2008-12-19 11:32:32 +01:00
* VCGLib o o *
* Visual and Computer Graphics Library o o *
* _ O _ *
* Copyright(C) 2004 \/)\/ *
* Visual Computing Lab /\/| *
* ISTI - Italian National Research Council | *
* \ *
* All rights reserved. *
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
* *
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
* GNU General Public License (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt) *
* for more details. *
* *
//#include <vector>
[ Changes in definition of TriMesh: PART I ]
Note for the developers: the change to make to existing projects is very little
but strictly necessary to compile. This change IS NOT backward compliant.
==== OLD ==== way to define a TriMesh:
// forward declarations
class MyVertex;
class MyEdge;
class MyFace;
class MyVertex: public VertexSimp2 < MyVertex, MyEdge, MyFace, vertex::Coord3f,...other components>{};
class MyFace: public FaceSimp2 < MyVertex, MyEdge, MyFace, face::VertexRef,...other components>{};
class MyMesh: public TriMesh<vector<MyVertex>,vector<MyFace> >{};
==== NEW ==== way to define a TriMesh:
// forward declarations
class MyVertex;
class MyEdge;
class MyFace;
// declaration of which types is used as VertexType, which type is used as FaceType and so on...
class MyUsedTypes: public vcg::UsedType < vcg::Use<MyVertex>::AsVertexType,
class MyVertex: public Vertex < MyUsedTypes, vertex::Coord3f,...other components>{};
class MyFace: public Face < MyUsedTypes, face::VertexRef,...other components>{};
class MyMesh: public TriMesh<vector<MyVertex>,vector<MyFace> >{};
===== classes introduced
[vcg::UsedType] : it is a class containing all the types that must be passed to the definition of Vertex, Face, Edge... This
class replaces the list of typenames to pass as first templates and the need to specify the maximal simplicial. So
<MyVertex, MyEdge, MyFace becomes <MyUsedTypes<
VertexSimp2 becomes Vertex
[vcg::Use] : an auxiliary class to give a simple way to specify the role of a type
Note 2: the order of templates parameters to vcg::UsedTypes is unimportant, e.g:
class MyUsedTypes: public vcg::UsedType <vcg::Use<MyVertex>::AsVertexType,
is the same as:
class MyUsedTypes: public vcg::UsedType <vcg::Use<MyFace>::AsFaceType,
Note 3: you only need to specify the type you use. If you do not have edges you do not need
to include vcg::Use<MyEdge>::AsEdgeType in the template list of UsedTypes.
==== the Part II will be a tiny change to the class TriMesh it self.
2010-03-15 11:42:52 +01:00
#include <string>
2008-12-19 11:32:32 +01:00
//#include <vcg/space/point3.h>
//#include <vcg/space/texcoord2.h>
#include <vcg/space/color4.h>
namespace vcg {
namespace edge {
Some naming Rules
All the Components that can be added to a vertex should be defined in the namespace edge:
/*-------------------------- VERTEX ----------------------------------------*/
template <class T> class EmptyVertexRef: public T {
// typedef typename T::VertexType VertexType;
// typedef typename T::CoordType CoordType;
inline typename T::VertexType * & V( const int j ) { assert(0); static typename T::VertexType *vp=0; return vp; }
inline typename T::VertexType * const & V( const int j ) const { assert(0); static typename T::VertexType *vp=0; return vp; }
2009-06-03 14:23:20 +02:00
inline typename T::VertexType * cV( const int j ) const { assert(0); static typename T::VertexType *vp=0; return vp; }
2008-12-19 11:32:32 +01:00
inline typename T::CoordType & P( const int j ) { assert(0); static typename T::CoordType coord(0, 0, 0); return coord; }
inline const typename T::CoordType & P( const int j ) const { assert(0); static typename T::CoordType coord(0, 0, 0); return coord; }
inline const typename T::CoordType &cP( const int j ) const { assert(0); static typename T::CoordType coord(0, 0, 0); return coord; }
template <class LeftF>
void ImportLocal(const LeftF & leftF) {T::ImportLocal(leftF);}
static bool HasVertexRef() { return false; }
static void Name(std::vector<std::string> & name){T::Name(name);}
template <class T> class VertexRef: public T {
inline typename T::VertexType * & V( const int j ) { assert(j>=0 && j<2); return v[j]; }
inline typename T::VertexType * const & V( const int j ) const { assert(j>=0 && j<2); return v[j]; }
2009-06-03 14:23:20 +02:00
inline typename T::VertexType * cV( const int j ) const { assert(j>=0 && j<2); return v[j]; }
2008-12-19 11:32:32 +01:00
// Shortcut per accedere ai punti delle facce
inline typename T::CoordType & P( const int j ) { assert(j>=0 && j<2); return v[j]->P(); }
inline const typename T::CoordType &cP( const int j ) const { assert(j>=0 && j<2); return v[j]->cP(); }
/** Return the pointer to the ((j+1)%3)-th vertex of the face.
