removed SegmentSegmentDistance function, it must be used the one in distance3.h

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Nico Pietroni 2010-10-15 15:21:43 +00:00
parent f1a446558f
commit 0b2b8f8700
1 changed files with 84 additions and 84 deletions

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@ -389,90 +389,90 @@ std::pair< float, bool > RayLineDistance(const Ray3f & R,const Line3f & Q,Point3
return std::make_pair(Distance(R_s,Q_t),false);
@brief Calculates the minimal distance between 2 segments.
R e Q are the segments, R_s and Q_t are set to be the closest points on
the segments.
it's returned the distance from R_s and Q_t, and a boolean value which is true
if the segments are parallel enough.
@param R the first segment.
@param Q the second segment.
@param R_s the point on R closest to Q.
@param Q_t the point on Q closest to R.
@return a std::pair made with the distance from R_s to Q_t and a boolean value, true if and only if P and Q are almost parallel.
std::pair< float, bool > SegmentSegmentDistance(const Segment3f & R, const Segment3f & Q, Point3f & R_s, Point3f & Q_t)
float R_len=Distance(R.P0(),R.P1());
float Q_len=Distance(Q.P0(),Q.P1());
const float EPSILON_LENGTH = std::max(R_len,Q_len)*0.0001f;
return std::make_pair(Distance(R_s,Q_t),true);
if( Q_len < EPSILON_LENGTH){
return std::make_pair(Distance(R_s,Q_t),true);
Point3f r0 = R.P0(), Vr = (R.P1()-R.P0()).normalized();
Point3f q0 = Q.P0(), Vq = (Q.P1()-Q.P0()).normalized();
float VRVR =;
float VQVQ =;
float VRVQ =;
const float det = ( VRVR * VQVQ ) - ( VRVQ * VRVQ );
const float EPSILON = 0.00001f;
if ( ( det >= 0.0f ? det : -det) < EPSILON ) {
Line3f lR(R.P0(),R.P1());
float qa=lR.Projection(Q.P0());
float qb=lR.Projection(Q.P1());
if( (qa<=0.0f) && qb<=(0.0f)){
} else if ( (qa >= 1.0f) && (qb >= 1.0f) ){
} else {
if( (qa >= 0.0f) && (qa <= 1.0f) ){
} else if((qb >= 0.0f) && (qb <= 1.0f) ){
} else {
if( ( ((qa<=0.0f)&&(qb>=1.0f)) || (((qb<=0.0f)&&(qa>=1.0f))))){
return std::make_pair(Distance(R_s,Q_t),true);
float b1= (q0 - r0).dot(Vr);
float b2= (r0 - q0).dot(Vq);
float s = ( (VQVQ * b1) + (VRVQ * b2) ) / det;
float t = ( (VRVQ * b1) + (VRVR * b2) ) / det;
if( s < 0 ){
R_s = R.P0();
}else if ( s > R_len ){
R_s = R.P1();
} else {
R_s = r0 + (Vr * s);
if( t < 0){
Q_t = Q.P0();
}else if ( t > Q_len ){
Q_t = Q.P1();
Q_t = q0 + (Vq * t);
return std::make_pair(Distance(R_s,Q_t),false);
// @brief Calculates the minimal distance between 2 segments.
// R e Q are the segments, R_s and Q_t are set to be the closest points on
// the segments.
// it's returned the distance from R_s and Q_t, and a boolean value which is true
// if the segments are parallel enough.
// @param R the first segment.
// @param Q the second segment.
// @param R_s the point on R closest to Q.
// @param Q_t the point on Q closest to R.
// @return a std::pair made with the distance from R_s to Q_t and a boolean value, true if and only if P and Q are almost parallel.
//std::pair< float, bool > SegmentSegmentDistance(const Segment3f & R, const Segment3f & Q, Point3f & R_s, Point3f & Q_t)
// float R_len=Distance(R.P0(),R.P1());
// float Q_len=Distance(Q.P0(),Q.P1());
// const float EPSILON_LENGTH = std::max(R_len,Q_len)*0.0001f;
// if(R_len < EPSILON_LENGTH){
// R_s=R.P0();
// Q_t=ClosestPoint(Q,R_s);
// return std::make_pair(Distance(R_s,Q_t),true);
// }
// if( Q_len < EPSILON_LENGTH){
// Q_t=Q.P0();
// R_s=ClosestPoint(R,Q_t);
// return std::make_pair(Distance(R_s,Q_t),true);
// }
// Point3f r0 = R.P0(), Vr = (R.P1()-R.P0()).normalized();
// Point3f q0 = Q.P0(), Vq = (Q.P1()-Q.P0()).normalized();
// float VRVR =;
// float VQVQ =;
// float VRVQ =;
// const float det = ( VRVR * VQVQ ) - ( VRVQ * VRVQ );
// const float EPSILON = 0.00001f;
// if ( ( det >= 0.0f ? det : -det) < EPSILON ) {
// Line3f lR(R.P0(),R.P1());
// float qa=lR.Projection(Q.P0());
// float qb=lR.Projection(Q.P1());
// if( (qa<=0.0f) && qb<=(0.0f)){
// R_s=R.P0();
// Q_t=ClosestPoint(Q,R_s);
// } else if ( (qa >= 1.0f) && (qb >= 1.0f) ){
// R_s=R.P1();
// Q_t=ClosestPoint(Q,R_s);
// } else {
// if( (qa >= 0.0f) && (qa <= 1.0f) ){
// Q_t=Q.P0();
// R_s=ClosestPoint(R,Q_t);
// } else if((qb >= 0.0f) && (qb <= 1.0f) ){
// Q_t=Q.P1();
// R_s=ClosestPoint(R,Q_t);
// } else {
// if( ( ((qa<=0.0f)&&(qb>=1.0f)) || (((qb<=0.0f)&&(qa>=1.0f))))){
// R_s=R.P0();
// Q_t=ClosestPoint(Q,R_s);
// }else{
// assert(0);
// }
// }
// }
// return std::make_pair(Distance(R_s,Q_t),true);
// }
// float b1= (q0 - r0).dot(Vr);
// float b2= (r0 - q0).dot(Vq);
// float s = ( (VQVQ * b1) + (VRVQ * b2) ) / det;
// float t = ( (VRVQ * b1) + (VRVR * b2) ) / det;
// if( s < 0 ){
// R_s = R.P0();
// }else if ( s > R_len ){
// R_s = R.P1();
// } else {
// R_s = r0 + (Vr * s);
// }
// if( t < 0){
// Q_t = Q.P0();
// }else if ( t > Q_len ){
// Q_t = Q.P1();
// }else{
// Q_t = q0 + (Vq * t);
// }
// return std::make_pair(Distance(R_s,Q_t),false);
@brief Compute the point on a line closest to the ray projection of a window coordinate point.