Improved management of collada meshes composed by polylistmesh

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Paolo Cignoni 2009-04-04 17:25:57 +00:00
parent e702547041
commit 03eb1cfadb
2 changed files with 153 additions and 9 deletions

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@ -86,7 +86,9 @@ namespace io {
// These two classes is used for temporary storing of the
// collected data of the polgons during the reading of files.
template<typename VERTEX_TYPE>
class MyPolygon
@ -299,6 +301,7 @@ namespace io {
return QDomNode();
// This function is used to build up a list of strings that are scalar values.
inline static void valueStringList(QStringList& res,const QDomNode srcnode,const QString& tag)
QDomNodeList list = srcnode.toElement().elementsByTagName(tag);

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@ -70,7 +70,24 @@ namespace io {
return indtx;
// this one is used for the polylist nodes
static int WedgeTextureAttribute(typename OpenMeshType::FaceType::TexCoordType & WT, const QStringList faceIndexList, int ind_txt, const QStringList wt, const QDomNode wtsrc,const int faceind,const int stride = 2)
int indtx = -1;
if (!wtsrc.isNull())
indtx =;
//int num = wt.size();
assert(indtx * stride < wt.size());
WT = vcg::TexCoord2<float>();
WT.U() = * stride).toFloat();
WT.V() = * stride + 1).toFloat();
WT.N() = ind_txt;
return indtx;
static int WedgeColorAttribute(OpenMeshType& m,const QStringList face,const QStringList wc,const QDomNode wcsrc,const int meshfaceind,const int faceind,const int component)
int indcl;
@ -117,7 +134,119 @@ namespace io {
return E_NOERROR;
static DAEError LoadPolygonalListMesh(QDomNodeList& polylist,OpenMeshType& m,const size_t offset,InfoDAE* info)
static DAEError LoadPolygonalListMesh(QDomNodeList& polylist,OpenMeshType& m,const size_t offset,InfoDAE* info,QMap<QString,QString> &materialBinding)
if(polylist.isEmpty()) return E_NOERROR;
QDEBUG("****** LoadPolygonalListMesh (initial mesh size %i %i)",m.vert.size(),m.fn);
for(int tript = 0; tript < polylist.size();++tript)
QString materialId ="material"));
QDEBUG("****** material id '%s' -> '%s'",qPrintable(materialId),qPrintable(materialBinding[materialId]));
QString textureFilename;
QDomNode img_node = textureFinder(materialBinding[materialId],textureFilename,*(info->doc));
QDEBUG("****** but we were not able to find the corresponding image node");
int ind_txt = -1;
if (!img_node.isNull())
QDEBUG("Found use of Texture %s, adding it to texutres",qPrintable(textureFilename));
// number of the attributes associated to each vertex of a face (vert, normal, tex etc)
int faceAttributeNum ="input").size();
// the list of indexes composing the size of each polygon.
// The size of this list is the number of the polygons.
QStringList faceSizeList;
// The long list of indexes composing the various polygons.
// for each polygon there are numvert*numattrib indexes.
QStringList faceIndexList;
int offsetface = (int)m.face.size();
if (faceIndexList.size() != 0 && faceSizeList.size() != 0 )
WedgeAttribute wa;
QDEBUG("******* Start Reading faces. Attributes Offsets: offtx %i - offnm %i - offcl %i",wa.offtx,wa.offnm,wa.offcl);
int faceIndexCnt=0;
int jj = 0;
for(int ff = 0; ff < (int) faceSizeList.size();++ff) // for each polygon
int curFaceVertNum =;
MyPolygon<typename OpenMeshType::VertexType> polyTemp(curFaceVertNum);
for(unsigned int tt = 0;tt < curFaceVertNum ;++tt) // for each vertex of the polygon