@param j Index of the face vertex.
inline typename T::VertexType * & V0( const int j ) { return V(j);}
inline typename T::VertexType * & V1( const int j ) { return V((j+1)%2);}
inline const typename T::VertexType * const & V0( const int j ) const { return V(j);}
inline const typename T::VertexType * const & V1( const int j ) const { return V((j+1)%2);}
inline const typename T::VertexType * const & cV0( const int j ) const { return cV(j);}
inline const typename T::VertexType * const & cV1( const int j ) const { return cV((j+1)%2);}
/// Shortcut per accedere ai punti delle facce
inline typename T::CoordType & P0( const int j ) { return V(j)->P();}
inline typename T::CoordType & P1( const int j ) { return V((j+1)%2)->P();}
inline const typename T::CoordType & P0( const int j ) const { return V(j)->P();}
inline const typename T::CoordType & P1( const int j ) const { return V((j+1)%2)->P();}
inline const typename T::CoordType & cP0( const int j ) const { return cV(j)->P();}
inline const typename T::CoordType & cP1( const int j ) const { return cV((j+1)%2)->P();}
inline typename T::VertexType * & UberV( const int j ) { assert(j>=0 && j<2); return v[j]; }
inline const typename T::VertexType * const & UberV( const int j ) const { assert(j>=0 && j<2); return v[j]; }
template <class LeftF>
void ImportLocal(const LeftF & leftF){ V(0) = NULL; V(1) = NULL; V(2) = NULL; T::ImportLocal(leftF);}
static bool HasVertexRef() { return true; }
static void Name(std::vector<std::string> & name){name.push_back(std::string("VertexRef"));T::Name(name);}
typename T::VertexType *v[2];
/*-------------------------- INCREMENTAL MARK ----------------------------------------*/
template <class T> class EmptyMark: public T {
static bool HasMark() { return false; }
static bool HasMarkOcc() { return false; }
inline void InitIMark() { }
inline int & IMark() { assert(0); static int tmp=-1; return tmp;}
inline const int & IMark() const {return 0;}
template < class LeftV>
void ImportLocal(const LeftV & left ) { T::ImportLocal( left); }
static void Name(std::vector<std::string> & name){T::Name(name);}
template <class T> class Mark: public T {
static bool HasMark() { return true; }
static bool HasMarkOcc() { return true; }
inline void InitIMark() { _imark = 0; }
inline int & IMark() { return _imark;}
inline const int & IMark() const {return _imark;}
template < class LeftV>
void ImportLocal(const LeftV & left ) { IMark() = left.IMark(); T::ImportLocal( left); }
static void Name(std::vector<std::string> & name){name.push_back(std::string("Mark"));T::Name(name);}
int _imark;
/*------------------------- FLAGS -----------------------------------------*/
template <class T> class EmptyBitFlags: public T {
typedef int FlagType;
/// Return the vector of Flags(), senza effettuare controlli sui bit
int &Flags() { static int dummyflags(0); assert(0); return dummyflags; }
2009-06-03 14:23:20 +02:00
int Flags() const { return 0; }
2008-12-19 11:32:32 +01:00
template < class LeftV>
void ImportLocal(const LeftV & left ) { T::ImportLocal( left); }
static bool HasFlags() { return false; }
static void Name(std::vector<std::string> & name){T::Name(name);}
template <class T> class BitFlags: public T {
typedef int FlagType;
int &Flags() {return _flags; }
2009-06-03 14:23:20 +02:00
int Flags() const {return _flags; }
2008-12-19 11:32:32 +01:00
template < class LeftV>
void ImportLocal(const LeftV & left ) { Flags() = left.Flags(); T::ImportLocal( left); }
static bool HasFlags() { return true; }
static void Name(std::vector<std::string> & name){name.push_back(std::string("BitFlags"));T::Name(name);}
int _flags;
/*-------------------------- EMPTY COLOR & QUALITY ----------------------------------*/
template <class T> class EmptyColorQuality: public T {
typedef float QualityType;
QualityType &Q() { static QualityType dummyQuality(0); assert(0); return dummyQuality; }
static bool HasQuality() { return false; }
