
This commit is contained in:
Iason 2021-02-19 17:32:15 +02:00
parent 9a225439cf
commit 8888b28163
4 changed files with 90 additions and 751 deletions

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@ -1,709 +0,0 @@
/* gdcpp.h
* Author: Fabian Meyer
* Created On: 12 Jul 2019
* License: MIT
#ifndef GDCPP_GDCPP_H_
#define GDCPP_GDCPP_H_
#include <Eigen/Geometry>
#include <functional>
#include <iomanip>
#include <iostream>
#include <limits>
namespace gdc {
typedef long int Index;
/** Functor to compute forward differences.
* Computes the gradient of the objective f(x) as follows:
* grad(x) = (f(x + eps) - f(x)) / eps
* The computation requires len(x) evaluations of the objective.
template <typename Scalar> class ForwardDifferences {
typedef Eigen::Matrix<Scalar, Eigen::Dynamic, 1> Vector;
typedef std::function<Scalar(const Vector &)> Objective;
Scalar eps_;
Index threads_;
Objective objective_;
: ForwardDifferences(std::sqrt(std::numeric_limits<Scalar>::epsilon())) {}
ForwardDifferences(const Scalar eps) : eps_(eps), threads_(1), objective_() {}
void setNumericalEpsilon(const Scalar eps) { eps_ = eps; }
void setThreads(const Index threads) { threads_ = threads; }
void setObjective(const Objective &objective) { objective_ = objective; }
void operator()(const Vector &xval, const Scalar fval, Vector &gradient) {
#pragma omp parallel for num_threads(threads_)
for (Index i = 0; i < xval.size(); ++i) {
Vector xvalN = xval;
xvalN(i) += eps_;
Scalar fvalN = objective_(xvalN);
gradient(i) = (fvalN - fval) / eps_;
/** Functor to compute backward differences.
* Computes the gradient of the objective f(x) as follows:
* grad(x) = (f(x) - f(x - eps)) / eps
* The computation requires len(x) evaluations of the objective.
template <typename Scalar> class BackwardDifferences {
typedef Eigen::Matrix<Scalar, Eigen::Dynamic, 1> Vector;
typedef std::function<Scalar(const Vector &)> Objective;
Scalar eps_;
Index threads_;
Objective objective_;
: BackwardDifferences(std::sqrt(std::numeric_limits<Scalar>::epsilon())) {
BackwardDifferences(const Scalar eps)
: eps_(eps), threads_(1), objective_() {}
void setNumericalEpsilon(const Scalar eps) { eps_ = eps; }
void setThreads(const Index threads) { threads_ = threads; }
void setObjective(const Objective &objective) { objective_ = objective; }
void operator()(const Vector &xval, const Scalar fval, Vector &gradient) {
#pragma omp parallel for num_threads(threads_)
for (Index i = 0; i < xval.size(); ++i) {
Vector xvalN = xval;
xvalN(i) -= eps_;
Scalar fvalN = objective_(xvalN);
gradient(i) = (fval - fvalN) / eps_;
/** Functor to compute central differences.
* Computes the gradient of the objective f(x) as follows:
* grad(x) = (f(x + 0.5 eps) - f(x - 0.5 eps)) / eps
* The computation requires 2 * len(x) evaluations of the objective.
