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//#include "ElasticRod.hh"
#include "simulationmodel.hpp"
#include <Eigen/Sparse>
class DER_leimer : public SimulationModel
virtual SimulationResults executeSimulation(const std::shared_ptr<SimulationJob> &pJob) override;
struct RodParams
double thickness;
double kstretching; //stretching stiffness
double kbending; //bending stiffness
double ktwist; //twisting stiffness
double kanchorpos; //anchor positional stiffness
double kanchordir; //anchor directional stiffness
double rho; //density
double restlength;
struct RodState
Eigen::MatrixXd centerlinePositions;
Eigen::VectorXi centerlineIndices; //"global" indices of centerline vertices
directors; //normal vectors to each segment. They are called "directors" here because thats how they call them in the weaving geodesics paper
Eigen::MatrixXd matDirNormal; //Normal vector of each segment
Eigen::MatrixXd matDirBinormal; //Binormal vector of each segment
Eigen::VectorXd thetas;
Eigen::MatrixXd centerlineVelocities;
Eigen::VectorXd directorAngVel;
Eigen::MatrixXd curvatures;
class Rod
Rod(const RodState &startState,
const Eigen::VectorXd &widths,
RodParams &params,
bool isClosed);
enum RodVisibilityState { RS_TRANSLUCENT = 0, RS_VISIBLE, RS_HIDDEN };
bool isClosed() const { return isClosed_; }
void setVisibilityState(RodVisibilityState state) { visState_ = state; }
RodVisibilityState visibilityState() const { return visState_; }
Eigen::Vector3d rodColor() const;
Eigen::Vector3d rodColor(int seg) const;
int rodColorID() const { return colorID_; }
void cycleColor();
int numVertices() const { return (int) curState.centerlinePositions.rows(); }
int numSegments() const { return (int) curState.thetas.size(); }
double arclength() const;
RodState curState;
RodState startState;
Eigen::VectorXd widths;
Eigen::VectorXd restlens;
Eigen::VectorXd masses;
Eigen::VectorXd momInertia;
Eigen::VectorXi segColors;
Eigen::MatrixXd vSegParams; // stretch, bend, twist, restlength
RodParams params;
void initializeRestQuantities();
int colorID_;
bool isClosed_;
RodVisibilityState visState_;
struct Anchor
int rod;
int seg;
double bary; // where along the segment should the anchor be placed?[0,1]. 0 at the beginning , 1 at the end
Eigen::Vector3d position;
Eigen::Vector3d normal;
double ratio; //??
double k_pos;
double k_dir;
struct Intersection
int intersectionIndex;
int globalVi;
Eigen::MatrixXi rodSegmentIndices;
Eigen::Matrix3d rotationMatrix;
struct SimParams
bool allowSliding;
Eigen::MatrixXd *anchorPoints;
Eigen::MatrixXd *anchorNormals;
bool gravityEnabled{true};
Eigen::Vector3d gravityDir;
double floorHeight;
double floorWeight;
class RodConfig
void addRod(Rod *rod);
void addAnchor(Anchor a);
void addIntersection(Intersection inter);
void initWeave(); // Call after all constraints initialized
int numRods() const { return (int) rods.size(); }
int numAnchors() const { return (int) anchors.size(); }
int numVertices() const { return (int) vertices.rows(); }
int numIntersections() const { return (int) intersections.size(); }
void reset();
void createVisualizationMesh(Eigen::MatrixXd &Q, Eigen::MatrixXi &F);
Eigen::Vector3d shadeRodSegment(Eigen::Vector3d light,
int rod,
int segment,
bool showCover) const;
void saveRodGeometry(const std::string &prefix);
std::vector<Rod *> rods;
std::vector<Anchor> anchors;
std::vector<Intersection> intersections;
Eigen::MatrixXd vertices;
bool showConstraints;
bool allowSliding;
double decay; //?
int getNumDoF() const;
void setStructure(const std::shared_ptr<SimulationEdgeMesh> &pMesh) override;
bool simulateOneStepGrid(RodConfig *config);
void rAndJGrid(const RodConfig &config,
Eigen::VectorXd &r,
Eigen::SparseMatrix<double> *Jr,
double &gravityPE,
Eigen::VectorXd &gravityForces,
const SimParams &params,
double &externalForcesPE,
const Eigen::VectorXd &externalForces = Eigen::VectorXd(),
std::vector<Eigen::Triplet<int>> *H_index = NULL,
std::vector<double> *H_value = NULL,
Eigen::SparseMatrix<double> *Ju = NULL,
std::vector<Eigen::Triplet<int>> *Hu_index = NULL,
std::vector<double> *Hu_value = NULL);
RodConfig *readRodGrid(const std::shared_ptr<SimulationEdgeMesh> &pMesh,
const std::vector<int> &numVertsPerRod,
const std::vector<int> &vInd,
const std::vector<Eigen::Vector3d> &verts,
const std::vector<Eigen::Vector3d> &binorms,
const std::vector<RodParams> &rodparams,
const std::vector<Anchor> &anchors,
const double decay = 1.0,
double *vStiffness = 0,
double *restVerts = 0,
double *restNormals = 0,
const std::vector<double> &thetas = std::vector<double>(),
double *eulers = 0);
double lineSearchGrid(RodConfig &config,
const Eigen::VectorXd &update,
const SimParams &params,
const Eigen::VectorXd &externalForces = Eigen::VectorXd());
SimulationResults constructSimulationResults(const std::shared_ptr<SimulationJob> &pJob,
RodConfig *config) const;
Eigen::Vector3d getPerpendicularVector(const Eigen::Vector3d &t) const;
double energy;
Eigen::VectorXd updateVec;
double forceResidual;
int iter{0};
std::shared_ptr<SimulationJob> pJob;
// std::unique_ptr<ElasticRod> pRod;
Eigen::Matrix3d eulerRotation(double e0, double e1, double e2, int deriv = -1, int deriv2 = -1);
#endif // DER_LEIMER_HPP