422 lines
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422 lines
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// graph_array.h: interface for the graph_array class.
// Copyright (C) 2002 Tanguy Fautr<74>.
// This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
// warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages
// arising from the use of this software.
// Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,
// including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it
// freely, subject to the following restrictions:
// 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not
// claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software
// in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be
// appreciated but is not required.
// 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be
// misrepresented as being the original software.
// 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.
// Tanguy Fautr<74>
// softdev@pandora.be
// Semi-dynamic directed graph
// ***************************
// Current version: 3.00 BETA 3 (04/12/2002)
// Comment: graph_array is equivalent to an array of nodes linked by
// arcs.
// This means you can't change the size (the number of nodes)
// of the graph once you created it (setsize() will delete
// any previous nodes and arcs).
// But you can add or remove arcs.
// History: - 3.00 BETA 3 (04/12/2002) - Added empty()
// - Changed some parameters from copy to reference
// - Fixed a bug with erase_arc
// - Un-inlined external functions
// - Added "insert_arc" which is equivalent to "insert"
// - 3.00 BETA 2 (16/11/2002) - Improved portability
// - 3.00 BETA 1 (27/08/2002) - First public release
#pragma once
// namespace common_structures
namespace common_structures {
// graph_array main class
template <class nodetype, class arctype>
class graph_array
class arc;
class node;
// New types
typedef size_t nodeid;
typedef std::vector<node>::iterator node_iterator;
typedef std::vector<node>::const_iterator const_node_iterator;
typedef std::vector<node>::reverse_iterator node_reverse_iterator;
typedef std::vector<node>::const_reverse_iterator const_node_reverse_iterator;
typedef graph_array<nodetype, arctype> _mytype;
// graph_array::arc class
class arc
arc & mark() { m_Marker = true; return (* this); }
arc & unmark() { m_Marker = false; return (* this); }
bool marked() const { return m_Marker; }
node_iterator initial() const { return m_Initial; }
node_iterator terminal() const { return m_Terminal; }
arctype & operator * () { return m_Elem; }
arctype * operator -> () { return &m_Elem; }
const arctype & operator * () const { return m_Elem; }
const arctype * operator -> () const { return &m_Elem; }
friend class graph_array<nodetype, arctype>;
arc(const node_iterator & Initial, const node_iterator & Terminal)
: m_Initial(Initial), m_Terminal(Terminal), m_Marker(false) { }
arc(const node_iterator & Initial, const node_iterator & Terminal, const arctype & Elem)
: m_Initial(Initial), m_Terminal(Terminal), m_Elem(Elem), m_Marker(false) { }
node_iterator m_Initial;
node_iterator m_Terminal;
arctype m_Elem;
bool m_Marker;
// New types
typedef std::list<arc>::iterator out_arc_iterator;
typedef std::list<arc>::const_iterator const_out_arc_iterator;
// graph_array::node class
class node
node & mark() { m_Marker = true; return (* this); }
node & unmark() { m_Marker = false; return (* this); }
bool marked() const { return m_Marker; }
bool out_empty() const { return m_OutArcs.empty(); }
size_t number_of_out_arcs() const { return m_OutArcs.size(); }
out_arc_iterator out_begin() { return m_OutArcs.begin(); }
out_arc_iterator out_end() { return m_OutArcs.end(); }
const_out_arc_iterator out_begin() const { return m_OutArcs.begin(); }
const_out_arc_iterator out_end() const { return m_OutArcs.end(); }
nodetype & operator * () { return m_Elem; }
nodetype * operator -> () { return &m_Elem; }
