315 lines
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315 lines
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//#include "beam.hpp"
#include "simulation_structs.hpp"
#include "threed_beam_fea.h"
#include <filesystem>
#include <vector>
// struct BeamSimulationProperties {
// float crossArea;
// float I2;
// float I3;
// float polarInertia;
// float G;
// // Properties used by fea
// float EA;
// float EIz;
// float EIy;
// float GJ;
// BeamSimulationProperties(const BeamDimensions &dimensions,
// const BeamMaterial &material);
// struct NodalForce {
// int index;
// int dof;
// double magnitude;
// struct SimulationJob {
// Eigen::MatrixX3d nodes;
// Eigen::MatrixX2i elements;
// Eigen::MatrixX3d elementalNormals;
// Eigen::VectorXi fixedNodes;
// std::vector<NodalForce> nodalForces;
// std::vector<BeamDimensions> beamDimensions;
// std::vector<BeamMaterial> beamMaterial;
// struct SimulationResults {
// std::vector<Eigen::VectorXd> edgeForces; ///< Force values per force
// component
// ///< #force components x #edges
// Eigen::MatrixXd
// nodalDisplacements; ///< The displacement of each node #nodes x 3
// SimulationResults(const fea::Summary &feaSummary);
// SimulationResults() {}
class LinearSimulationModel {
static std::vector<fea::Elem>
getFeaElements(const std::shared_ptr<SimulationJob> &job) {
const int numberOfEdges = job->pMesh->EN();
std::vector<fea::Elem> elements(numberOfEdges);
for (int edgeIndex = 0; edgeIndex < numberOfEdges; edgeIndex++) {
const SimulationMesh::CoordType &evn0 =
const SimulationMesh::CoordType &evn1 = job->pMesh->edge[edgeIndex].cV(1)->cN();
const std::vector<double> nAverageVector{(evn0[0] + evn1[0]) / 2,
(evn0[1] + evn1[1]) / 2,
(evn0[2] + evn1[2]) / 2};
const Element &element = job->pMesh->elements[edgeIndex];
const double E = element.material.youngsModulus;
fea::Props feaProperties(E * element.A, E * element.I3, E * element.I2,
element.G * element.J, nAverageVector);
const int vi0 = job->pMesh->getIndex(job->pMesh->edge[edgeIndex].cV(0));
const int vi1 = job->pMesh->getIndex(job->pMesh->edge[edgeIndex].cV(1));
elements[edgeIndex] = fea::Elem(vi0, vi1, feaProperties);
return elements;
static std::vector<fea::Node>
getFeaNodes(const std::shared_ptr<SimulationJob> &job) {
const int numberOfNodes = job->pMesh->VN();
std::vector<fea::Node> feaNodes(numberOfNodes);
for (int vi = 0; vi < numberOfNodes; vi++) {
const CoordType &p = job->pMesh->vert[vi].cP();
feaNodes[vi] = fea::Node(p[0], p[1], p[2]);
return feaNodes;
static std::vector<fea::BC>
getFeaFixedNodes(const std::shared_ptr<SimulationJob> &job) {
std::vector<fea::BC> boundaryConditions;
boundaryConditions.reserve(job->constrainedVertices.size() * 6
+ job->nodalForcedDisplacements.size() * 3);
for (auto fixedVertex : job->constrainedVertices) {
const int vertexIndex = fixedVertex.first;
for (int dofIndex : fixedVertex.second) {
fea::BC(vertexIndex, static_cast<fea::DOF>(dofIndex), 0));
for (auto forcedDisplacement : job->nodalForcedDisplacements) {
const int vi = forcedDisplacement.first;
for (int dofIndex = 0; dofIndex < 3; dofIndex++) {
return boundaryConditions;
static std::vector<fea::Force>
getFeaNodalForces(const std::shared_ptr<SimulationJob> &job) {
std::vector<fea::Force> nodalForces;
nodalForces.reserve(job->nodalExternalForces.size() * 6);
for (auto nodalForce : job->nodalExternalForces) {
