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2004-05-05 13:30:37 +02:00
* MinDistPoint.h o o *
* o o *
* Visual Computing Group _ O _ *
* IEI Institute, CNUCE Institute, CNR Pisa \/)\/ *
* /\/| *
* Copyright(C) 1999 by Paolo Cignoni, Paolo Pingi, Claudio Rocchini | *
* All rights reserved. \ *
* *
* Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute and sell this software and *
* its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided *
* that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that *
* copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting *
* documentation. the author makes no representations about the suitability *
* of this software for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express *
* or implied warranty. *
* *
* It is automatically included by Mesh.h *
* *
2000 Nov 06 First Working release (pc)
08 Aggiunto if(gr.bbox.IsIn(p)) per evitare piantamenti se si chiede
un punto fuori.
Tolto un Normalize inutile
2001 May 17 Aggiunta versione della Mindistpoint che da anche le coord
baricentriche del punto trovato (pc); aggiunto wrapper per la vecchia
Dec 10 Corretto prodotto scalare vettore nell'ordine giusto in un paio di posti
2002 Mar 29 Templatata anche in funzione del tipo scalare. (pc)
Oct 24 Corretti warning (unsigned mismatch) del vc7,
2003 Apr 15 Corretti mismatch iterator / pointer
Jun 08 Aggiornato UGridLink -> UGrid::Link
2004 Gen 09 Aggiunte le inclusioni a Point3[4].h
2004 Gen 19 Corretto qualche ->Normal() in ->cN()
#include <math.h>
#include <vcg/space/point3.h>
#include <vcg/space/Point4.h>
#include <vcg/math/base.h>
using namespace vcg;
aka MetroCore
data una mesh m e una ug sulle sue facce trova il punto di m piu' vicino ad
un punto dato.
// input: mesh, punto, griglia, distanza limite
// output: normale alla faccia e punto piu' vicino su di essa
// Nota che il parametro template GRID non ci dovrebbe essere, visto che deve essere
// UGrid<MESH::FaceContainer >, ma non sono riuscito a definirlo implicitamente
template <class MESH, class GRID, class SCALAR>
void MinDistPoint( MESH & mesh, const Point3<SCALAR> & p, GRID & gr, SCALAR & mdist,
Point3<SCALAR> & normf, Point3<SCALAR> & bestq, typename MESH::FaceType * &f, Point3<SCALAR> &ip)
typedef SCALAR scalar;
typedef Point3<scalar> Point3x;
typedef Box3<SCALAR> Box3x;
if(!gr.bbox.IsIn(p)) return;
typedef GridStaticObj<typename MESH::FaceContainer>::Link A2UGridLink;
scalar ax = p[0] - gr.bbox.min[0]; // Real coodinate of point refer to
scalar ay = p[1] - gr.bbox.min[1];
scalar az = p[2] - gr.bbox.min[2];
int gx = int( ax/gr.voxel[0] ); // Integer coordinate of the point
int gy = int( ay/gr.voxel[1] ); // voxel
int gz = int( az/gr.voxel[2] );
scalar vx = gr.bbox.min[0]+gx*gr.voxel[0]; // Real world coordinate of the Voxel
scalar vy = gr.bbox.min[1]+gy*gr.voxel[1]; // origin
scalar vz = gr.bbox.min[2]+gz*gr.voxel[2];
scalar dx = math::Min(p[0] - vx, vx+gr.voxel[0]-p[0]); // Dist from the voxel
scalar dy = math::Min(p[1] - vy, vy+gr.voxel[1]-p[1]);
scalar dz = math::Min(p[2] - vz, vz+gr.voxel[2]-p[2]);
scalar vdist,vstep;
if(dx<dy && dx<dz)
vdist = dx;
vstep = gr.voxel[0];
else if(dy<dz)
vdist = dy;
vstep = gr.voxel[1];
vdist = dz;
vstep = gr.voxel[2];
//scalar error = gr.bbox.SquaredDiag();
//scalar error = gr.bbox.Diag();
scalar error = mdist;
Point3x q;
MESH::FaceIterator bestf = 0;
int mxsd = gr.siz[0];
if(mxsd<gr.siz[1]) mxsd = gr.siz[1];
if(mxsd<gr.siz[2]) mxsd = gr.siz[2];
for(int s=0;s<mxsd;++s)
A2UGridLink *first, *last, *l;
gr.Grid( gx, gy, gz, first, last );
if( ! mesh.IsMarked( &*(l->Elem())) )
if( (*(l->Elem())).Dist( p, error, q) )
bestq = q;
bestf = l->Elem();
MESH::ScalarType alfa=1, beta=1, gamma=1;
//bestf->InterpolationParameters(q, alfa, beta);
//calcolo normale con interpolazione trilineare
/*normf = (1-(alfa+beta))*(bestf->V(0)->Normal())+
bool ret=bestf->InterpolationParameters(q, alfa, beta, gamma);
normf = (bestf->V(0)->cN())*alfa+
mesh.Mark( &*(l->Elem()) );
for(int ix=gx-s;ix<=gx+s;++ix)
if( ix>=0 && ix<gr.siz[0] )
for(int iy=gy-s;iy<=gy+s;++iy)
if( iy>=0 && iy<gr.siz[1] )
int sz = ( ix==gx-s || ix==gx+s ||
iy==gy-s || iy==gy+s )?1:2*s;
for(int iz=gz-s;iz<=gz+s;iz+=sz)
if( iz>=0 && iz<gr.siz[2] )
A2UGridLink *first, *last, *l;
gr.Grid( ix, iy, iz, first, last );
if( ! mesh.IsMarked( &*(l->Elem())) )
if( (*(l->Elem())).Dist( p, error, q) )
bestq = q;
bestf = l->Elem();
MESH::ScalarType alfa, beta, gamma;
//bestf->InterpolationParameters(q, alfa, beta);
//calcolo normale con interpolazione trilineare
bestf->InterpolationParameters(q, alfa, beta, gamma);
normf = (bestf->V(0)->cN())*alfa+
(bestf->V(2)->cN())*gamma ;
//normf.Normalize(); inutile si assume le normali ai vertici benfatte
if( fabs(error)<vdist )
vdist += vstep;
mdist = scalar(fabs(error));
template <class MESH, class GRID, class SCALAR>
void MinDistPoint( MESH & mesh, const Point3<SCALAR> & p, GRID & gr, SCALAR & mdist,
Point3<SCALAR> & normf, Point3<SCALAR> & bestq, typename MESH::face_type * &f)
Point3<SCALAR> ip;