[ Changes in definition of TriMesh: PART II ]

Note: No changes to existing code need be the done, this mod
should be fully backward compatible

Old way to define a TriMesh ==============
struct MyMesh: public vcg::tri::TriMesh< vector<MyVertex> , vector <MyFace> >{};

new  ways to define a TriMesh ==============

struct MyMesh: public vcg::tri::TriMesh< CONT1 >{};
struct MyMesh: public vcg::tri::TriMesh< CONT1 , CONT2>{};
struct MyMesh: public vcg::tri::TriMesh< CONT1 , CONT2, CONT3>{};

where CONT[i] can be vector< [MyVertex | MyEdge | MyFace ] > 
(the order is unimportant)
This commit is contained in:
ganovelli 2010-03-19 17:13:31 +00:00
parent 30f799220d
commit 584936f27a
1 changed files with 159 additions and 201 deletions

View File

@ -20,115 +20,7 @@
* for more details. * * for more details. *
* * * *
****************************************************************************/ ****************************************************************************/
$Log: not supported by cvs2svn $
Revision 1.34 2008/05/16 10:07:36 ganovelli
added Trimesh destructor to purge unremoved PerVertex[PerFace]Attribute
Revision 1.33 2008/05/15 16:32:27 ganovelli
PerVertexAttribute and PerFaceAttribute added to Trimesh
Revision 1.32 2008/04/15 10:34:07 cignoni
added HasPerVertexTexCoord ( mesh )
Revision 1.31 2008/02/21 17:27:06 cignoni
Added HasPerVertexColor static function
Revision 1.30 2008/01/28 14:46:03 cignoni
added hasPerWedgeColor and HasPerWedgeNormal
Revision 1.29 2008/01/28 08:42:07 cignoni
added HasPerFaceNormal and HasPerVertexNormal
Revision 1.28 2007/03/12 15:38:03 tarini
Texture coord name change! "TCoord" and "Texture" are BAD. "TexCoord" is GOOD.
Revision 1.27 2007/02/22 09:18:41 cignoni
Added guards on msvc pragmas
Revision 1.26 2007/02/14 15:31:41 ganovelli
Added HasPerVertexFlag
Revision 1.25 2006/11/28 22:35:29 cignoni
Added Consistency check in the HasVFAdj static function
Revision 1.24 2006/11/07 11:29:23 cignoni
Corrected some errors in the reflections Has*** functions
Revision 1.23 2006/10/27 11:08:18 ganovelli
added override to HasFFAdjacency , HasVFAdjacency for the optional attributes (see also complex/trimesh/allocate.h)
Revision 1.22 2006/07/10 14:26:22 cignoni
Minor. Added a disambiguating this at the constructor of trimesh
Revision 1.21 2006/05/25 04:40:57 cignoni
Updated HasPerFaceColor/Quality to the new style with mesh param.
Revision 1.20 2006/05/03 21:35:31 cignoni
Added new style HasPerFaceColor(m) and HasPerFaceMark(m)
Revision 1.19 2005/12/02 00:05:34 cignoni
Added HasFlags and a couple of missing include files
Revision 1.18 2005/11/26 00:16:03 cignoni
added HasPerWedgeTexture taking mesh as input. (needed for optional components)
Revision 1.17 2005/11/16 22:35:47 cignoni
Added missing includes (color and assert)
Added texture name members
Revision 1.16 2005/11/15 12:09:17 rita_borgo
Changed Volume Routine, before was returning negative values
Revision 1.15 2005/10/03 16:00:08 rita_borgo
Minor changes
Revision 1.14 2005/03/18 16:37:46 fiorin
Minor changes
Revision 1.13 2005/01/28 17:56:57 pietroni
changed HasVFTopology function... control if both vertex and face define the vf topology
Revision 1.12 2004/10/28 00:54:34 cignoni
Better Doxygen documentation
Revision 1.11 2004/10/07 14:25:38 ganovelli
added camera and shot
Revision 1.10 2004/09/08 15:15:05 ganovelli
changes for gcc
Revision 1.9 2004/07/15 12:03:50 ganovelli
access to imark added
Revision 1.8 2004/07/15 11:39:24 ganovelli
IsDeleted to IsD
Revision 1.7 2004/07/09 10:18:19 ganovelli
added access functions to vn and fn
Revision 1.6 2004/05/04 02:29:54 ganovelli
removed Const from ConstFacePointer and ConstVertexPointer in the arguement function Mark, which are meant to be changed
Revision 1.5 2004/03/18 16:00:10 cignoni
minor changes
Revision 1.4 2004/03/10 00:57:44 cignoni
minor changes
Revision 1.3 2004/03/07 21:54:56 cignoni