const nodetype & operator * () const { return m_Elem; }
const nodetype * operator -> () const { return &m_Elem; }
nodetype & operator = (const nodetype & Elem) { return (m_Elem = Elem); }
friend class graph_array<nodetype, arctype>;
friend class std::vector<node>;
node() : m_Marker(false) { }
std::list<arc> m_OutArcs;
nodetype m_Elem;
bool m_Marker;
// Construction/Destruction
explicit graph_array(const size_t NbNodes);
// Node related member functions
void clear();
bool empty() const;
void setsize(const size_t NbNodes);
size_t size() const;
node & operator [] (const nodeid & i);
const node & operator [] (const nodeid & i) const;
node_iterator begin();
node_iterator end();
const_node_iterator begin() const;
const_node_iterator end() const;
node_reverse_iterator rbegin();
node_reverse_iterator rend();
const_node_reverse_iterator rbegin() const;
const_node_reverse_iterator rend() const;
// Arc related member functions
size_t number_of_arcs() const;
void erase_arcs();
void erase_arcs(const node_iterator & Initial);
out_arc_iterator erase_arc(const out_arc_iterator & Pos);
out_arc_iterator insert_arc(const nodeid & Initial, const nodeid & Terminal);
out_arc_iterator insert_arc(const nodeid & Initial, const nodeid & Terminal, const arctype & Elem);
out_arc_iterator insert_arc(const node_iterator & Initial, const node_iterator & Terminal);
out_arc_iterator insert_arc(const node_iterator & Initial, const node_iterator & Terminal, const arctype & Elem);
// Another interface for insert_arc
out_arc_iterator insert(const nodeid & Initial, const nodeid & Terminal) { return insert_arc(Initial, Terminal); }
out_arc_iterator insert(const nodeid & Initial, const nodeid & Terminal, const arctype & Elem) { return insert_arc(Initial, Terminal, Elem); }
out_arc_iterator insert(const node_iterator & Initial, const node_iterator & Terminal) { return insert_arc(Initial, Terminal); }
out_arc_iterator insert(const node_iterator & Initial, const node_iterator & Terminal, const arctype & Elem) { return insert_arc(Initial, Terminal, Elem); }
// Optimized (overloaded) functions
void swap(_mytype & Right);
friend void swap(_mytype & Left, _mytype & Right) { Left.swap(Right); }
size_t m_NbArcs;
std::vector<node> m_Nodes;
// Additional "low level", graph related, functions
template <class nodetype, class arctype>
void unmark_nodes(graph_array<nodetype, arctype> & G);
template <class nodetype, class arctype>
void unmark_arcs_from_node(graph_array<nodetype, arctype>::node & N);
template <class nodetype, class arctype>
void unmark_arcs(graph_array<nodetype, arctype> & G);
// graph_array Inline functions
template <class nodetype, class arctype>
inline graph_array<nodetype, arctype>::graph_array() : m_NbArcs(0) { }
template <class nodetype, class arctype>
inline graph_array<nodetype, arctype>::graph_array(const size_t NbNodes) : m_NbArcs(0), m_Nodes(NbNodes) { }
template <class nodetype, class arctype>
inline void graph_array<nodetype, arctype>::clear() {
m_NbArcs = 0;
template <class nodetype, class arctype>
inline bool graph_array<nodetype, arctype>::empty() const {
return m_Nodes.empty();
template <class nodetype, class arctype>
inline size_t graph_array<nodetype, arctype>::size() const {
return m_Nodes.size();
template <class nodetype, class arctype>
inline void graph_array<nodetype, arctype>::setsize(const size_t NbNodes) {
template <class nodetype, class arctype>
inline graph_array<nodetype, arctype>::node & graph_array<nodetype, arctype>::operator [] (const nodeid & i) {
// Debug check
assert(i < size());
return m_Nodes[i];
template <class nodetype, class arctype>
inline const graph_array<nodetype, arctype>::node & graph_array<nodetype, arctype>::operator [] (const nodeid & i) const {
// Debug check
assert(i < size());
return m_Nodes[i];
template <class nodetype, class arctype>
inline graph_array<nodetype, arctype>::node_iterator graph_array<nodetype, arctype>::begin() {
return m_Nodes.begin();