for (int dofIndex = 0; dofIndex < 6; dofIndex++) {
if (nodalForce.second[dofIndex] == 0) {
fea::Force f(nodalForce.first, dofIndex, nodalForce.second[dofIndex]);
return nodalForces;
static SimulationResults getResults(const fea::Summary &feaSummary,
const std::shared_ptr<SimulationJob> &simulationJob)
SimulationResults results;
results.converged = feaSummary.converged;
if (!results.converged) {
return results;
results.executionTime = feaSummary.total_time_in_ms * 1000;
// displacements
for (int vi = 0; vi < feaSummary.num_nodes; vi++) {
results.displacements[vi] = Vector6d(feaSummary.nodal_displacements[vi]);
const Vector6d &nodalDisplacement = results.displacements[vi];
Eigen::Quaternion<double> q_nx;
q_nx = Eigen::AngleAxis<double>(nodalDisplacement[3], Eigen::Vector3d(1, 0, 0));
Eigen::Quaternion<double> q_ny;
q_ny = Eigen::AngleAxis<double>(nodalDisplacement[4], Eigen::Vector3d(0, 1, 0));
Eigen::Quaternion<double> q_nz;
q_nz = Eigen::AngleAxis<double>(nodalDisplacement[5], Eigen::Vector3d(0, 0, 1));
results.rotationalDisplacementQuaternion[vi] = q_nx * q_ny * q_nz;
// results.rotationalDisplacementQuaternion[vi] = q_nz * q_ny * q_nx;
// results.rotationalDisplacementQuaternion[vi] = q_nz * q_nx * q_ny;
// // Convert forces
// // Convert to vector of eigen matrices of the form force component-> per
// // Edge
// const int numDof = 6;
// const size_t numberOfEdges = feaSummary.element_forces.size();
// edgeForces =
// std::vector<Eigen::VectorXd>(numDof, Eigen::VectorXd(2 *
// numberOfEdges));
// for (gsl::index edgeIndex = 0; edgeIndex < numberOfEdges; edgeIndex++) {
// for (gsl::index forceComponentIndex = 0; forceComponentIndex < numDof;
// forceComponentIndex++) {
// (edgeForces[forceComponentIndex])(2 * edgeIndex) =
// feaSummary.element_forces[edgeIndex][forceComponentIndex];
// (edgeForces[forceComponentIndex])(2 * edgeIndex + 1) =
// feaSummary.element_forces[edgeIndex][numDof +
// forceComponentIndex];
// }
// }
for (int ei = 0; ei < feaSummary.num_elems; ei++) {
const std::vector<double> &elementForces = feaSummary.element_forces[ei];
const Element &element = simulationJob->pMesh->elements[ei];
const double elementPotentialEnergy_axial_v0 = std::pow(elementForces[0], 2)
* element.initialLength
/ (4 * element.material.youngsModulus
* element.A);
const double elementPotentialEnergy_axial_v1 = std::pow(elementForces[6], 2)
* element.initialLength
/ (4 * element.material.youngsModulus
* element.A);
const double elementPotentialEnergy_axial = elementPotentialEnergy_axial_v0
+ elementPotentialEnergy_axial_v1;
const double elementPotentialEnergy_shearY_v0 = std::pow(elementForces[1], 2)
* element.initialLength
/ (4 * element.A * element.G);
const double elementPotentialEnergy_shearZ_v0 = std::pow(elementForces[2], 2)
* element.initialLength
/ (4 * element.A * element.G);
const double elementPotentialEnergy_shearY_v1 = std::pow(elementForces[7], 2)
* element.initialLength
/ (4 * element.A * element.G);
const double elementPotentialEnergy_shearZ_v1 = std::pow(elementForces[8], 2)
* element.initialLength
/ (4 * element.A * element.G);
const double elementPotentialEnergy_shear = elementPotentialEnergy_shearY_v0
+ elementPotentialEnergy_shearZ_v0
+ elementPotentialEnergy_shearY_v1
+ elementPotentialEnergy_shearZ_v1;
const double elementPotentialEnergy_bendingY_v0 = std::pow(elementForces[4], 2)
