HEAVY CHANGE. Further cleaning of the matrix classes of VCG.

Get rid of all the unused stuff. 
internally use Eigen for computing Inverse. 
Removed the stupid incomprehensible method Invert() that changed the matrix itself. 
Nobody was using it in a reasonable way.
This commit is contained in:
Paolo Cignoni 2013-03-19 16:59:45 +00:00
parent f156a5a82c
commit 2e65cae10e
3 changed files with 127 additions and 679 deletions

View File

@ -20,75 +20,6 @@
* for more details. *
* *
$Log: not supported by cvs2svn $
Revision 1.18 2007/04/19 14:30:26 pietroni
added RotationMatrix method to calculate rotation matrix along an axis
Revision 1.17 2007/04/07 23:06:47 pietroni
Added function RotationMatrix
Revision 1.16 2007/01/29 00:20:25 pietroni
-Used scalar type passed as template argument istead of double to prevent warnings.. in Rotate function
Revision 1.15 2006/09/25 23:05:29 ganovelli
added constructor from matrix44 excluding a row and colum
Revision 1.14 2006/06/22 08:00:05 ganovelli
bug in operator + with MatrixxDig
Revision 1.13 2006/01/20 16:41:44 pietroni
added operators:
operator -= ( const Matrix33Diag<S> &p )
Matrix33 operator - ( const Matrix33Diag<S> &p )
Matrix33 operator + ( const Matrix33 &m )
Matrix33 operator + ( const Matrix33Diag<S> &p )
Revision 1.12 2005/11/14 10:28:25 cignoni
Changed Invert -> FastInvert for the function based on the maple expansion
Revision 1.11 2005/10/13 15:45:23 ponchio
Changed a Zero in SetZero in WeightedCrossCovariance() (again)
Revision 1.10 2005/10/05 17:06:12 pietroni
corrected sintax error on singular value decomposition
Revision 1.9 2005/09/29 09:53:58 ganovelli
added inverse by SVD
Revision 1.8 2005/06/10 14:51:54 cignoni
Changed a Zero in SetZero in WeightedCrossCovariance()
Revision 1.7 2005/06/10 11:46:49 pietroni
Added Norm Function
Revision 1.6 2005/06/07 14:29:56 ganovelli
changed from Matrix33Ide to MatrixeeDiag
Revision 1.5 2005/05/23 15:05:26 ganovelli
Matrix33Diag Added: it implements diagonal matrix. Added only operator += in Matrix33
Revision 1.4 2005/04/11 14:11:22 pietroni
changed swap to math::Swap in Traspose Function
Revision 1.3 2004/10/18 15:03:02 fiorin
Updated interface: all Matrix classes have now the same interface
Revision 1.2 2004/07/13 06:48:26 cignoni
removed uppercase references in include
Revision 1.1 2004/05/28 13:09:05 ganovelli
Revision 1.1 2004/05/28 13:00:39 ganovelli
#ifndef __VCGLIB_MATRIX33_H
#define __VCGLIB_MATRIX33_H
@ -99,24 +30,11 @@ created
namespace vcg {
template <class S>
class Matrix33Diag:public Point3<S>{
/** @name Matrix33
Class Matrix33Diag.
This is the class for definition of a diagonal matrix 3x3.
@param S (Templete Parameter) Specifies the ScalarType field.
Matrix33Diag(const S & p0,const S & p1,const S & p2):Point3<S>(p0,p1,p2){};
Matrix33Diag(const Point3<S>&p ):Point3<S>(p){};
template<class S>
/** @name Matrix33
Class Matrix33.
This is the class for definition of a matrix 3x3.
@param S (Templete Parameter) Specifies the ScalarType field.
