created. Example of use of user defined attributes

This commit is contained in:
ganovelli 2008-10-28 09:18:52 +00:00
parent 7befff7bec
commit 2dc124d060
2 changed files with 69 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
class MyFace;
class MyVertex;
class MyEdge; // dummy prototype never used
class MyVertex : public vcg::VertexSimp2< MyVertex, MyEdge, MyFace, vcg::vertex::Coord3f,vcg::vertex::Normal3f>{};
class MyFace : public vcg::FaceSimp2< MyVertex, MyEdge, MyFace, vcg::face::VertexRef, vcg::face::Normal3f> {};
class MyMesh : public vcg::tri::TriMesh< std::vector<MyVertex>, std::vector<MyFace> > {};
float Irradiance(MyMesh::VertexType v){
// .....
return 1.0;
int main()
MyMesh m;
// m is filled
// add a per-vertex attribute with type float named "Irradiance"
MyMesh::PerVertexAttributeHandle<float> ih = vcg::tri::Allocator<MyMesh>::AddPerVertexAttribute<float> (m,std::string("Irradiance"));
// add a per-vertex attribute with type float named "Radiosity"
vcg::tri::Allocator<MyMesh>::AddPerVertexAttribute<float> (m,std::string("Radiosity"));
// add a per-vertex attribute with type bool and no name specified
MyMesh::PerVertexAttributeHandle<bool> blocked_h = vcg::tri::Allocator<MyMesh>::AddPerVertexAttribute<bool> (m);
MyMesh::VertexIterator vi; int i = 0;
for(vi = m.vert.begin(); vi != m.vert.end(); ++vi,++i){
ih[vi] = Irradiance(*vi); // [] operator takes a iterator
ih[*vi] = Irradiance(*vi); // or a MyMesh::VertexType object
ih[&*vi]= Irradiance(*vi); // or a pointer to it
ih[i] = Irradiance(*vi); // or an integer index
// Once created with AddPerVertexAttribute, an handle to the attribute can be obtained as follows
MyMesh::PerVertexAttributeHandle<float> rh = vcg::tri::Allocator<MyMesh>::GetPerVertexAttribute<float>(m,"Radiosity");
// you can query if an attribute is present or not
bool hasRadiosity = vcg::tri::HasPerVertexAttribute(m,"Radiosity");
// you can delete an attibute by name
// you can delete an attibute by handle

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@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
# Automatically generated by qmake (2.00a) ven 24. giu 14:14:20 2005
# To solve issue related to slash vs. backslash under cygwin try:
# env MINGW_IN_SHELL=1 qmake -spec win32-g++
TARGET = trimesh_attribute
INCLUDEPATH += . ../../..
CONFIG += console stl
SOURCES += trimesh_attribute.cpp ../../../wrap/ply/plylib.cpp