template <typename Scalar> struct CentralDifferences {
typedef Eigen::Matrix<Scalar, Eigen::Dynamic, 1> Vector;
typedef std::function<Scalar(const Vector &)> Objective;
Scalar eps_;
Index threads_;
Objective objective_;
: CentralDifferences(std::sqrt(std::numeric_limits<Scalar>::epsilon())) {}
CentralDifferences(const Scalar eps) : eps_(eps), threads_(1), objective_() {}
void setNumericalEpsilon(const Scalar eps) { eps_ = eps; }
void setThreads(const Index threads) { threads_ = threads; }
void setObjective(const Objective &objective) { objective_ = objective; }
void operator()(const Vector &xval, const Scalar, Vector &gradient) {
Vector fvals(xval.size() * 2);
#pragma omp parallel for num_threads(threads_)
for (Index i = 0; i < fvals.size(); ++i) {
Index idx = i / 2;
Vector xvalN = xval;
if (i % 2 == 0)
xvalN(idx) += eps_ / 2;
xvalN(idx) -= eps_ / 2;
fvals(i) = objective_(xvalN);
for (Index i = 0; i < xval.size(); ++i)
gradient(i) = (fvals(i * 2) - fvals(i * 2 + 1)) / eps_;
/** Dummy callback functor, which does nothing. */
template <typename Scalar> struct NoCallback {
typedef Eigen::Matrix<Scalar, Eigen::Dynamic, 1> Vector;
bool operator()(const Index, const Vector &, const Scalar,
const Vector &) const {
return true;
/** Step size functor, which returns a constant step size. */
template <typename Scalar> class ConstantStepSize {
typedef Eigen::Matrix<Scalar, Eigen::Dynamic, 1> Vector;
typedef std::function<Scalar(const Vector &, Vector &)> Objective;
typedef std::function<void(const Vector &, const Scalar, Vector &)>
Scalar stepSize_;
ConstantStepSize() : ConstantStepSize(0.000000000000001) {}
ConstantStepSize(const Scalar stepSize) : stepSize_(stepSize) {}
/** Set the step size returned by this functor.
* @param stepSize step size returned by functor */
void setStepSize(const Scalar stepSize) { stepSize_ = stepSize; }
void setObjective(const Objective &) {}
void setFiniteDifferences(const FiniteDifferences &) {}
Scalar operator()(const Vector &, const Scalar, const Vector &) {
return stepSize_;
/** Step size functor to compute Barzilai-Borwein (BB) steps.
* The functor can either compute the direct or inverse BB step.
* The steps are computed as follows:
* s_k = x_k - x_k-1 k >= 1
* y_k = grad_k - grad_k-1 k >= 1
* Direct: stepSize = (s_k^T * s_k) / (y_k^T * s_k)
* Inverse: stepSize = (y_k^T * s_k) / (y_k^T * y_k)
* The very first step is computed as a constant. */
template <typename Scalar> class BarzilaiBorwein {
typedef Eigen::Matrix<Scalar, Eigen::Dynamic, 1> Vector;
typedef std::function<Scalar(const Vector &, Vector &)> Objective;
typedef std::function<void(const Vector &, const Scalar, Vector &)>
enum class Method { Direct, Inverse };
Vector lastXval_;
Vector lastGradient_;
Method method_;
Scalar constStep_;
Scalar constantStep() const { return constStep_; }
Scalar directStep(const Vector &xval, const Vector &gradient) {
auto sk = xval - lastXval_;
auto yk = gradient - lastGradient_;
Scalar num =;
Scalar denom =;
if (denom == 0)
return 1;
return std::abs(num / denom);
Scalar inverseStep(const Vector &xval, const Vector &gradient) {
auto sk = xval - lastXval_;
auto yk = gradient - lastGradient_;
Scalar num =;
Scalar denom =;
if (denom == 0)
return 1;
return std::abs(num / denom);
BarzilaiBorwein() : BarzilaiBorwein(Method::Inverse, 1) {}
BarzilaiBorwein(const Method method, const Scalar constStep)
: lastXval_(), lastGradient_(), method_(method), constStep_(constStep) {}
void setObjective(const Objective &) {}
void setFiniteDifferences(const FiniteDifferences &) {}
void setMethod(const Method method) { method_ = method; }
void setConstStepSize(const Scalar stepSize) { constStep_ = stepSize; }
Scalar operator()(const Vector &xval, const Scalar, const Vector &gradient) {
Scalar stepSize = 0;
if (lastXval_.size() == 0) {
stepSize = constStep_;
} else {
switch (method_) {
case Method::Direct:
stepSize = directStep(xval, gradient);
case Method::Inverse:
stepSize = inverseStep(xval, gradient);
lastGradient_ = gradient;
lastXval_ = xval;
return stepSize;
/** Step size functor to perform Armijo Linesearch with backtracking.