@param S (Template Parameter) Specifies the ScalarType field.
class Matrix33
@ -206,14 +124,6 @@ public:
return *this;
/// Modificatore somma per matrici 3x3
Matrix33 & operator += ( const Matrix33Diag<S> &p )
a[0] += p[0];
a[4] += p[1];
a[8] += p[2];
return *this;
/// Modificatore sottrazione per matrici 3x3
Matrix33 & operator -= ( const Matrix33 &m )
@ -223,15 +133,6 @@ public:
return *this;
/// Modificatore somma per matrici 3x3
Matrix33 & operator -= ( const Matrix33Diag<S> &p )
a[0] -= p[0];
a[4] -= p[1];
a[8] -= p[2];
return *this;
/// Modificatore divisione per scalare
Matrix33 & operator /= ( const S &s )
@ -265,30 +166,6 @@ public:
for(i=0;i<9;++i) this->a[i] = r.a[i];
/// Dot product with a diagonal matrix
Matrix33 operator * ( const Matrix33Diag< S> & t ) const
Matrix33<S> r;
int i,j;
r[i][j] = (*this)[i][j]*t[j];
return r;
/// Dot product modifier with a diagonal matrix
void operator *=( const Matrix33Diag< S> & t )
Matrix33<S> r;
int i,j;
r[i][j] = (*this)[i][j]*t[j];
for(i=0;i<9;++i) this->a[i] = r.a[i];
/// Modificatore prodotto per costante
Matrix33 & operator *= ( const S t )
@ -316,17 +193,6 @@ public:
return r;
/// Operatore sottrazione di matrici 3x3 con matrici diagonali
Matrix33 operator - ( const Matrix33Diag<S> &p ) const
Matrix33<S> r=a;
r[0][0] -= p[0];
r[1][1] -= p[1];
r[2][2] -= p[2];
return r;
/// Operatore sottrazione per matrici 3x3
Matrix33 operator + ( const Matrix33 &m ) const
@ -336,17 +202,6 @@ public:
return r;
/// Operatore addizione di matrici 3x3 con matrici diagonali
Matrix33 operator + ( const Matrix33Diag<S> &p ) const
Matrix33<S> r=(*this);
r[0][0] += p[0];
r[1][1] += p[1];
r[2][2] += p[2];
return r;
/** Operatore per il prodotto matrice-vettore.
@param v A point in $R^{3}$
@return Il vettore risultante in $R^{3}$
@ -486,42 +341,6 @@ public:
a[2]*(a[3]*a[7]-a[4]*a[6]) ;
// Warning, this Inversion code can be HIGHLY NUMERICALLY UNSTABLE!
// In most case you are advised to use the Invert() method based on SVD decomposition.
Matrix33 & FastInvert()
// Maple produsse:
S t4 = a[0]*a[4];
S t6 = a[0]*a[5];
S t8 = a[1]*a[3];
S t10 = a[2]*a[3];
S t12 = a[1]*a[6];
S t14 = a[2]*a[6];
S t17 = 1/(t4*a[8]-t6*a[7]-t8*a[8]+t10*a[7]+t12*a[5]-t14*a[4]);
S a0 = a[0];
S a1 = a[1];
S a3 = a[3];
S a4 = a[4];
a[0] = (a[4]*a[8]-a[5]*a[7])*t17;
a[1] = -(a[1]*a[8]-a[2]*a[7])*t17;
a[2] = (a1 *a[5]-a[2]*a[4])*t17;
a[3] = -(a[3]*a[8]-a[5]*a[6])*t17;
a[4] = (a0 *a[8]-t14 )*t17;
a[5] = -(t6 - t10)*t17;
a[6] = (a3 *a[7]-a[4]*a[6])*t17;
a[7] = -(a[0]*a[7]-t12)*t17;
a[8] = (t4-t8)*t17;
return *this;
void show(FILE * /*fp*/)
for(int i=0;i<3;++i)
printf("| %g \t%g \t%g |\n",a[3*i+0],a[3*i+1],a[3*i+2]);
// return the Trace of the matrix i.e. the sum of the diagonal elements
S Trace() const
@ -663,27 +482,14 @@ vcg::Matrix33<S> TransformationMatrix(const vcg::Point3<S> dirX,
/////then find the inverse
return (Trans);
template <class S>
void Invert(Matrix33<S> &m)
Matrix33<S> v;
Point3<typename Matrix33<S>::ScalarType> e;
m = v * Matrix33Diag<S>(e) * m;
template <class S>
Matrix33<S> Inverse(const Matrix33<S>&m)
Matrix33<S> v,m_copy=m;
Point3<S> e;
