maker< typename Traits::edge_descriptor >, typename Traits::out_edge_iterator > in_edge_iterator; // AdjacencyGraph requirements typedef typename adjacency_iterator_generator< Self, vertex_descriptor, out_edge_iterator >::type adjacency_iterator; // VertexListGraph requirements typedef typename Traits::vertex_iterator vertex_iterator; // EdgeListGraph requirements enum { is_edge_list = is_convertible< traversal_category, edge_list_graph_tag >::value }; typedef detail::choose_rev_edge_iter< is_edge_list > ChooseEdgeIter; typedef typename ChooseEdgeIter::template bind_< BidirectionalGraph >::type edge_iterator; typedef typename Traits::vertices_size_type vertices_size_type; typedef typename Traits::edges_size_type edges_size_type; typedef reverse_graph_tag graph_tag; #ifndef BOOST_GRAPH_NO_BUNDLED_PROPERTIES // Bundled properties support template < typename Descriptor > typename graph::detail::bundled_result< BidirectionalGraph, typename detail::get_underlying_descriptor_from_reverse_descriptor< Descriptor >::type >::type& operator[](Descriptor x) { return m_g[detail::get_underlying_descriptor_from_reverse_descriptor< Descriptor >::convert(x)]; } template < typename Descriptor > typename graph::detail::bundled_result< BidirectionalGraph, typename detail::get_underlying_descriptor_from_reverse_descriptor< Descriptor >::type >::type const& operator[](Descriptor x) const { return m_g[detail::get_underlying_descriptor_from_reverse_descriptor< Descriptor >::convert(x)]; } #endif // BOOST_GRAPH_NO_BUNDLED_PROPERTIES static vertex_descriptor null_vertex() { return Traits::null_vertex(); } // would be private, but template friends aren't portable enough. // private: GraphRef m_g; }; // These are separate so they are not instantiated unless used (see bug 1021) template < class BidirectionalGraph, class GraphRef > struct vertex_property_type< reverse_graph< BidirectionalGraph, GraphRef > > { typedef typename boost::vertex_property_type< BidirectionalGraph >::type type; }; template < class BidirectionalGraph, class GraphRef > struct edge_property_type< reverse_graph< BidirectionalGraph, GraphRef > > { typedef typename boost::edge_property_type< BidirectionalGraph >::type type; }; template < class BidirectionalGraph, class GraphRef > struct graph_property_type< reverse_graph< BidirectionalGraph, GraphRef > > { typedef typename boost::graph_property_type< BidirectionalGraph >::type type; }; #ifndef BOOST_GRAPH_NO_BUNDLED_PROPERTIES template < typename Graph, typename GraphRef > struct vertex_bundle_type< reverse_graph< Graph, GraphRef > > : vertex_bundle_type< Graph > { }; template < typename Graph, typename GraphRef > struct edge_bundle_type< reverse_graph< Graph, GraphRef > > : edge_bundle_type< Graph > { }; template < typename Graph, typename GraphRef > struct graph_bundle_type< reverse_graph< Graph, GraphRef > > : graph_bundle_type< Graph > { }; #endif // BOOST_GRAPH_NO_BUNDLED_PROPERTIES template < class BidirectionalGraph > inline reverse_graph< BidirectionalGraph > make_reverse_graph( const BidirectionalGraph& g) { return reverse_graph< BidirectionalGraph >(g); } template < class BidirectionalGraph > inline reverse_graph< BidirectionalGraph, BidirectionalGraph& > make_reverse_graph(BidirectionalGraph& g) { return reverse_graph< BidirectionalGraph, BidirectionalGraph& >(g); } template < class BidirectionalGraph, class GRef > std::pair< typename reverse_graph< BidirectionalGraph >::vertex_iterator, typename reverse_graph< BidirectionalGraph >::vertex_iterator > vertices(const reverse_graph< BidirectionalGraph, GRef >& g) { return vertices(g.m_g); } template < class BidirectionalGraph, class GRef > std::pair< typename reverse_graph< BidirectionalGraph >::edge_iterator, typename reverse_graph< BidirectionalGraph >::edge_iterator > edges(const reverse_graph< BidirectionalGraph, GRef >& g) { return detail::reverse_edge_iter_pair< typename graph_traits< BidirectionalGraph >::edge_descriptor >( edges(g.m_g)); } template < class BidirectionalGraph, class GRef > inline std::pair< typename reverse_graph< BidirectionalGraph >::out_edge_iterator, typename reverse_graph< BidirectionalGraph >::out_edge_iterator > out_edges( const typename graph_traits< BidirectionalGraph >::vertex_descriptor u, const reverse_graph< BidirectionalGraph, GRef >& g) { return detail::reverse_edge_iter_pair< typename graph_traits< BidirectionalGraph >::edge_descriptor >( in_edges(u, g.m_g)); } template < class BidirectionalGraph, class GRef > inline typename graph_traits< BidirectionalGraph >::vertices_size_type num_vertices(const reverse_graph< BidirectionalGraph, GRef >& g) { return num_vertices(g.m_g); } template < class BidirectionalGraph, class GRef > inline typename reverse_graph< BidirectionalGraph >::edges_size_type num_edges( const reverse_graph< BidirectionalGraph, GRef >& g) { return num_edges(g.m_g); } template < class BidirectionalGraph, class GRef > inline typename graph_traits< BidirectionalGraph >::degree_size_type out_degree( const typename graph_traits< BidirectionalGraph >::vertex_descriptor u, const reverse_graph< BidirectionalGraph, GRef >& g) { return in_degree(u, g.m_g); } template < class BidirectionalGraph, class GRef > inline typename graph_traits< BidirectionalGraph >::vertex_descriptor vertex( const typename graph_traits< BidirectionalGraph >::vertices_size_type v, const reverse_graph< BidirectionalGraph, GRef >& g) { return vertex(v, g.m_g); } template < class BidirectionalGraph, class GRef > inline std::pair< typename graph_traits< reverse_graph< BidirectionalGraph, GRef > >::edge_descriptor, bool > edge(const typename graph_traits< BidirectionalGraph >::vertex_descriptor u, const typename graph_traits< BidirectionalGraph >::vertex_descriptor v, const reverse_graph< BidirectionalGraph, GRef >& g) { typedef typename graph_traits< BidirectionalGraph >::edge_descriptor underlying_edge_descriptor; std::pair< underlying_edge_descriptor, bool > e = edge(v, u, g.m_g); return std::make_pair( detail::reverse_graph_edge_descriptor< underlying_edge_descriptor >( e.first), e.second); } template < class BidirectionalGraph, class GRef > inline std::pair< typename reverse_graph< BidirectionalGraph >::in_edge_iterator, typename reverse_graph< BidirectionalGraph >::in_edge_iterator > in_edges(const typename graph_traits< BidirectionalGraph >::vertex_descriptor u, const reverse_graph< BidirectionalGraph, GRef >& g) { return detail::reverse_edge_iter_pair< typename graph_traits< BidirectionalGraph >::edge_descriptor >( out_edges(u, g.m_g)); } template < class BidirectionalGraph, class GRef > inline std::pair< typename reverse_graph< BidirectionalGraph, GRef >::adjacency_iterator, typename reverse_graph< BidirectionalGraph, GRef >::adjacency_iterator > adjacent_vertices( typename graph_traits< BidirectionalGraph >::vertex_descriptor u, const reverse_graph< BidirectionalGraph, GRef >& g) { typedef reverse_graph< BidirectionalGraph, GRef > Graph; typename graph_traits< Graph >::out_edge_iterator first, last; boost::tie(first, last) = out_edges(u, g); typedef typename graph_traits< Graph >::adjacency_iterator adjacency_iterator; return std::make_pair(adjacency_iterator(first, const_cast< Graph* >(&g)), adjacency_iterator(last, const_cast< Graph* >(&g))); } template < class BidirectionalGraph, class GRef > inline typename graph_traits< BidirectionalGraph >::degree_size_type in_degree( const typename graph_traits< BidirectionalGraph >::vertex_descriptor u, const reverse_graph< BidirectionalGraph, GRef >& g) { return out_degree(u, g.m_g); } template < class Edge, class BidirectionalGraph, class GRef > inline typename graph_traits< BidirectionalGraph >::vertex_descriptor source( const detail::reverse_graph_edge_descriptor< Edge >& e, const reverse_graph< BidirectionalGraph, GRef >& g) { return target(e.underlying_descx, g.m_g); } template < class Edge, class BidirectionalGraph, class GRef > inline typename graph_traits< BidirectionalGraph >::vertex_descriptor target( const detail::reverse_graph_edge_descriptor< Edge >& e, const reverse_graph< BidirectionalGraph, GRef >& g) { return source(e.underlying_descx, g.m_g); } template < class BidirectionalGraph, class GRef > inline typename graph_traits< BidirectionalGraph >::degree_size_type degree( const typename graph_traits< BidirectionalGraph >::vertex_descriptor u, const reverse_graph< BidirectionalGraph, GRef >& g) { return degree(u, g.m_g); } namespace detail { template < typename PM > struct reverse_graph_edge_property_map { private: PM underlying_pm; public: typedef reverse_graph_edge_descriptor< typename property_traits< PM >::key_type > key_type; typedef typename property_traits< PM >::value_type value_type; typedef typename property_traits< PM >::reference reference; typedef typename property_traits< PM >::category category; explicit reverse_graph_edge_property_map(const PM& pm) : underlying_pm(pm) { } friend reference get( const reverse_graph_edge_property_map& m, const key_type& e) { return get(m.underlying_pm, e.underlying_descx); } friend void put(const reverse_graph_edge_property_map& m, const key_type& e, const value_type& v) { put(m.underlying_pm, e.underlying_descx, v); } reference operator[](const key_type& k) const { return (this->underlying_pm)[k.underlying_descx]; } }; } // namespace detail template < class BidirGraph, class GRef, class Property > struct property_map< reverse_graph< BidirGraph, GRef >, Property > { typedef boost::is_same< typename detail::property_kind_from_graph< BidirGraph, Property >::type, edge_property_tag > is_edge_prop; typedef boost::is_const< typename boost::remove_reference< GRef >::type > is_ref_const; typedef typename boost::mpl::if_< is_ref_const, typename property_map< BidirGraph, Property >::const_type, typename property_map< BidirGraph, Property >::type >::type orig_type; typedef typename property_map< BidirGraph, Property >::const_type orig_const_type; typedef typename boost::mpl::if_< is_edge_prop, detail::reverse_graph_edge_property_map< orig_type >, orig_type >::type type; typedef typename boost::mpl::if_< is_edge_prop, detail::reverse_graph_edge_property_map< orig_const_type >, orig_const_type >::type const_type; }; template < class BidirGraph, class GRef, class Property > struct property_map< const reverse_graph< BidirGraph, GRef >, Property > { typedef boost::is_same< typename detail::property_kind_from_graph< BidirGraph, Property >::type, edge_property_tag > is_edge_prop; typedef typename property_map< BidirGraph, Property >::const_type orig_const_type; typedef typename boost::mpl::if_< is_edge_prop, detail::reverse_graph_edge_property_map< orig_const_type >, orig_const_type >::type const_type; typedef const_type type; }; template < class BidirGraph, class GRef, class Property > typename disable_if< is_same< Property, edge_underlying_t >, typename property_map< reverse_graph< BidirGraph, GRef >, Property >::type >::type get(Property p, reverse_graph< BidirGraph, GRef >& g) { return typename property_map< reverse_graph< BidirGraph, GRef >, Property >::type(get(p, g.m_g)); } template < class BidirGraph, class GRef, class Property > typename disable_if< is_same< Property, edge_underlying_t >, typename property_map< reverse_graph< BidirGraph, GRef >, Property >::const_type >::type get(Property p, const reverse_graph< BidirGraph, GRef >& g) { const BidirGraph& gref = g.m_g; // in case GRef is non-const return typename property_map< reverse_graph< BidirGraph, GRef >, Property >::const_type(get(p, gref)); } template < class BidirectionalGraph, class GRef, class Property, class Key > typename disable_if< is_same< Property, edge_underlying_t >, typename property_traits< typename property_map< reverse_graph< BidirectionalGraph, GRef >, Property >::const_type >::value_type >::type get(Property p, const reverse_graph< BidirectionalGraph, GRef >& g, const Key& k) { return get(get(p, g), k); } template < class BidirectionalGraph, class GRef, class Property, class Key, class Value > void put(Property p, reverse_graph< BidirectionalGraph, GRef >& g, const Key& k, const Value& val) { put(get(p, g), k, val); } // Get the underlying descriptor from a reverse_graph's wrapped edge descriptor namespace detail { template < class E > struct underlying_edge_desc_map_type { E operator[](const reverse_graph_edge_descriptor< E >& k) const { return k.underlying_descx; } }; template < class E > E get(underlying_edge_desc_map_type< E > m, const reverse_graph_edge_descriptor< E >& k) { return m[k]; } } template < class E > struct property_traits< detail::underlying_edge_desc_map_type< E > > { typedef detail::reverse_graph_edge_descriptor< E > key_type; typedef E value_type; typedef const E& reference; typedef readable_property_map_tag category; }; template < class Graph, class GRef > struct property_map< reverse_graph< Graph, GRef >, edge_underlying_t > { private: typedef typename graph_traits< Graph >::edge_descriptor ed; public: typedef detail::underlying_edge_desc_map_type< ed > type; typedef detail::underlying_edge_desc_map_type< ed > const_type; }; template < typename T > struct is_reverse_graph : boost::mpl::false_ { }; template < typename G, typename R > struct is_reverse_graph< reverse_graph< G, R > > : boost::mpl::true_ { }; template < class G > typename enable_if< is_reverse_graph< G >, detail::underlying_edge_desc_map_type< typename graph_traits< typename G::base_type >::edge_descriptor > >::type get(edge_underlying_t, G&) { return detail::underlying_edge_desc_map_type< typename graph_traits< typename G::base_type >::edge_descriptor >(); } template < class G > typename enable_if< is_reverse_graph< G >, typename graph_traits< typename G::base_type >::edge_descriptor >::type get(edge_underlying_t, G&, const typename graph_traits< G >::edge_descriptor& k) { return k.underlying_descx; } template < class G > typename enable_if< is_reverse_graph< G >, detail::underlying_edge_desc_map_type< typename graph_traits< typename G::base_type >::edge_descriptor > >::type get(edge_underlying_t, const G&) { return detail::underlying_edge_desc_map_type< typename graph_traits< typename G::base_type >::edge_descriptor >(); } template < class G > typename enable_if< is_reverse_graph< G >, typename graph_traits< typename G::base_type >::edge_descriptor >::type get(edge_underlying_t, const G&, const typename graph_traits< G >::edge_descriptor& k) { return k.underlying_descx; } // Access to wrapped graph's graph properties template < typename BidirectionalGraph, typename GRef, typename Tag, typename Value > inline void set_property(const reverse_graph< BidirectionalGraph, GRef >& g, Tag tag, const Value& value) { set_property(g.m_g, tag, value); } template < typename BidirectionalGraph, typename GRef, typename Tag > inline typename boost::mpl::if_< boost::is_const< typename boost::remove_reference< GRef >::type >, const typename graph_property< BidirectionalGraph, Tag >::type&, typename graph_property< BidirectionalGraph, Tag >::type& >::type get_property(const reverse_graph< BidirectionalGraph, GRef >& g, Tag tag) { return get_property(g.m_g, tag); } } // namespace boost #endif