* The functor iteratively decreases the step size until the following
* conditions are met:
* Armijo: f(x - stepSize * grad(x)) <= f(x) - cArmijo * stepSize * grad(x)^T *
* grad(x)
* If either condition does not hold the step size is decreased:
* stepSize = decrease * stepSize */
template <typename Scalar> class ArmijoBacktracking {
typedef Eigen::Matrix<Scalar, Eigen::Dynamic, 1> Vector;
typedef std::function<Scalar(const Vector &, Vector &)> Objective;
typedef std::function<void(const Vector &, const Scalar, Vector &)>
Scalar decrease_;
Scalar cArmijo_;
Scalar minStep_;
Scalar maxStep_;
Index maxIt_;
Objective objective_;
FiniteDifferences finiteDifferences_;
Scalar evaluateObjective(const Vector &xval, Vector &gradient) {
Scalar fval = objective_(xval, gradient);
if (gradient.size() == 0)
finiteDifferences_(xval, fval, gradient);
return fval;
virtual bool computeSecondCondition(const Scalar, const Scalar, const Scalar,
const Vector &, const Vector &) {
return true;
: ArmijoBacktracking(0.8, 1e-4, 1e-20, 1, 0) {} // NOTE: maxStep was 1
ArmijoBacktracking(const Scalar decrease, const Scalar cArmijo,
const Scalar minStep, const Scalar maxStep,
const Index iterations)
: decrease_(decrease), cArmijo_(cArmijo), minStep_(minStep),
maxStep_(maxStep), maxIt_(iterations), objective_() {
assert(decrease > 0);
assert(decrease < 1);
assert(cArmijo > 0);
assert(cArmijo < 0.5);
assert(minStep < maxStep);
/** Set the decreasing factor for backtracking.
* Assure that decrease in (0, 1).
* @param decrease decreasing factor */
void setBacktrackingDecrease(const Scalar decrease) {
assert(decrease > 0);
assert(decrease < 1);
decrease_ = decrease;
/** Set the relaxation constant for the Armijo condition (see class
* description).
* Assure cArmijo in (0, 0.5).
* @param cArmijo armijo constant */
void setArmijoConstant(const Scalar cArmijo) {
assert(cArmijo > 0);
assert(cArmijo < 0.5);
cArmijo_ = cArmijo;
/** Set the bounds for the step size during linesearch.
* The final step size is guaranteed to be in [minStep, maxStep].
* @param minStep minimum step size
* @param maxStep maximum step size */
void setStepBounds(const Scalar minStep, const Scalar maxStep) {
assert(minStep < maxStep);
minStep_ = minStep;
maxStep_ = maxStep;
/** Set the maximum number of iterations.
* Set to 0 or negative for infinite iterations.
* @param iterations maximum number of iterations */
void setMaxIterations(const Index iterations) { maxIt_ = iterations; }
void setObjective(const Objective &objective) { objective_ = objective; }
void setFiniteDifferences(const FiniteDifferences &finiteDifferences) {
finiteDifferences_ = finiteDifferences;
Scalar operator()(const Vector &xval, const Scalar fval,
const Vector &gradient) {
Scalar stepSize = maxStep_ / decrease_;
Vector gradientN;
Vector xvalN;
Scalar fvalN;
bool armijoCondition = false;
bool secondCondition = false;
Index iterations = 0;
while ((maxIt_ <= 0 || iterations < maxIt_) &&
stepSize * decrease_ >= minStep_ &&
!(armijoCondition && secondCondition)) {
stepSize = decrease_ * stepSize;
xvalN = xval - stepSize * gradient;
fvalN = evaluateObjective(xvalN, gradientN);
armijoCondition =
fvalN <= fval - cArmijo_ * stepSize *;
secondCondition =
computeSecondCondition(stepSize, fval, fvalN, gradient, gradientN);
return stepSize;
/** Step size functor to perform Wolfe Linesearch with backtracking.