return v * Matrix33Diag<S>(e) * m_copy;
Eigen::Matrix3d mm,mmi;
Matrix33<S> res;
///given 2 vector centered into origin calculate the rotation matrix from first to the second

View File

@ -19,84 +19,6 @@
* GNU General Public License (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt) *
* for more details. *
* *
$Log: not supported by cvs2svn $
Revision 1.34 2007/07/12 06:42:01 cignoni
added the missing static Construct() member
Revision 1.33 2007/07/03 16:06:48 corsini
add DCM to Euler Angles conversion
Revision 1.32 2007/03/08 14:39:27 corsini
final fix to euler angles transformation
Revision 1.31 2007/02/06 09:57:40 corsini
fix euler angles computation
Revision 1.30 2007/02/05 14:16:33 corsini
add from euler angles to rotation matrix conversion
Revision 1.29 2005/12/02 09:46:49 croccia
Corrected bug in == and != Matrix44 operators
Revision 1.28 2005/06/28 17:42:47 ganovelli
added Matrix44Diag
Revision 1.27 2005/06/17 05:28:47 cignoni
Completed Shear Matrix code and comments,
Added use of swap inside Transpose
Added more complete comments on the usage of Decompose
Revision 1.26 2005/06/10 15:04:12 cignoni
Added Various missing functions: SetShearXY, SetShearXZ, SetShearYZ, SetScale for point3 and Decompose
Completed *=(scalar); made uniform GetRow and GetColumn
Revision 1.25 2005/04/14 11:35:09 ponchio
*** empty log message ***
Revision 1.24 2005/03/18 00:14:39 cignoni
removed small gcc compiling issues
Revision 1.23 2005/03/15 11:40:56 cignoni
Added operator*=( std::vector<PointType> ...) to apply a matrix to a vector of vertexes (replacement of the old style mesh.Apply(tr).
Revision 1.22 2004/12/15 18:45:50 tommyfranken
*** empty log message ***
Revision 1.21 2004/10/22 14:41:30 ponchio
return in operator+ added.
Revision 1.20 2004/10/18 15:03:14 fiorin
Updated interface: all Matrix classes have now the same interface
Revision 1.19 2004/10/07 14:23:57 ganovelli
added function to take rows and comlumns. Added toMatrix and fromMatrix to comply
RotationTYpe prototype in Similarity.h
Revision 1.18 2004/05/28 13:01:50 ganovelli
changed scalar to ScalarType
Revision 1.17 2004/05/26 15:09:32 cignoni
better comments in set rotate
Revision 1.16 2004/05/07 10:05:50 cignoni
Corrected abuse of for index variable scope
Revision 1.15 2004/05/04 23:19:41 cignoni
Clarified initial comment, removed vector*matrix operator (confusing!)
Corrected translate and Rotate, removed gl stuff.
Revision 1.14 2004/05/04 02:34:03 ganovelli
wrong use of operator [] corrected
Revision 1.13 2004/04/07 10:45:54 cignoni
Added: [i][j] access, V() for the raw float values, constructor from T[16]
Revision 1.12 2004/03/25 14:57:49 ponchio
#ifndef __VCGLIB_MATRIX44
@ -108,7 +30,8 @@ Revision 1.12 2004/03/25 14:57:49 ponchio
#include <vcg/space/point4.h>
#include <vector>
#include <iostream>
#include <eigenlib/Eigen/Core>
#include <eigenlib/Eigen/LU>
namespace vcg {
@ -146,19 +69,6 @@ for 'column' vectors.
template <class S>
class Matrix44Diag:public Point4<S>{
/** @name Matrix33
Class Matrix33Diag.
This is the class for definition of a diagonal matrix 4x4.
@param S (Templete Parameter) Specifies the ScalarType field.