some more reflection functions
Revision 1.2 2004/03/04 00:08:15 cignoni
First working version!
Revision 1.1 2004/02/19 13:11:06 cignoni
Initial commit
#if defined(_MSC_VER) #if defined(_MSC_VER)
#pragma warning( disable : 4804 ) #pragma warning( disable : 4804 )
#endif #endif
@ -141,8 +33,11 @@ Initial commit
#include <vcg/math/shot.h> #include <vcg/math/shot.h>
#include <vcg/container/simple_temporary_data.h> #include <vcg/container/simple_temporary_data.h>
#include <vcg/simplex/vertex/base.h>
#include <vcg/simplex/edge/base.h> #include <vcg/simplex/edge/base.h>
#include <vcg/simplex/face/base.h>
#include <vcg/complex/used_types.h> #include <vcg/complex/used_types.h>
#include <vcg/container/derivation_chain.h>
/* /*
People should subclass his vertex class from these one... People should subclass his vertex class from these one...
@ -162,65 +57,128 @@ namespace tri {
@param FaceContainerType (Template Parameter) Specifies the type of the faces container any the face type. @param FaceContainerType (Template Parameter) Specifies the type of the faces container any the face type.
*/ */
// awful series of tricks to make the edge container as default parameter
/* MeshTypeHolder is a class which is used to define the types in the mesh
template <class TYPESPOOL>
struct BaseMeshTypeHolder{
typedef bool ScalarType;
typedef std::vector< Vertex<TYPESPOOL> > CONTV;
typedef std::vector< Edge<TYPESPOOL> > CONTE;
typedef std::vector< Face<TYPESPOOL> > CONTF;
// typedef std::vector< HEdge<TYPESPOOL> > CONTHE;
typedef CONTV VertContainer;
typedef Vertex<TYPESPOOL> VertexType;
typedef VertexType * VertexPointer;
typedef const VertexType * ConstVertexPointer;
typedef bool CoordType;
typedef typename CONTV::iterator VertexIterator;
typedef typename CONTV::const_iterator ConstVertexIterator;
typedef CONTE EdgeContainer;
typedef typename CONTE::value_type EdgeType;
typedef typename CONTE::value_type* EdgePointer;
typedef typename CONTE::iterator EdgeIterator;
typedef typename CONTE::const_iterator ConstEdgeIterator;
typedef CONTF FaceContainer;
typedef typename CONTF::value_type FaceType;
typedef typename CONTF::const_iterator ConstFaceIterator;
typedef typename CONTF::iterator FaceIterator;
typedef typename CONTF::value_type* FacePointer;
typedef const typename CONTF::value_type*ConstFacePointer;
//typedef CONTHE HEdgeContainer;
//typedef typename CONTHE::value_type HEdgeType;
//typedef typename CONTHE::value_type* HEdgePointer;
//typedef typename CONTHE::iterator HEdgeIterator;
//typedef typename CONTHE::const_iterator ConstHEdgeIterator;
// TriMeshEdgeHolder is used to declare everything is needed for the edge type
// If a real container of edge is passed then it simply makes the handy declarations
template < class VertContainerType, class FaceContainerType, class EdgeContainerType>
class TriMeshEdgeHolder{
typedef EdgeContainerType EdgeContainer;
typedef typename EdgeContainer::value_type EdgeType;
typedef EdgeType* EdgePointer;
typedef const EdgeType * ConstEdgePointer;
// a dummy class is used to provide the interface of a stl container
class DummyClass:public std::vector<int>{
// If the DummyClass is passed it provides the interfaces to compile
template < class VertContainerType, class FaceContainerType >
class TriMeshEdgeHolder<VertContainerType,FaceContainerType,DummyClass>{
struct OthersTypes : public UsedTypes< Use<typename VertContainerType::value_type>::template AsVertexType,
Use<typename FaceContainerType::value_type>::template AsFaceType
class EdgeType: public Edge< OthersTypes >{};
struct EdgePointer {};
struct ConstEdgePointer {};
typedef std::vector< EdgeType > EdgeContainerType;
typedef typename std::vector< EdgeType > EdgeContainer;
}; };
template < class VertContainerType, class FaceContainerType, class EdgeConts = DummyClass > template <class T, typename CONT, class TRAIT >