* The functor iteratively decreases the step size until the following
* conditions are met:
* Armijo: f(x - stepSize * grad(x)) <= f(x) - cArmijo * stepSize * grad(x)^T *
* grad(x) Wolfe: grad(x)^T grad(x - stepSize * grad(x)) <= cWolfe * grad(x)^T *
* grad(x)
* If either condition does not hold the step size is decreased:
* stepSize = decrease * stepSize */
template <typename Scalar>
class WolfeBacktracking : public ArmijoBacktracking<Scalar> {
typedef Eigen::Matrix<Scalar, Eigen::Dynamic, 1> Vector;
typedef std::function<Scalar(const Vector &, Vector &)> Objective;
typedef std::function<void(const Vector &, const Scalar, Vector &)>
Scalar cWolfe_;
virtual bool computeSecondCondition(const Scalar, const Scalar, const Scalar,
const Vector &gradient,
const Vector &gradientN) {
return <= cWolfe_ *;
WolfeBacktracking() : WolfeBacktracking(0.8, 1e-4, 0.9, 1e-20, 1, 0) {}
WolfeBacktracking(const Scalar decrease, const Scalar cArmijo,
const Scalar cWolfe, const Scalar minStep,
const Scalar maxStep, const Index iterations)
: ArmijoBacktracking<Scalar>(decrease, cArmijo, minStep, maxStep,
cWolfe_(cWolfe) {
assert(cWolfe < 1);
assert(cArmijo < cWolfe);
/** Set the wolfe constants for Armijo and Wolfe condition (see class
* description).
* Assure that c1 < c2 < 1 and c1 in (0, 0.5).
* @param c1 armijo constant
* @param c2 wolfe constant */
void setWolfeConstant(const Scalar cWolfe) {
assert(cWolfe < 1);
cWolfe_ = cWolfe;
/** Step size functor which searches for a step that reduces the function
* value.
* The functor iteratively decreases the step size until the following
* condition is met:
* f(x - stepSize * grad) < f(x)
* If this condition does not hold the step size is decreased:
* stepSize = decrease * stepSize
* This functor does not require to compute any gradients and does not use
* finite differences. */
template <typename Scalar> class DecreaseBacktracking {
typedef Eigen::Matrix<Scalar, Eigen::Dynamic, 1> Vector;
typedef std::function<Scalar(const Vector &, Vector &)> Objective;
typedef std::function<void(const Vector &, const Scalar, Vector &)>
Scalar decrease_;
Scalar minStep_;
Scalar maxStep_;
Index maxIt_;
Objective objective_;
DecreaseBacktracking() : DecreaseBacktracking(0.8, 1e-12, 1, 0) {}
DecreaseBacktracking(const Scalar decrease, const Scalar minStep,
const Scalar maxStep, const Index iterations)
: decrease_(decrease), minStep_(minStep), maxStep_(maxStep),
maxIt_(iterations), objective_() {}
/** Set the decreasing factor for backtracking.
* Assure that decrease in (0, 1).
* @param decrease decreasing factor */
void setBacktrackingDecrease(const Scalar decrease) { decrease_ = decrease; }
/** Set the bounds for the step size during linesearch.
* The final step size is guaranteed to be in [minStep, maxStep].
* @param minStep minimum step size
* @param maxStep maximum step size */
void setStepBounds(const Scalar minStep, const Scalar maxStep) {
assert(minStep < maxStep);
minStep_ = minStep;
maxStep_ = maxStep;
/** Set the maximum number of iterations.
* Set to 0 or negative for infinite iterations.
