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This commit is contained in:
Paolo Cignoni 2004-02-05 16:08:27 +00:00
commit 1e79ceef6f
3 changed files with 624 additions and 0 deletions

docs/style.txt Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
Lo stile della lib
nomi dei file sempre tutti minuscoli, se parole composte separato da _
Nomi delle classi con la maiuscola
nomi dei metodi con la prima Maiuscola e maiuscole interne per separare parole composte
gli enum tutti maiuscoli
nomi degli arg template tutto maiuscolo significativo e che possibilimente ricordi la funzione di cui e' argomento e.g. SM_MESH per Smooth<SM_MESH>!)
nomi dei membri con la prima minuscola
Il tabbing o con spazi o con un tab == 2 spazi
nei .h prima tutti i prototipi delle funzioni e poi le implementazioni inline (soprattutto per i membri delle classi)
ogni file.h deve includere tutto quello che gli serve.
a capo e parentesi a piacere.
non si DEVE assumere alcun path assoluto.
nemmeno nelle app (l'albero di cvs e' quello vero!)

docs/vcgstructure.txt Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
Loaders ?

vcg/space/point3.h Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,544 @@
* VCGLib *
* *
* Visual Computing Group o> *
* IEI Institute, CNUCE Institute, CNR Pisa <| *
* / \ *
* Copyright(C) 1999 by Paolo Cignoni, Claudio Rocchini *
* All rights reserved. *
* *
* Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute and sell this software and *
* its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided *
* that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that *
* copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting *
* documentation. the author makes no representations about the suitability *
* of this software for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express *
* or implied warranty. *
* *
1999 Feb 02 First Draft.
Mar 15 First Working release
Jul 10 Reindented and reformatted
Fixed != bug
Fixed Eq bug
Dec 21 Added Quality and Normal
Tolti ;
Corretto Distance
corretta inclusione utility
2000 Jan 26 inserito include condizionale
corretto Distance() e init()
Jan 28 tolti vcg_ dalle funzioni di utility
Jan 30 Aggiunti funzioni di accesso x,y,z const.
Feb 15 Corretta SquaredDistance(Point3,Point3)
Mar 29 Corretta Scale
May 09 Aggiunto operatore cast
Jun 9 Corretto Normal(p0,p1,p2) (forniva la normale opposta!)
Jun 26 Corretto il nome del costrutture da Point3_FT -> Point3
(syntax error per il gcc)
Aggiunta compilazione condizionale per l'operatore cast
30 Corretto Quality nel caso degenere tre punti coincidenti;
Jul 04 Aggiunto ^=
19 Aggiunta funzione PSDist (distanza segmento punto)
Sep 7 Modificata Quality, ora e' piu' veloce.
Nov 13 Corretto angle
20 Spostato Point3nt in un file a parte
Dec 12 Aggiunto AngleN (pc)
19 Ricorretto Angle (not a number per normali opposte);
2001 Jan 15 Corretto Angle, c'era un errore di sintassi...
Feb 16 Aggiunto Scale (cr,pc)
Aggiunto temporaneo print di punti (cr)
Cambiato per uniformita Norm2 -> SquaredNorm;
messo le print di punti sotto if defined FILE
May 21 Aggiunto polar
Aggiunto Zero
Jun 22 Aggiunta funzione import
Jul 09 Aggiunta Ext
Sep 19 Import diventa un membro
Nov 15 Aggiunta funzione stable_dot: prodotto scalare corretto num. (CR)
Dec 10 Deprecate alcune funzioni (CR)
- unario membro (CR)
v privato!!! (CR) aggiunta funzione V()
Dec 12 Aggiunta sotto ifdef l'inclusione della versione assembler p4 (inusabile!)(pc)
19 Reso v protected invece che private; (pc);
2002 Mar 6 CORRETTA NORMAL(). faceva sempre la normalizzazione. ora non la fa piu' e
aggiunta la NormalizedNormal();
7 Aggiunta Jitter
2003 Sep 10 [BCB] Aggiunti gli specificatori di template (<T>)
Sep 30 Spostata la definizione delle funioni di mapping vcg->opengl (glVertex()..)
