Moved Hausdorff sampler from meshlab to vcglib

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Paolo Cignoni 2015-10-20 22:32:16 +00:00
parent c3abaf8036
commit 3f1b4519b5
1 changed files with 134 additions and 1 deletions

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@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ sampling strategies (montecarlo, stratified etc).
#include <vcg/complex/algorithms/update/bounding.h>
#include <vcg/complex/algorithms/update/flag.h>
#include <vcg/space/segment2.h>
#include <vcg/space/index/grid_static_ptr.h>
namespace vcg
namespace tri
@ -190,6 +190,139 @@ public:
/* This sampler is used to perform compute the Hausdorff measuring.
* It keep internally the spatial indexing structure used to find the closest point
* and the partial integration results needed to compute the average and rms error values.
* Averaged values assume that the samples are equi-distributed (e.g. a good unbiased montecarlo sampling of the surface).
template <class MeshType>
class HausdorffSampler
typedef typename MeshType::FaceType FaceType;
typedef typename MeshType::VertexType VertexType;
typedef typename MeshType::CoordType CoordType;
typedef typename MeshType::ScalarType ScalarType;
typedef GridStaticPtr<FaceType, ScalarType > MetroMeshFaceGrid;
typedef GridStaticPtr<VertexType, ScalarType > MetroMeshVertexGrid;
HausdorffSampler(MeshType* _m, MeshType* _sampleMesh=0, MeshType* _closestMesh=0 ) :markerFunctor(_m)
MeshType *m; /// the mesh for which we search the closest points.
MeshType *samplePtMesh; /// the mesh containing the sample points
MeshType *closestPtMesh; /// the mesh containing the corresponding closest points that have been found
MetroMeshVertexGrid unifGridVert;
MetroMeshFaceGrid unifGridFace;
// Parameters
double min_dist;
double max_dist;
double mean_dist;
double RMS_dist; /// from the wikipedia defintion RMS DIST is sqrt(Sum(distances^2)/n), here we store Sum(distances^2)
double volume;
double area_S1;
Histogramf hist;
// globals parameters driving the samples.
int n_total_samples;
int n_samples;
bool useVertexSampling;
ScalarType dist_upper_bound; // samples that have a distance beyond this threshold distance are not considered.
typedef typename tri::FaceTmark<MeshType> MarkerFace;
MarkerFace markerFunctor;
float getMeanDist() const { return mean_dist / n_total_samples; }
float getMinDist() const { return min_dist ; }
float getMaxDist() const { return max_dist ; }
float getRMSDist() const { return sqrt(RMS_dist / n_total_samples); }
void init(MeshType* _sampleMesh=0, MeshType* _closestMesh=0 )
samplePtMesh =_sampleMesh;
closestPtMesh = _closestMesh;
if(m->fn==0) useVertexSampling = true;
else useVertexSampling = false;
if(useVertexSampling) unifGridVert.Set(m->vert.begin(),m->vert.end());
else unifGridFace.Set(m->face.begin(),m->face.end());
hist.SetRange(0.0, m->bbox.Diag()/100.0, 100);
min_dist = std::numeric_limits<double>::max();
max_dist = 0;
mean_dist =0;
RMS_dist = 0;
n_total_samples = 0;
void AddFace(const FaceType &f, CoordType interp)
CoordType startPt = f.cP(0)*interp[0] + f.cP(1)*interp[1] +f.cP(2)*interp[2]; // point to be sampled
CoordType startN = f.cV(0)->cN()*interp[0] + f.cV(1)->cN()*interp[1] +f.cV(2)->cN()*interp[2]; // Normal of the interpolated point
AddSample(startPt,startN); // point to be sampled);
void AddVert(VertexType &p)
float AddSample(const CoordType &startPt,const CoordType &startN)
// the results
CoordType closestPt;
ScalarType dist = dist_upper_bound;
// compute distance between startPt and the mesh S2
FaceType *nearestF=0;
VertexType *nearestV=0;
vcg::face::PointDistanceBaseFunctor<ScalarType> PDistFunct;
nearestV = tri::GetClosestVertex<MeshType,MetroMeshVertexGrid>(*m,unifGridVert,startPt,dist_upper_bound,dist);
nearestF = unifGridFace.GetClosest(PDistFunct,markerFunctor,startPt,dist_upper_bound,dist,closestPt);
// update distance measures
if(dist == dist_upper_bound)
return dist;
if(dist > max_dist) max_dist = dist; // L_inf
if(dist < min_dist) min_dist = dist; // L_inf
mean_dist += dist; // L_1
RMS_dist += dist*dist; // L_2
samplePtMesh->vert.back().P() = startPt;
samplePtMesh->vert.back().Q() = dist;
samplePtMesh->vert.back().N() = startN;
closestPtMesh->vert.back().P() = closestPt;
closestPtMesh->vert.back().Q() = dist;
closestPtMesh->vert.back().N() = startN;
return dist;
}; // end class HausdorffSampler