Matrix44Diag(const S & p0,const S & p1,const S & p2,const S & p3):Point4<S>(p0,p1,p2,p3){};
Matrix44Diag( const Point4<S> & p ):Point4<S>(p){};
/** This class represent a 4x4 matrix. T is the kind of element in the matrix.
template <class T> class Matrix44 {
@ -173,23 +83,11 @@ public:
/** $name Constructors
* No automatic casting and default constructor is empty
Matrix44() {};
~Matrix44() {};
Matrix44() {}
~Matrix44() {}
Matrix44(const Matrix44 &m);
Matrix44(const T v[]);
/// Number of columns
inline unsigned int ColumnsNumber() const
return 4;
/// Number of rows
inline unsigned int RowsNumber() const
return 4;
T &ElementAt(const int row, const int col);
T ElementAt(const int row, const int col) const;
//T &operator[](const int i);
@ -227,7 +125,6 @@ public:
Matrix44 operator+(const Matrix44 &m) const;
Matrix44 operator-(const Matrix44 &m) const;
Matrix44 operator*(const Matrix44 &m) const;
Matrix44 operator*(const Matrix44Diag<T> &m) const;
Point4<T> operator*(const Point4<T> &v) const;
bool operator==(const Matrix44 &m) const;
@ -248,6 +145,13 @@ public:
template <class Matrix44Type>
void FromMatrix(const Matrix44Type & m){for(int i = 0; i < 16; i++) V()[i]=m.V()[i];}
template <class EigenMatrix44Type>
void ToEigenMatrix(EigenMatrix44Type & m) const {
for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
for(int j = 0; j < 4; j++)
template <class EigenMatrix44Type>
void FromEigenMatrix(const EigenMatrix44Type & m){
for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
@ -340,7 +244,6 @@ template <class T> Point3<T> operator*(const Matrix44<T> &m, const Point3<T> &p)
template <class T> Matrix44<T> &Transpose(Matrix44<T> &m);
//return NULL matrix if not invertible
template <class T> Matrix44<T> &Invert(Matrix44<T> &m);
template <class T> Matrix44<T> Inverse(const Matrix44<T> &m);
typedef Matrix44<short> Matrix44s;
@ -418,14 +321,6 @@ template <class T> Matrix44<T> Matrix44<T>::operator*(const Matrix44 &m) const {
return ret;
template <class T> Matrix44<T> Matrix44<T>::operator*(const Matrix44Diag<T> &m) const {
Matrix44 ret = (*this);
for(int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
for(int j = 0; j < 4; ++j)
return ret;
template <class T> Point4<T> Matrix44<T>::operator*(const Point4<T> &v) const {
Point4<T> ret;
for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++){
@ -477,17 +372,6 @@ template <class T> void Matrix44<T>::operator-=(const Matrix44 &m) {
template <class T> void Matrix44<T>::operator*=( const Matrix44 & m ) {
*this = *this *m;
/*for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { //sbagliato
Point4<T> t(0, 0, 0, 0);
for(int k = 0; k < 4; k++) {
for(int j = 0; j < 4; j++) {
t[k] += ElementAt(i, k) * m.ElementAt(k, j);
for(int l = 0; l < 4; l++)
ElementAt(i, l) = t[l];
} */
template < class PointType , class T > void operator*=( std::vector<PointType> &vert, const Matrix44<T> & m ) {
@ -625,44 +509,6 @@ template <class T> Matrix44<T> &Matrix44<T>::SetRotateRad(T AngleRad, const Poin
return *this;
/* Shear Matrixes
1 k 0 0 x x+ky
0 1 0 0 y y
0 0 1 0 z z
0 0 0 1 1 1
1 0 k 0 x x+kz
0 1 0 0 y y
0 0 1 0 z z
0 0 0 1 1 1
1 1 0 0 x x
0 1 k 0 y y+kz
0 0 1 0 z z
0 0 0 1 1 1
template <class T> Matrix44<T> & Matrix44<T>:: SetShearXY( const T sh) {// shear the X coordinate as the Y coordinate change
ElementAt(0,1) = sh;
return *this;
template <class T> Matrix44<T> & Matrix44<T>:: SetShearXZ( const T sh) {// shear the X coordinate as the Z coordinate change
ElementAt(0,2) = sh;
return *this;
template <class T> Matrix44<T> &Matrix44<T>:: SetShearYZ( const T sh) {// shear the Y coordinate as the Z coordinate change
ElementAt(1,2) = sh;
return *this;
Given a non singular, non projective matrix (e.g. with the last row equal to [0,0,0,1] )
This procedure decompose it in a sequence of
@ -795,8 +641,9 @@ bool Decompose(Matrix44<T> &M, Point3<T> &ScaleV, Point3<T> &ShearV, Point3<T> &
template <class T> T Matrix44<T>::Determinant() const {
LinearSolve<T> solve(*this);
return solve.Determinant();