cosiche' Point3d non debba essere incluso la prima volta dopo opengl
#pragma once
#ifndef __VCGLIB_POINT3
#define __VCGLIB_POINT3
//#include <limits>
#include <assert.h>
#include <vcg/Utility.h>
namespace vcg {
template <class T> class Point3
T _v[3];
typedef T scalar;
// Costruttori & assegnatori
inline Point3 () { }
inline Point3 ( const T nx, const T ny, const T nz )
_v[0] = nx;
_v[1] = ny;
_v[2] = nz;
inline Point3 ( Point3 const & p )
_v[0]= p._v[0];
_v[1]= p._v[1];
_v[2]= p._v[2];
inline Point3 ( const T nv[3] )
_v[0] = nv[0];
_v[1] = nv[1];
_v[2] = nv[2];
inline Point3 & operator =( Point3 const & p )
_v[0]= p._v[0]; _v[1]= p._v[1]; _v[2]= p._v[2];
return *this;
inline void Zero()
_v[0] = 0;
_v[1] = 0;
_v[2] = 0;
// Accesso alle componenti
inline const T &x() const { return _v[0]; }
inline const T &y() const { return _v[1]; }
inline const T &z() const { return _v[2]; }
inline T &x() { return _v[0]; }
inline T &y() { return _v[1]; }
inline T &z() { return _v[2]; }
inline T & operator [] ( const int i )
assert(i>=0 && i<3);
return _v[i];
inline const T & operator [] ( const int i ) const
assert(i>=0 && i<3);
return _v[i];
inline const T * V() const
return _v;
inline T & V( const int i )
assert(i>=0 && i<3);
return _v[i];
inline const T & V( const int i ) const
assert(i>=0 && i<3);
return _v[i];
// Operatori matematici di base
inline Point3 operator + ( Point3 const & p) const
return Point3<T>( _v[0]+p._v[0], _v[1]+p._v[1], _v[2]+p._v[2] );
inline Point3 operator - ( Point3 const & p) const
return Point3<T>( _v[0]-p._v[0], _v[1]-p._v[1], _v[2]-p._v[2] );
inline Point3 operator * ( const T s ) const
return Point3<T>( _v[0]*s, _v[1]*s, _v[2]*s );
inline Point3 operator / ( const T s ) const
return Point3<T>( _v[0]/s, _v[1]/s, _v[2]/s );
// dot product
inline T operator * ( Point3 const & p ) const
return ( _v[0]*p._v[0] + _v[1]*p._v[1] + _v[2]*p._v[2] );
// Cross product
inline Point3 operator ^ ( Point3 const & p ) const
return Point3 <T>
_v[1]*p._v[2] - _v[2]*p._v[1],
_v[2]*p._v[0] - _v[0]*p._v[2],
_v[0]*p._v[1] - _v[1]*p._v[0]
/* Deprecato ???
// Operatori di modifica
inline Point3 & operator ^= ( Point3 const & p )
T t0 = _v[0];
T t1 = _v[1];
_v[0] = _v[1]*p._v[2] - _v[2]*p._v[1];
_v[1] = _v[2]*p._v[0] - t0 *p._v[2];
_v[2] = t0 *p._v[1] - t1 *p._v[0];
return *this;
inline Point3 & operator += ( Point3 const & p)
_v[0] += p._v[0];
_v[1] += p._v[1];
_v[2] += p._v[2];
return *this;
inline Point3 & operator -= ( Point3 const & p)
_v[0] -= p._v[0];
_v[1] -= p._v[1];
_v[2] -= p._v[2];
return *this;
inline Point3 & operator *= ( const T s )
_v[0] *= s;
_v[1] *= s;
_v[2] *= s;
return *this;
inline Point3 & operator /= ( const T s )
_v[0] /= s;
_v[1] /= s;
_v[2] /= s;
return *this;
// Norme
inline T Norm() const
return Sqrt( _v[0]*_v[0] + _v[1]*_v[1] + _v[2]*_v[2] );
inline T SquaredNorm() const
return ( _v[0]*_v[0] + _v[1]*_v[1] + _v[2]*_v[2] );
// Scalatura differenziata
inline Point3 & Scale( const T sx, const T sy, const T sz )
_v[0] *= sx;
_v[1] *= sy;
_v[2] *= sz;
return *this;
inline Point3 & Scale( const Point3 & p )
_v[0] *= p._v[0];
_v[1] *= p._v[1];