* @param iterations maximum number of iterations */
void setMaxIterations(const Index iterations) { maxIt_ = iterations; }
void setObjective(const Objective &objective) { objective_ = objective; }
void setFiniteDifferences(const FiniteDifferences &) {}
Scalar operator()(const Vector &xval, const Scalar fval,
const Vector &gradient) {
Scalar stepSize = maxStep_ / decrease_;
Vector xvalN;
Vector gradientN;
Scalar fvalN;
bool improvement = false;
Index iterations = 0;
while ((maxIt_ <= 0 || iterations < maxIt_) &&
stepSize * decrease_ >= minStep_ && !improvement) {
stepSize = decrease_ * stepSize;
xvalN = xval - stepSize * gradient;
fvalN = objective_(xvalN, gradientN);
improvement = fvalN < fval;
return stepSize;
template <typename Scalar, typename Objective,
typename StepSize = BarzilaiBorwein<Scalar>,
typename Callback = NoCallback<Scalar>,
typename FiniteDifferences = CentralDifferences<Scalar>>
class GradientDescent {
typedef Eigen::Matrix<Scalar, Eigen::Dynamic, 1> Vector;
struct Result {
Index iterations;
bool converged;
Scalar fval;
Vector xval;
Index maxIt_;
Scalar minGradientLen_;
Scalar minStepLen_;
Scalar momentum_;
Index verbosity_;
Objective objective_;
StepSize stepSize_;
Callback callback_;
FiniteDifferences finiteDifferences_;
Scalar evaluateObjective(const Vector &xval, Vector &gradient) {
Scalar fval = objective_(xval, gradient);
if (gradient.size() == 0)
finiteDifferences_(xval, fval, gradient);
return fval;
std::string vector2str(const Vector &vec) const {
std::stringstream ss1;
ss1 << std::fixed << std::showpoint << std::setprecision(16);
std::stringstream ss2;
ss2 << '[';
for (Index i = 0; i < vec.size(); ++i) {
ss1 << vec(i);
ss2 << std::setfill(' ') << std::setw(10) << ss1.str();
if (i != vec.size() - 1)
ss2 << ' ';
ss2 << ']';
return ss2.str();
: maxIt_(0), minGradientLen_(static_cast<Scalar>(1e-2)),
minStepLen_(static_cast<Scalar>(1e-6)), momentum_(0), verbosity_(0),
objective_(), stepSize_(), callback_(), finiteDifferences_() {}
~GradientDescent() {}
void setThreads(const Index threads) {
void setNumericalEpsilon(const Scalar eps) {
void setMaxIterations(const Index iterations) { maxIt_ = iterations; }
void setObjective(const Objective &objective) { objective_ = objective; }
void setCallback(const Callback &callback) { callback_ = callback; }
void setMinGradientLength(const Scalar gradientLen) {
minGradientLen_ = gradientLen;
void setMinStepLength(const Scalar stepLen) { minStepLen_ = stepLen; }
void setStepSize(const StepSize stepSize) { stepSize_ = stepSize; }
void setMomentum(const Scalar momentum) { momentum_ = momentum; }
void setVerbosity(const Index verbosity) { verbosity_ = verbosity; }
Result minimize(const Vector &initialGuess) {
finiteDifferences_.setObjective([this](const Vector &xval) {
Vector tmp;
return this->objective_(xval, tmp);
stepSize_.setObjective([this](const Vector &xval, Vector &gradient) {
return this->objective_(xval, gradient);
[this](const Vector &xval, const Scalar fval, Vector &gradient) {
this->finiteDifferences_(xval, fval, gradient);
Vector xval = initialGuess;
Vector gradient;
Scalar fval;
Scalar gradientLen = minGradientLen_ + 1;
Scalar stepSize;
Vector step = Vector::Zero(xval.size());
Scalar stepLen = minStepLen_ + 1;
bool callbackResult = true;
Index iterations = 0;
while ((maxIt_ <= 0 || iterations < maxIt_) &&
gradientLen >= minGradientLen_ && stepLen >= minStepLen_ &&
callbackResult) {
xval -= step;
fval = evaluateObjective(xval, gradient);
gradientLen = gradient.norm();
