added new version of anttweakbarmapper for qt to properly handle the alphabetic character keys.

This commit is contained in:
Luigi Malomo 2013-11-29 17:40:16 +00:00
parent fd09d6fee2
commit 087e22ca5f
1 changed files with 90 additions and 0 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
#include <QtGui>
#include <QWidget>
#include <AntTweakBar.h>
void TW_CALL CopyCDStringToClient(char **destPtr, const char *src)
size_t srcLen = (src!=NULL) ? strlen(src) : 0;
size_t destLen = (*destPtr!=NULL) ? strlen(*destPtr) : 0;
// Alloc or realloc dest memory block if needed
if( *destPtr==NULL )
*destPtr = (char *)malloc(srcLen+1);
else if( srcLen>destLen )
*destPtr = (char *)realloc(*destPtr, srcLen+1);
// Copy src
if( srcLen>0 )
strncpy(*destPtr, src, srcLen);
(*destPtr)[srcLen] = '\0'; // null-terminated string
void TW_CALL CopyStdStringToClient(std::string& destClientString, const std::string& srcLibraryString)
destClientString = srcLibraryString;
TwMouseButtonID Qt2TwMouseButtonId(QMouseEvent *e)
if(e->button() && Qt::LeftButton) return TW_MOUSE_LEFT;
if(e->button() && Qt::MidButton) return TW_MOUSE_MIDDLE;
if(e->button() && Qt::RightButton) return TW_MOUSE_RIGHT;
// assert(0);
int TwMousePressQt(QMouseEvent *e)
TwMouseMotion(e->x (), e->y ());
return TwMouseButton(TW_MOUSE_PRESSED, Qt2TwMouseButtonId(e));
int TwMouseReleaseQt(QMouseEvent *e)
TwMouseMotion(e->x (), e->y ());
return TwMouseButton(TW_MOUSE_RELEASED, Qt2TwMouseButtonId(e));
int TwKeyPressQt(QKeyEvent *e)
int kmod = 0;
if(e->modifiers() & Qt::ShiftModifier ) kmod |= TW_KMOD_SHIFT;
if(e->modifiers() & Qt::ControlModifier ) kmod |= TW_KMOD_CTRL;
if(e->modifiers() & Qt::AltModifier ) kmod |= TW_KMOD_ALT;
int key = e->key();
int k = 0;
if( key>0 && key<0x7e ) k=key; // plain ascii codes
if( key>=Qt::Key_F1 && key<=Qt::Key_F12 )
k = TW_KEY_F1 + (key-Qt::Key_F1 );
if ( key>=Qt::Key_A && key<=Qt::Key_Z)
k = (kmod & TW_KMOD_SHIFT) ? key : (int)'a' + (key-(int)'A');
switch( key )
case Qt::Key_Left: k = TW_KEY_LEFT; break;
case Qt::Key_Up: k = TW_KEY_UP; break;
case Qt::Key_Right: k = TW_KEY_RIGHT; break;
case Qt::Key_Down: k = TW_KEY_DOWN; break;
case Qt::Key_PageUp: k = TW_KEY_PAGE_UP; break;
case Qt::Key_PageDown: k = TW_KEY_PAGE_DOWN; break;
case Qt::Key_Home: k = TW_KEY_HOME; break;
case Qt::Key_End: k = TW_KEY_END; break;
case Qt::Key_Insert: k = TW_KEY_INSERT; break;
case Qt::Key_Backspace: k = TW_KEY_BACKSPACE; break;
case Qt::Key_Delete: k = TW_KEY_DELETE; break;
case Qt::Key_Return: k = TW_KEY_RETURN; break;
case Qt::Key_Enter: k = TW_KEY_RETURN; break;
case Qt::Key_Escape: k = TW_KEY_ESCAPE; break;
case Qt::Key_Tab: k = TW_KEY_TAB; break;
case Qt::Key_Space: k = TW_KEY_SPACE; break;
return TwKeyPressed(k, kmod);