typedef vcg::Color4b ColorType;
ColorType &C() { static ColorType dumcolor(vcg::Color4b::White); assert(0); return dumcolor; }
template < class LeftV>
void ImportLocal(const LeftV & left ) { T::ImportLocal( left); }
static bool HasColor() { return false; }
static void Name(std::vector<std::string> & name){T::Name(name);}
/*-------------------------- Color ----------------------------------*/
template <class A, class T> class Color: public T {
Color():_color(vcg::Color4b::White) {}
typedef A ColorType;
ColorType &C() { return _color; }
const ColorType &C() const { return _color; }
const ColorType &cC() const { return _color; }
template < class LeftV>
void ImportLocal(const LeftV & left ) { C() = left.cC(); T::ImportLocal( left); }
static bool HasColor() { return true; }
static void Name(std::vector<std::string> & name){name.push_back(std::string("Color"));T::Name(name);}
ColorType _color;
template <class TT> class Color4b: public edge::Color<vcg::Color4b, TT> {
public: static void Name(std::vector<std::string> & name){name.push_back(std::string("Color4b"));TT::Name(name);}
/*-------------------------- Quality ----------------------------------*/
template <class A, class TT> class Quality: public TT {
typedef A QualityType;
QualityType &Q() { return _quality; }
const QualityType & cQ() const {return _quality; }
template < class LeftV>
void ImportLocal(const LeftV & left ) { Q() = left.cQ(); TT::ImportLocal( left); }
static bool HasQuality() { return true; }
static void Name(std::vector<std::string> & name){name.push_back(std::string("Quality"));TT::Name(name);}
QualityType _quality;
template <class TT> class Qualitys: public Quality<short, TT> {
public: static void Name(std::vector<std::string> & name){name.push_back(std::string("Qualitys"));TT::Name(name);}
template <class TT> class Qualityf: public Quality<float, TT> {
public: static void Name(std::vector<std::string> & name){name.push_back(std::string("Qualityf"));TT::Name(name);}
template <class TT> class Qualityd: public Quality<double, TT> {
public: static void Name(std::vector<std::string> & name){name.push_back(std::string("Qualityd"));TT::Name(name);}
/*----------------------------- EVADJ ------------------------------*/
template <class T> class EmptyEVAdj: public T {
typename T::VertexPointer &V(const int &) { static typename T::VertexPointer ep=0; assert(0); return ep; }
typename T::VertexPointer cV(const int &) { static typename T::VertexPointer ep=0; assert(0); return ep; }
int &EVi(){static int z=0; return z;};
template < class LeftV>
void ImportLocal(const LeftV & left ) { T::ImportLocal( left); }
static bool HasEVAdjacency() { return false; }
static bool HasEVAdjacencyOcc() { return false; }
static void Name(std::vector<std::string> & name){ T::Name(name);}
template <class T> class EVAdj: public T {
EVAdj(){_vp[0]= _vp[1] =0;}
typename T::VertexPointer & V(const int & i) {return _vp[i]; }
const typename T::VertexPointer cV(const int & i) const {return _vp[i]; }
template < class LeftV>
void ImportLocal(const LeftV & left ) { V() = NULL; T::ImportLocal( left); }
static bool HasEVAdjacency() { return true; }
static bool HasEVAdjacencyOcc() { return true; }
static void Name(std::vector<std::string> & name){name.push_back(std::string("EVAdj"));T::Name(name);}
typename T::VertexPointer _vp[2] ;
/*----------------------------- EEADJ ------------------------------*/
template <class T> class EmptyEEAdj: public T {
2009-06-23 22:45:06 +02:00
typename T::EdgePointer &EEp(const int & ) { static typename T::EdgePointer ep=0; assert(0); return ep; }
typename T::EdgePointer cEEp(const int & ) { static typename T::EdgePointer ep=0; assert(0); return ep; }
2008-12-19 11:32:32 +01:00
int &EEi(){static int z=0; return z;};
template < class LeftV>
void ImportLocal(const LeftV & left ) { T::ImportLocal( left); }
static bool HasEEAdjacency() { return false; }
static bool HasEEAdjacencyOcc() { return false; }