// update step according to step size and momentum
stepSize = stepSize_(xval, fval, gradient);
step = momentum_ * step + (1 - momentum_) * stepSize * gradient;
stepLen = step.norm();
// evaluate callback an save its result
callbackResult = callback_(iterations, xval, fval, gradient);
if (verbosity_ > 0) {
std::stringstream ss;
ss << "it=" << std::setfill('0') << std::setw(4) << iterations
<< std::fixed << std::showpoint << std::setprecision(20)
<< " gradlen=" << gradientLen << " stepsize=" << stepSize
<< " steplen=" << stepLen;
if (verbosity_ > 2)
ss << " callback=" << (callbackResult ? "true" : "false");
ss << " fval=" << fval;
if (verbosity_ > 1)
ss << " xval=" << vector2str(xval);
if (verbosity_ > 2)
ss << " gradient=" << vector2str(gradient);
if (verbosity_ > 3)
ss << " step=" << vector2str(step);
std::cout << ss.str() << std::endl;
Result result;
result.xval = xval;
result.fval = fval;
result.iterations = iterations;
result.converged = gradientLen < minGradientLen_ || stepLen < minStepLen_;
return result;
} // namespace gdc

View File

@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
#include "beamformfinder.hpp"
#include "csvfile.hpp"
#include "edgemesh.hpp"
#include "externvariables.hpp"
#include "flatpattern.hpp"
#include "polyscope/curve_network.h"
#include "polyscope/point_cloud.h"
@ -16,20 +17,30 @@
#include <string>
#include <vcg/complex/algorithms/update/position.h>
bool printDebugInfo;
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
if (argc < 4) {
std::cerr << "Specify the pattern pair to be optimized." << std::endl;
if (argc < 5) {
std::cerr << "Specify at least if D(ebug) or R(elease) and the pattern "
"pair to be optimized."
<< std::endl;
if (argv[1] == "D") {
printDebugInfo = true;
} else {
printDebugInfo = false;
// Populate the pattern pair to be optimized
////Full pattern
const std::string filepath_fullPattern = argv[1];
const std::string filepath_fullPattern = argv[2];
FlatPattern fullPattern(filepath_fullPattern);
////Reduced pattern
const std::string filepath_reducedPattern = argv[2];
const std::string filepath_reducedPattern = argv[3];
FlatPattern reducedPattern(filepath_reducedPattern);
@ -43,29 +54,33 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
ReducedModelOptimizer::Settings settings_optimization;
settings_optimization.xRanges = {beamWidth, beamDimensionsRatio, beamE,
const bool input_numberOfFunctionCallsDefined = argc >= 4;
const bool input_numberOfFunctionCallsDefined = argc >= 5;
settings_optimization.numberOfFunctionCalls =
input_numberOfFunctionCallsDefined ? std::atoi(argv[3]) : 100;
input_numberOfFunctionCallsDefined ? std::atoi(argv[4]) : 100;
// Optimize pair
const std::string pairName =
fullPattern.getLabel() + "@" + reducedPattern.getLabel();
if (printDebugInfo) {
std::cout << "Optimizing " << pairName << std::endl;
const std::vector<size_t> numberOfNodesPerSlot{1, 0, 0, 2, 1, 2, 1};
ReducedModelOptimizer optimizer(numberOfNodesPerSlot);
optimizer.initializePatterns(fullPattern, reducedPattern, {});
ReducedModelOptimizer::Results optimizationResults =
// Export results
const bool input_resultDirectoryDefined = argc >= 5;
const bool input_resultDirectoryDefined = argc >= 6;
std::string optimiziationResultsDirectory =
input_resultDirectoryDefined ? argv[4] : "OptimizationResults";
input_resultDirectoryDefined ? argv[5] : "OptimizationResults";
std::filesystem::path dirPath_thisOptimization(
csvFile csv_results(std::filesystem::path(dirPath_thisOptimization)