class TriMesh: public TriMeshEdgeHolder<VertContainerType,FaceContainerType,EdgeConts>{ struct MeshTypeHolder: public T {};
typedef typename TriMeshEdgeHolder<VertContainerType,FaceContainerType,EdgeConts>::EdgeContainer EdgeContainer;
template <class T, typename CONT>
typedef TriMesh<VertContainerType, FaceContainerType> MeshType; struct MeshTypeHolder<T, CONT, AllTypes::AVertexType>: public T {
typedef FaceContainerType FaceContainer; typedef CONT VertContainer;
typedef VertContainerType VertContainer;
typedef typename VertContainer::value_type VertexType; typedef typename VertContainer::value_type VertexType;
typedef typename FaceContainer::value_type FaceType; typedef VertexType * VertexPointer;
typedef const VertexType * ConstVertexPointer;
typedef typename VertexType::ScalarType ScalarType; typedef typename VertexType::ScalarType ScalarType;
typedef typename VertexType::CoordType CoordType; typedef typename VertexType::CoordType CoordType;
typedef typename VertContainer::iterator VertexIterator; typedef typename VertContainer::iterator VertexIterator;
typedef typename EdgeContainer::iterator EdgeIterator;
typedef typename FaceContainer::iterator FaceIterator;
typedef typename VertContainer::const_iterator ConstVertexIterator; typedef typename VertContainer::const_iterator ConstVertexIterator;
template <typename T, class CONT>
struct MeshTypeHolder< T, CONT, AllTypes::AEdgeType>: public T{
typedef CONT EdgeContainer;
typedef typename EdgeContainer::value_type EdgeType;
typedef typename EdgeContainer::value_type * EdgePointer;
typedef typename EdgeContainer::iterator EdgeIterator;
typedef typename EdgeContainer::const_iterator ConstEdgeIterator; typedef typename EdgeContainer::const_iterator ConstEdgeIterator;
template <typename T, class CONT>
struct MeshTypeHolder< T, CONT, AllTypes::AFaceType>:public T {
typedef CONT FaceContainer;
typedef typename FaceContainer::value_type FaceType;
typedef typename FaceContainer::const_iterator ConstFaceIterator; typedef typename FaceContainer::const_iterator ConstFaceIterator;
typedef VertexType * VertexPointer; typedef typename FaceContainer::iterator FaceIterator;
typedef const VertexType * ConstVertexPointer;
typedef FaceType * FacePointer; typedef FaceType * FacePointer;
typedef const FaceType * ConstFacePointer; typedef const FaceType * ConstFacePointer;
/*struct DummyContainer {};
template <class CONT> struct Deriver: public MeshTypeHolder<CONT, typename CONT::value_type::IAm>{};
template <> struct Deriver<DummyContainer>{}*/;
template <typename T, typename CONT> struct Der: public MeshTypeHolder<T,CONT, typename CONT::value_type::IAm>{};
struct DummyContainer{struct value_type{ typedef int IAm;}; };
template < class Container0 = DummyContainer, class Container1 = DummyContainer, class Container2 = DummyContainer/*, class Container3 = DummyContainer*/ >
class TriMesh
: public MArity3< BaseMeshTypeHolder<typename Container0::value_type::TypesPool>, Container0, Der ,Container1, Der, Container2, Der/*, Container3, Der*/>{
typedef typename TriMesh::ScalarType ScalarType;
typedef typename TriMesh::VertContainer VertContainer;
typedef typename TriMesh::EdgeContainer EdgeContainer;
typedef typename TriMesh::FaceContainer FaceContainer;
// types for vertex
typedef typename TriMesh::VertexType VertexType;
typedef typename TriMesh::VertexPointer VertexPointer;
typedef typename TriMesh::ConstVertexPointer ConstVertexPointer;
typedef typename TriMesh::CoordType CoordType;
typedef typename TriMesh::VertexIterator VertexIterator;
typedef typename TriMesh::ConstVertexIterator ConstVertexIterator;
// types for edge
typedef typename TriMesh::EdgeType EdgeType;
typedef typename TriMesh::EdgePointer EdgePointer;
typedef typename TriMesh::EdgeIterator EdgeIterator;
typedef typename TriMesh::ConstEdgeIterator ConstEdgeIterator;
//types for face
typedef typename TriMesh::FaceType FaceType;
typedef typename TriMesh::ConstFaceIterator ConstFaceIterator;
