2009-05-18 16:15:15 +02:00
* MeshLab o o *
* An extendible mesh processor o o *
* _ O _ *
* Copyright ( C ) 2005 , 2009 \ / ) \ / *
* Visual Computing Lab / \ / | *
* ISTI - Italian National Research Council | *
* \ *
* All rights reserved . *
* *
* This program is free software ; you can redistribute it and / or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation ; either version 2 of the License , or *
* ( at your option ) any later version . *
* *
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful , *
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY ; without even the implied warranty of *
* GNU General Public License ( http : //www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt) *
* for more details . *
* *
2010-05-04 11:59:38 +02:00
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
# include <cstdlib>
# include <string>
# include <QDir>
# include <QString>
# include <QProcess>
# include <vector>
# include <QMessageBox>
# include "export_idtf.h"
# include <vcg/space/point3.h>
namespace vcg {
namespace tri {
namespace io {
namespace u3dparametersclasses
struct IDTFConverterParameters
const QString _converter_loc ;
const QString _input_file ;
const QString _output_file ;
int positionQuality ;
IDTFConverterParameters ( const QString & converter_loc , const QString & input_file , const QString & output_file )
: _converter_loc ( converter_loc ) , _input_file ( input_file ) , _output_file ( output_file )
} ;
struct Movie15Parameters
Movie15Parameters ( )
_campar = NULL ;
//WARNING: in movie15 y-axis and z-axis has been inverted!!!
class CameraParameters
public :
CameraParameters ( )
: _cam_fov_angle ( 0.0f ) , _cam_roll_angle ( 0.0f ) , _obj_to_cam_dir ( vcg : : Point3f ( 0.0f , 0.0f , 0.0f ) ) , _obj_to_cam_dist ( 0.0f ) , _obj_bbox_diag ( 0.0f ) , _obj_pos ( vcg : : Point3f ( 0.0f , 0.0f , 0.0f ) )
CameraParameters ( const vcg : : Point3f & mesh_center , const float mesh_bbox_diag )
: _cam_fov_angle ( 0.0f ) , _cam_roll_angle ( 0.0f ) , _obj_to_cam_dir ( vcg : : Point3f ( 0.0f , 0.0f , mesh_bbox_diag ) ) , _obj_to_cam_dist ( 0.0 ) , _obj_pos ( mesh_center ) , _obj_bbox_diag ( mesh_bbox_diag )
CameraParameters ( const float cam_fov_angle , const float cam_roll_angle ,
const vcg : : Point3f & obj_to_cam_dir , const float obj_to_cam_dist ,
const float obj_bbox_diag ,
const vcg : : Point3f & obj_pos = vcg : : Point3f ( 0.0f , 0.0f , 0.0f ) )
: _cam_fov_angle ( cam_fov_angle ) , _cam_roll_angle ( cam_roll_angle ) , _obj_to_cam_dir ( obj_to_cam_dir ) , _obj_to_cam_dist ( obj_to_cam_dist ) , _obj_pos ( obj_pos ) , _obj_bbox_diag ( obj_bbox_diag )
float _cam_fov_angle ;
float _cam_roll_angle ;
vcg : : Point3f _obj_to_cam_dir ;
float _obj_to_cam_dist ;
vcg : : Point3f _obj_pos ;
float _obj_bbox_diag ;
} ;
CameraParameters * _campar ;
int positionQuality ;
} ;
template < typename SaveMeshType >
class ExporterU3D
public :
enum U3DError
E_NOERROR , // 0
} ;
static const char * ErrorMsg ( int error )
static const char * dae_error_msg [ ] =
" No errors " ,
" Conversion Process From Idtf intermediate file to U3D format aborted "
} ;
if ( error > 1 | | error < 0 ) return " Unknown error " ;
else return dae_error_msg [ error ] ;
} ;
static void substituteChar ( QString & st , const QChar & ch_remove , const QString & sub )
int ii = 0 ;
while ( ( ii = st . indexOf ( ch_remove , ii ) ) ! = - 1 )
st = st . replace ( ii , 1 , sub ) ;
private :
static int InvokeConverter ( const u3dparametersclasses : : IDTFConverterParameters & par )
QProcess p ;
QString convstring = par . _converter_loc ;
# if defined(Q_OS_WIN)
convstring = " \" " + convstring + " \" -en 1 -rzf 0 -pq " + QString : : number ( par . positionQuality ) + " -input \" " + par . _input_file + " \" -output \" " + par . _output_file + " \" " ;
# else
QString mac_input = par . _input_file ;
QString mac_output = par . _output_file ;
//mac_input.replace(QString(" "),QString("\\ "));
//mac_output.replace(QString(" "),QString("\\ "));
convstring = convstring + " -en 1 -rzf 0 -pq " + QString : : number ( par . positionQuality ) + " -input \" " + mac_input + " \" -output \" " + mac_output + " \" " ;
# endif
//QMessageBox::warning(0, QString("Saving Log"), QString("Started conversion executable '%1'").arg(convstring));
qDebug ( " Starting converter %s " , qPrintable ( convstring ) ) ;
p . setProcessChannelMode ( QProcess : : MergedChannels ) ;
p . start ( convstring ) ;
//wait until the task has been completed
bool t = p . waitForFinished ( - 1 ) ;
if ( ! t ) QMessageBox : : warning ( 0 , QString ( " Saving Error " ) , QString ( " Failed conversion executable '%1' " ) . arg ( convstring ) ) ;