* element.initialLength
/ (4 * element.material.youngsModulus
* element.I2);
const double elementPotentialEnergy_bendingZ_v0 = std::pow(elementForces[5], 2)
* element.initialLength
/ (4 * element.material.youngsModulus
* element.I3);
const double elementPotentialEnergy_bendingY_v1 = std::pow(elementForces[10], 2)
* element.initialLength
/ (4 * element.material.youngsModulus
* element.I2);
const double elementPotentialEnergy_bendingZ_v1 = std::pow(elementForces[11], 2)
* element.initialLength
/ (4 * element.material.youngsModulus
* element.I3);
const double elementPotentialEnergy_bending = elementPotentialEnergy_bendingY_v0
+ elementPotentialEnergy_bendingZ_v0
+ elementPotentialEnergy_bendingY_v1
+ elementPotentialEnergy_bendingZ_v1;
const double elementPotentialEnergy_torsion_v0 = std::pow(elementForces[3], 2)
* element.initialLength
/ (4 * element.J * element.G);
const double elementPotentialEnergy_torsion_v1 = std::pow(elementForces[9], 2)
* element.initialLength
/ (4 * element.J * element.G);
const double elementPotentialEnergy_torsion = elementPotentialEnergy_torsion_v0
+ elementPotentialEnergy_torsion_v1;
const double elementInternalPotentialEnergy = elementPotentialEnergy_axial
+ elementPotentialEnergy_shear
+ elementPotentialEnergy_bending
+ elementPotentialEnergy_torsion;
results.internalPotentialEnergy += elementInternalPotentialEnergy;
results.job = simulationJob;
return results;
executeSimulation(const std::shared_ptr<SimulationJob> &simulationJob) {
assert(simulationJob->pMesh->VN() != 0);
fea::Job job(getFeaNodes(simulationJob), getFeaElements(simulationJob));
// printInfo(job);
// create the default options
fea::Options opts;
opts.save_elemental_forces = false;
opts.save_nodal_displacements = false;
opts.save_nodal_forces = false;
opts.save_report = false;
opts.save_tie_forces = false;
// if (!elementalForcesOutputFilepath.empty()) {
// opts.save_elemental_forces = true;
// opts.elemental_forces_filename = elementalForcesOutputFilepath;
// }
// if (!nodalDisplacementsOutputFilepath.empty()) {
// opts.save_nodal_displacements = true;
// opts.nodal_displacements_filename = nodalDisplacementsOutputFilepath;
// }
// have the program output status updates
opts.verbose = false;
// form an empty vector of ties
std::vector<fea::Tie> ties;
// also create an empty list of equations
std::vector<fea::Equation> equations;
auto fixedVertices = getFeaFixedNodes(simulationJob);
auto nodalForces = getFeaNodalForces(simulationJob);
fea::Summary feaResults =
fea::solve(job, fixedVertices, nodalForces, ties, equations, opts);
SimulationResults results = getResults(feaResults, simulationJob);
results.job = simulationJob;
return results;
// SimulationResults getResults() const;
// void setResultsNodalDisplacementCSVFilepath(const std::string
// &outputPath); void setResultsElementalForcesCSVFilepath(const std::string
// &outputPath);
// std::string nodalDisplacementsOutputFilepath{"nodal_displacement.csv"};
// std::string elementalForcesOutputFilepath{"elemental_forces.csv"};
// SimulationResults results;
static void printInfo(const fea::Job &job) {
std::cout << "Details regarding the fea::Job:" << std::endl;
std::cout << "Nodes:" << std::endl;
for (fea::Node n : job.nodes) {
std::cout << n << std::endl;
std::cout << "Elements:" << std::endl;
for (Eigen::Vector2i e : job.elems) {
std::cout << e << std::endl;