typedef typename TriMesh::FaceIterator FaceIterator;
typedef typename TriMesh::FacePointer FacePointer;
typedef typename TriMesh::ConstFacePointer ConstFacePointer;
typedef TriMesh<Container0, Container1,Container2/*,Container3*/> MeshType;
typedef Box3<ScalarType> BoxType; typedef Box3<ScalarType> BoxType;
/// Set of vertices /// Set of vertices
@ -426,51 +384,8 @@ static bool HasTopology() { return HasFFTopology() || HasVFTopology(); }
int & SimplexNumber(){ return fn;} int & SimplexNumber(){ return fn;}
int & VertexNumber(){ return vn;} int & VertexNumber(){ return vn;}
/// Initialize the imark-system of the faces
void InitFaceIMark()
FaceIterator f;
if( !(*f).IsD() && (*f).IsR() && (*f).IsW() )
/// Initialize the imark-system of the vertices
void InitVertexIMark()
VertexIterator vi;
if( !(*vi).IsD() && (*vi).IsRW() )
/// The incremental mark /// The incremental mark
int imark; int imark;
/** Access function to the incremental mark.
inline int & IMark(){return imark;}
/** Check if the vertex incremental mark matches the one of the mesh.
@param v Vertex pointer
inline bool IsMarked( ConstVertexPointer v ) const { return v->IMark() == imark; }
/** Check if the face incremental mark matches the one of the mesh.
@param v Face pointer
inline bool IsMarked( ConstFacePointer f ) const { return f->IMark() == imark; }
/** Set the vertex incremental mark of the vertex to the one of the mesh.
@param v Vertex pointer
inline void Mark( VertexPointer v ) const { v->IMark() = imark; }
/** Set the face incremental mark of the vertex to the one of the mesh.
@param v Vertex pointer
inline void Mark( FacePointer f ) const { f->IMark() = imark; }
/// Unmark the mesh
inline void UnMarkAll() { ++imark; }
/// Calcolo del volume di una mesh chiusa /// Calcolo del volume di una mesh chiusa
ScalarType Volume() ScalarType Volume()
@ -511,6 +426,49 @@ private:
}; // end class Mesh }; // end class Mesh
/// Initialize the imark-system of the faces
template <class MeshType> inline void InitFaceIMark(MeshType & m)
typename MeshType::FaceIterator f;
if( !(*f).IsD() && (*f).IsR() && (*f).IsW() )
/// Initialize the imark-system of the vertices
template <class MeshType> inline void InitVertexIMark(MeshType & m)
typename MeshType::VertexIterator vi;
if( !(*vi).IsD() && (*vi).IsRW() )
/** Access function to the incremental mark.
template <class MeshType> inline int & IMark(MeshType & m){return m.imark;}
/** Check if the vertex incremental mark matches the one of the mesh.
@param v Vertex pointer
template <class MeshType> inline bool IsMarked(MeshType & m, typename MeshType::ConstVertexPointer v ) { return v->IMark() == m.imark; }
/** Check if the face incremental mark matches the one of the mesh.
@param v Face pointer
template <class MeshType> inline bool IsMarked( MeshType & m,typename MeshType::ConstFacePointer f ) { return f->IMark() == m.imark; }
/** Set the vertex incremental mark of the vertex to the one of the mesh.
@param v Vertex pointer
template <class MeshType> inline void Mark(MeshType & m, typename MeshType::VertexPointer v ) { v->IMark() = m.imark; }
/** Set the face incremental mark of the vertex to the one of the mesh.
@param v Vertex pointer
template <class MeshType> inline void Mark(MeshType & m, typename MeshType::FacePointer f ) { f->IMark() = m.imark; }
/// Unmark the mesh
template <class MeshType> inline void UnMarkAll(MeshType & m) { ++m.imark; }
template < class VertContainerType, class FaceContainerType , class EdgeContainerType> template < class VertContainerType, class FaceContainerType , class EdgeContainerType>
bool HasPerVertexQuality (const TriMesh < VertContainerType , FaceContainerType, EdgeContainerType> & /*m*/) {return VertContainerType::value_type::HasQuality();} bool HasPerVertexQuality (const TriMesh < VertContainerType , FaceContainerType, EdgeContainerType> & /*m*/) {return VertContainerType::value_type::HasQuality();}