// generate a table of contents in the side-nav based on the h1/h2 tags of the current page. function generate_autotoc() { var headers = $("h1, h2"); if(headers.length > 1) { var toc = $("#side-nav").append(''); toc = $("#nav-toc"); var footerHeight = footer.height(); toc = toc.append(''); toc = toc.find('ul'); var indices = []; indices[0] = 0; indices[1] = 0; var h1counts = $("h1").length; headers.each(function(i) { var current = $(this); var levelTag = current[0].tagName.charAt(1); if(h1counts==0) levelTag--; var cur_id = current.attr("id"); indices[levelTag-1]+=1; var prefix = indices[0]; if (levelTag >1) { prefix+="."+indices[1]; } // Uncomment to add number prefixes // current.html(prefix + " " + current.html()); for(var l = levelTag; l < 2; ++l){ indices[l] = 0; } if(cur_id == undefined) { current.attr('id', 'title' + i); current.addClass('anchor'); toc.append("
  • " + current.text() + "
  • "); } else { toc.append("
  • " + current.text() + "
  • "); } }); resizeHeight(); } } var global_navtree_object; // Overloaded to remove links to sections/subsections function getNode(o, po) { po.childrenVisited = true; var l = po.childrenData.length-1; for (var i in po.childrenData) { var nodeData = po.childrenData[i]; if((!nodeData[1]) || (nodeData[1].indexOf('#')==-1)) // <- we added this line po.children[i] = newNode(o, po, nodeData[0], nodeData[1], nodeData[2], i==l); } } // Overloaded to adjust the size of the navtree wrt the toc function resizeHeight() { var toc = $("#nav-toc"); var tocHeight = toc.height(); // <- we added this line var headerHeight = header.height(); var footerHeight = footer.height(); var windowHeight = $(window).height() - headerHeight - footerHeight; content.css({height:windowHeight + "px"}); navtree.css({height:(windowHeight-tocHeight) + "px"}); // <- we modified this line sidenav.css({height:(windowHeight) + "px",top: headerHeight+"px"}); } // Overloaded to save the root node into global_navtree_object function initNavTree(toroot,relpath) { var o = {}; global_navtree_object = o; // <- we added this line o.toroot = toroot; o.node = {}; o.node.li = document.getElementById("nav-tree-contents"); o.node.childrenData = NAVTREE; o.node.children = []; o.node.childrenUL = document.createElement("ul"); o.node.getChildrenUL = function() { return o.node.childrenUL; }; o.node.li.appendChild(o.node.childrenUL); o.node.depth = 0; o.node.relpath = relpath; o.node.expanded = false; o.node.isLast = true; o.node.plus_img = document.createElement("img"); o.node.plus_img.src = relpath+"ftv2pnode.png"; o.node.plus_img.width = 16; o.node.plus_img.height = 22; if (localStorageSupported()) { var navSync = $('#nav-sync'); if (cachedLink()) { showSyncOff(navSync,relpath); navSync.removeClass('sync'); } else { showSyncOn(navSync,relpath); } navSync.click(function(){ toggleSyncButton(relpath); }); } navTo(o,toroot,window.location.hash,relpath); $(window).bind('hashchange', function(){ if (window.location.hash && window.location.hash.length>1){ var a; if ($(location).attr('hash')){ var clslink=stripPath($(location).attr('pathname'))+':'+ $(location).attr('hash').substring(1); a=$('.item a[class$="'+clslink+'"]'); } if (a==null || !$(a).parent().parent().hasClass('selected')){ $('.item').removeClass('selected'); $('.item').removeAttr('id'); } var link=stripPath2($(location).attr('pathname')); navTo(o,link,$(location).attr('hash'),relpath); } else if (!animationInProgress) { $('#doc-content').scrollTop(0); $('.item').removeClass('selected'); $('.item').removeAttr('id'); navTo(o,toroot,window.location.hash,relpath); } }); $(window).load(showRoot); } // return false if the the node has no children at all, or has only section/subsection children function checkChildrenData(node) { if (!(typeof(node.childrenData)==='string')) { for (var i in node.childrenData) { var url = node.childrenData[i][1]; if(url.indexOf("#")==-1) return true; } return false; } return (node.childrenData); } // Modified to: // 1 - remove the root node // 2 - remove the section/subsection children function createIndent(o,domNode,node,level) { var level=-2; // <- we replaced level=-1 by level=-2 var n = node; while (n.parentNode) { level++; n=n.parentNode; } var imgNode = document.createElement("img"); imgNode.style.paddingLeft=(16*(level)).toString()+'px'; imgNode.width = 16; imgNode.height = 22; imgNode.border = 0; if (checkChildrenData(node)) { // <- we modified this line to use checkChildrenData(node) instead of node.childrenData node.plus_img = imgNode; node.expandToggle = document.createElement("a"); node.expandToggle.href = "javascript:void(0)"; node.expandToggle.onclick = function() { if (node.expanded) { $(node.getChildrenUL()).slideUp("fast"); node.plus_img.src = node.relpath+"ftv2pnode.png"; node.expanded = false; } else { expandNode(o, node, false, false); } }; node.expandToggle.appendChild(imgNode); domNode.appendChild(node.expandToggle); imgNode.src = node.relpath+"ftv2pnode.png"; } else { imgNode.src = node.relpath+"ftv2node.png"; domNode.appendChild(imgNode); } } // Overloaded to automatically expand the selected node function selectAndHighlight(hash,n) { var a; if (hash) { var link=stripPath($(location).attr('pathname'))+':'+hash.substring(1); a=$('.item a[class$="'+link+'"]'); } if (a && a.length) { a.parent().parent().addClass('selected'); a.parent().parent().attr('id','selected'); highlightAnchor(); } else if (n) { $(n.itemDiv).addClass('selected'); $(n.itemDiv).attr('id','selected'); } if ($('#nav-tree-contents .item:first').hasClass('selected')) { $('#nav-sync').css('top','30px'); } else { $('#nav-sync').css('top','5px'); } expandNode(global_navtree_object, n, true, true); // <- we added this line showRoot(); } $(document).ready(function() { generate_autotoc(); (function (){ // wait until the first "selected" element has been created try { // this line will triger an exception if there is no #selected element, i.e., before the tree structure is complete. document.getElementById("selected").className = "item selected"; // ok, the default tree has been created, we can keep going... // expand the "Chapters" node if(window.location.href.indexOf('unsupported')==-1) expandNode(global_navtree_object, global_navtree_object.node.children[0].children[2], true, true); else expandNode(global_navtree_object, global_navtree_object.node.children[0].children[1], true, true); // Hide the root node "Eigen" $(document.getElementsByClassName('index.html')[0]).parent().parent().css({display:"none"}); } catch (err) { setTimeout(arguments.callee, 10); } })(); }); $(window).load(function() { resizeHeight(); });