#ifndef SIMULATIONHISTORYPLOTTER_HPP #define SIMULATIONHISTORYPLOTTER_HPP #include "elementalmesh.hpp" #include "simulationresult.hpp" #include "utilities.hpp" #include #include struct SimulationResultsReporter { using VertexType = VCGEdgeMesh::VertexType; using CoordType = VCGEdgeMesh::CoordType; SimulationResultsReporter() {} void writeStatistics(const SimulationResults &results, const std::string &reportFolderPath) { ofstream file; file.open( std::filesystem::path(reportFolderPath).append("results.txt").string()); const size_t numberOfSteps = results.history.numberOfSteps; file << "Number of steps " << numberOfSteps << "\n"; // file << "Force threshold used " << 1000 << "\n"; // assert(numberOfSteps == results.history.potentialEnergy.size() && // numberOfSteps == results.history.residualForces.size()); // Write kinetic energies const SimulationHistory &history = results.history; if (!history.kineticEnergy.empty()) { file << "Kinetic energies" << "\n"; for (size_t step = 0; step < numberOfSteps; step++) { file << history.kineticEnergy[step] << "\n"; } file << "\n"; } if (!history.residualForces.empty()) { file << "Residual forces" << "\n"; for (size_t step = 0; step < numberOfSteps; step++) { file << history.residualForces[step] << "\n"; } file << "\n"; } if (!history.potentialEnergies.empty()) { file << "Potential energies" << "\n"; for (size_t step = 0; step < numberOfSteps; step++) { file << history.potentialEnergies[step] << "\n"; } file << "\n"; } file.close(); } void reportResults(const std::vector &results, const std::string &reportFolderPath, const std::string &graphSuffix = std::string()) { if (results.empty()) { return; } // std::filesystem::remove_all(debuggerFolder); std::filesystem::create_directory(reportFolderPath); for (const SimulationResults &simulationResult : results) { const auto simulationResultPath = std::filesystem::path(reportFolderPath) .append(simulationResult.getLabel()); std::filesystem::create_directory(simulationResultPath.string()); createPlots(simulationResult.history, simulationResultPath.string(), graphSuffix); writeStatistics(simulationResult, simulationResultPath.string()); } } static void createPlot(const std::string &xLabel, const std::string &yLabel, const std::vector &XvaluesToPlot, const std::vector &YvaluesToPlot, const std::string &saveTo = {}) { // matplot::figure(true); matplot::xlabel(xLabel); matplot::ylabel(yLabel); matplot::grid(matplot::on); matplot::scatter(XvaluesToPlot, YvaluesToPlot); if (!saveTo.empty()) { matplot::save(saveTo); } } static void createPlot(const std::string &xLabel, const std::string &yLabel, const std::vector &YvaluesToPlot, const std::string &saveTo = {}) { auto x = matplot::linspace(0, YvaluesToPlot.size() - 1, YvaluesToPlot.size()); createPlot(xLabel, yLabel, x, YvaluesToPlot, saveTo); // matplot::figure(true); // matplot::hold(matplot::on); // ->marker_indices(history.redMarks) // ->marker_indices(truncatedRedMarks) // .marker_color("r") // ->marker_size(1) ; // auto greenMarksY = matplot::transform( // history.greenMarks, [&](auto x) { return history.kineticEnergy[x]; // }); // matplot::scatter(history.greenMarks, greenMarksY) // ->color("green") // .marker_size(10); // matplot::hold(matplot::off); } void createPlots(const SimulationHistory &history, const std::string &reportFolderPath, const std::string &graphSuffix) { const auto graphsFolder = std::filesystem::path(reportFolderPath).append("Graphs"); std::filesystem::remove_all(graphsFolder); std::filesystem::create_directory(graphsFolder.string()); if (!history.kineticEnergy.empty()) { createPlot("Number of Iterations", "Log of Kinetic Energy", history.kineticEnergy, std::filesystem::path(graphsFolder) .append("KineticEnergy" + graphSuffix + ".png") .string()); } if (!history.residualForces.empty()) { createPlot("Number of Iterations", "Residual Forces norm", history.residualForces, std::filesystem::path(graphsFolder) .append("ResidualForces" + graphSuffix + ".png") .string()); } if (!history.potentialEnergies.empty()) { createPlot("Number of Iterations", "Potential energy", history.potentialEnergies, std::filesystem::path(graphsFolder) .append("PotentialEnergy" + graphSuffix + ".png") .string()); } } }; #endif // SIMULATIONHISTORYPLOTTER_HPP