p . close ( ) ;
return ( int ) t ;
static void SaveLatex ( SaveMeshType & /*m*/ , const QString & file , const u3dparametersclasses : : Movie15Parameters & mov_par )
Output_File latex ( file . toStdString ( ) + " .tex " ) ;
QString u3df = file + " .u3d " ;
QStringList file_trim ;
QtUtilityFunctions : : splitFilePath ( u3df , file_trim ) ;
std : : string u3d_final = QtUtilityFunctions : : fileNameFromTrimmedPath ( file_trim ) . toStdString ( ) ;
latex . write ( 0 , " \\ documentclass[a4paper]{article} " ) ;
latex . write ( 0 , " \\ usepackage[3D]{movie15} " ) ;
2010-05-04 12:10:29 +02:00
latex . write ( 0 , " \\ usepackage{hyperref} " ) ;
2010-05-04 11:59:38 +02:00
latex . write ( 0 , " \\ usepackage[UKenglish]{babel} " ) ;
latex . write ( 0 , " \\ begin{document} " ) ;
latex . write ( 0 , " \\ includemovie[ " ) ;
latex . write ( 1 , " poster, " ) ;
latex . write ( 1 , " toolbar, %same as `controls \' " ) ;
QString u3d_text = QString : : fromStdString ( u3d_final ) ;
substituteChar ( u3d_text , QChar ( ' _ ' ) , QString ( " " ) ) ;
latex . write ( 1 , " label= " + u3d_text . toStdString ( ) + " , " ) ;
latex . write ( 1 , " text=( " + u3d_text . toStdString ( ) + " ), " ) ;
std : : string cam_string ;
u3dparametersclasses : : Movie15Parameters : : CameraParameters * cam = mov_par . _campar ;
if ( cam ! = NULL )
cam_string = cam_string + " 3Daac= " + TextUtility : : nmbToStr ( cam - > _cam_fov_angle ) +
" , 3Droll= " + TextUtility : : nmbToStr ( cam - > _cam_roll_angle ) +
" , 3Dc2c= " + TextUtility : : nmbToStr ( cam - > _obj_to_cam_dir . X ( ) ) + " " + TextUtility : : nmbToStr ( cam - > _obj_to_cam_dir . Z ( ) ) + " " + TextUtility : : nmbToStr ( cam - > _obj_to_cam_dir . Y ( ) ) +
" , 3Droo= " + TextUtility : : nmbToStr ( cam - > _obj_to_cam_dist ) +
" , 3Dcoo= " + TextUtility : : nmbToStr ( - cam - > _obj_pos . X ( ) ) + " " + TextUtility : : nmbToStr ( cam - > _obj_pos . Z ( ) ) + " " + TextUtility : : nmbToStr ( cam - > _obj_pos . Y ( ) ) + " , " ;
latex . write ( 1 , cam_string ) ;
latex . write ( 1 , " 3Dlights=CAD, " ) ;
latex . write ( 0 , " ]{ \\ linewidth}{ \\ linewidth}{ " + u3d_final + " } " ) ;
latex . write ( 0 , " \\ end{document} " ) ;
public :
static int Save ( SaveMeshType & m , const char * output_file , const char * conv_loc , const u3dparametersclasses : : Movie15Parameters & mov_par , const int mask )
QString curr = QDir : : currentPath ( ) ;
QString out ( output_file ) ;
QStringList out_trim ;
QtUtilityFunctions : : splitFilePath ( out , out_trim ) ;
QString tmp ( QDir : : tempPath ( ) ) ;
tmp = tmp + " / " + QtUtilityFunctions : : fileNameFromTrimmedPath ( out_trim ) + " .idtf " ;
QString conv_loc_st ( conv_loc ) ;
QString output_file_st ( output_file ) ;
////if there are textures file that aren't in tga format I have to convert them
////I maintain the converted file name (i.e. file_path + originalname without extension + tga) in mesh.textures but I have to revert to the original ones
////before the function return.
//QStringList oldtextname;
//for(unsigned int ii = 0; ii < m.textures.size();++ii)
// oldtextname.push_back(m.textures[ii].c_str());
////tmp vector to save the tga created files that should be deleted.
//QStringList convfile;
vcg : : tri : : io : : ExporterIDTF < SaveMeshType > : : Save ( m , qPrintable ( tmp ) , mask ) ;
u3dparametersclasses : : IDTFConverterParameters idtfpar ( conv_loc_st , tmp , output_file_st ) ;
idtfpar . positionQuality = mov_par . positionQuality ;
qDebug ( " conv_loc_st '%s' " , qPrintable ( conv_loc_st ) ) ;
qDebug ( " conv_loc '%s' " , conv_loc ) ;
qDebug ( " idtfpar._converter_loc '%s' " , qPrintable ( idtfpar . _converter_loc ) ) ;
int res = InvokeConverter ( idtfpar ) ;
//for(QStringList::iterator it = oldtextname.begin(); it != oldtextname.end();++it)
// m.textures.push_back(it->toStdString());
////if some tga files have been created I have to delete them
QDir : : setCurrent ( curr ) ;
QString lat ( output_file ) ;
QStringList l = lat . split ( " . " ) ;
SaveLatex ( m , l [ 0 ] , mov_par ) ;
QDir dir ( QDir : : tempPath ( ) ) ;
dir . remove ( tmp ) ;
if ( res )
return 0 ;
return 1 ;
static int GetExportMaskCapability ( )
int capability = 0 ;
//capability |= Mask::IOM_VERTNORMAL;
capability | = vcg : : tri : : io : : Mask : : IOM_VERTCOLOR ;
//capability |= vcg::tri::io::Mask::IOM_VERTCOLOR;
capability | = vcg : : tri : : io : : Mask : : IOM_FACECOLOR ;
capability | = Mask : : IOM_WEDGTEXCOORD ;
//capability |= Mask::IOM_WEDGNORMAL;
return capability ;
} ;
# endif