Substituted old deprecated LinAlg with Eigen stuff

This commit is contained in:
Paolo Cignoni 2012-10-11 11:02:52 +00:00
parent 19675a4e33
commit 36c12730d9
1 changed files with 30 additions and 51 deletions

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@ -20,22 +20,6 @@
* for more details. *
* *
$Log: not supported by cvs2svn $
Revision 1.3 2006/03/29 10:12:08 corsini
Add cast to avoid warning
Revision 1.2 2005/12/12 12:08:30 cignoni
First working version
Revision 1.1 2005/11/21 15:58:12 cignoni
First Release (not working!)
Revision 1.13 2005/11/17 00:42:03 cignoni
#ifndef _VCG_INERTIA_
#define _VCG_INERTIA_
@ -56,10 +40,10 @@ journal of graphics tools, volume 1, number 2, 1996
#include <vcg/math/matrix33.h>
#include <vcg/math/lin_algebra.h>
#include <eigenlib/Eigen/Core>
#include <eigenlib/Eigen/Eigenvalues>
#include <vcg/complex/algorithms/update/normal.h>
namespace vcg
namespace tri
@ -194,7 +178,7 @@ void CompFaceIntegrals(FaceType &f)
void Compute(MeshType &m)
double nx, ny, nz;
T0 = T1[X] = T1[Y] = T1[Z]
@ -266,51 +250,52 @@ void InertiaTensor(Matrix33<ScalarType> &J ){
J[Z][X] = J[X][Z] += T0 * r[Z] * r[X];
void InertiaTensor(Matrix44<ScalarType> &J )
//void InertiaTensor(Matrix44<ScalarType> &J )
void InertiaTensor(Eigen::Matrix3d &J )
Point3<ScalarType> r;
Point3d r;
r[X] = T1[X] / T0;
r[Y] = T1[Y] / T0;
r[Z] = T1[Z] / T0;
/* compute inertia tensor */
J[X][X] = (T2[Y] + T2[Z]);
J[Y][Y] = (T2[Z] + T2[X]);
J[Z][Z] = (T2[X] + T2[Y]);
J[X][Y] = J[Y][X] = - TP[X];
J[Y][Z] = J[Z][Y] = - TP[Y];
J[Z][X] = J[X][Z] = - TP[Z];
J(X,X) = (T2[Y] + T2[Z]);
J(Y,Y) = (T2[Z] + T2[X]);
J(Z,Z) = (T2[X] + T2[Y]);
J(X,Y) = J(Y,X) = - TP[X];
J(Y,Z) = J(Z,Y) = - TP[Y];
J(Z,X) = J(X,Z) = - TP[Z];
J[X][X] -= T0 * (r[Y]*r[Y] + r[Z]*r[Z]);
J[Y][Y] -= T0 * (r[Z]*r[Z] + r[X]*r[X]);
J[Z][Z] -= T0 * (r[X]*r[X] + r[Y]*r[Y]);
J[X][Y] = J[Y][X] += T0 * r[X] * r[Y];
J[Y][Z] = J[Z][Y] += T0 * r[Y] * r[Z];
J[Z][X] = J[X][Z] += T0 * r[Z] * r[X];
J(X,X) -= T0 * (r[Y]*r[Y] + r[Z]*r[Z]);
J(Y,Y) -= T0 * (r[Z]*r[Z] + r[X]*r[X]);
J(Z,Z) -= T0 * (r[X]*r[X] + r[Y]*r[Y]);
J(X,Y) = J(Y,X) += T0 * r[X] * r[Y];
J(Y,Z) = J(Z,Y) += T0 * r[Y] * r[Z];
J(Z,X) = J(X,Z) += T0 * r[Z] * r[X];
/** Compute eigenvalues and eigenvectors of inertia tensor.
The eigenvectors make a rotation matrix that aligns the mesh along the axes of min/max inertia
void InertiaTensorEigen(Matrix44<ScalarType> &EV, Point4<ScalarType> &ev )
void InertiaTensorEigen(Matrix33<ScalarType> &EV, Point3<ScalarType> &ev )
Matrix44<ScalarType> it;
Eigen::Matrix3d it;
Matrix44d EVd,ITd;ITd.Import(it);
Point4d evd;
int n;
Eigen::SelfAdjointEigenSolver<Eigen::Matrix3d> eig(it);
Eigen::Vector3d c_val = eig.eigenvalues();
Eigen::Matrix3d c_vec = eig.eigenvectors();
/** Compute covariance matrix of a mesh, i.e. the integral
int_{M} { (x-b)(x-b)^T }dx where b is the barycenter and x spans over the mesh M
static void Covariance(const MeshType & m, vcg::Point3<ScalarType> & bary, vcg::Matrix33<ScalarType> &C){
static void Covariance(const MeshType & m, vcg::Point3<ScalarType> & bary, vcg::Matrix33<ScalarType> &C)
// find the barycenter
ConstFaceIterator fi;
ScalarType area = 0.0;
@ -345,15 +330,9 @@ static void Covariance(const MeshType & m, vcg::Point3<ScalarType> & bary, vcg::
const float da = n.Norm();
A.SetColumn(0, P1-P0);
A.SetColumn(1, P2-P0);
A.SetColumn(2, n);
A.col(0) = P1-P0;
A.col(1) = P2-P0;
A.col(2) = n;
CoordType delta = P0 - bary;
/* DC is calculated as integral of (A*x+delta) * (A*x+delta)^T over the triangle,