Added a VectorConstDataWrapper to simply create a kdtree from a vector of point3f

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Paolo Cignoni 2014-04-17 09:50:21 +00:00
parent dbe0d2b7f5
commit 03206b6bc4
1 changed files with 65 additions and 56 deletions

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@ -13,22 +13,31 @@ template<typename _DataType>
class ConstDataWrapper
typedef _DataType DataType;
inline ConstDataWrapper()
: mpData(0), mStride(0), mSize(0)
inline ConstDataWrapper(const DataType* pData, int size, int stride = sizeof(DataType))
: mpData(reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char*>(pData)), mStride(stride), mSize(size)
inline const DataType& operator[] (int i) const
return *reinterpret_cast<const DataType*>(mpData + i*mStride);
inline size_t size() const { return mSize; }
typedef _DataType DataType;
inline ConstDataWrapper()
: mpData(0), mStride(0), mSize(0)
inline ConstDataWrapper(const DataType* pData, int size, int stride = sizeof(DataType))
: mpData(reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char*>(pData)), mStride(stride), mSize(size)
inline const DataType& operator[] (int i) const
return *reinterpret_cast<const DataType*>(mpData + i*mStride);
inline size_t size() const { return mSize; }
const unsigned char* mpData;
int mStride;
size_t mSize;
const unsigned char* mpData;
int mStride;
size_t mSize;
template<class StdVectorType>
class VectorConstDataWrapper :public ConstDataWrapper<typename StdVectorType::value_type>
inline VectorConstDataWrapper(StdVectorType &vec):
ConstDataWrapper<typename StdVectorType::value_type> ( &(vec[0]), vec.size(), sizeof(typename StdVectorType::value_type))
template<class MeshType>
@ -48,64 +57,64 @@ class KdTree
typedef _Scalar Scalar;
typedef vcg::Point3<Scalar> VectorType;
typedef vcg::Box3<Scalar> AxisAlignedBoxType;
typedef _Scalar Scalar;
typedef vcg::Point3<Scalar> VectorType;
typedef vcg::Box3<Scalar> AxisAlignedBoxType;
struct Node
union {
struct Node
union {
//standard node
struct {
Scalar splitValue;
unsigned int firstChildId:24;
unsigned int dim:2;
unsigned int leaf:1;
struct {
Scalar splitValue;
unsigned int firstChildId:24;
unsigned int dim:2;
unsigned int leaf:1;
struct {
unsigned int start;
unsigned short size;
struct {
unsigned int start;
unsigned short size;
typedef std::vector<Node> NodeList;
typedef std::vector<Node> NodeList;
// return the protected members which store the nodes and the points list
inline const NodeList& _getNodes(void) { return mNodes; }
inline const std::vector<VectorType>& _getPoints(void) { return mPoints; }
inline const NodeList& _getNodes(void) { return mNodes; }
inline const std::vector<VectorType>& _getPoints(void) { return mPoints; }
void setMaxNofNeighbors(unsigned int k);
inline int getNofFoundNeighbors(void) { return mNeighborQueue.getNofElements(); }
inline const VectorType& getNeighbor(int i) { return mPoints[ mNeighborQueue.getIndex(i) ]; }
inline unsigned int getNeighborId(int i) { return mIndices[mNeighborQueue.getIndex(i)]; }
inline float getNeighborSquaredDistance(int i) { return mNeighborQueue.getWeight(i); }
void setMaxNofNeighbors(unsigned int k);
inline int getNofFoundNeighbors(void) { return mNeighborQueue.getNofElements(); }
inline const VectorType& getNeighbor(int i) { return mPoints[ mNeighborQueue.getIndex(i) ]; }
inline unsigned int getNeighborId(int i) { return mIndices[mNeighborQueue.getIndex(i)]; }
inline float getNeighborSquaredDistance(int i) { return mNeighborQueue.getWeight(i); }
KdTree(const ConstDataWrapper<VectorType>& points, unsigned int nofPointsPerCell = 16, unsigned int maxDepth = 64);
KdTree(const ConstDataWrapper<VectorType>& points, unsigned int nofPointsPerCell = 16, unsigned int maxDepth = 64);
void doQueryK(const VectorType& p);
void doQueryK(const VectorType& p);
// element of the stack
struct QueryNode
QueryNode() {}
QueryNode(unsigned int id) : nodeId(id) {}
unsigned int nodeId; // id of the next node
Scalar sq; // squared distance to the next node
// element of the stack
struct QueryNode
QueryNode() {}
QueryNode(unsigned int id) : nodeId(id) {}
unsigned int nodeId; // id of the next node
Scalar sq; // squared distance to the next node
// used to build the tree: split the subset [start..end[ according to dim and splitValue,
// and returns the index of the first element of the second subset
unsigned int split(int start, int end, unsigned int dim, float splitValue);
// used to build the tree: split the subset [start..end[ according to dim and splitValue,
// and returns the index of the first element of the second subset
unsigned int split(int start, int end, unsigned int dim, float splitValue);
void createTree(unsigned int nodeId, unsigned int start, unsigned int end, unsigned int level, unsigned int targetCellsize, unsigned int targetMaxDepth);
void createTree(unsigned int nodeId, unsigned int start, unsigned int end, unsigned int level, unsigned int targetCellsize, unsigned int targetMaxDepth);