added generic functors to attribute seam.

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Marco Di Benedetto 2010-03-29 16:27:41 +00:00
parent 8b293069af
commit 38a4636b51
1 changed files with 91 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -60,6 +60,97 @@ class AttributeSeam
typedef AttributeSeam ThisType;
enum ASMask
NORMAL_PER_WEDGE = (1 << 2),
NORMAL_PER_FACE = (1 << 3),
COLOR_PER_VERTEX = (1 << 4),
COLOR_PER_WEDGE = (1 << 5),
COLOR_PER_FACE = (1 << 6),
template <typename src_trimesh_t, typename dst_trimesh_t>
struct ASExtract
const unsigned int mask;
ASExtract(unsigned int vmask = 0) : mask(vmask)
void operator () (const src_trimesh_t & sm, const typename src_trimesh_t::FaceType & f, int k, const dst_trimesh_t & dm, typename dst_trimesh_t::VertexType & v) const
const unsigned int m = this->mask;
const typename src_trimesh_t::VertexType & u = *(f.cV(k));
if ((m & AttributeSeam::POSITION_PER_VERTEX) != 0) v.P() = f.cP (k);
if ((m & AttributeSeam::NORMAL_PER_VERTEX) != 0) v.N() = u.cN ( );
if ((m & AttributeSeam::NORMAL_PER_WEDGE) != 0) v.N() = f.cWN(k);
if ((m & AttributeSeam::NORMAL_PER_FACE) != 0) v.N() = f.cN ( );
if ((m & AttributeSeam::COLOR_PER_VERTEX) != 0) v.C() = u.cC ( );
if ((m & AttributeSeam::COLOR_PER_WEDGE) != 0) v.C() = f.cWC(k);
if ((m & AttributeSeam::COLOR_PER_FACE) != 0) v.C() = f.cC ( );
if ((m & AttributeSeam::TEXCOORD_PER_VERTEX) != 0) v.T() = u.cT ( );
if ((m & AttributeSeam::TEXCOORD_PER_WEDGE) != 0) v.T() = f.cWT(k);
template <typename dst_trimesh_t>
struct ASCompare
const unsigned int mask;
ASCompare(unsigned int vmask = 0) : mask(vmask)
bool operator () (const dst_trimesh_t & sm, const typename dst_trimesh_t::VertexType & u, const typename dst_trimesh_t::VertexType & v) const
const unsigned int m = this->mask;
if ((m & (AttributeSeam::POSITION_PER_VERTEX)) != 0)
if (u.cP() != v.cP()) return false;
if ((m & (AttributeSeam::NORMAL_PER_VERTEX | AttributeSeam::NORMAL_PER_WEDGE | AttributeSeam::NORMAL_PER_FACE)) != 0)
if (u.cN() != v.cN()) return false;
if ((m & (AttributeSeam::COLOR_PER_VERTEX | AttributeSeam::COLOR_PER_WEDGE | AttributeSeam::COLOR_PER_FACE)) != 0)
if (u.cC() != v.cC()) return false;
if ((m & (AttributeSeam::TEXCOORD_PER_VERTEX | AttributeSeam::TEXCOORD_PER_WEDGE)) != 0)
if (u.cT() != v.cT()) return false;
return true;
// in-place version
template <typename src_trimesh_t, typename extract_wedge_attribs_t, typename compare_vertex_attribs_t>
static inline bool SplitVertex(src_trimesh_t & src, extract_wedge_attribs_t v_extract, compare_vertex_attribs_t & v_compare)