_v[2] *= p._v[2];
return *this;
// Normalizzazione
inline Point3 & Normalize()
T n = Sqrt(_v[0]*_v[0] + _v[1]*_v[1] + _v[2]*_v[2]);
if(n>0.0) { _v[0] /= n; _v[1] /= n; _v[2] /= n; }
return *this;
// Polarizzazione
void Polar( T & ro, T & tetha, T & fi ) const
ro = Norm();
tetha = (T)atan2( _v[1], _v[0] );
fi = (T)acos( _v[2]/ro );
// Operatori di confronto (ordinamento lessicografico)
inline bool operator == ( Point3 const & p ) const
return _v[0]==p._v[0] && _v[1]==p._v[1] && _v[2]==p._v[2];
inline bool operator != ( Point3 const & p ) const
return _v[0]!=p._v[0] || _v[1]!=p._v[1] || _v[2]!=p._v[2];
inline bool operator < ( Point3 const & p ) const
return (_v[2]!=p._v[2])?(_v[2]<p._v[2]):
inline bool operator > ( Point3 const & p ) const
return (_v[2]!=p._v[2])?(_v[2]>p._v[2]):
inline bool operator <= ( Point3 const & p ) const
return (_v[2]!=p._v[2])?(_v[2]< p._v[2]):
(_v[1]!=p._v[1])?(_v[1]< p._v[1]):
inline bool operator >= ( Point3 const & p ) const
return (_v[2]!=p._v[2])?(_v[2]> p._v[2]):
(_v[1]!=p._v[1])?(_v[1]> p._v[1]):
/// Questa funzione estende il vettore ad un qualsiasi numero di dimensioni
/// paddando gli elementi estesi con zeri
inline T Ext( const int i ) const
if(i>=0 && i<=2) return _v[i];
else return 0;
template <class Q>
inline void Import( const Point3<Q> & b )
_v[0] = T(b[0]);
_v[1] = T(b[1]);
_v[2] = T(b[2]);
inline Point3 operator - () const
return Point3<T> ( -_v[0], -_v[1], -_v[2] );
// Casts
#ifdef __VCG_USE_CAST
inline operator Point3<int> (){ return Point3<int> (_v[0],_v[1],_v[2]); }
inline operator Point3<unsigned int> (){ return Point3<unsigned int>(_v[0],_v[1],_v[2]); }
inline operator Point3<double> (){ return Point3<double> (_v[0],_v[1],_v[2]); }
inline operator Point3<float> (){ return Point3<float> (_v[0],_v[1],_v[2]); }
inline operator Point3<short> (){ return Point3<short> (_v[0],_v[1],_v[2]); }
}; // end class definition
#include <vcg/p4/point3p4.h>
/* Deprecata
template <class T>
inline Point3<T> operator * ( const T s, Point3<T> const & p )
return Point3<T>( p._v[0] * s, p._v[1] * s, p._v[2] * s );
#endif // include point3nt
// ========== Parti comune alla vecchia e alla nuova implementazione ==================
template <class T>
inline T Angle( Point3<T> const & p1, Point3<T> const & p2 )
T w = p1.Norm()*p2.Norm();
if(w==0) return -1;
T t = (p1*p2)/w;
if(t>1) t = 1;
else if(t<-1) t = -1;
return (T) acos(t);
// versione uguale alla precedente ma che assume che i due vettori sono unitari
template <class T>
inline T AngleN( Point3<T> const & p1, Point3<T> const & p2 )
T w = p1*p2;
w = 1;
else if(w<-1)
return (T) acos(w);
template <class T>
inline T Norm( Point3<T> const & p )
return p.Norm();
template <class T>
inline T SquaredNorm( Point3<T> const & p )
return p.SquaredNorm();
template <class T>
inline Point3<T> & Normalize( Point3<T> & p )
return p;
template <class T>
inline T Distance( Point3<T> const & p1,Point3<T> const & p2 )
return (p1-p2).Norm();
template <class T>
inline T SquaredDistance( Point3<T> const & p1,Point3<T> const & p2 )
return (p1-p2).SquaredNorm();
// Dot product preciso numericamente (solo double!!)