Eigen::Matrix4d mm;
return mm.determinant();
@ -811,17 +658,6 @@ template <class T> Point3<T> operator*(const Matrix44<T> &m, const Point3<T> &p)
return s;
//template <class T> Point3<T> operator*(const Point3<T> &p, const Matrix44<T> &m) {
// T w;
// Point3<T> s;
// s[0] = m.ElementAt(0, 0)*p[0] + m.ElementAt(1, 0)*p[1] + m.ElementAt(2, 0)*p[2] + m.ElementAt(3, 0);
// s[1] = m.ElementAt(0, 1)*p[0] + m.ElementAt(1, 1)*p[1] + m.ElementAt(2, 1)*p[2] + m.ElementAt(3, 1);
// s[2] = m.ElementAt(0, 2)*p[0] + m.ElementAt(1, 2)*p[1] + m.ElementAt(2, 2)*p[2] + m.ElementAt(3, 2);
// w = m.ElementAt(0, 3)*p[0] + m.ElementAt(1, 3)*p[1] + m.ElementAt(2, 3)*p[2] + m.ElementAt(3, 3);
// if(w != 0) s /= w;
// return s;
template <class T> Matrix44<T> &Transpose(Matrix44<T> &m) {
for(int i = 1; i < 4; i++)
for(int j = 0; j < i; j++) {
@ -830,202 +666,12 @@ template <class T> Matrix44<T> &Transpose(Matrix44<T> &m) {
return m;
To invert a matrix you can
either invert the matrix inplace calling
or get the inverse matrix of a given matrix without touching it:
invertedMatrix = vcg::Inverse(untouchedMatrix);
template <class T> Matrix44<T> & Invert(Matrix44<T> &m) {
LinearSolve<T> solve(m);
for(int j = 0; j < 4; j++) { //Find inverse by columns.
Point4<T> col(0, 0, 0, 0);
col[j] = 1.0;
col = solve.Solve(col);
for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
m.ElementAt(i, j) = col[i];
return m;
template <class T> Matrix44<T> Inverse(const Matrix44<T> &m) {
LinearSolve<T> solve(m);
Eigen::Matrix4d mm,mmi;
Matrix44<T> res;
for(int j = 0; j < 4; j++) { //Find inverse by columns.
Point4<T> col(0, 0, 0, 0);
col[j] = 1.0;
col = solve.Solve(col);
for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
res.ElementAt(i, j) = col[i];
return res;
template <class T> LinearSolve<T>::LinearSolve(const Matrix44<T> &m): Matrix44<T>(m) {
if(!Decompose()) {
for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
index[i] = i;
template <class T> T LinearSolve<T>::Determinant() const {
T det = d;
for(int j = 0; j < 4; j++)
det *= this-> ElementAt(j, j);
return det;
/*replaces a matrix by its LU decomposition of a rowwise permutation.
d is +or -1 depeneing of row permutation even or odd.*/
#define TINY 1e-100
template <class T> bool LinearSolve<T>::Decompose() {
/* Matrix44<T> A;
for(int i = 0; i < 16; i++)
A[i] = operator[](i);
Point4<T> scale;
// Set scale factor, scale(i) = max( |a(i,j)| ), for each row
for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++ ) {
index[i] = i; // Initialize row index list
T scalemax = (T)0.0;
for(int j = 0; j < 4; j++)
scalemax = (scalemax > math::Abs(A.ElementAt(i,j))) ? scalemax : math::Abs(A.ElementAt(i,j));
scale[i] = scalemax;
// Loop over rows k = 1, ..., (N-1)
int signDet = 1;
for(int k = 0; k < 3; k++ ) {
// Select pivot row from max( |a(j,k)/s(j)| )
T ratiomax = (T)0.0;
int jPivot = k;
for(int i = k; i < 4; i++ ) {
T ratio = math::Abs(A.ElementAt(index[i], k))/scale[index[i]];
if(ratio > ratiomax) {
jPivot = i;
ratiomax = ratio;
// Perform pivoting using row index list
int indexJ = index[k];
if( jPivot != k ) { // Pivot
indexJ = index[jPivot];
index[jPivot] = index[k]; // Swap index jPivot and k
index[k] = indexJ;
signDet *= -1; // Flip sign of determinant
// Perform forward elimination
for(int i=k+1; i < 4; i++ ) {
T coeff = A.ElementAt(index[i],k)/A.ElementAt(indexJ,k);
for(int j=k+1; j < 4; j++ )
A.ElementAt(index[i],j) -= coeff*A.ElementAt(indexJ,j);
A.ElementAt(index[i],k) = coeff;
//for( j=1; j< 4; j++ )
// ElementAt(index[i],j) -= A.ElementAt(index[i], k)*ElementAt(indexJ, j);
for(int i = 0; i < 16; i++)
operator[](i) = A[i];
d = signDet;
// this = A;
return true; */
d = 1; //no permutation still
T scaling[4];
int i,j,k;
//Saving the scvaling information per row
for(i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
T largest = 0.0;
for(j = 0; j < 4; j++) {
T t = math::Abs(this->ElementAt(i, j));
if (t > largest) largest = t;
if (largest == 0.0) { //oooppps there is a zero row!