csvFile csv_results({}, false);
// csvFile csv_results(std::filesystem::path(dirPath_thisOptimization)
// .append("results.csv")
// .string(),
// false);
optimizationResults.writeTo(settings_optimization, csv_results);;

View File

@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
#include "reducedmodeloptimizer.hpp"
#include "flatpattern.hpp"
#include "gradientDescent.h"
#include "simulationhistoryplotter.hpp"
#include "trianglepattterntopology.hpp"
#include <chrono>
@ -740,10 +739,12 @@ ReducedModelOptimizer::runOptimization(const Settings &settings) {
results.x = global.minX;
results.objectiveValue = global.minY;
results.time = elapsed.count() / 1000.0;
if (printDebugInfo) {
std::cout << "Finished optimizing." << endl;
// std::cout << "Solution x:" << endl;
// std::cout << result.x << endl;
std::cout << "Objective value:" << global.minY << endl;
// std::cout << result.y << endl;
// std::cout << minY << endl;
// std::cout << "Time(sec):" << elapsed.count() << std::endl;

View File

@ -65,29 +65,31 @@ public:
return settingsString;
void writeTo(csvFile &csv, const bool writeHeader = true) const {
void writeTo(csvFile &os, const bool writeHeader = true) const {
// Create settings csv header
if (writeHeader) {
if (!xRanges.empty()) {
for (const xRange &range : xRanges) {
csv << range.label + " max";
csv << range.label + " min";
os << range.label + " max";
os << range.label + " min";
csv << "Function Calls";
csv << "Solution Accuracy";
csv << endrow;
os << "Function Calls";
os << "Solution Accuracy";
// os << std::endl;
os << endrow;
if (!xRanges.empty()) {
for (const xRange &range : xRanges) {
csv << range.max;
csv << range.min;
os << range.max;
os << range.min;
csv << numberOfFunctionCalls;
csv << solutionAccuracy;
csv << endrow;
os << numberOfFunctionCalls;
os << solutionAccuracy;
// os << std::endl;
os << endrow;
@ -295,37 +297,67 @@ struct ReducedModelOptimizer::Results {
void saveMeshFiles() const {
const int numberOfSimulationJobs = fullPatternSimulationJobs.size();
assert(numberOfSimulationJobs != 0 &&
fullPatternSimulationJobs.size() ==
FormFinder simulator;
for (int simulationJobIndex = 0;
simulationJobIndex < numberOfSimulationJobs; simulationJobIndex++) {
// Drawing of full pattern results
const std::shared_ptr<SimulationJob> &pFullPatternSimulationJob =
SimulationResults fullModelResults =
// Drawing of reduced pattern results
const std::shared_ptr<SimulationJob> &pReducedPatternSimulationJob =
SimulationResults reducedModelResults =
void writeTo(const ReducedModelOptimizer::Settings &settings_optimization,
csvFile &csv, const bool writeHeader = true) const {
csvFile &os, const bool writeHeader = true) const {
if (writeHeader) {
//// Write header to csv
csv << "Obj value";
os << "Obj value";
for (const ReducedModelOptimizer::xRange &range :
settings_optimization.xRanges) {
csv << range.label;
os << range.label;
csv << "Time(s)";
csv << "#Crashes";
csv << endrow;
os << "Time(s)";
os << "#Crashes";
// os << std::endl;
os << endrow;
csv << objectiveValue;
os << objectiveValue;
for (const double &optimalX : x) {
csv << optimalX;
os << optimalX;
for (int unusedXVarCounter = 0;
unusedXVarCounter < settings_optimization.xRanges.size() - x.size();
unusedXVarCounter++) {
csv << "-";
os << "-";
csv << time;
os << time;
if (numberOfSimulationCrashes == 0) {
csv << "No crashes";
os << "-";
} else {
csv << numberOfSimulationCrashes;
os << numberOfSimulationCrashes;
csv << endrow;
// os << std::endl;
os << endrow;