// Implementazione: si sommano i prodotti per ordine di esponente
// (prima le piu' grandi)
template<class T>
double stable_dot ( Point3<T> const & p0, Point3<T> const & p1 )
T k0 = p0._v[0]*p1._v[0];
T k1 = p0._v[1]*p1._v[1];
T k2 = p0._v[2]*p1._v[2];
int exp0,exp1,exp2;
frexp( double(k0), &exp0 );
frexp( double(k1), &exp1 );
frexp( double(k2), &exp2 );
if( exp0<exp1 )
return (k1+k2)+k0;
return (k0+k1)+k2;
return (k0+k1)+k2;
// Returns 2*AreaTri/(MaxEdge^2), range [0.0, 0.866]
// e.g. halfsquare: 1/2, Equitri sqrt(3)/2, ecc
// Modificata il 7/sep/00 per evitare l'allocazione temporanea di variabili
template<class T>
T Quality( Point3<T> const &p0, Point3<T> const & p1, Point3<T> const & p2)
Point3<T> d10=p1-p0;
Point3<T> d20=p2-p0;
Point3<T> d12=p1-p2;
Point3<T> x = d10^d20;
T a = Norm( x );
if(a==0) return 0; // Area zero triangles have surely quality==0;
T b = SquaredNorm( d10 );
T t = b;
t = SquaredNorm( d20 ); if ( b<t ) b = t;
t = SquaredNorm( d12 ); if ( b<t ) b = t;
return a/b;
// Return the value of the face normal (internal use only)
template<class T>
Point3<T> Normal(const Point3<T> & p0, const Point3<T> & p1, const Point3<T> & p2)
return ((p1 - p0) ^ (p2 - p0));
// Return the value of the face normal (internal use only)
template<class T>
Point3<T> NormalizedNormal(const Point3<T> & p0, const Point3<T> & p1, const Point3<T> & p2)
return ((p1 - p0) ^ (p2 - p0)).Normalize();
template<class T>
Point3<T> Jitter(Point3<T> &n, T RadAngle)
Point3<T> rnd(1.0 - 2.0*T(rand())/RAND_MAX, 1.0 - 2.0*T(rand())/RAND_MAX, 1.0 - 2.0*T(rand())/RAND_MAX);
return (n+rnd).Normalize();
// Point(p) Edge(v1-v2) dist, q is the point in v1-v2 with min dist
template<class T>
T PSDist( const Point3<T> & p,
const Point3<T> & v1,
const Point3<T> & v2,
Point3<T> & q )
Point3<T> e = v2-v1;
T t = ((p-v1)*e)/e.SquaredNorm();
if(t<0) t = 0;
else if(t>1) t = 1;
q = v1+e*t;
return Distance(p,q);
#if defined(FILE)
inline void print(Point3<int> const & p, FILE * fp = stdout) { fprintf(fp,"%d %d %d ",p.x(),p.y(),p.z()); }
inline void print(Point3<short> const & p, FILE * fp = stdout) { fprintf(fp,"%d %d %d ",p.x(),p.y(),p.z()); }
inline void print(Point3<float> const & p, FILE * fp = stdout) { fprintf(fp,"%g %g %g ",p.x(),p.y(),p.z()); }
inline void print(Point3<double> const & p, FILE * fp = stdout) { fprintf(fp,"%g %g %g ",p.x(),p.y(),p.z()); }
typedef Point3<short> Point3s;
typedef Point3<int> Point3i;
typedef Point3<float> Point3f;
typedef Point3<double> Point3d;
} // end namespace
#ifdef __GL_H__
#ifndef __VCG_GL__
#define __VCG_GL__
namespace vcg{
inline void glVertex(Point3<int> const & p) { glVertex3iv(p.V());}
inline void glVertex(Point3<short> const & p) { glVertex3sv(p.V());}
inline void glVertex(Point3<float> const & p) { glVertex3fv(p.V());}
inline void glVertex(Point3<double> const & p){ glVertex3dv(p.V());}
inline void glNormal(Point3<int> const & p) { glNormal3iv(p.V());}
inline void glNormal(Point3<short> const & p) { glNormal3sv(p.V());}
inline void glNormal(Point3<float> const & p) { glNormal3fv(p.V());}
inline void glNormal(Point3<double> const & p){ glNormal3dv(p.V());}
inline void glTexCoord(Point3<int> const & p) { glTexCoord3iv(p.V());}
inline void glTexCoord(Point3<short> const & p) { glTexCoord3sv(p.V());}
inline void glTexCoord(Point3<float> const & p) { glTexCoord3fv(p.V());}
inline void glTexCoord(Point3<double> const & p){ glTexCoord3dv(p.V());}
inline void glTranslate(Point3<float> const & p) { glTranslatef(p.x(),p.y(),p.z());}
inline void glTranslate(Point3<double> const & p){ glTranslated(p.x(),p.y(),p.z());}
inline void glScale(Point3<float> const & p) { glScalef(p.x(),p.y(),p.z());}
inline void glScale(Point3<double> const & p){ glScaled(p.x(),p.y(),p.z());}