static void Name(std::vector<std::string> & name){ T::Name(name);}
template <class T> class EEAdj: public T {
typename T::EdgePointer &EEp(const int & i) {return _ep[i]; }
typename T::EdgePointer cEEp(const int & i) {return _ep[i]; }
int &EEi(const int & i) {return _zp[i]; }
template < class LeftV>
void ImportLocal(const LeftV & left ) { EEp() = NULL; T::ImportLocal( left); }
static bool HasEEAdjacency() { return true; }
static bool HasEEAdjacencyOcc() { return true; }
static void Name(std::vector<std::string> & name){name.push_back(std::string("EEAdj"));T::Name(name);}
typename T::EdgePointer _ep[2] ;
int _zp[2] ;
2010-03-25 17:52:18 +01:00
/*----------------------------- EHADJ ------------------------------*/
template <class T> class EmptyEHAdj: public T {
typename T::HEdgePointer &EHp( ) { static typename T::HEdgePointer hp=0; assert(0); return hp; }
typename T::HEdgePointer cEHp( ) { static typename T::HEdgePointer hp=0; assert(0); return hp; }
template < class LeftV>
void ImportLocal(const LeftV & left ) { T::ImportLocal( left); }
static bool HasEHAdjacency() { return false; }
static bool HasEHAdjacencyOcc() { return false; }
static void Name(std::vector<std::string> & name){ T::Name(name);}
template <class T> class EHAdj: public T {
typename T::HEdgePointer &EHp( ) {return _hp ; }
typename T::HEdgePointer cEHp( ) {return _hp ; }
template < class LeftV>
void ImportLocal(const LeftV & left ) { EHp() = NULL; T::ImportLocal( left); }
static bool HasEHAdjacency() { return true; }
static bool HasEHAdjacencyOcc() { return true; }
static void Name(std::vector<std::string> & name){name.push_back(std::string("EHAdj"));T::Name(name);}
2010-04-26 17:02:04 +02:00
typename T::HEdgePointer _hp ;
2010-03-25 17:52:18 +01:00
2008-12-19 11:32:32 +01:00
/*----------------------------- ETADJ ------------------------------*/
template <class T> class EmptyETAdj: public T {
typename T::TetraPointer &ETp() { static typename T::TetraPointer tp = 0; assert(0); return tp; }
typename T::TetraPointer cETp() { static typename T::TetraPointer tp = 0; assert(0); return tp; }
int &VTi() { static int z = 0; return z; };
static bool HasETAdjacency() { return false; }
static bool HasETAdjacencyOcc() { return false; }
static void Name( std::vector< std::string > & name ) { T::Name(name); }
template <class T> class ETAdj: public T {
ETAdj() { _tp = 0; }
typename T::TetraPointer &ETp() { return _tp; }
typename T::TetraPointer cETp() { return _tp; }
int &ETi() {return _zp; }
static bool HasETAdjacency() { return true; }
static bool HasETAdjacencyOcc() { return true; }
static void Name( std::vector< std::string > & name ) { name.push_back( std::string("ETAdj") ); T::Name(name); }
typename T::TetraPointer _tp ;
int _zp ;
/*----------------------------- EFADJ ------------------------------*/
template <class T> class EmptyEFAdj: public T {
typename T::FacePointer &EFp() { static typename T::FacePointer fp=0; assert(0); return fp; }
typename T::FacePointer cEFp() { static typename T::FacePointer fp=0; assert(0); return fp; }
int &EFi(){static int z=0; return z;};
template < class LeftV>
void ImportLocal(const LeftV & left ) { T::ImportLocal( left); }
static bool HasEFAdjacency() { return false; }
static bool HasEFAdjacencyOcc() { return false; }
static void Name(std::vector<std::string> & name){ T::Name(name);}
template <class T> class EFAdj: public T {
typename T::FacePointer &EFp() {return _fp; }
typename T::FacePointer cEFp() {return _fp; }
int &EFi() {return _zp; }
template < class LeftV>
void ImportLocal(const LeftV & left ) { this->EFp() = NULL; T::ImportLocal( left); }
static bool HasEFAdjacency() { return true; }
static bool HasEFAdjacencyOcc() { return true; }
static void Name(std::vector<std::string> & name){name.push_back(std::string("EFAdj"));T::Name(name);}
typename T::FacePointer _fp ;
int _zp ;
} // end namespace edge
}// end namespace vcg