Totally rewrote the plane intersection sample

This commit is contained in:
Paolo Cignoni 2017-04-05 07:48:20 +02:00
parent 4860a27a15
commit 49251952c1
2 changed files with 64 additions and 77 deletions

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@ -20,16 +20,24 @@
* for more details. *
* *
/*! \file trimesh_intersection_plane.cpp
\ingroup code_sample
\brief An example of computing the intersection of a mesh with a plane,
saving this polyline as a well projected 2D SVG
and splicing the mesh in the two components below and over the plane
#include <vcg/complex/complex.h>
#include <vcg/complex/algorithms/clean.h>
#include <vcg/complex/algorithms/intersection.h>
#include <vcg/space/index/grid_static_ptr.h>
#include <vcg/complex/algorithms/refine.h>
#include <vcg/complex/algorithms/create/platonic.h>
// VCG File Format Importer/Exporter
#include <wrap/io_trimesh/import.h>
#include <wrap/io_edgemesh/export_svg.h>
#include <wrap/io_edgemesh/export_dxf.h>
#include <wrap/io_trimesh/export_off.h>
using namespace std;
using namespace vcg;
@ -38,82 +46,61 @@ class MyFace;
class MyEdge;
class MyVertex;
struct MyUsedTypes : public UsedTypes< Use<MyVertex> ::AsVertexType,
Use<MyEdge> ::AsEdgeType,
Use<MyFace> ::AsFaceType>{};
struct MyUsedTypes : public UsedTypes<
Use<MyEdge> ::AsEdgeType,
Use<MyFace> ::AsFaceType>{};
class MyVertex : public Vertex< MyUsedTypes, vertex::Coord3f, vertex::BitFlags, vertex::Normal3f, vertex::Mark>{};
class MyEdge : public Edge< MyUsedTypes, edge::VertexRef, edge::EVAdj> {};
class MyFace : public Face <MyUsedTypes, face::VertexRef,face::FFAdj, face::BitFlags, face::Normal3f> {};
class MyVertex : public Vertex< MyUsedTypes, vertex::Coord3f, vertex::BitFlags, vertex::Normal3f, vertex::Qualityf, vertex::Mark>{};
class MyEdge : public Edge < MyUsedTypes, edge::VertexRef, edge::EVAdj> {};
class MyFace : public Face < MyUsedTypes, face::VertexRef, face::FFAdj, face::BitFlags, face::Normal3f> {};
class MyEdgeMesh: public tri::TriMesh< vector<MyVertex>, vector<MyEdge> > {};
class MyMesh : public tri::TriMesh< vector<MyVertex>, vector<MyFace > >{};
class MyMesh: public tri::TriMesh< vector<MyVertex>, vector<MyFace > >{};
typedef vcg::GridStaticPtr<MyMesh::FaceType, MyMesh::ScalarType> TriMeshGrid;
int main(int argc,char ** argv)
if (argc<6)
printf(" Usage: trimesh_intersection <filename> <a> <b> <c> <d>\n\n");
printf(" <filename> Mesh model to intersect (PLY format).\n");
printf(" <a> <b> <c> <d> The coefficients that specifying a plane in the form:\n\n");
printf(" a*x + b*y + c*z + d = 0\n\n\n");
printf(" Example: trimesh_intersection bunny.ply 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0\n\n");
return 0;
MyMesh m;
// open a mesh
int err = tri::io::Importer<MyMesh>::Open(m,argv[1]);
printf("Error in reading %s: '%s'\n",argv[1],tri::io::Importer<MyMesh>::ErrorMsg(err));
// some cleaning to get rid of bad file formats like stl that duplicate vertexes..
int dup = tri::Clean<MyMesh>::RemoveDuplicateVertex(m);
int unref = tri::Clean<MyMesh>::RemoveUnreferencedVertex(m);
if (dup > 0 || unref > 0)
printf("Removed %i duplicate and %i unreferenced vertices from mesh %s\n",dup,unref,argv[1]);
// Compute cross-intersection with the given plane
MyMesh::ScalarType a = static_cast<MyMesh::ScalarType>(atof(argv[2]));
MyMesh::ScalarType b = static_cast<MyMesh::ScalarType>(atof(argv[3]));
MyMesh::ScalarType c = static_cast<MyMesh::ScalarType>(atof(argv[4]));
MyMesh::ScalarType d = static_cast<MyMesh::ScalarType>(atof(argv[5]));
vcg::Point3<MyMesh::ScalarType> direction(a, b, c);
MyMesh::ScalarType distance = -d / direction.Norm();
vcg::Plane3<MyMesh::ScalarType> plane(distance, direction);
MyEdgeMesh edge_mesh; // returned EdgeMesh (i.e. the cross-section)
vcg::IntersectionPlaneMesh<MyMesh, MyEdgeMesh, MyMesh::ScalarType>(m, plane, edge_mesh);
// Compute bounding box
// export the cross-section
tri::io::SVGProperties pro;
if (tri::io::ExporterSVG<MyEdgeMesh>::Save(edge_mesh, "out.svg",pro))
printf(" The cross-intersection has been successfully saved (OUT.SVG).\n");
printf(" The cross-intersection cannot be saved.\n");
return 0;
int main(int ,char **)
MyMesh m, m_over, m_under;;
printf("Created a sphere mesh of %i vertices %i edges\n",m.VN(),m.FN());
// Compute intersection with a random plane
math::MarsenneTwisterRNG rnd;
Point3f direction = vcg::math::GeneratePointOnUnitSphereUniform<float,math::MarsenneTwisterRNG>(rnd);
float distance = rnd.generate01();
vcg::Plane3<MyMesh::ScalarType> plane(distance, direction);
printf("Intersecting a sphere with a plane %4.2f %4.2f %4.2f off: %4.2f\n",direction[0],direction[1],direction[2],distance);
MyEdgeMesh edge_mesh; // the cross-section
vcg::IntersectionPlaneMesh<MyMesh, MyEdgeMesh, MyMesh::ScalarType>(m, plane, edge_mesh);
// Compute bounding box
printf("Created a edge mesh of %i vertices %i edges\n",edge_mesh.VN(),edge_mesh.EN());
// export the cross-section (projected along the plane normal direction)
tri::io::SVGProperties pro;
pro.projDir = plane.Direction();
tri::io::ExporterSVG<MyEdgeMesh>::Save(edge_mesh, "trimesh_intersection.svg",pro);
// Now actually cut the mesh using the refine framework
tri::UpdateQuality<MyMesh>::VertexFromPlane(m, plane);
tri::QualityMidPointFunctor<MyMesh> slicingfunc(0.0);
tri::QualityEdgePredicate<MyMesh> slicingpred(0.0,0.0);
tri::RefineE<MyMesh, tri::QualityMidPointFunctor<MyMesh>, tri::QualityEdgePredicate<MyMesh> > (m, slicingfunc, slicingpred, false);
printf("Created a sphere mesh of %i vertices %i edges\n",m_over.VN(),m_over.FN());
printf("Created a sphere mesh of %i vertices %i edges\n",m_under.VN(),m_under.FN());
return 0;

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@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
TARGET = trimesh_intersection
SOURCES += trimesh_intersection.cpp ../../../wrap/ply/plylib.cpp
TARGET = trimesh_intersection_plane
SOURCES += trimesh_intersection_plane.cpp