int indvt =;
QDEBUG("******* Reading face[%3i].V(%i) = %4i (%i-th of the index list) (face has %i vertices)",ff,tt,indvt,faceIndexCnt,curFaceVertNum);
assert(indvt + offset < m.vert.size());
polyTemp._pv[tt] = &(m.vert[indvt + offset]);
faceIndexCnt +=faceAttributeNum;
WedgeTextureAttribute(polyTemp._txc[tt],faceIndexList,ind_txt, wa.wt ,wa.wtsrc, jj + wa.offtx,wa.stride);
if(tri::HasPerWedgeNormal(m)) WedgeNormalAttribute(m,face,wa.wn,wa.wnsrc,ff,jj + wa.offnm,tt);
if(tri::HasPerWedgeColor(m)) WedgeColorAttribute(m,face,wa.wc,wa.wcsrc,ff,jj + wa.offcl,tt);
if(tri::HasPerWedgeTexCoord(m) && ind_txt != -1)
WedgeTextureAttribute(m,face,ind_txt,wa.wt,wa.wtsrc,ff,jj + wa.offtx,tt,wa.stride);
jj += faceAttributeNum;
QDEBUG("****** LoadPolygonalListMesh (final mesh size vn %i vertsize %i - fn %i facesize %i)",,m.vert.size(),m.fn,m.face.size());
return E_NOERROR;
static DAEError AddPolygonToMesh(MyPolygon<typename OpenMeshType::VertexType> &polyTemp, OpenMeshType& m)
int vertNum=polyTemp._pv.size();
int triNum= vertNum -2;
typename OpenMeshType::FaceIterator fp=vcg::tri::Allocator<OpenMeshType>::AddFaces(m,triNum);
// Very simple fan triangulation of the polygon.
for(int i=0;i<triNum;++i)
(*fp).V(1) =polyTemp._pv [i+1];
(*fp).V(2) =polyTemp._pv[i+2];
static DAEError OldLoadPolygonalListMesh(QDomNodeList& polylist,OpenMeshType& m,const size_t offset,InfoDAE* info)
typedef PolygonalMesh< MyPolygon<typename OpenMeshType::VertexType> > PolyMesh;
PolyMesh pm;
@ -186,6 +315,7 @@ namespace io {
static DAEError LoadTriangularMesh(QDomNodeList& triNodeList, OpenMeshType& m, const size_t offset, InfoDAE* info,QMap<QString,QString> &materialBinding)
if(triNodeList.isEmpty()) return E_NOERROR;
QDEBUG("****** LoadTriangularMesh (initial mesh size %i %i)",,m.fn);
for(int tript = 0; tript < triNodeList.size();++tript)
@ -379,7 +509,8 @@ namespace io {
DAEError err = E_NOERROR;
err = LoadTriangularMesh(tripatch,m,offset,info,materialBinding);
//err = LoadPolygonalMesh(polypatch,m,offset,info);
//err = LoadPolygonalListMesh(polylist,m,offset,info);
// err = OldLoadPolygonalListMesh(polylist,m,offset,info);
err = LoadPolygonalListMesh(polylist,m,offset,info,materialBinding);
if (err != E_NOERROR)
return err;
@ -434,7 +565,7 @@ namespace io {
LoadGeometry(newMesh, info, refNode.toElement(),materialBindingMap);
QDEBUG("** instance_geometry with url %s (final mesh size %i %i - %i %i)",qPrintable(instGeomNode.attribute("url")),,m.vert.size(),m.fn,m.face.size());
@ -567,16 +698,26 @@ static Matrix44f getTransfMatrixFromNode(const QDomElement parentNode)
// for each scene in COLLADA FILE
Some notes on collada structure.
the top root is the <scene> that can contains one of more <visual_scene>.
top level nodes are :
The REAL top root is the <scene> that can contains one of more (instance of) <visual_scene>.
<visual_scene> can be directly written there (check!) or instanced from their definition in the <library_visual_scene>
each <visual_scene> contains a hierarchy of <node>
each <node> contains
other nodes
other nodes (to build up a hierarchy)
instance of geometry
instance of controller
instance can be direct or refers name of stuff described in a library.
An instance of geometry node should contain the <mesh> node and as a son of the <instance geometry> the material node (again referenced from a library)
-- structure of the geometry node --
for(int scn = 0;scn < scn_size;++scn)