return false;
scaling[i] = (T)1.0 / largest;
int imax = 0;
for(j = 0; j < 4; j++) {
for(i = 0; i < j; i++) {
T sum = this->ElementAt(i,j);
for(int k = 0; k < i; k++)
sum -= this->ElementAt(i,k)*this->ElementAt(k,j);
this->ElementAt(i,j) = sum;
T largest = 0.0;
for(i = j; i < 4; i++) {
T sum = this->ElementAt(i,j);
for(k = 0; k < j; k++)
sum -= this->ElementAt(i,k)*this->ElementAt(k,j);
this->ElementAt(i,j) = sum;
T t = scaling[i] * math::Abs(sum);
if(t >= largest) {
largest = t;
imax = i;
if (j != imax) {
for (int k = 0; k < 4; k++) {
T dum = this->ElementAt(imax,k);
this->ElementAt(imax,k) = this->ElementAt(j,k);
this->ElementAt(j,k) = dum;
d = -(d);
scaling[imax] = scaling[j];
if (this->ElementAt(j,j) == 0.0) this->ElementAt(j,j) = (T)TINY;
if (j != 3) {
T dum = (T)1.0 / (this->ElementAt(j,j));
for (i = j+1; i < 4; i++)
this->ElementAt(i,j) *= dum;
return true;
template <class T> Point4<T> LinearSolve<T>::Solve(const Point4<T> &b) {
Point4<T> x(b);
int first = -1, ip;
for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
ip = index[i];
T sum = x[ip];
x[ip] = x[i];
if(first!= -1)
for(int j = first; j <= i-1; j++)
sum -= this->ElementAt(i,j) * x[j];
if(sum) first = i;
x[i] = sum;
for (int i = 3; i >= 0; i--) {
T sum = x[i];
for (int j = i+1; j < 4; j++)
sum -= this->ElementAt(i, j) * x[j];
x[i] = sum / this->ElementAt(i, i);
return x;
} //namespace

View File

@ -142,8 +142,7 @@ template <class T> void View<T>::GetView() {
glGetIntegerv(GL_VIEWPORT, (GLint*)viewport);
matrix = proj*model;
inverse = matrix;
inverse = vcg::Inverse(matrix);
template <class T> void View<T>::SetView(const float *_proj,
@ -162,16 +161,13 @@ template <class T> void View<T>::SetView(const float *_proj,
template <class T> Point3<T> View<T>::ViewPoint() const {
Matrix44<T> mi=model;
return mi* Point3<T>(0, 0, 0);
return vcg::Inverse(model)* Point3<T>(0, 0, 0);
// Note that p it is assumed to be in model coordinate.
template <class T> Plane3<T> View<T>::ViewPlaneFromModel(const Point3<T> &p)
//compute normal, pointing away from view.
Matrix44<T> imodel = model;
Matrix44<T> imodel = vcg::Inverse(model);
Point3<T> vp=ViewPoint();
vcg::Point3f n = imodel * vcg::Point3<T>(0.0f, 0, -1.0f) - vp;