template <class nodetype, class arctype>
inline graph_array<nodetype, arctype>::node_iterator graph_array<nodetype, arctype>::end() {
return m_Nodes.end();
template <class nodetype, class arctype>
inline graph_array<nodetype, arctype>::const_node_iterator graph_array<nodetype, arctype>::begin() const {
return m_Nodes.begin();
template <class nodetype, class arctype>
inline graph_array<nodetype, arctype>::const_node_iterator graph_array<nodetype, arctype>::end() const {
return m_Nodes.end();
template <class nodetype, class arctype>
inline graph_array<nodetype, arctype>::node_reverse_iterator graph_array<nodetype, arctype>::rbegin() {
return m_Nodes.rbegin();
template <class nodetype, class arctype>
inline graph_array<nodetype, arctype>::node_reverse_iterator graph_array<nodetype, arctype>::rend() {
return m_Nodes.rend();
template <class nodetype, class arctype>
inline graph_array<nodetype, arctype>::const_node_reverse_iterator graph_array<nodetype, arctype>::rbegin() const {
return m_Nodes.rbegin();
template <class nodetype, class arctype>
inline graph_array<nodetype, arctype>::const_node_reverse_iterator graph_array<nodetype, arctype>::rend() const {
return m_Nodes.rend();
template <class nodetype, class arctype>
inline size_t graph_array<nodetype, arctype>::number_of_arcs() const {
return m_NbArcs;
template <class nodetype, class arctype>
inline graph_array<nodetype, arctype>::out_arc_iterator graph_array<nodetype, arctype>::insert_arc(const nodeid & Initial, const nodeid & Terminal) {
return (insert(begin() + Initial, begin() + Terminal));
template <class nodetype, class arctype>
inline graph_array<nodetype, arctype>::out_arc_iterator graph_array<nodetype, arctype>::insert_arc(const nodeid & Initial, const nodeid & Terminal, const arctype & Elem) {
return (insert(begin() + Initial, begin() + Terminal, Elem));
template <class nodetype, class arctype>
inline graph_array<nodetype, arctype>::out_arc_iterator graph_array<nodetype, arctype>::insert_arc(const node_iterator & Initial, const node_iterator & Terminal) {
Initial->m_OutArcs.push_back(arc(Initial, Terminal));
return (--(Initial->m_OutArcs.end()));
template <class nodetype, class arctype>
inline graph_array<nodetype, arctype>::out_arc_iterator graph_array<nodetype, arctype>::insert_arc(const node_iterator & Initial, const node_iterator & Terminal, const arctype & Elem) {
Initial->m_OutArcs.push_back(arc(Initial, Terminal, Elem));
return (--(Initial->m_OutArcs.end()));
template <class nodetype, class arctype>
inline graph_array<nodetype, arctype>::out_arc_iterator graph_array<nodetype, arctype>::erase_arc(const out_arc_iterator & Pos) {
return (Pos->initial()->m_OutArcs.erase(Pos));
template <class nodetype, class arctype>
inline void graph_array<nodetype, arctype>::erase_arcs(const node_iterator & Initial) {
m_NbArcs -= (Initial->m_OutArcs.size());
template <class nodetype, class arctype>
inline void graph_array<nodetype, arctype>::erase_arcs() {
m_NbArcs = 0;
for (nodeid i = 0; i < Size(); ++i)
template <class nodetype, class arctype>
inline void graph_array<nodetype, arctype>::swap(_mytype & Right) {
std::swap(m_NbArcs, Right.m_NbArcs);
std::swap(m_Nodes, Right.m_Nodes);
// additional functions
template <class nodetype, class arctype>
void unmark_nodes(graph_array<nodetype, arctype> & G)
typedef graph_array<nodetype, arctype>::node_iterator node_it;
for (node_it NodeIt = G.begin(); NodeIt != G.end(); ++NodeIt)
template <class nodetype, class arctype>
void unmark_arcs_from_node(graph_array<nodetype, arctype>::node & N)
typedef graph_array<nodetype, arctype>::out_arc_iterator arc_it;
for (arc_it ArcIt = N.out_begin(); ArcIt != N.out_end(); ++ArcIt)
template <class nodetype, class arctype>
void unmark_arcs(graph_array<nodetype, arctype> & G)
typedef graph_array<nodetype, arctype>::node_iterator node_it;
for (node_it NodeIt = G.begin(); NodeIt != G.end(); ++NodeIt)
unmark_arcs_from_node(* NodeIt);
}; // namespace common_structures