Added helper function to returning a list of all the unique edges of a mesh

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Paolo Cignoni 2009-01-14 15:54:50 +00:00
parent d236258507
commit 1f992d7929
1 changed files with 15 additions and 1 deletions

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@ -160,6 +160,9 @@ inline bool operator == ( const PEdge & pe ) const
// Fill a vector with all the edges of the mesh.
// each edge is stored in the vector the number of times that it appears in the mesh, with the referring face.
static void FillEdgeVector(MeshType &m, std::vector<PEdge> &e)
FaceIterator pf;
@ -183,6 +186,17 @@ static void FillEdgeVector(MeshType &m, std::vector<PEdge> &e)
static void FillUniqueEdgeVector(MeshType &m, std::vector<PEdge> &Edges)
sort(Edges.begin(), Edges.end()); // Lo ordino per vertici
typename std::vector< PEdge>::iterator newEnd = std::unique(Edges.begin(), Edges.end());
typename std::vector<PEdge>::iterator ei;
/// \brief Update the Face-Face topological relation by allowing to retrieve for each face what other faces shares their edges.
static void FaceFace(MeshType &m)