Cleaning up sample prog

This commit is contained in:
Paolo Cignoni 2016-06-09 08:44:21 +00:00
parent b480eeaba1
commit 4f187bae10
1 changed files with 45 additions and 40 deletions

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@ -35,11 +35,12 @@ class MyFace;
struct MyUsedTypes: public UsedTypes<Use<MyVertex>::AsVertexType,Use<MyEdge>::AsEdgeType,Use<MyFace>::AsFaceType>{};
class MyVertex : public Vertex< MyUsedTypes,
vertex::BitFlags >{
vertex::BitFlags >{
vcg::math::Quadric<double> &Qd() {return q;}
@ -69,43 +70,43 @@ class MyTriEdgeCollapse: public vcg::tri::TriEdgeCollapseQuadric< MyMesh, Vertex
void Usage()
" TriSimp V.1.0 \n"
" release date: "__DATE__"\n"
"TriDecimator 1.0 \n"__DATE__"\n"
"Copyright 2003-2012 Visual Computing Lab I.S.T.I. C.N.R.\n"
"\nUsage: "\
"tridecimator fileIn fileOut face_num [opt]\n"\
"Where opt can be:\n"\
" -e# QuadricError threshold (range [0,inf) default inf)\n"
" -b# Boundary Weight (default .5)\n"
" -q# Quality threshold (range [0.0, 0.866], default .3 )\n"
" -n# Normal threshold (degree range [0,180] default 90)\n"
" -E# Minimal admitted quadric value (default 1e-15, must be >0)\n"
" -Q[y|n] Use or not Quality Threshold (default yes)\n"
" -N[y|n] Use or not Normal Threshold (default no)\n"
" -A[y|n] Use or not Area Weighted Quadrics (default yes)\n"
" -O[y|n] Use or not vertex optimal placement (default yes)\n"
" -S[y|n] Use or not Scale Independent quadric measure(default yes) \n"
" -B[y|n] Preserve or not mesh boundary (default no)\n"
" -T[y|n] Preserve or not Topology (default no)\n"
" -H[y|n] Use or not Safe Heap Update (default no)\n"
" -P Before simplification, remove duplicate & unreferenced vertices\n"
" TriDecimator 1.0 \n"
" release date: " __DATE__
"Copyright 2003-2016 Visual Computing Lab I.S.T.I. C.N.R.\n"
"\nUsage: "\
"tridecimator fileIn fileOut face_num [opt]\n"\
"Where opt can be:\n"\
" -e# QuadricError threshold (range [0,inf) default inf)\n"
" -b# Boundary Weight (default .5)\n"
" -q# Quality threshold (range [0.0, 0.866], default .3 )\n"
" -n# Normal threshold (degree range [0,180] default 90)\n"
" -w# Quality weight factor (10)\n"
" -E# Minimal admitted quadric value (default 1e-15, must be >0)\n"
" -Q[y|n] Use or not Face Quality Threshold (default yes)\n"
" -P[y|n] Add or not QualityQuadric (default no)\n"
" -N[y|n] Use or not Face Normal Threshold (default no)\n"
" -A[y|n] Use or not Area Weighted Quadrics (default yes)\n"
" -O[y|n] Use or not vertex optimal placement (default yes)\n"
" -S[y|n] Use or not Scale Independent quadric measure(default yes) \n"
" -B[y|n] Preserve or not mesh boundary (default no)\n"
" -T[y|n] Preserve or not Topology (default no)\n"
" -W[y|n] Use or not per vertex Quality to weight the quadric error (default no)\n"
" -C Before simplification, remove duplicate & unreferenced vertices\n"
// mesh to simplify
MyMesh mesh;
int main(int argc ,char**argv){
if(argc<4) Usage();
int main(int argc ,char**argv)
if(argc<4) Usage();
MyMesh mesh;
int FinalSize=atoi(argv[3]);
//int t0=clock();
int err=vcg::tri::io::Importer<MyMesh>::Open(mesh,argv[1]);
@ -124,7 +125,6 @@ if(argc<4) Usage();
case 'H' : qparams.SafeHeapUpdate=true; printf("Using Safe heap option\n"); break;
case 'Q' : if(argv[i][2]=='y') { qparams.QualityCheck = true; printf("Using Quality Checking\n"); }
else { qparams.QualityCheck = false; printf("NOT Using Quality Checking\n"); } break;
case 'N' : if(argv[i][2]=='y') { qparams.NormalCheck = true; printf("Using Normal Deviation Checking\n"); }
@ -137,11 +137,16 @@ if(argc<4) Usage();
else { qparams.PreserveBoundary = false; printf("NOT Preserving Boundary\n"); } break;
case 'T' : if(argv[i][2]=='y') { qparams.PreserveTopology = true; printf("Preserving Topology\n"); }
else { qparams.PreserveTopology = false; printf("NOT Preserving Topology\n"); } break;
case 'P' : if(argv[i][2]=='y') { qparams.QualityQuadric = true; printf("Adding Quality Quadrics\n"); }
else { qparams.QualityQuadric = false; printf("NOT Adding Quality Quadrics\n"); } break;
case 'W' : if(argv[i][2]=='y') { qparams.QualityWeight = true; printf("Using per vertex Quality as Weight\n"); }
else { qparams.QualityWeight = false; printf("NOT Using per vertex Quality as Weight\n"); } break;
case 'w' : qparams.QualityWeightFactor = atof(argv[i]+2); printf("Setting Quality Weight factor to %f\n",atof(argv[i]+2)); break;
case 'q' : qparams.QualityThr = atof(argv[i]+2); printf("Setting Quality Thr to %f\n",atof(argv[i]+2)); break;
case 'n' : qparams.NormalThrRad = math::ToRad(atof(argv[i]+2)); printf("Setting Normal Thr to %f deg\n",atof(argv[i]+2)); break;
case 'b' : qparams.BoundaryWeight = atof(argv[i]+2); printf("Setting Boundary Weight to %f\n",atof(argv[i]+2)); break;
case 'e' : TargetError = float(atof(argv[i]+2)); printf("Setting TargetError to %g\n",atof(argv[i]+2)); break;
case 'P' : CleaningFlag=true; printf("Cleaning mesh before simplification\n"); break;
case 'C' : CleaningFlag=true; printf("Cleaning mesh before simplification\n"); break;
default : printf("Unknown option '%s'\n", argv[i]);
@ -179,7 +184,7 @@ if(argc<4) Usage();
int t3=clock();
printf("mesh %d %d Error %g \n",,mesh.fn,DeciSession.currMetric);
printf("\nCompleted in (%i+%i) msec\n",t2-t1,t3-t2);
printf("\nCompleted in (%5.3f+%5.3f) sec\n",float(t2-t1)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC,float(t3-t2)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC);
return 0;